LE Serves Warrant on Family Home #6

The only time that I show up here is when someone shows up where I'm at. Someone did...so here I am.

And being as how I am hardly ever here, I have decided to post all of my questions together and shoot them out to you:

1.) Is it possible that mom gave Lisa (deceased) to some guy on the street that she knew was maybe homeless like "Jersey." And she paid him to take Lisa away somewhere and dump her? Hence the guy in the t-shirt story?

That is possible. The man was described as being 5' 7" - 5' 9", 140 - 150 lbs and between 30 and 40 years old. I don't know what Jersey Mike's description is so who knows!

2.) Could mom have taken Lisa out of her crib, while drunk, intending to take Lisa (who was bawahhing because she had the cold) into bed with her but then lost her equilibrium (sp?) and dropped Lisa? Maybe causing an injury? Then maybe took Lisa, anyway, into bed and with her but then Lisa rolled off the bed and onto the floor and died?

That is possible.

3.) What about the chance that mom rolled over on Lisa and accidentally smothered her?

I asked the same question. Mom isn't real small and would be dead weight on a baby. imo

4.) Could mom have given Lisa some wine or something to try to quiet her down, because she was crying because of the cold and it ticked mom off?

I wondered if Mom gave Lisa a little wine to make her sleep and possibly she died from the wine. Combined with cold medicine it would be deadly to an infant.

5.) I have been all over the Internet this past week. And the one thing that keeps being asked, again and again is:
WHAT is up with the dad? It's like he's terrified or in a stupor or something. Okay, maybe he's a good guy...but really now, why do you think that he is he acting like he is?

Dad appears to either be in shock or is afraid to open his mouth. jmo DB appears to be running the show.

6.) Do you think that this will turn out to be another case of "shaken baby syndrome"? Like maybe mom was drunk and tired and Lisa was crying because she had the cold and mom couldn't take it anymore and snapped? Then she grabbed Lisa out of the crib and shook her really hard and then put her on the floor (mom was drunk) by the bed and then mom just passed out on the bed? Could she then have woken up later, realized Lisa was dead and then panicked? Could the guy with the t-shirt be a hoax and really mom took her down (and maybe witnesses saw her and not a guy, like they thought they saw) to a dumpster and tried to burn her body?

I don't believe anyone tried to burn her body. There would have been evidence of that in the dumpster. It takes a pretty hot fire or incinerater to burn a body, bone included.

7.) Can DNA, say from the carpet, also determine the age of the person that it came from?

I'm not sure, but I don't think DNA gives the age.

Please don't send me hate mail. I am simply asking questions. My heart is in this very deeply. Just watch my video and you will know that. Thanks for letting me post here again, I'll come by again, sometime.~~Ruthie.*

No real answers but hope it helps. moo
I am just not comfortable with any of my thoughts about Dad. I agree that there seems to be something "off" in his behavior toward Mom and his reactions to his daughter missing. But I hesitate to judge him, for the same reasons, norest.... I just can't get a feel about his "normal" behaviour. I wonder if he is normally introverted....

Put yourself in his place. Do you think for one minute you would be calm and supportive of a person who lost your child? I can safely say most of us would be screaming our heads off at her and questioning her nonstop. His behavior is odd to say the least. I think these two found each other and got together around an endless supply of drugs or alcohol.

His behavior right now is not normal.
DNA does not change with age. Except identical twins/triplets/..., each person carries a uniqe DNA.


Alien, exactly! DNA is the same for identical peoples. It's crazy, even their voices are identical.
During a dialogue a person more often looks in the face of his partner when he is listening than when he is speaking. A person who looks in the eyes of his partner less then one third of the dialogue time either is not honest, or tries to conceal something. Eye contact can have the following meaning:

Vacant look - concentrated reflection.
Looking away while talking - losing of interest to conversation, too long monologue of the partner.
Fixed look into eyes (with contracted pupils) - hostility.
Fixed look into eyes (with dilated pupils) - sexual interest.
Reluctance to make direct eye contact - shame, deception.
Squinted eyes – mistrust.
A partner consecutively looks at you and looks away a number of times – lack of consent, mistrust.


I think JI has shown Shame, and distrust.
Put yourself in his place. Do you think for one minute you would be calm and supportive of a person who lost your child? I can safely say most of us would be screaming our heads off at her and questioning her nonstop. His behavior is odd to say the least. I think these two found each other and got together around an endless supply of drugs or alcohol.

His behavior right now is not normal.

In the beginning I was pretty sure that I was reading some anger on his part, even some suspicion... but now he appears to be pretty much backing her up all the way. Maybe she just got around him.... (again?) I don't know. Is he involved????
DNA does not change with age. Except identical twins/triplets/..., each person carries a uniqe DNA.


Prepare for a :rollercoaster: a few :truce: and a lot of :back: and :banghead:

:floorlaugh: :woohoo: :great: :waitasec: :rocker: :maddening: :floorlaugh:
And while I'm being outspoken tonight (and because it's the night shift and somebody's gotta do it), who in their right mind sells babies today?

Sure, I bet it happens. But, what are the odd's of someone "selling a kid" which I've seen mentioned here in several threads? Who's gonna buy a kid knowing the parents will be reporting the child kidnapped the next morning and an AMBER Alert will be issued, and the child's picture and description will be all over TV the next day?

Selling a child in this particular case makes NO sense to me.

Just as I mentioned about the "accident" pleas now... It seems there are a lot of people not necessarily defending the family, but they are trying to get in the frame of mind that something bad didn't happen, and if it did, it was an accident or it's a scenerio where the child is still alive.

Don't get me wrong, I hope and pray all of my theories are incorrect also, but at the same time I am facing reality here with everything that's transpired.

I guess you can say I have faith in our law enforcement here.
Sure, a lot of black eyes have occured with PD from time to time, I just don't think this is one of these situations. I believe based on what they know and what they have, they are going a specific direction based on evidence "we the public" are not entitled to see at this particular time. I feel that at a trial we can see everything first hand, and we will all have a better understanding.

Here are examples of people showing body language of Shame
DB knows what happened. I am waiting to try and get a profile of sorts on her husband. As Redfish said, I also thought I saw some reluctance or suspicion on jeremy's face at the very beginning. Now, that he is totally backing her, I may have misread him. It could have been shame and not suspicion.

I saw this behavior with ron cummings and that convinced me he knew what happened. What father doesn't scream and shout at the person who lost his child. They are not married; I would expect fireworks, well, at least a cooling off period. In the cummings case, he went further and MARRIED the suspect!! Come on now....

Here are examples of people showing body language of Shame

I really don't know what to make of the dad. I feel though if he's showing shame, it's because of something his girlfriend has done and he's "lost" not knowing what to do. I also feel that she is controlling over him, cutting him off during interviews etc. I wonder if he could ever get a word in edgewise when friends were around. Also, some people handle situations differently than others. I've seen people go through situatons where someone has died, and it took them days if not weeks before reality set in and they just lost it and came apart.

Then on the other hand, there are great actors who have actually done something horrible and you would be right there in their corner supporting them not believing they could have done any wrong. We've seen that all too many times on these cases.
And while I'm being outspoken tonight (and because it's the night shift and somebody's gotta do it), who in their right mind sells babies today?

People are selling babies. We have threads on that and in the crimes in the news. Happened last week!

Selling a child in this particular case makes NO sense to me.

I don't believe Lisa was sold................I agree!

I think its hard for most of us to admit something bad has happened to such a beautiful baby and we all wish her well. Alive. Truth. She was probably deceased on or before the day she was reported missing.

No, it is very doubtful that she was kidnapped, abducted, or sold. Something more than likely happened to her in the home. I think we're now waiting to find out what and by whose hands or under whose care.

I guess you can say I have faith in our law enforcement here.
Sure, a lot of black eyes have occured with PD from time to time, I just don't think this is one of these situations. I believe based on what they know and what they have, they are going a specific direction based on evidence "we the public" are not entitled to see at this particular time. I feel that at a trial we can see everything first hand, and we will all have a better understanding

I believe LE is doing everything they can to find what happened to Lisa and to locate her or her remains. I agree they know much more than we realize and more than the family realizes.

I think this could all be ended and Lisa could be brought home if the parents would tell the truth.

Shame can be b/c of one's own actions.

I'm not letting the dad of the hook. For me it is still wide open. I still wish we knew his exact whereabouts for the day before and the day of, and any breaks or errands run during his work shift.
I really don't know what to make of the dad. I feel though if he's showing shame, it's because of something his girlfriend has done and he's "lost" not knowing what to do. I also feel that she is controlling over him, cutting him off during interviews etc. I wonder if he could ever get a word in edgewise when friends were around. Also, some people handle situations differently than others. I've seen people go through situatons where someone has died, and it took them days if not weeks before reality set in and they just lost it and came apart.

Then on the other hand, there are great actors who have actually done something horrible and you would be right there in their corner supporting them not believing they could have done any wrong. We've seen that all too many times on these cases.

That happened with Scott Peterson's inlaws. I can see how that would happen in that case. We have a likeable, handsome, college educated guy from a very good family. They didn't want to believe Scott killed Lacy. However, the rest of the world saw it. It didn't take long before Sharon figured it out. All of us had it figured out from the beginning. Isn't it odd how these HUGE rewards are never collected? That money is dangling there....yet nothing. Seems to be that each time a large reward is posted, it is a family member that did the deed.
Lera can you put a picture of JI up next to them so we can do a comparison.

Lol, I was thinking she needs to put a a group of these together for every "tell" and sell them to classes of such interest. All those lined up like that make it very clear. :crazy:

I just don't think a neighbor would lie or be caught up in such a situation. I believe the kids were all together playing video games etc, and I'm sure the neighbor accounted for the child when interviewed by LE. I know I would tell the police, best friend, family member or stranger when the last time was I saw a child that was missing and they issued an AMBER Alert for.

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