jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #58 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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& look how much she saved by stealing a gun from her grandparents, instead of purchasing one-our thrifty JA!
Wait until JM gets to the gun ...

JM: "Ma'm, did you recommend a 25 caliber gun to Mr. Alexander, based on your knowledge of your grandparent's gun ?"

JA: "No"

JM: " Ma'm, don't you find strange that TA would pick the same type of gun that your grandparents own ?"

JA: "Well, Travis did strange things at times"

JM: "When you first remember seeing the gun on the top shelf in his closet ?"

JA: "When I starting cleaning his house ..."

JM: "Did you ever mention the gun to Mr. Alexander ?"

JA: "Of course not"

JM: "Ma'm, can you explain why there was no ammunition found in Mr. Alexander's home after 6/4/08 ?"

JA: "Can we stop for today --- please ? I have a migraine ..."
I'm wondering at her motive for changing her testimony from direct?
She's got a reason - and she thinks it will benefit her.
What could it be?
I do NOT believe she is giving in - not at all.

I believe her resistance to answering a simple y/n question with a yes is a feature of her narcissistic personality combined with resistance to authority.

She feels compelled to correct him, no matter how petty the detail, even though you can be sure her attorney has told her that annoys the jury. One of the very definitions of compulsion is that the person cannot control it.

Since she was in high school, Jodi Arias has dictated the boundaries of relationships. She starts them, she steers them, she stops them. And a mere man like Martinez is not going to get her cooperation in characterizing her life with Travis. SHE is the important one, SHE is the last word, SHE is the One Who Knows, the one with the secret inside knowledge, SHE is the important one.

This is why she sent flowers to the grandmother, showed up at the memorial. To be omitted from the slideshow would feel to her like a terrible wound and deserved she went on 48 Hours to show the family how wrong they were and how important she really is. How only she can really fathom what they are going through because SHE LOVED HIM TOO! She misses him too and if they ever need anything, they can call on her.

Of course that does not include the details of how their brother died, which she pointedly told 48 Hours they had a right to know and she is withholding. See the revenge? She is increasing their pain and enjoying their suffering.

Their crime? They diminished her importance at the memorial.

She is a sadist as well as a monster. Totally lacking remorse, in fact, I hope she leaves her brain to science because we really need to treat infants that share more than three brain characteristics with this creature.
I wonder if Juan could use the sex tape toward premeditation. I think he proved today that it was her that wanted that tape...not Travis. He never got a copy of it, and why couldn't he have just been recording it as it happened like she was? She made the tape to hold over his head.

The fact that she used it to diminish his reputation in court shows she's had some sort of plan to cause him harm for a long time. Probably not murder, but...
I did NOT see what look she gave him when they stood for break! What was it? Thanks, Kathryn, for validating my observation!:seeya:

The old term "mooning" at him (like from the 50's) comes to mind. She kind of grinned had this look in her eyes... smitten?..hungry?... Whatever, it was creepy. I wonder if he notices it too? I heard Beth Karas says the pros team calls her "bunny boiler"-maybe it has to do with more than just her crazy stalker past. :eek:
That was weird, at times it was like she was a witness for the state, gleefully dismantling the defenses' case

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I thought the exact same thing...

Maybe she's trying to get back at her defense team? :waitasec:

She's a silly silly girl.
Not to jump too far ahead but if JA gets the DP, it will be interesting to see if she is physically capable of turning the waterworks on. I have my doubts.

I've heard her say in 2 interviews that she hopes she gets the DP if she's convicted. So we're wasting our time why?!
Ninjas, though. Really. Ninjas?
okay, she is completely insane. but that doesn't mean she should get away with murder, and I'm worried that she will.
Not insanity. :biggrin:

Just the lies of a psychopath bent on self-preservation.

1 hand to *ahem* "keep open" access...and 2nd hand to actually do it. :blushing:

My eyes have not recovered from that most unfortunate of days when I came across her nudes. Let them put up those photos all over towns and cities and see if there is not an increase in the number of men (and women) who want to be celibates!
I too am a Survivor of Domestic Abuse. I have lived that nightmare twice in my life, this woman doesn't know what REAL abuse is. I have had staples in my head, numerous Black Eyes, Severe Bruises, Numerous Police Reports, hospital visits, etc. Travis did NOT abuse her, if anything she abused him! She stalked him, financially abused him, took advantage of him, etc. I do not believe for one second that he EVER laid a hand on her in anger.
:hug: Thanks for sharing.
I believe if JA were to walk, anyone who testified against her life would be in danger.
The talking heads are still grousing, 'He's still getting in the weeds with her."

But they have no idea what is going on. They haven't read the 82,000 text messages and emails, they haven't hand picked the Jury and spent 6 weeks shoulder to shoulder with them, they haven't listened to and analyzed hours of videotape.

Juan has used his soft voice with Jodi during the last two questioning sessions. The two of them were in cahoots this morning discussing Jodi's favorite subject. They were agreeing on almost everything--that Jodi enjoyed the sex and solicited it, that Jodi was no cringing, controlled wallflower. How did he get her to agree to all that? Because he knows her so well, he knows what to do, what to say, how to elicit whatever persona he wants to elicit from her. He knows her cold.

I am waiting for the moment he pulls out of his bag of tricks something that leaves her speechless. It is slowly dawning on her that he might be a little better at this game than she is. I can see it from time to time over the last two sessions in her eyes, the look of a cornered animal.

Thank you all for the warm welcome! I feel a bit awkward talking to my friends about this case because I don't want them to know how sucked into the trial I am. So glad I'm not alone, lol.

I want to re-watch the 48Hours segment where she's describing the ninja attack. This time, though, I'll view it through the lens that she's talking about what SHE did to Travis. Gawd, while I was listening to her I got severe chills. What we were hearing was the truth about Travis's last minutes.
I believe if JA were to walk, anyone who testified against her life would be in danger.

She ain't walking. I think they would like to hang her now just to stop her from talking about her vjayjay...
Which version do you want--Jodi's or the truth?

Jodi says that Travis asked her to tape their phone call so he could have a 'sex tape.' But there is no evidence of that.
Speculation abounds that she wanted a copy of the sex tape so she could blackmail him or play it for his new Mormon girlfriends or his bishop or ?

IMO this is exactly what Juan is doing today. He is meticulously proving that there is no corroboration for the majority of her statements on direct. That certain statements were made by a known liar, so why should anybody take them at face value without any outside corroboration. I think it is a great strategy.

He has also debunked a lot of things that she "implied" on direct - like the "tie you to a tree know" statement that Nurmi and JA so LOVED to throw out there like a dirty piece of laundry. She admitted today that, in fact, that never happened, and that she wasn't offended by the statement.

LOVE it.
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