Laura Babcock Murder Trial 11.15.17 - Day 16

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Thank you dear Redwing7225 and Redheart for keeping us up to date on the trial tweets.

You are both kindly generous with your time and your great compassion to do so.

You are greatly appreciated!
Lisa Hepfner‏
July 5 2012 Schlatman sends text message "it's here" and a photo of the incinerator in the Waterloo hangar, still some packaging attached. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
"Looks like that's just about how it looked when it came off the truck," Schlatman says of the photo he took. Must have been the day the incinerator arrived, he agrees. July 5, 2012. #LauraBabcock
[FONT=&quot]Lockhart shows the jury a photo of The Eliminator, taken in Millard's hangar.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]It's not on a trailer, as we've seen in previous photos.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Lockhart asks Schlatman if Millard ever talked about why he wanted it mounted on a trailer.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]"Just so it could be mobile, so he could take it to the veterinarians and go right to them with it," he answered.[/FONT]
Dear Jasper52,

Thank you for being so wonderful to post updated tweets as well!

Wow - there are so many compassionate, insightful and kind folks on this thread!
And what vet is going to have this Exterminator blasting away in their parking lot?

This whole story line is the biggest load of crap, ever. DM goes from wanting to dispose of garbage, to wanting to dispose of animals, rather quickly, and doesn’t seem to raise any suspicion with SS. I don’t think SS likely knew much about what DM truly wanted to do with the incinerator, but for him to just never question DM and take his word as if he is god, just baffles me. DM was all over the place with his ideas and stories and SS knew he was shady (running a chop shop, etc) and willfully didn’t ask questions... his loyalty and moral compass is flawed, imo.
Who has a 500 pound pet? if a Vet's office were to use a mobile incineration service a 250 lb incinerator would be enough.

I think DM knew Shaner wouldn't question his decisions, as long as he supplied a semi-plausible reason for buying it, that was all that was needed.
More texts between Schlatman and Millard, from July 7, 2012.

Millard: "I started advertising the incinerator thinking it would take a while to get work for it. 2 jobs available in Barrie Wednesday afternoon. If you have mark and i full days Monday and Tuesday could we be ready?"

Schlatman says other than this text, there was no further discussion about taking the incinerator to vet clinics for jobs.
Lisa Hepfner‏
Millard wanted the incinerator mobile "so he could take it right to veterinarians, go right to them," Schlatman says. Judge asking more about Millard's veterinarian uncle. Schlatman understood #Millard would try to get other vets on board with his cheaper service too.

Lisa Hepfner‏
July 7, 2012, #Millard tells Schlatman he started advertising the incinerator services. Schlatman never saw any ads. #Millard talked about a "job in Barrie," but Schlatman never knew about any job being carried out in Barrie. #LauraBabcock
Lisa Hepfner‏
Schlatman email to Bill Penner, incinerator distributor, about the amount of propane the incinerator would need. #Millard wanted enough for "two complete burns." The machine would take 500lbs and leave you with a 5 gal drum of ash. Two cycles would take 10 hours, Schlatman says

Lisa Hepfner‏
Schlatman says #Millard was going to write a check for the final $10,424.50 cost of the incinerator.
This whole story line is the biggest load of crap, ever. DM goes from wanting to dispose of garbage, to wanting to dispose of animals, rather quickly, and doesn’t seem to raise any suspicion with SS. I don’t think SS likely knew much about what DM truly wanted to do with the incinerator, but for him to just never question DM and take his word as if he is god, just baffles me. DM was all over the place with his ideas and stories and SS knew he was shady (running a chop shop, etc) and willfully didn’t ask questions... his loyalty and moral compass is flawed, imo.

I so agree with you. I suppose he would have believed DM if he said it was to be a portable hot dog stand!
Lisa Hepfner‏
Schlatman doesn't remember a propane appointment in Kitchener he talked about in a text message conversation with #Millard. #Millard was trying to figure out what to charge customers, he told Schlatman, who didn't hear more on the topic. #LauraBabcock
Lisa Hepfner‏
Schlatman doesn't remember a propane appointment in Kitchener he talked about in a text message conversation with #Millard. #Millard was trying to figure out what to charge customers, he told Schlatman, who didn't hear more on the topic. #LauraBabcock

Smoke and mirrors.
Lisa Hepfner‏
July 10, 2012 Schlatman and #Millard still talking about how much propane the incinerator needs for "two full burns." #LauraBabcock
[FONT=&quot]Crown Lockhart shows jury members a photo. It's Mark Smich in a tank top, leaned over a piece of machinery. Sparks are flying.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]"He's cutting the steel for the frame of the trailer," Schlatman explains, adding they wanted to get the trailer for the incinerator done as fast as possible. [/FONT]
Lisa Hepfner‏
Schlatman recognizes Mark #Smich in photo taken at Waterloo hangar. "He's cutting steel for the frame of the trailer" (for the eliminator) Schlatman says that was the only thing he ordered the steel for.
Lisa Hepfner‏
Cutting steel wasn't a normal task for #Smich, "I probably told him what to cut." Doesn't remember discussing incinerator with #Smich. Another photo of #Smich in Waterloo hangar, still cutting steel for trailer frame.

Lisa Hepfner‏
A photo of Marlena Meneses at the Waterloo hangar now, incinerator over her right shoulder. She's #Smich girlfriend, Schlatman confirms. She's peeking over the trunk of the Cadillac convertible. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
Another shot of someone welding, with a welding mask, in the Waterloo hangar. "Looks to be Dell," Schlatman says by the tattoo on his wrist. He's welding the frame of the trailer. "The only thing I was building of steel of that size."
And how were they going to make it less expensive? Multiple animals at once? And how were they planning to ensure separate remains? The whole idea has been proven a lie in the TB trial, but I guess it needs repeating.

Hope they ask SS about the two jobs DM texted he had already had booked for the Eliminator.

Pet people, for the majority, want their pets' ashes returned. The business is not just about incineration. Trust me, I have many urns in my house with the ashes of long past dogs. We pay a pretty penny for this service.

The way it works is that the Crematorium people come and pick up the dead animals and take them to their facility. There was a time when numerous animals would be cremated at one but this has changed. If we're paying for urns and ashes, we want OUR ashes, not someone else's. This is a salient point.

IF DM has this brilliant idea and purchased a huge incinerator to drive around to Vet Clinics etc., and burn up pets in the parking lot, it's just foolishness.

BTW, Vet's don't pay for disposal: owners of dead pets pay the fee. It is probably even marked up.

It's all just a sham.

I have a feeling Dr. Burns may be called again. It wasn't pretty the first time. I can't imagine it would be any better this time.

This whole story line is the biggest load of crap, ever. DM goes from wanting to dispose of garbage, to wanting to dispose of animals, rather quickly, and doesn’t seem to raise any suspicion with SS. I don’t think SS likely knew much about what DM truly wanted to do with the incinerator, but for him to just never question DM and take his word as if he is god, just baffles me. DM was all over the place with his ideas and stories and SS knew he was shady (running a chop shop, etc) and willfully didn’t ask questions... his loyalty and moral compass is flawed, imo.

I had to work under an irrational, reckless, spendthrift guy once (fortunately not a direct report). He was quite charismatic and powerful, and a lot of people were devoted to him and would never question his crazy ideas, while the rest of us would secretly roll our eyes at his crackpot schemes. But no one dared openly question him, you'd be fired for disloyalty. I think SS had years of experience with DM and his expensive fiascos, like the Baja race, and had learned that if he wanted to keep his job, his sanity, and enjoy his life, he needed to just do what he was told and not question things.
Lisa Hepfner‏
It was unusual for #Millard to help do things like cut steel, but Schlatman says he did want to learn different skills, like changing oil in cars. Welding isn't too hard, Schlatman says. #LauraBabcock.

Lisa Hepfner‏
Another shot of #Millard welding a large steel frame. Schlatman identifies him. Zoomed in, you can see more people. A person in orange with back to camera. "That would be me," Schlatman says he can judge by the size. Court giggles.

Lisa Hepfner‏
Another person in the photo background is Mark #Smich, and Marlena is also there; Schlatman identifies them. This was "early on," before hangar renovations, Schlatman says. #LauraBabcock
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