GUILTY KS - Alicia DeBolt, 14, Great Bend, 21 August 2010 - #2

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I am wondering if they went to a party in little Mexico, I googled the area and it is not far from Venture asphalt however I am not an expert , AL makes reference to Plant 5, is where her remains were found, I think hollyblue did a lot of work on this area but I can't find it, it is said that her body was placed near rocks but the video I recalled seeing looks like she was near or in the water. I am wondering how far Plant 5 is from the main plant.

I am not too sure if some of the comments made by the poster at military sos site are not true as some seem to coincide with the CNA writer.
Yes, I went to the and they are all gone as well as the entire thread. Hmmm..... I searched in the posters name and came up with a interesting thread that was started when this all began, told me she is going off the rumors as she really did not know the facts then, was going off what her estranged father told her. You can check this by going to and you can see she was ever changing her story, so not her fault but think she was acting like she knew more than she did. Or... am I just praying she did, because I hope to God AD did not die that horribly. I do find it odd that all her posts and thread are gone, wonder who made them disappear?
A site admin removed it. I used to frequent MSOS and posted on the thread before it was removed, letting them know that the information posted was spreading to other sites. It was removed a short time later.

If true, LE probably doesn't want that information to be public knowledge and if false it's a horrible rumor to be spreading.
Another article, basically very similar umor as the Military poster.

I had seen both of these (above link, and the military blog/forum posting) but was uncertain about posting, as its not info that's been released in the mainstream media....I really do not want to put my head around this information because I am praying that it is not true. However, there is so much shock and disgust and references to a group of people involved in Alicia's death on facebook, comments on news articles, and blogs, I am inclined to think that it is a possibility.

Question for the sleuthers, and I think it has been asked by other posters here: if such a heinous act was committed by a group, would LE really grant immunity to the 2 parties who came forward? I understand doing anything one can to bring all involved to justice, but we are still only hearing about AL, and it seems by now there would have been at least a public investigative effort to get a hold of the other parties. Since there is no word from LE about others involved, I am hoping this means that AL acted alone....

A few of my posts have disappeared in the wee hrs this am., one I wanted to have deleted as the article was too gross and was written most likely by a Troll or?

Most of the news articles have gone poof however the news clipping I posted was proof that AL did in fact call the reporters as he wanted his name 'cleared' and stated it was done earlier in the week, my guess is this interview was done Tues or Wed just after the remains were found and after the Debolt Family came to talk to him on the Mon.

This is what I was trying to bring forward in my post cathdawg. MANY of the articles have been zapped, and not by just one media organization. Even the tweets have been deleted....or not accessable any longer and they all had to do with AL and seems to have started after he was caught. I noticed something was "funny" because the interviews of him were not aired until after his capture. Almost 24 hours later. Not normal for a news agency to hold their stories that long. imo

Alicia Debolt's obit states she died Aug 21. I am not sure if the date represents the fact that LE knows she died then or the date is irrelevant. If it is fact then she died within 1 hr of being picked up.

Snippet from above, news article:

"The following Saturday, Aug. 21, he worked at the Venture asphalt plant west of town where Alicia's body was found, she said. He came home from work dirty, "all black," she assumed from excavation work at the asphalt plant.

The date on this seems to be off, the GF must be mistaken or the reporter is mixed up or AL told the GF he was working that Night but the plant closes at dusk and is open every other Sat., in addition this doesn't jive with his BS story of having a few over for drinks then out for dinner with GF then he went to the 'club'.

He worked that Saturday. Prolly got off at 6 PM and then .....if you believe what he says, they went bowling, out to eat and then he went out to the club. I don't find it unusal that he would be dirty, at all, considering the work. What I do find interesting is that he stated in one of his interviews that he did not work at that location; yet the reporter is saying the girlfriend said he did. ???

Dropping by to read up on the case, but I think the problem is that there needs to be a link to MSM. :)

We can prolly provide the link, but the link now leads to nowhere. Zapped!
I am wondering if they went to a party in little Mexico, I googled the area and it is not far from Venture asphalt however I am not an expert , AL makes reference to Plant 5, is where her remains were found, I think hollyblue did a lot of work on this area but I can't find it, it is said that her body was placed near rocks but the video I recalled seeing looks like she was near or in the water. I am wondering how far Plant 5 is from the main plant.

I am not too sure if some of the comments made by the poster at military sos site are not true as some seem to coincide with the CNA writer.

Is Heizer Park in little Mexico? TIA

Little Mexico is south...southeast of the park. Per comments made on a local media output...around 2nd & 3rd St. Doing a little "driving" tour on google maps I did find a business with a Spanish name, but not sure what kind...and it was on 7th St next to the RR tracks.

I moved the location of Venture's office, per another media article stating it was indeed south of GB and where he had stolen the Explorer. The 2nd St. location was a google glitch I think. Hwy 281 becomes just a normal street right around where it intersects with 2nd St.

I had ask the "locals" here twice if they could clarify and let us know how many locations Venture had, but got no response, so I went by what I had picked up in the media.

Here's a link to the map again. You can use it as a regular map and key in the destinations (addresses) of both locations to find approx. how far they are apart. Hope that helps.,-97.667942&spn=0.065085,0.109863&z=13
Many thanks hollyblue, I knew you you did a lot of work on the situ.
AL sure knew all about Plant 5, and it must be near a body of water.

AL was sure busy when he came home from work, drinks with buds, bowling, dinner with GF, the club and @ 11 pm went out again only to return home at 12:30 - 1 am according to GF.
I had seen both of these (above link, and the military blog/forum posting) but was uncertain about posting, as its not info that's been released in the mainstream media....I really do not want to put my head around this information because I am praying that it is not true. However, there is so much shock and disgust and references to a group of people involved in Alicia's death on facebook, comments on news articles, and blogs, I am inclined to think that it is a possibility.

Question for the sleuthers, and I think it has been asked by other posters here: if such a heinous act was committed by a group, would LE really grant immunity to the 2 parties who came forward? I understand doing anything one can to bring all involved to justice, but we are still only hearing about AL, and it seems by now there would have been at least a public investigative effort to get a hold of the other parties. Since there is no word from LE about others involved, I am hoping this means that AL acted alone....


Let's not forget that MSM does make mistakes too; not only NG and bloggers, etc. Saying that, I think what we have gleaned from the local news agencies in this case has been spot on. I just find it strange that many reports are now gone, and not just the one (Trib) changing their web page. I think they are working closely w/LE on this one to get the monster(s) who did this atrocious killing of a young teen girl.

The sister stated on her FB, in the wee hours of 8/26, that the remains had been confirmed as Alicia's. Hours before the PC by the AG. The site was made private shortly thereafter.

Seems to me LE/KBI are keeping this pretty close to the vest and not releasing too much about their investigation...other than it's moving forward and they are still asking for "tips".

As far as immunity for "snitching", I'm not too knowledgeable in deals, etc. or giving lesser sentences for it. Seems procecution gives a hefty charge and then the defendent cops a plea for a lesser charge in many of the cases. imo.
I know that at times if someone comes forward, they don't get immunity, but they do get a lesser sentence. However I don't believe they would NOT be out walking the streets, they would also be being held on charges. But AL is not charged yet so who knows. If the two came forward however they could be charged and held in another county as an "out of county" inmate for LE to keep it on the downlow, we have done that before in our county. But for the media not to have gotten it yet they would have to have done this in a very very secretive manner, and part of the deal would have to be for them to not tell anyone what they are in for. Because if they told just one inmate, they would tell their family and it would hit the media. So, find that hard to believe. I too am curious and trying to piece it together.
Is it me Folks, but it seems since AL is in Custody the Posters on this site have been diminishing, please come back, all feed back is so.. important to capture these Evil Beings, come on, we need a threefold you brainiacs, also calling all Locals...THX

R.I.P. A.D.D.

Venture has four plants.... found this, very informative actually...

If they were there but did not take part, they would still face charges, maybe lesser but charges none the less. If juvies they would still be charged, and in Colorado its 18 also, unless being charged as an adult, but this is rare and only under extreme circumstances.
I believe the legal age is 18 yrs old in Kansas.

Venture has four plants.... found this, very informative actually...

If they were there but did not take part, they would still face charges, maybe lesser but charges none the less. If juvies they would still be charged, and in Colorado its 18 also, unless being charged as an adult, but this is rare and only under extreme circumstances.

Thank you , very informative!
Alicia Debolt's obit states she died Aug 21. I am not sure if the date represents the fact that LE knows she died then or the date is irrelevant. If it is fact then she died within 1 hr of being picked up.


Not sure if it's relevant... but when my cousin was murdered she went missing in the middle of the day on the 5th and was found in the middle of the day on the 7th, dumped after having been murdered elsewhere.

It was determined that she had died 24-48 hours before she was found...which put her death on either the 5th OR the 6th, within an hour-24 hours after being abducted.

My family put in her obituary that she was found dead on the 6th. I'm still not sure if that was intentional, picking the day in between and just badly worded...or simply a bad communication somewhere since they were in a different state. :waitasec:

Assuming Alicia was dead would mean less time for her to have would be a lot easier to believe she was dead before she was reported missing. Less suffering and no chance anything could have saved her.
When a link comes up with *********** I believe it means it is a banned link at Websleuths. That for whatever reason the site is not permitted to be posted here.

That is my understanding.
Is it me Folks, but it seems since AL is in Custody the Posters on this site have been diminishing, please come back, all feed back is so.. important to capture these Evil Beings, come on, we need a threefold you brainiacs, also calling all Locals...THX

R.I.P. A.D.D.

I'm no "brainiac" or "local" but def want these "Evil Beings" caught as bad as anyone..Except for her family that has to live every minute of the day with unimaginable grief that their loved one is gone & that she was brutalized in the worst possible way..I honestly don't think I could handle it :(

Once LE announces a POI (& then give very little info) posters tend to move on to the next horrific case..That's probably what's happening now but I do agree this case is far from solved even with AL in custody & I know all agree Alicia (& her family) must get the justice she deserves..Whatever it takes!
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