jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #70*may contain graphic and adult content*

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JA purposely wrote lies in her journal shortly after murdering Travis. (possibly setting up an aliby in her journal for the police to find)

I'm also sure she ripped out the very incriminating pages at that same time..IMO
I don't know what the defense is doing bringing up the suicide theme so often - what total idiots! With all the recent suicide murders going on in recent news, people with suicidal tendencies are almost instantly equated to disordered murderers!!!

Adam Lanza
Adam Hayes
Philip Markoff
Seung-Hui Cho

I mean - what the heck are they thinking?? Suicidal tendencies are linked in social perception as a BAD thing in terms of murders.
OT....I was looking through some old threads on here and found the one that was created whenit was announced there was a Verdict in the CA trial. Made me sick to live that day again. I was not a member of WS but was actually in the ER passing a kidney stone and I still "feel" shock that went from person to person in that ER. PLEASE...this trial can not end that way....
I can't understand only 4 days a week, these delays, long lunch breaks, court ending at 4:30 p.m. Just can't.

I was already thinking ahead to Easter/Passover week when there would likely be a few days off for the holiday. I don't see this trial ending before Easter, so there will likely be more days off at that time. :moo:
Hi guys. I think the sex tapes certainly were part of a preplan, whatever it was at the time. I suspect that she wanted to blow Travis up in the Mormon world if she felt she needed to in order to get him to do what she wanted.

All of the disgusting emphasis on sex I feel was the defense team trying to find anything that would save her life. The whole "battered women" defense was contrived based on the evidence. Arias admitted she was trying to find something to fit the forencsics early on. I think she taped the phone sex as insurance should anything go wrong. When do you think she premediated the murder? Right before?
I have never been able to get this site to work. I emailed them, too, with no answer :( The AZ link works fine for a few hours, but after they get back from lunch it hangs and I have to re-start it over and over.

Anyone have any tips? I'm on a Macbook Pro and I'm new user.

You may already know this and have tried it but just in case....the wildabouttrials link only takes you to a front page, you then have to click on the 'red' area for it to launch a second page (do you have pop-ups blocked?) where you then have to click the 'play' button.

Sorry if I'm giving you info you already know and have tried. Good luck!
I had a question on the last thread which Madeleine74 recommended I take to the "lawyers answer your questions" board, which I did.

My question was about the replay of the sex phone tape yesterday. I couldn't understand why the judge allowed it. Some thought the judge was bending over backwards because this is a DP case. Since the tape had already been played for the jury in full, and Nurmi had already had plenty of time on direct to make his point, I couldn't see that there was anything new. I was wondering what the grounds for appeal would be if the judge had not allowed Nurmi to replay the tape.

The lawyer who responded didn't think there would be any grounds for appeal. So, not sure what happened here. Perhaps someone will come up with an explanation in the future.
Does anyone think the sex tape was a set up?

Why would she record him otherwise?

But--if a set up, a set up for what?

Was that tape recorded in May?

IMO, she was being blamed for the tire slashing and found out that Travis was talking ***** about her behind her back. He had already threatened to tell people she cared about "what she had done."

With the sex tape and explicit photos, she could blackmail him. She felt she had to prove her "dirty little secret" defense if she were called up by her bishop for a church court. Travis had crossed the line by threatening to put more negative things out there about her. Never mind that they were all true, she seemed to share the idea that what was hidden did not happen, that what was never spoken of didn't exist. That the appearance was the reality.

A rat is always more dangerous when cornered. Without a good reputation, Arias would not be able to work the PPL/Mormon crowd to attach herself to a man. Her "goal" was to become a trophy woman and Live Large without actually working.

Travis jeopardized that. He threatened the survival and thriving of the only person she ever really loved. There was no plan B if it didn't work out with Travis except jumping to another up and coming at Prepaid Legal.

With him going to the bishop, her gig would be completely over. She would be disciplined (possibly ex'd) and would end up the dirty Jezebel that would silence a room just by walking in. SHe couldn't let that happen, so Travis had to die.
Just got back from the grocery store, I've gotta unpack but then I'll play witcha. :rocker:

At least it didn't start while I was gone.
And I'm still not clear on what the heck that is! Has anyone else heard of this? What's the point of it? I was following along just fine with the "facials" and then this.

Why do I always know the answers to these questions?!?

This is the cleaned-up version from Urban Dictionary:

Cream Pie

A phrase originating from the adult industry in which the male ejaculates into his partner instead of pulling out.

Although my understanding is that it is visible and looks like a "cream pie" hence the name. :blushing:
Hoping to see JA looking like the pic I have in my siggy today!

I wanna know how they manage (the families) manage when taking bathroom breaks. Bumping into each other at the sink, say.

i think KCL mentioned that the victim's family has their own bathroom/waiting room
Lisa received a little dity from Jodi (says she didn't,but give it what ever weight you want)
calling her a *advertiser censored* and other things. Lisa testified in court about the tire slashing and Jodi always seemed to know when she and Travis were together.

Jodi went to "talk" to a woman MM was seeing after he and Jodi broke up. She found out about her when she went back to the library and pushed the back button on the computer he was using. Said he was cheating on her.

Thanks so much. WOW...truly a stalker. Sending emails to other women and then even stalking at the would have to have been otherwise you wouldnt know which computer they had used or that they were even at the library. This woman is not safe to be wondering around in public. Seriously she is dangerous.
Travis was too nice IMO!. He should have never let that woman back at his home, this was his biggest mistake.
I don't know what the defense is doing bringing up the suicide theme so often - what total idiots! With all the recent suicide murders going on in recent news, people with suicidal tendencies are almost instantly equated to disordered murderers!!!

Adam Lanza
Adam Hayes
Philip Markoff
Seung-Hui Cho

I mean - what the heck are they thinking?? Suicidal tendencies are linked in social perception as a BAD thing in terms of murders.
I wanna know how they manage (the families) manage when taking bathroom breaks. Bumping into each other at the sink, say.

I believe KCL indicated that the victim advocate made sure that when they started building this Courthouse that the victims families would have a separate room and bathroom to use during the breaks and lunches. TA's family have their own accommodations. Jodi's family must use the public facilities.
Sadly they are prompt to finish court at 430pm so that jodi may eat her dinner.

They aren't nearly as respectful for the jurors start of the day...(rarely on time)
OT....I was looking through some old threads on here and found the one that was created whenit was announced there was a Verdict in the CA trial. Made me sick to live that day again. I was not a member of WS but was actually in the ER passing a kidney stone and I still "feel" shock that went from person to person in that ER. PLEASE...this trial can not end that way....

Amen. So sorry you had to endure TWO such painful episodes on the same day. I will NEVER get over the CA veridict, ever. I wish when ever she made an appearance there would be no interest. It would kill her.
Question for those that use u stream on their phone. when I turn on ustream and get it going. But then go to another screen, it turns off. Is there a way I can make it do in the background by going and doing another screen?

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

idk how to make it work in the background, but a trick i use to listen at work without my screen on is have it up, then hit the lock button, then double tap home button to bring up player and hit play.

oops just realized this only works on iphone that I know of ;)
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