LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 - #11

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Its probably insignificant, but does anyone else think its odd that the man in the upper right corner seems like he is in mid stride while running...Legs dont move that far back walking.

the brake lights are on on the truck. Is there another stop light there? would someone stop that far back at a light? Could that running man come from that truck? his angle seems like he may be running from the car, but at the same time it looks like its from the direction of the truck....IDK lol Im tired.
I need you guys to help me here. I was just going back over photos. It looks like a dark (blue) car at the gas station Circle K where MS crossed St Landry. Could the vehicle we see on Versaille (with the phantom person beside it going to ATM) be at Circle K? keep pushing on with ideas.....
That seems like a very long stride to me; but I am not sure I would call it running. He does seem to be in a hurry; but if I was getting gas at 2 am there I would be too! Is it possible that vehicle at the gas station is an OLDS 98? are there two covered (why?) vehicles in that Circle K not being gassed up - to the left?
That seems like a very long stride to me; but I am not sure I would call it running. He does seem to be in a hurry; but if I was getting gas at 2 am there I would be too! Is it possible that vehicle at the gas station is an OLDS 98? are there two covered (why?) vehicles in that Circle K not being gassed up - to the left?

the guy on the left, with the dark car, might just be letting the pump do all the work in pumping, with the lever...being from Mass we dont get that luxury lol. the other, lighter car on the right looks like its headlights are on, it seems to have a very square front end, not like the stream lined cars of today....strike that, cuz it could be the back end, but still its square. But that dude running is odd, the building doesnt look that far away from the car on the right (if thats his car) unless he heard a noise or scream or something out of the ordinary that made him high tail it into the store
Do we know exactly what kind of phone she has?

They say a black slider phone. Android maybe?

Reason I ask is because when I go for a run or bike ride through my neighborhood, I have an app that I turn on that tracks my every move. After I'm through running or biking, it posts to a website where my "friends" on there can see it. I can even post it on Facebook and twitter. It shows the map of the exact route I took, tells how many calories I burned, etc. It's possible she may have used some sort of similar app on her phone.

(I not only use it for the fitness purposes, but for when my husband isn't home I can tell him I'm going for a run he can check on the app to see where I am and make sure I get home safe.)

Eta: I'm not really sure why there is an "angry face" at the top of my post....
It is an LG; no android. simple LG slider. MY LG env2 does not slide; it opens on the side. with a qwerty keyboard. her family says she has an LG slider. What would that be? It could not be pinged by police; shame.
Do we know exactly what kind of phone she has?

They say a black slider phone. Android maybe?

Reason I ask is because when I go for a run or bike ride through my neighborhood, I have an app that I turn on that tracks my every move. After I'm through running or biking, it posts to a website where my "friends" on there can see it. I can even post it on Facebook and twitter. It shows the map of the exact route I took, tells how many calories I burned, etc. It's possible she may have used some sort of similar app on her phone.

(I not only use it for the fitness purposes, but for when my husband isn't home I can tell him I'm going for a run he can check on the app to see where I am and make sure I get home safe.)

Eta: I'm not really sure why there is an "angry face" at the top of my post....

lol I don't know why that face would be on your post :) Are you sure you didn't click on one of the choices?

I wonder what type of phone she had that can't be pinged...have they said?
lol I don't know why that face would be on your post :) Are you sure you didn't click on one of the choices?

I wonder what type of phone she had that can't be pinged...have they said?
I just asked her sister Charlene; if I find out I will report.
lol I don't know why that face would be on your post :) Are you sure you didn't click on one of the choices?

I wonder what type of phone she had that can't be pinged...have they said?

I wonder if it was prepaid, because that may complicate the pinging. But at this point even if it could the battery is surely dead

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I wonder if it was prepaid, because that may complicate the pinging. But at this point even if it could the battery is surely dead

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

I have a pretty cheap prepaid and never thought about whether it could be pinged, I assumed they all could nowadays...guess not.
During a press briefing on Tuesday, Lafayette police said they believed the bike was dumped beneath the bridge. It was submerged except for a small section of the frame. The rear tire was damaged.

A few questions:

1) It says the bike was submerged except for a small section of the frame. Would a bike float if dumped in the water or does it depend on the weight of the bike?

2) If it doesn't float, did the perp purposely try to hide the bike by pushing it down into the water or put weights on it to "drown" the bike?

3) IMO, it sounds like the perp really went out of his/her way to hide the bike? Why? If the perp was a stalker, one would think he/she would have gloves on and/or wiped the bike of any evidence that would connect them to this case.

4) Does DNA (forensics) withstand water? In other words, could fingerprints, blood evidence or other fluid still be extracted?

I'm still stumped about the bike. I just don't see why anyone would take the bike and then go out of their way to dispose of it. Why the added burden of a bike? It doesn't make any sense.

A few questions:

1) It says the bike was submerged except for a small section of the frame. Would a bike float if dumped in the water or does it depend on the weight of the bike?

2) If it doesn't float, did the perp purposely try to hide the bike by pushing it down into the water or put weights on it to "drown" the bike?

3) IMO, it sounds like the perp really went out of his/her way to hide the bike? Why? If the perp was a stalker, one would think he/she would have gloves on and/or wiped the bike of any evidence that would connect them to this case.

4) Does DNA (forensics) withstand water? In other words, could fingerprints, blood evidence or other fluid still be extracted?

I'm still stumped about the bike. I just don't see why anyone would take the bike and then go out of their way to dispose of it. Why the added burden of a bike? It doesn't make any sense.

If the bike has made contact with the truck / car it would have made contact with the bumper if that has paint on it then that could be used to identify the make and model, most people know this - I expect the perp does too.

IMO has to be a local person.
If the bike has made contact with the truck / car it would have made contact with the bumper if that has paint on it then that could be used to identify the make and model, most people know this - I expect the perp does too.

IMO has to be a local person.

what if just the tire was hit, then no paint.

A few questions:

1) It says the bike was submerged except for a small section of the frame. Would a bike float if dumped in the water or does it depend on the weight of the bike?

2) If it doesn't float, did the perp purposely try to hide the bike by pushing it down into the water or put weights on it to "drown" the bike?

3) IMO, it sounds like the perp really went out of his/her way to hide the bike? Why? If the perp was a stalker, one would think he/she would have gloves on and/or wiped the bike of any evidence that would connect them to this case.

4) Does DNA (forensics) withstand water? In other words, could fingerprints, blood evidence or other fluid still be extracted?

I'm still stumped about the bike. I just don't see why anyone would take the bike and then go out of their way to dispose of it. Why the added burden of a bike? It doesn't make any sense.

If Mickey was bumped on the bike and the perp stopped to "help" in order to get Mickey into the truck without a struggle. He helps her throw the bike into the back of the truck and offers to give her a ride home. All of her belongings are with her. Once inside the truck he is able to ride just far enough from the scene to subdue her, take her phone before she gets any calls or texts sent and he is on his way.

This would have all had to happen really quickly. I keep thinking about her little pink can of mace. In a struggle that would have likely been flung, rolled or inadvertently tossed and in the dark of night hard for the perp to have gathered back up with her purse and things, so my thoughts are she went "unhappy about her bike" but trusting enough to get in the truck.

In this theory though I also see her be quick to text someone almost immediately, like, "this jerk just hit me" and popping it off most likely to a friend she knew would be awake.

Does anyone know or have yall discussed at all if she had been hit or nudged would she have fallen and had any injuries? If she was hurt just enough to stun her or make her vulnerable in a fighting back sense.

Have we heard anything about dogs getting any hits? I would have assumed the dogs would have been able to track Mickey on her bike path, giving LE more info on the abduction scene. In this case I just havent seen any mention of them at all.

Once again, locals :applause: it is great to have you and your perspective!
If the bike has made contact with the truck / car it would have made contact with the bumper if that has paint on it then that could be used to identify the make and model, most people know this - I expect the perp does too.

IMO has to be a local person.

I respect your opinion but I don't think paint would determine the make of the car unless it's a unique colour. White, for example wouldn't determine the make of the vehicle. We've read how many white pick up trucks there are in that area alone and imagine how many more nationwide?

I agree that the perp is local but I'm still stumped on the fact that he/she decided to take the bike with the added burden to dispose of it.

They had to go out of their way to dispose of it submerging it in water and risking getting caught doing it.

It just doesn't make any sense to me.

There is a missing piece of this puzzle.:moo:
what if just the tire was hit, then no paint.

Either way the perp had to of thought of one of the options:

A: Knock her off her bike then claim to take her to hosp - adduction.
B: Accidental but not willing to own up, and take her to hosp as Mickey is too injured.

Leaving the bike could have been an option but the perp might have thought it may of incrimatated him somehow, if it was an accident and he touched the bike for instance.
I respect your opinion but I don't think paint would determine the make of the car unless it's a unique colour. White, for example wouldn't determine the make of the vehicle. We've read how many white pick up trucks there are in that area alone and imagine how many more nationwide?

I agree that the perp is local but I'm still stumped on the fact that he/she decided to take the bike with the added burden to dispose of it.

They had to go out of their way to dispose of it submerging it in water and risking getting caught doing it.

It just doesn't make any sense to me.

There is a missing piece of this puzzle.:moo:

Yes it would, every white car is not just a single white colour straight out of a tin, it has a formula including other colours which when mixed together create a unique colour for the particular make of car. - Unless of course it is a custom spray job, then in theory it could be any colour :) A few questions: 1) It says the bike was submerged except for a small section of the frame. Would a bike float if dumped in the water or does it depend on the weight of the bike?
2) If it doesn't float, did the perp purposely try to hide the bike by pushing it down into the water or put weights on it to "drown" the bike?
3) IMO, it sounds like the perp really went out of his/her way to hide the bike? Why? If the perp was a stalker, one would think he/she would have gloves on and/or wiped the bike of any evidence that would connect them to this case.4) Does DNA (forensics) withstand water? In other words, could fingerprints, blood evidence or other fluid still be extracted?
I'm still stumped about the bike. I just don't see why anyone would take the bike and then go out of their way to dispose of it. Why the added burden of a bike? It doesn't make any sense.

Excellent point, the bicycle might have been intentionally weighted down and that could be why LE is certain it was deposited there and not dropped from the bridge. There also must have been some sort of definitive evidence near the bike that was time-stamped in order for LE to state that they believe the bike had been there since the night Mickey disappeared.

I am curious as well, WideOpen, as to whether the Canine Unit got any hits on/near St. Landry Street or at Whiskey Bay.
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