Jose Baez rejected by Florida Bar on first try (Orlando & Miami News Articles)

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From dead beat dad to bikini salesman to defense attorney.

I guess JB, the attorney from from california that was under investigation, have something in common with KC, writing bad checks!
Her family doesn't even seem to know how the ** picked him!


We'll find out sooner or later..


Not shocking since they didn't seem to know any of her friends, boyfriends err flavors of the month/ week/ day/ or minute as the case may be, the "father" of their grandchild, that she was pregnant and not suffering from a tumor of unknown origin, the invisi nanny's phone number, or her actual job status. Even if they did would likely be another of KC's lies that they turned a "blind eye" to. They'd have better odds calculating the/her truth via the Vegas Sports Books.
WOW! All I can say is, guess when he was driving his Mazda Miata around town and not paying child support and his student loans he was "ugly coping." :crazy:
Nope he has one. I believe she went to high school in Miami which is where her mother lives.

As much as this article makes my day, I believe there is a great chance that KC could get an appeal based on this fool. He is all sorts of wrong, especially when it comes to defending one of the most unlikeable defendants in a high profile case with mountains of evidence against her. I wish there were some sort of contract she could sign that says JB is her lawyer of choice no matter what and if convicted, she won't file for an appeal based on how much faith and trust she put into him. She has to see what an idiot and failure he is at the motion hearings and if this was me I would never let this guy represent me when my life was at stake. I think she is planning for an appeal if she gets convicted and that's why she's putting up with him. Well that, and the fact that her parents don't really approve of him and she seems to have a raging crush on him. The fact that she's starting to read law books shows she's becoming that "chameleon" she does when she likes a guy.

Don't know bout his daughter but you are right on in the bolded
I am in disbelief that Baez thinks he can just throw out the Hispanic race card and turn this into some kind of "they're picking on me because...."-scenario. Give me a break already!!!! :furious: As the proud wife of a wonderful, successful man (who just happens to be Hispanic), this race card thing really irks me. If my little girl (with obvious Hispanic last name and appearance) is to have positive role models in her life, she doesn't need people like this who think they are somehow "victims". What has happened to personal responsibility here?? Admitting fault and being honest and having integrity? Jose---put on your big boy pants and stop playing the race card. You're making a big mistake there!


:clap::clap::clap::clap: VERY WELL STATED, RAINY!! :blowkiss:
Hi MM,

Just for clarity LBK is also on JB's team. I think Sua was referring to Lead Chair in the SA office which would be LDB. Did they do a profile on her? If so, I'd love to read it and will go digging. So far, she seems to have her ducks in a row.

Hey Potato Head!
I don't know if the Sentinel did a profile on LDB, but ClickOrlando did a nice write up on her last week. You can read it here:

Veteran Prosecuter to Helm Anthony Case
And this is only part 1. We get more tomorrow :)

From the article:

Casey Anthony Case: Special report on José Baez: First of 2 parts
TOMORROW: Becoming Casey Anthony's lawyer has brought José Baez celebrity — and controversy.

Wonder what controversy they will report? Maybe all the bar complaints and his false claims on his website?
I heard that there might also be a COV motion in the works for tomorrow. Sorry no link ~ yet! :)
WOW! All I can say is, guess when he was driving his Mazda Miata around town and not paying child support and his student loans he was "ugly coping." :crazy:

LOL. Okay...All I can think of is when I was back in college there was this dorky/nerdy guy who was always going out of his way trying to impress people....(Kinda reminds me of BAEZ). This guy desperately wanted to go out with my best friend. He would constantly follow us around and try to make conversation. One day as we were walking out of a building after Physics he drove up in his brand new red Mazda Miata convertible - radio blarring, trying to be "cool". I will never forget what my friend said as he was pulling up....she said "Oh LOOK....He's driving a TIC-TAC!
WOW! All I can say is, guess when he was driving his Mazda Miata around town and not paying child support and his student loans he was "ugly coping." :crazy:


POST of the thread!!!
I'm having a brain fart - what's COV? TIA! :crazy::blowkiss:
Change of venue ~ Baez wants to move the trial since he doesn't believe he'll find an impartial jury in Orange Co. I wonder why!!! :D
Wow, I am a bit surprised that the other news outlets did not discover this history on "JAB". I am sickened, but not that shocked, that he failed to pay child support for his daughter while living it up. It speaks to his character and confirms just how JAB has conducted his personal life, he should be ashamed , but I doubt he is.

Way to go Sentinel !!!!!

Exactly, shows you that he obviously does not put children, including Caylee, first. Money talks in his language.
WOW! All I can say is, guess when he was driving his Mazda Miata around town and not paying child support and his student loans he was "ugly coping." :crazy:

I hope the next time he gives a presser a reporter asks him if his behavior would be an example of 'ugly coping'.
THANK YOU! COV! Change of Venue - DUH!!!!!

Sure wish they'd bring the trial up here to NW Florida where I am, but that ain't gonna happen.
I hope the next time he gives a presser a reporter asks him if his behavior would be an example of 'ugly coping'.
I think it would be an excellent idea for the judge to put a gag order on him. :silenced: MOO
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