jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Maybe this has been talked about but I wonder how much money she stole from Travis after she killed him knowing she had to borrow money to get to his home and he said ( forget who it was) she paid him back. She didn't seem to work that much to be able to finance her road trips.
What is the signifance of the gas cans and upside down license plate? TIA!
Who believes Jodi about parking the rental in the driveway? I'd think the room mates or neighbors would of seen it and told LE about it. I think it was down the street or the next block over.

eeeehhhhhhhhh <------ that is a large buzzer sound! :lol:

in flores investigative report the roommate says there were NO CARS IN THE DRIVEWAY

(rebuttal witness???)
Ok, I made a mistake. Just spoke to a girlfriend about the idea of females and sodomy. She says she has friends that love it, female friends. So call me old fashioned but I seem to be not totally educated on this subject.

I have asked female friends about it as well and that have said they like it, and some of them do it to avoid pregnancy... :waitasec:
My hopes are... when this is all over... the very LAST thing that jury hears is Jodi saying "You can mark my words, NO jury will convict me"

That and her laughing on cross. Dumber than dumb she is.

And she looks different now too. Way harsher. I don't know who asked her to lose weight but she looks much older now that she's lost a good amount of fat from her face (rounder face made her look more girlish) She doesn't look too young for death-row.
Shanna hogans explanations shines great light on MM


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It REALLY sounds to me like there's a lot more available from DB. She had to have talked to him about the murder. The 48 hour interview was ABOUT the murder.
And I can't get the timing on that dinner. ANYONE have ideas?
DB seems like a nice guy that got duped, and I really hope he's involved after the fact, but I think there's LOTS he could tell us that hasn't come out yet.


I will be wearing dark gray & black dress pants and a black button up shirt. Umm.. My purse is a black and gray Coach with the C's all over it. Gosh, I have no color Lol. Maybe I'll switch to my pink and black Coach purse.

Or I could just write a WS on my forehead with eyeliner. :rocker:

that sounds like a winner! :rocker:
Wow, I don't know what to say. If I went out on a date and a girl requested anal sex I think I would make a run for it. :blushing:

I've learned a lot of stuff about this sorta stuff & myself following the case. I'm incredibly boring sexually. Never thought of myself as a prude... But.... I suppose I am.

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I'll be there too! I'm so excited! I hope we all get in!

You guys are making me want to go! Wish I wasn't so chicken.

Ah well, as long as WSers get in - I'm happy. :)

Wonder what it would be like to go down (I'm north of the courthouse) during the lunch break. That could be interesting. I'll try to work up courage for that.
That bit of testimony along with his masterful questioning of her humping Ryan before Travis's body was even cold... And she says.....

I'm single!

We're my absolute favorite parts!

The mask completely fell off and screamed murdering psychopath!

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i'd add to this moment the one where she explained she made up her ninja story around the evidence she knew they had, in a way so that she wasn't responsible for it. LOVED THAT!!
It would be difficult for anyone to read her license plate if it is upside down. Her caution knowing what she had planned and the gas cans so she could hide her destination.
Did MM write the letters or did he just lie about them? I was thinking Jodi stole Travis' journals so she or somebody else could write these letters in Travis' handwriting. She could place a sheet of paper over the journal and trace his words or letters to make it look like Travis wrote it.
He didn't hurt her feelings he didn't mistreat her, that's where some are VERY wrong. SHE is sick, she is mentally ill, there was nothing this person could do with her.

She slept with everything from California to Utah and Oregon, and every town in between and she virtually had every kind of sex known to man , with each one of them and those men are lucky to be alive.

She is the aggressor and was in all the relationships, she is a user, she never technically worked or was able to make her way in life because she is mentally ill.

He broke it off (OR if you believe her SHE broke it off) then stalked him like a criminal psychopath that she was. Reading his mail, sneaking around the house, peeking in windows

ANYONE THAT condones that or feels the least bit sorry for her, is themselves mentally unstable and probably behaves in a sick way themselves.

As crazy as JA is, I'm a little surprised she made it this long without killing. I'm now wondering if there have been any unsolved homicide or missing persons cases that she might be connected to.
What is the signifance of the gas cans and upside down license plate? TIA!

Hi Marah,
She wanted no trace she had been in AZ. No gas stops, and the license plates were probably removed entirely while she was there, and she put them back on upside down.
As it stands now, she will either get death or life without parole if convicted.
If the jury finds she acted in self defense she will go free.

Her offer to plea to second degree (the prosecutor refused) would have had her up for parole in about 20 years IIRC.

There will be appeals for years to come if she gets death, but for now those are her only options.

BBM If I remember correctly, she said in one interview (I believe the "mark my word, I'll never be convicted" one) that if she IS convicted she hopes it's death. So perhaps no appeals.
Wow, I don't know what to say. If I went out on a date and a girl requested anal sex I think I would make a run for it. :blushing:

How do I say this tactfully ?

Travis was a virgin. (no penetration before)
*I believe he was.

Think about it... *eew
JA had been around the block, I think she offered anal
because she knew that "type" of sex would be??? umm snug.

If you get my drift...MOO
I'm not a guy so I really don't know if it really makes a difference
to a man, but I have heard men I know say that is why they like
to go in the out door once know a while...

Maybe there truly is no difference ?
Hey Zeno, awesome post (re: the great black out!)

one more thing:

Arias also never got blood anywhere but in the bedroom.. there was only one small little dot found by the dresser... which means (cue drum roll) that she cleaned herself up entirely before leaving the room and LOCKING IT. (and positioning dog gate in front of the stairs per roommate in investigative report)

how inconvenient she left that big ole palm print on the wall and score one for Travis as he was able to rip one of the hairs out of head (forensics say the bulb was attached to the hair).
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