LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #1

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I don't like to overanalyze people who are grieving and under strain, but I have to agree: the "power of social media" video on FB definitely makes me sit up. I'd hate to think that someone close to her could do something to harm her, but it would certainly explain why nobody has come forward with any clues. As far as I know, no one has said they saw her biking home that night. I used to live on campus and go out downtown a lot, and I probably would have noticed a bright blonde biking on the side of the road that late (not many people do, much less girls). I'm thinking that either someone grabbed her as soon as she left his house, or BW had something to do with it. I wish they could get some conclusive evidence from traffic/surveillance cams.

I don't either but that has really bothered me, maybe it's because I'm a doctoral student in psychology and I am supposed to be keen on odd body language/behavior:waitasec:. I do agree though, that is not enough to make him a suspect.

I lived in the Saints Streets area for 3 years while I was getting my master's and biked to and from downtown all the time as well as along a similar route to hers during one of the Critical Mass group bike rides. This hits so close to home for me and I hope we get some info soon!
True, but would you let your sister/wife ride a bike at 2am all the way across town? Logically if my girlfriend was over at 2am, I would of found a way to fit her bike in my backseat of my car. Now, I have a truck and maybe BW does also, but hypothetically speaking worse case scenario he has a car you could still fit the bike in the backseat some way.

I wouldn't allow her to ride alone on a bike at 2am all the way across town. Plus both of them know bikes well enough to dismantle it to travel with.

I understand your point... when I posted early on about her riding alone at 2am, others mentioned they did the same thing (rode all hour).... I then felt like I was victimizing the victim (last thing I would want to do)...

Speaking of "not letting one's gf do something", I've known some strong fit gals (my spouse, for one) who didn't let run late at night after work...
True, but would you let your sister/wife ride a bike at 2am all the way across town? Logically if my girlfriend was over at 2am, I would of found a way to fit her bike in my backseat of my car. Now, I have a truck and maybe BW does also, but hypothetically speaking worse case scenario he has a car you could still fit the bike in the backseat some way.

I wouldn't allow her to ride alone on a bike at 2am all the way across town. Plus both of them know bikes well enough to dismantle it to travel with.

Lots of new posters from Lafayette. So glad to see y'all here, and so sorry it is under these circumstances.

I understand what you are saying, Phobia, but many young women these days don't need to be "allowed" to do anything! BW is only a friend, and he really wasn't in a position to force her to accept a ride home if she didn't want one. (Plus, if he had been out, he may not have felt comfortable driving on more populated roads.....I don't know if he drinks or not, but getting home from the club can be accomplished by driving on mostly residential streets, going to Mickey's house would have put him driving on busy streets. Again, this is just a speculation, I don't know if BW drinks or not.)

I think since she had a regular route that she biked back and forth from her home to the Ryan street residence, she may have just trusted that riding on this night would be as safe as it had been all the other times.

This is off topic,and hopefully doesn't apply to Mickey in any way, but we've had a couple of bike rider fatalities already this year. Last year, my brother was hit from behind while riding his bike and suffered a closed head injury. He almost lost his foot and a portion of his leg. A young friend of mine was hit late last year and luckily sustained only minor injuries to his shoulder. Two of my sons ride their bikes all over the parish, one is more involved than the other, and it sure keeps me on my knees.

In the radio interview BW is talking about the events of the evening and describes her getting ready to leave and he begins to break down a bit then regains his composure.
He says something here that caught my attention regarding her last moments;

"checked bike tires , checked mace, got out the back door, told her to be safe and that was the last we saw her.
He says, " that was the last we saw her."

Then, later in the interview he says "me seeing her leave the house" which puts it in context as no reports have her seen after this as of yet.

I assume that they were alone when she left but the above just throws me off a bit.


He also said something odd about his friends calling to "help them out" after they went home to eat. I would certainly hate if people were picking apart my every move and word if I were grieving but I just can't help being more and more suspicious. I hope he has nothing to do with it because that is still very possible.
I know it's tempting to, especially early in a case with so little to go on, but it's generally very unprofitable to try and use reactions by a person you watch on a video as a basis for sleuthing, and determining guilt or innocence.

In the radio interview BW is talking about the events of the evening and describes her getting ready to leave and he begins to break down a bit then regains his composure.
He says something here that caught my attention regarding her last moments;

"checked bike tires , checked mace, got out the back door, told her to be safe and that was the last we saw her.
He says, " that was the last we saw her."

Then, later in the interview he says "me seeing her leave the house" which puts it in context as no reports have her seen after this as of yet.

I assume that they were alone when she left but the above just throws me off a bit.

I am pretty sure I heard the girl that was on KATC with her sister was at the house with them. So it was at least 3 of them there.

I understand your point... when I posted early on about her riding alone at 2am, others mentioned they did the same thing (rode all hour).... I then felt like I was victimizing the victim (last thing I would want to do)...

Speaking of "not letting one's gf do something", I've known some strong fit gals (my spouse, for one) who didn't let run late at night after work...

Lots of new posters from Lafayette. So glad to see y'all here, and so sorry it is under these circumstances.

I understand what you are saying, Phobia, but many young women these days don't need to be "allowed" to do anything! BW is only a friend, and he really wasn't in a position to force her to accept a ride home if she didn't want one. (Plus, if he had been out, he may not have felt comfortable driving on more populated roads.....I don't know if he drinks or not, but getting home from the club can be accomplished by driving on mostly residential streets, going to Mickey's house would have put him driving on busy streets. Again, this is just a speculation, I don't know if BW drinks or not.)

I think since she had a regular route that she biked back and forth from her home to the Ryan street residence, she may have just trusted that riding on this night would be as safe as it had been all the other times.

This is off topic,and hopefully doesn't apply to Mickey in any way, but we've had a couple of bike rider fatalities already this year. Last year, my brother was hit from behind while riding his bike and suffered a closed head injury. He almost lost his foot and a portion of his leg. A young friend of mine was hit late last year and luckily sustained only minor injuries to his shoulder. Two of my sons ride their bikes all over the parish, one is more involved than the other, and it sure keeps me on my knees.

Yea sucks we found this place based on this situation. No offense.

I understand what you are saying about "allowed". You can't force anyone to do anything they don't want to, but I am just thinking from my perspective if someone I cared about. I would highly steer them into letting me drive them. It is the safe thing to do, you get home faster, and I sleep better.

Now you do make a good point about the drinking and driving thing. Could of been a deterrent.
Also the three main paths she would take regardless from that location would pass in several locations that have cameras.
Hotel across from Cajun Dome - Congress route
Cajun Dome & Convention Center - Souvenir Gate
Albertson's - Johnston St.
I work on Simcoe and know the quality of people that can lurk in the downtown region. I think anywhere past Bertrand she would be ok, so it seems reasonable from the Cajun Dome on back is where it had to occur.

In the radio interview BW stated that he felt that this would have been her most likely route:

1) “The path Mickey would have normally taken would have gone Parkside (Drive) crossing over at (West) University (Ave.) that would have gone into (West) St. Mary (Blvd.).

2) She would have made a left on (West) St. Mary (Blvd.) next to the funeral home, the Delhomme Funeral Home.

3) She would have made a right onto St. Landry (Street) by Lords.

4) She would gone all the way down (St. Landry) and made a left on Coliseum Drive.

5) And then she would have taken Blackham Coliseum Bike Path, also known as the UL Bike Path, all the way down to the (West) Congress (Street) / Cajundome (Blvd.) intersection.

6) She would have then gone on the left side sidewalk (on West Congress), against the grain of traffic, in order to make a left turn into the Bonaire neighborhood closer to Governor Miro.”
I know it's tempting to, especially early in a case with so little to go on, but it's generally very unprofitable to try and use reactions by a person you watch on a video as a basis for sleuthing, and determining guilt or innocence.
Me and my fiance' were talking about this. This guy is going to get drilled from all angles because he was the last one with her. Can't just jump to conclusions and make his life more worse than it is, but everything needs to be looked into without a doubt. It is just part of the unfortunate situation he has found himself a part of.
In the radio interview BW stated that he felt that this would have been her most likely route:

1) “The path Mickey would have normally taken would have gone Parkside (Drive) crossing over at (West) University (Ave.) that would have gone into (West) St. Mary (Blvd.).

2) She would have made a left on (West) St. Mary (Blvd.) next to the funeral home, the Delhomme Funeral Home.

3) She would have made a right onto St. Landry (Street) by Lords.

4) She would gone all the way down (St. Landry) and made a left on Coliseum Drive.

5) And then she would have taken Blackham Coliseum Bike Path, also known as the UL Bike Path, all the way down to the (West) Congress (Street) / Cajundome (Blvd.) intersection.

6) She would have then gone on the left side sidewalk (on West Congress), against the grain of traffic, in order to make a left turn into the Bonaire neighborhood closer to Governor Miro.”
Yea if you guys are familiar where Ryan street is at, that area is not an area I wanna be at night. Much less at 2am!! From Ryan till Bertrand is all suspect area.
I always think that three people or sets of people should be looked at first in any case right away-person that last saw the missing person, boyfriend/husband/girlfriend/wife/parents (depending on context of course) and then RSOs or people who have records that would indicate further crimes of a similar manner in the area. It is uncomfortable and horrible so I try to be sensitive, but no matter how nice BW is I hope LE is at least considering that possibility. Not that it matters much, but he does seem genuine to me in the interviews. Maybe a bit strange if you aren't familiar with hipster life, but genuine and nice. Luckily in this case I feel like it should be really easy to prove that she left the building-seems like a lot of businesses have cameras and traffic cameras are in the area? Of course, someone else could have grabbed her near the building.

I wish I could hold out hope that she just needed a few days off. She is such a vibrant person even in just pictures.
Yea if you guys are familiar where Ryan street is at, that area is not an area I wanna be at night. Much less at 2am!! From Ryan till Bertrand is all suspect area.

That's just a block or so away from the notorious "Four Corners" area where there are lots of crimes. At that time on a Friday night/Sat morning, surely someone would have seen her. Lafayette has a busy nightlife, even during semester breaks, and there are always swarms of people going every which way at that time.
Sorry - haven't gotten through all the posts yet, but we are considering that, possibly, Mickey was struck by a (possibly impaired) driver, then herself and her bike scooped up and disposed of elsewhere, right?
I know it's tempting to, especially early in a case with so little to go on, but it's generally very unprofitable to try and use reactions by a person you watch on a video as a basis for sleuthing, and determining guilt or innocence.

I agree, and I wouldn't have mentioned the video if it weren't for the fact that there is no evidence that she left his house. Between 1 and 2 AM in Lafayette, there is a mass exodus of people from downtown because all the bars and clubs are closing. I just think that someone would have seen her if she'd been riding her bike, but no one has come forward. That's very, very strange to me. There was a rumor going around FB that she was spotted on a security cam in front of a school, but I don't know if it's true or not.
Sorry - haven't gotten through all the posts yet, but we are considering that, possibly, Mickey was struck by a (possibly impaired) driver, then herself and her bike scooped up and disposed of elsewhere, right?

It has been mentioned as a possibility. That was definitely my first thought but being familiar with that area, there are tons of people at that time leaving downtown and most of her route is lined with fast food etc. that always have lines out to Congress. I think the most likely place for this type of thing to happen would be on that road going toward Blackham near the frat houses but that is still pretty busy with people trying to avoid Johnston traffic. I suppose anything is still possible at this point though.
I always think that three people or sets of people should be looked at first in any case right away-person that last saw the missing person, boyfriend/husband/girlfriend/wife/parents (depending on context of course) and then RSOs or people who have records that would indicate further crimes of a similar manner in the area. It is uncomfortable and horrible so I try to be sensitive, but no matter how nice BW is I hope LE is at least considering that possibility. Not that it matters much, but he does seem genuine to me in the interviews. Maybe a bit strange if you aren't familiar with hipster life, but genuine and nice. Luckily in this case I feel like it should be really easy to prove that she left the building-seems like a lot of businesses have cameras and traffic cameras are in the area? Of course, someone else could have grabbed her near the building.

I wish I could hold out hope that she just needed a few days off. She is such a vibrant person even in just pictures.
For those unfamiliar where she was coming from.

Arrow would of been her intended direction.

A = This little store has shady people hang out in front it all the time.

B = This entire region is really low income and lot of crime/drug activity. So this shows a example of how close to the edge she was from the "good side of town" to the bad side.


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Sorry - haven't gotten through all the posts yet, but we are considering that, possibly, Mickey was struck by a (possibly impaired) driver, then herself and her bike scooped up and disposed of elsewhere, right?

Why would a drunk driver scoop up her body and dispose of her elsewhere? Wouldn't it be easier just to leave her there.....especially if he/she was impaired? Have there been any cases where this has happened?
I've read about hit and runs but never a case where someone would pick up the injured or dead person and dispose of them elsewhere.
Why would a drunk driver scoop up her body and dispose of her elsewhere? Wouldn't it be easier just to leave her there.....especially if he/she was impaired? Have there been any cases where this has happened?
I've read about hit and runs but never a case where someone would pick up the injured or dead person and dispose of them elsewhere.

Yes, I've read of several cases where this took place.

If disposed of elsewhere, LE lacks evidence the incident occurred, only that a person has gone missing.
There are about 7 police cars and a k-9 unit on Verot School road right now. Don't know if it's related but with that many police cars and a k-9 unit it could very well be.
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