GUILTY LA - Justin Bloxom, 12, abducted & murdered, Stonewall, 31 March 2010 *death penalty*

My prayers go out to the Horn family and continue for Justin and his family, of course. It is devastating to realize that someone you love has committed the unthinkable. Crimes such as this have a huge ripple effect and can ruin families.

It appears to me that this was planned as a "last crime". Mr. Horn took few steps to conceal his actions. He wanted what he wanted and he seemed to accept the consequences. Have I ever mentioned that it really unhinges me to see mug shots of people who I can imagine visiting in my home. To me, there's not a single scary thing about Mr. Horn. I can certainly see why Justin would have no fear (only the sense of risk and excitement about meeting a girl) in getting into a cab with this man. In many ways, that makes it all the more frightening. It's exactly like a nice looking man asking a child pleasantly to help look for a lost puppy. The oldest tricks in the book still work, just with a modern twist.

I'm left with a pesky concern about why Horn would so willingly go with his brother to turn himself in. Obviously, the man can drive so that rules out serious mental defect but I wonder if there is some other extenuating circumstance like being off his meds, impulse control issues, etc. If so, this man should have never been allowed in the community at large. The sadness and resignation with which the brother speaks for the family tell me that they've dealt with problems with this man for years. I'm surprised and concerned that their worries about their relative were not taken under consideration. They surely do not seem shocked at the outcome.

They have my deepest respect tonight.
Yes missizzy I think they have known of his perversion with children for a while.
From what I can find, he had 2 charges before. Both females children.
Looks like he spent some time in prison for one of the crimes.

I don't know why our country lets these people out. It's been shown over and over again that they can not be rehabilitated. Our children are the ones who suffer.
Drug charges get more time than crimes against our children. Very sad.

IMO we need to reprioritize.
I applaud this family for disowning this monster! Death cannot come too soon for him imo. Bless his poor mother and fathers hearts, they will live the rest of their days knowing they brought a monster into this world...may his death bring them peace. I personally believe they should set his arse on the courthouse steps and let Justin's Daddy have at him. Why waste the tax payers money...just kill him already!
I hardly think that Horn's death will bring peace to his family. It doesn't work that way. I have a son in prison for attempted rape and I would never disown him, although I abhor his crime. I stay in touch with him through letters.

My hope is that this family will be helped to heal through intensive therapy and come to some sort of closure with their son. For their sake, they need to communicate their thoughts and reactions and absolute disappointment in him. He needs to hear their words. Even if he cannot "hear", these words must be sent to him.

The brother is a fine letter writer. Let's hope that the entire family writes to him as I feel this will be cathartic to their closure.
Yes missizzy I think they have known of his perversion with children for a while.
From what I can find, he had 2 charges before. Both females children.
Looks like he spent some time in prison for one of the crimes.

It is interesting to note, that his previous offenses were against females.
Most sex offenders stick to a certain type of victim.
I wonder why he struck out against a male?
Ruflossn--That's a point I pondered too. I think it had to do with access. Who knows, maybe Horn had started a text communication with a girl and it didn't work out so he grabbed the little boy instead. Some pedophiles (I don't think a large majority, though) are indiscriminate. The man who raped our children had convictions for both boys and girls. All the abuses were of equal brutality.

And consider the Mohler family. Five women have disclosed about their male relatives as has one man.

Then there's Michael Marceau and Lisa Ford of the Portland suburbs. They were caught raping their teen son who is tremendously physically and cognitively disabled as well as a 6 year old daughter.

Plain sickness IMO. I guess there can always be profiles but someone's going to push every boundary.
My prayers go out to the Horn family and continue for Justin and his family, of course. It is devastating to realize that someone you love has committed the unthinkable. Crimes such as this have a huge ripple effect and can ruin families.

It appears to me that this was planned as a "last crime". Mr. Horn took few steps to conceal his actions. He wanted what he wanted and he seemed to accept the consequences. Have I ever mentioned that it really unhinges me to see mug shots of people who I can imagine visiting in my home. To me, there's not a single scary thing about Mr. Horn. I can certainly see why Justin would have no fear (only the sense of risk and excitement about meeting a girl) in getting into a cab with this man. In many ways, that makes it all the more frightening. It's exactly like a nice looking man asking a child pleasantly to help look for a lost puppy. The oldest tricks in the book still work, just with a modern twist.

I'm left with a pesky concern about why Horn would so willingly go with his brother to turn himself in. Obviously, the man can drive so that rules out serious mental defect but I wonder if there is some other extenuating circumstance like being off his meds, impulse control issues, etc. If so, this man should have never been allowed in the community at large. The sadness and resignation with which the brother speaks for the family tell me that they've dealt with problems with this man for years. I'm surprised and concerned that their worries about their relative were not taken under consideration. They surely do not seem shocked at the outcome.

They have my deepest respect tonight.

Just jumped on this thread to say let's all send up prayers for the Bloxom family today on this Holiest of days.

Izz, you know I am a mean and unforgiving person. Lord knows it's Easter Sunday. However, this to me? I have nothing. You apologize. I get that. It's not this family's fault. The sole fault is with the murderer. However, his brother Kevin has his own kids. They must live in a somewhat small town. Parish or whatever. Face it there's people that are going to be PO'd. I absolutely do not blame them and feel for his children because they have to bear the brunt of their Uncle's actions. Still, I have to say there's always that bit in an "I'm sorry" where they say something about their own family.

Again I'm a mean person. It will not bring this sweet boy back to his family I know if they hold contempt in their hearts, but I think I'd be real angry.
Once again, someone who shouldn't have been put in the first place. When are we gonna learn?
Filly--You are NOT mean. I know what you are saying but what else do you want them to do? There's not many of us who don't have a nutty/crazy/unstable friend or relative or spouse (!!). I admire them for speaking up. To have said nothing would have brought them more scorn.

You're a mom as I am. I can't even imagine going to bed at night and living with myself if I knew my child had killed someone. I'd have to scrub their floors for the rest of my life in my wheelchair....and that would be just for my peace of mind.

If I were Queen, there would be a support group for families of killers and rapists (maybe there is) who have passed a strict evaluation process where they prove that they did all they humanly could to prevent violence. Then I'd serve them wine and cupcakes and they could share their pain and their own unique methods of coping with others who really get it. I think sometimes we forget that for every killer/rapist put away, there's got to be some totally uninvolved and innocent family members who just get the ever-lovin' rug pulled out from under them.

I was trying to point out that I hope they put their feelings to this monster in writing so it's clear to him why he won't be getting birthday cards and cookies on Christmas. Narcissistic has Horn is, he would have expected it, no doubt.

Blessings on the sweet 12 year old and his loved ones. And mercy on Mr. Horn's family.

(And you are NOT stop saying you are. I know the truth.)

Justin Bloxom Bill would restrict employment of sex offenders

BATON ROUGE - If lawmakers — and some area residents — have their way, life will get tougher for registered sex offenders.

Legislation filed late Tuesday will be referred to as the Justin M. Bloxom Bill and it's designed to restrict employment opportunities for registered sex offenders. If approved, those convicted of sex crimes involving children will be prohibited from driving any type of public transportation for hire. Specifically listed in the bill filed by Sen. Sherri Cheek, R-Shreveport, and Rep. Richard Burford, R-Stonewall, are taxis, buses and limousines.

Also off-limits would be jobs with fairs and festivals, along with any type of service worker who would need to enter a residence. An example would be a carpenter or repairman.

***more at link***
I wonder how Horn got Justin's cell phone number? He's disgusting and devious, too.
Yes. I agree. Disgusting piece of carp.

Senate passes bill to limit jobs for sex offenders
Posted: May 18, 2010 7:35 PM CDT
Updated: May 19, 2010 8:37 AM CDT

Senate passes bill to limit jobs for sex offenders


BATON ROUGE, LA (WAFB) - A Senate law committee passed a bill Tuesday that could change the lives of some Louisiana sex offenders. The bill, if passed, would keep convicted sex offenders from holding certain jobs. The job prohibition would last for the entire time the offender has to stay registered.

The bill, unfortunately, has a name attached to its history. In March, Justin Bloxom, 13, thought he was talking to a 13-year-old girl through text message.

"The taxi cab driver was posing as a 13-year-old girl by the name of Amanda," said DeSoto Parish Sheriff Rodney Arbuckle. "Well, the young boy thought he was talking to Amanda, when in fact, he was talking to a sex offender who was operating this taxi cab. He picked him up at 3:00 this morning and killed him about five miles down the road."

In response to that murder, Sen. Sherri Cheek, R-Keithville, filed SB 780, which would prohibit registered sex offenders from holding certain jobs, including driving a taxi.

"Right now, you're seeing a team of district attorneys, the attorney general and the law enforcement community is going through to make sure that we're crafting language that is enforceable," said Cheek.

Opponents of the measure say it has some inherent constitutional issues. Cheek says they are working on it.
Our wonderful Governor signed the bill!!! Just now seeing this.
Way to go Jindal!!!

Jindal signs Bloxom Act: New laws allow court to get tougher with sex offenders


BATON ROUGE - The Justin M. Bloxom Act was one of several bills signed this week by Gov. Bobby Jindal that strengthens the ability of law enforcement and the court system to get tougher with sex offenders.

Five bills were in Jindal's legislative package, and others were added by legislators. The Justin M. Bloxom Act, introduced by state Sen. Sherri Cheek and state Rep. Richard Burford, is separate legislation that was merged somewhat with HB 191, authored by state Rep. Jonathan Perry, that increases sentences for habitual sex offenders.

Cheek's and Burford's SB 780 prohibits sex offenders from certain types of employment, including driving taxi cabs, limousines and buses. It also would make service-type jobs, where entry would be required into homes, and the operation of carnival or amusement rides off-limits.

SB 780 is named for 12-year-old homicide victim Justin Bloxom, of Stonewall, who was killed March 30.

***more at link*** A lot of info on the parts of the bill.
Quote from the above article from Jindal:

Said Jindal in a news release: "These new laws continue to build on our aggressive efforts to root out the monsters that prey on our children. They also provide our law enforcement officials with the tools they need to fight sexual predators on multiple fronts — in the streets and on the internet — so we can create a safer environment for our children."
How awesome that this bill passed!! Every state should have one like it. Really, to me it's common sense but to make it law is a big step. I am sure there are a LOT of construction workers, etc. very upset today...but it's more than worth it to protect the children. They're just going to have to work in commercial rather than residential projects. Oh WELL buddy!
Bless you, Gov. Bobby Jindal11

Do you mind if we clone you?!
Justin Bloxom was lured by this who pretended to be a teen girl. The "suspect" texted Justin at 3:00AM pretending to be the girl and said SHE was sending a taxi to pick him up.
LE is looking into a social networking site which may be the connection.

's muddy boots were found in his brother's pick-up. Tehy have witnesses placing his taxi at the scene of the crime.

This is all too sad. It's senseless. A rotten reoffending pedophile now gets housed and fed while this poor boys family will suffer.


OH MY GOD! That is unbelievabley sneaky. What a rotten b*st*rd!!!:furious:

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