Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Developments #3

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I really don't think we're being told the whole story or the full truth, because they don't want to cause worldwide panic and pandemonium. :twocents:
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All I keep seeing is "extremely high radiation levels" but we haven't been given any readings at all. Wish we could see some readings.
US says plant's spent fuel rods dry; Japan says no

FUKUSHIMA, Japan – Nuclear plant operators trying to avoid complete reactor meltdowns said Thursday that they were close to completing a new power line that might end Japan's crisis, but several ominous signs have also emerged: a surge in radiation levels, unexplained white smoke and spent fuel rods that U.S. officials said could be on the verge of spewing radioactive material.


I was just listening to one expert (3rd disinterested party) that said if the the fuel rods were dry, there would be no question about it, so he does not think that they are.
It was an interesting podcast and I will post when it is posted, but it is too recent now.
2201: There is some anxiety at US military bases in Japan about exposure to radiation, Reuters reports. On a Facebook page for US Naval Forces Japan, some Americans voiced concern. One living in Atsugi, Japan, where radiation was detected at a naval base, asked about a potential evacuation. "Having a toddler and being pregnant, I need to know if they can get us going," wrote 21-year-old Chelsea Origer.

I was just listening to one expert (3rd disinterested party) that said if the the fuel rods were dry, there would be no question about it, so he does not think that they are.
It was an interesting podcast and I will post when it is posted, but it is too recent now.

This bit explains how they got their info I think.........

If Jaczko is correct, it would mean there's nothing to stop the fuel rods from getting hotter and ultimately melting down. The outer shells of the rods could also ignite with enough force to propel the radioactive fuel inside over a wide area.
Jaczko did not say how the information was obtained, but the NRC and U.S. Department of Energy both have experts at the complex of six reactors along Japan's northeastern coast, which was ravaged by last week's magnitude-9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami.

Lord when we do get new news, it all comes at once! lol.
I just don't understand how anyone could be in that plant right now with "extremely high radiation levels". We've seen and heard all day about how these workers are basically on a suicide mission.

Do we know if that drone has flown over yet? I wanna bet it has - which is why that guy said the spent fuel pool was dry - they probably have a picture of it - but they will never let on to us.
All I keep seeing is "extremely high radiation levels" but we haven't been given any readings at all. Wish we could see some readings.

Supposedly the computers don't work so how would they know anyway?
This is like a 3rd world country,not the industrialized country, Japan is. Why is there so much descrepency in all the reports?
The fact that the news reporters have radiation on them tells me something. I would be getting out of Dodge.
Supposedly the computers don't work so how would they know anyway?
This is like a 3rd world country,not the industrialized country, Japan is. Why is there so much descrepency in all the reports?
The fact that the news reporters have radiation on them tells me something. I would be getting out of Dodge.
The drones probably have meters onboard. I saw a documentary on those drones once. They are amazing. They are controlled at a base out in the desert and all the data they collect is directly fed into that control room.

Me thinks our military has lots o data and info on what is actually going on.
U.S. Officials Alarmed By Japanese Handling of Nuclear Crisis
U.S. Officials Fear Fukushima Could Become 'Deadly For Decades'

U.S. officials are alarmed at how the Japanese are handling the escalating nuclear reactor crisis and fear that if they do not get control of the plants within the next 24 to 48 hours they could have a situation that will be "deadly for decades."


Well there is a time frame..........the first we have seen IIRC.
Jim Walsh is back on CNN
I have tried to place myself as being a resident of Japan at this time and wondering what I would I do. I really don't have an answer. Your home, livelihood, and family are there too. IDK..... It is almost as if we are watching a sci-fi movie, but we're not. Almost unfathomable.....but it's not and it's real. I feel such sadness for these people. May God be with them and all the helping hands.

My friend in Japan who just recently spoke to us said that some people there will die in Japan. They won't leave, have no intention to. Some, the younger generations, want to go but are conflicted. My friend doesn't know what to do. :( He's very angry at his government right now tho.

I have no link... so, take it how ya wanna take it.
"Events unfolding in the Japan incidents appear to be more serious than Three Mile Island. To what extent, we don't know that. They are unfolding hour by hour," Energy Secretary Steven Chu said earlier today at the hearing.

Chu's assessment is in line with views expressed by many experts, some of whom even believe the Japan crisis could be worse than the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine that left hundreds sick and killed several from radiation.

That article was packed with info. More than we have had, and none of it sounds good.
I was just talking with a scientist friend of mine on a different board; she lives and works close to a nuclear power plant, so she decided to check in to potassium iodide tablets.

She found it for sale as high as $350.00 for a pack that normally sells for $10.00. She can't find it for sale online anywhere, and many places are giving a two week to one month backorder on it.
At this point, I don't think we (meaning our US military) are going to sit around and wait for the Japanese gov't to be forthcoming. We are already there. We have our supercarrier there. We are gonna do our own reconnaissance, if just to protect our own soldiers. Will we share that data? IDK But you can bet our commanders are taking their own steps to find out just WTH is going on with the plant and the radiation levels.
That is why I think some of this information from today is getting out. We are doing our own tests and our own monitoring.
FLASH: Japan nuclear agency says radiation level steadily decreasing over last 12 hours at Fukushima Daiichi plant


Wow... quite a discrepancy with the US, and seems to be getting wider. imo
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