John Morgan to depose Casey

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IF Casey states that the photo of Zenaida is not the nanny that watched Caylee she is done. She gave LE too many details that point to John Morgan's client Zenaida Gonzalas. There is no plan "B" for another nanny that fits the description she gave to LE. Kasen said John Morgan is setting a trap for Casey and he is right.

Exactly! KC's defense team are keeping their options open as to whether they throw this Zenaida under the bus and, JM just wants to close that door as far as his client goes. No surprises.

Otherwise it is an on-going risk, and possible surprise at trial if the defense stick with the ZG story and use this ZG as an example of someone whose background was not fully investigated and properly ruled out.

Something to throw at the wall and see what sticks.....
It's about time that someone made KC accountable for something. She took ZG name off the Sawgrass Apt form. She then tied ZG to Sawgrass. It was that ZG that was her name on that form.

JM clearly said on NG he did not invite the press but due to Sunshine Laws it could be made public. He did not invent the Sunshine Laws.

The bottom line is IF YOU TELL THE TRUTH YOU HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE. What are the A's so afraid will become public.

If KC is innocent as all her lawyers say, then she should have nothing to hide. If that was not the ZFG she was talking about, she should not have a problem saying so.

IF YOU TELL THE TRUTH YOU DON'T HAVE ANTHING TO HIDE. Novel concept, I know... There are a few things in my life I would prefer the whole world would not know but on the other hand there is nothing that would be worth my integrity to hide.
And this ZFG is just lucky that she acted like she did. If KC gave the information she gave to LE, which described this ZFG pretty well (down to the car and everything) - what if this ZFG had an open warrant for something little or had pot in her car or something, and when LE tried to talk to her she fled... not because of KC/being "the nanny" but just thinking totally separately "oh ****, don't want to get in trouble."

LE would be thinking AH HA kidnapping! and could arrest her, etc. Luckily ZFG didn't do this. But b/c of KC she could have went from "unpaid parking tickets" to arrested for federal kidnapping. Clearly a problem!
Bumping because of this:

Lee Anthony is scheduled to testify Friday. His lawyer said he does not plan to block the deposition because Lee knows nothing about Fernandez-Gonzalez and will say so.

The lawyer for George and Cindy Anthony, grandparents of slain toddler Caylee Anthony, is promising a court fight to keep them from having to give sworn depositions Thursday.

Interesting that Lee doesn't have a problem testifying BUT, Cindy & George do?
I think that is interesting too.

Does anyone have any thoughts why that might be?
Maybe because LA said in his police interview he had never met Zenaida, never heard Casey talk on the phone to her while CA has said oh yes, KC has been talking about Zenaida for a couple of years now. While LA has said nothing about knowing the nanny, CA has furthered the lie that there was a Zenaida, IMO.
My guess would be that LA believes the truth in this case can't hurt him or KC. He'll simply do what everyone has been saying to do - claim this ZFG is no one he's ever met/heard of before. When asked if KC ever mentioned a friend/sitter by the name ZFG, LA could claim to be "just the uncle" and, while close to KC, didn't know (need to know) much of KC's sitter situations.

CA & GA as the financial providers for KC & Caylee would have a harder time claiming the same ignorance as LA. Like KC herself, they would be put in a position to answer all of JM's questions and would risk potentially providing testimony that would hurt one of KC's stories.
Maybe because LA said in his police interview he had never met Zenaida, never heard Casey talk on the phone to her while CA has said oh yes, KC has been talking about Zenaida for a couple of years now. While LA has said nothing about knowing the nanny, CA has furthered the lie that there was a Zenaida, IMO.

It just struck me while reading your post that I can't recall George ever saying anything about Zenaida. I can see why Cindy would have problems with her deposition because of things she has already said about Zenaida, but not why George would. He walks in with a clean slate.

ETA: Of course, I just woke up from a nap, and may be forgetting something he said lol.
It just struck me while reading your post that I can't recall George ever saying anything about Zenaida. I can see why Cindy would have problems with her deposition because of things she has already said about Zenaida, but not why George would. He walks in with a clean slate.

ETA: Of course, I just woke up from a nap, and may be forgetting something he said lol.
The only thing I remember him saying, in the FBI interview, was that when he said the name "Zanny" or the nanny, Caylee had no signs of recognition on her face and said nothing. He said when he would mention others in the family like LA, Caylee would instantly understand who he was talking about.
I think that is interesting too.

Does anyone have any thoughts why that might be?

It's obvious to me that Morgan is trying, by inviting the press, to turn the depositions into a media circus in which he's the ringleader. It's entirely inappropriate and unprofessional, IMO, and not at all in keeping with the gravity of this entire situation. Caylee deserves better. I'd fight it too. I'm really surprised that Lee isn't fighting. Maybe he just wants to get the whole thing over with.
It's obvious to me that Morgan is trying, by inviting the press, to turn the depositions into a media circus in which he's the ringleader. It's entirely inappropriate and unprofessional, IMO, and not at all in keeping with the gravity of this entire situation. Caylee deserves better. I'd fight it too. I'm really surprised that Lee isn't fighting. Maybe he just wants to get the whole thing over with.
I have to disagree Chilly. Casey brought Zenaida into it, this Zenaida was the one the police went to and questioned, this Zenaida was the one with NY plates on her car, this Zenaida was the only Zenaida at the Sawgrass Apt's during that time period...I'd say that makes it pretty specific. KC never stepped up to say there is no Zenaida, CA furthered the lie by saying, "oh yeah, KC has been talking about Zenaida for years now". Not one of the Anthony's stood up to say, there is no Zenaida that kidnapped Caylee. This Zenaida was the one who suffered as a result of the accusations, did most people believe it was true ? No, they didn't, doesn't matter, Casey accused her of Kidnapping and you can't do that in this country without, usually, paying some sort of legal price. JM and ZG are coming to collect.
I have to disagree Chilly. Casey brought Zenaida into it, this Zenaida was the one the police went to and questioned, this Zenaida was the one with NY plates on her car, this Zenaida was the only Zenaida at the Sawgrass Apt's during that time period...I'd say that makes it pretty specific. KC never stepped up to say there is no Zenaida, CA furthered the lie by saying, "oh yeah, KC has been talking about Zenaida for years now". Not one of the Anthony's stood up to say, there is no Zenaida that kidnapped Caylee. This Zenaida was the one who suffered as a result of the accusations, did most people believe it was true ? No, they didn't, doesn't matter, Casey accused her of Kidnapping and you can't do that in this country without, usually, paying some sort of legal price. JM and ZG are coming to collect.

I'm not debating whether the case has merit, however the depositions do not need to be yet another media event. There's no need for it.
I'm not debating whether the case has merit, however the depositions do not need to be yet another media event. There's no need for it.
I don't know the rules about filming depo's in FL, but I thought I had heard that filming, video taping is allowed ?
If I was ZG, here is what I would be thinking. I had been splattered all over the media, press for MONTHS now, I didn't do anything wrong to be placed on the front page day after day, I never asked for any of this "publicity", I surely never asked to be accused of taking and harming an adorable little girl. I have one chance to question KC and her family, I guess, IF I was ZG, I might want their testimony on the front page too.
If I was ZG, here is what I would be thinking. I had been splattered all over the media, press for MONTHS now, I didn't do anything wrong to be placed on the front page day after day, I never asked for any of this "publicity", I surely never asked to be accused of taking and harming an adorable little girl. I have one chance to question KC and her family, I guess, IF I was ZG, I might want their testimony on the front page too.

I didn't see ZG splattered all over the media day after day except for when she chose to be, and those occasions were rare. KC didn't accuse ZG of anything in the media or in public. It seems to me that the only people who will have any interest in watching Morgan's media event are the people who already know that ZG has no involvement in Caylee's disappearance. The purpose of the suit is supposedly to clear ZG's name. The outcome of the suit will do that. There is no reason, other than a desire for fame, to invite the media to the deposition of witnesses.
I didn't see ZG splattered all over the media day after day except for when she chose to be, and those occasions were rare. KC didn't accuse ZG of anything in the media or in public. It seems to me that the only people who will have any interest in watching Morgan's media event are the people who already know that ZG has no involvement in Caylee's disappearance. The purpose of the suit is supposedly to clear ZG's name. The outcome of the suit will do that. There is no reason, other than a desire for fame, to invite the media to the deposition of witnesses.
ZG didn't even want her face on camera in the first media interviews. The first time she appeared on camera, where she allowed them to show her face, was when she had decided on the suit and JM as her attorney. I still maintain that KC brought her name up in the first place which placed her in the spotlight, media and LE found ZG, she did not find them. This is more about someone falsely accusing an innocent person of a crime, and for that the accusing party should be held accountable. I will watch because KC made up a name and said this person took Caylee, I will watch because she and CA need to own up to the truth and be held accountable.
ZG didn't even want her face on camera in the first media interviews. The first time she appeared on camera, where she allowed them to show her face, was when she had decided on the suit and JM as her attorney. I still maintain that KC brought her name up in the first place which placed her in the spotlight, media and LE found ZG, she did not find them. This is more about someone falsely accusing an innocent person of a crime, and for that the accusing party should be held accountable. I will watch because KC made up a name and said this person took Caylee, I will watch because she and CA need to own up to the truth and be held accountable.

People had all but stopped talking about ZG prior to her first appearance on TV, she brought herself back into it, IMO. But that's neither here nor there. The legal system works and people are held accountable even when it's done out of the media's eye. Actually, it probably works better that way. Morgan has only one reason for inviting the media to tape the A's deposition, and it has nothing to do with holding people accountable.
I agree with SearchForTruth.

The Sawgrass application isn't the only way Casey could have obtained information about this specific ZG. They also had ties to the same tattoo place.

Casey didn't just name a name. She told LE what kind of car ZG drove, her ethnic background, her hair changes from curly to straight and even that ZG was from NY. Just because Casey hadn't actually ever seen the woman and therefore didn't know what she looked like or her real age doesn't let Casey off the hook.

Casey told Cindy she was moving in with JH and she meant the JH Cindy knew. Just because JH doesn't have a son named Zach doesn't mean Casey didn't mean him. Casey even tried to call JH's parents to get in touch with him after being cornered by LE.
I didn't see ZG splattered all over the media day after day except for when she chose to be, and those occasions were rare. KC didn't accuse ZG of anything in the media or in public. It seems to me that the only people who will have any interest in watching Morgan's media event are the people who already know that ZG has no involvement in Caylee's disappearance. The purpose of the suit is supposedly to clear ZG's name. The outcome of the suit will do that. There is no reason, other than a desire for fame, to invite the media to the deposition of witnesses.

Casey gave out enough information about this particular ZG that people from all over the world found her myspace.

I bet LE was flooded with tips about it.

Before ZG could make her myspace private, links to her kid's pictures with references to her as a kidnapper were in the comment section of newspapers across the U.S.

Would you want somebody to do that to you?
Bumping because of this:

Interesting that Lee doesn't have a problem testifying BUT, Cindy & George do?

I guess we'd have to go back thru links to be sure, but IIFRC

- Lee never really stated a belief in Zanny and, I don't think, ever asserted that Zanny had taken Caylee.

- Not sure about George. I remember him testifying that Caylee showed no signs of recognition when he would ask her about "Zanny". Ofcourse, that was an interview with LE, GA might have said something entirely different to the media - probably several times. Kind of hard to remember which way the wind was blowing everytime GA spoke. I really am just not sure.

- Cindy, on the other hand, frequently referenced "Zanny" and publically asserted several, if not many times, her belief in Casey's utterances. She even went on to say on LKL that her (Cindy's) PIs had evidence that everything Casey told LE was true. Going to be hard to get around that.
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