Lindsay Lohan busted for DUI *merged threads*

Maybe they were her girlfriend Samantha Ronson's jeans. :rolleyes:
Now, I think they got a pic of her earlier that night and I am suspecting, if it's really that, that those pants are the same one's she's arrested in.
Go to and you can see the interview from the 3 guys that were involved. It seems Lindsay stole the guys car, ran over one of the guys foot, was going around 100 mph at times, ran stop lights and stop signs and then when the police were involved tried to say the black guy was driving. She threatened the guys in the car not to say anything. The guy's foot she ran over was scared so he jumped out and she ran over his foot and didn't even stop. The other two said they were scared out of their minds. There's 4 videos with the full interview on them. I tend to believe these guys!
By the way, these pants had to be hers because this altercation happened at a party. The assistant and her boyfriend were in a fight. Lindsay came out and was screaming like a mad woman at the assistant to be quiet, etc. The assistant said she was so over Lindsay and that she quit. This infuriated Lindsay even more. As the assistant's boyfriend was leaving the assistant pulled him out of the car and the assistant jumped in her car and left. Lindsay jumped in another guy's car and chased her assistant. They were running lights and stop signs and going at speeds up to 100. The guys were screaming at her to stop and she said she wouldn't get in trouble because she was a celebrity. And then threatened them to keep their mouths shut. The assistant eventually lost Lindsay and so Lindsay thought she may have gone to her mother's house. This is where her mother was backing out of her house and Lindsay started chasing HER and she was so scared she went to the police station. You can hear the 911 tape of the mother and how afraid she was.

So Lindsay not only was drinking and driving, but she STOLE a car, held a couple guys captive, ran over another guy's foot, chased her assistant and then her mother, drove at a high rate of speed, ran stop signs and stop lights and almost got in a couple accidents from running these stop signs/lights.

I hope they throw the book at her this time!
It would have been so easy for someone to have be really hurt or killed while she was indulging in her self-important rants and doing whatever the heck she feels like doing.

I remember once my boyfrends cousin who was a little wild at heart had us all in an OJ style Ford Bronco and decided to go jump what we called "the terraces" Picture the type of little hills that BMX bike riders go flying over. My head was crashing into the ceiling and ice from the cooler going everywhere and I was begging for him to stop. He wasn't hearing any of that. It wasn't his vehicle and he was having fun afterall.

I can imagine Lindsey completely blocking out those boys requests for her to stop. It's all about her. What a nutcase.
It would have been so easy for someone to have be really hurt or killed while she was indulging in her self-important rants and doing whatever the heck she feels like doing.

I remember once my boyfrends cousin who was a little wild at heart had us all in an OJ style Ford Bronco and decided to go jump what we called "the terraces" Picture the type of little hills that BMX bike riders go flying over. My head was crashing into the ceiling and ice from the cooler going everywhere and I was begging for him to stop. He wasn't hearing any of that. It wasn't his vehicle and he was having fun afterall.

I can imagine Lindsey completely blocking out those boys requests for her to stop. It's all about her. What a nutcase.

Did you get hurt Smurf?

Yes, these celebrity girls are out of control and it's all about them. I wish us members of their audience would stop giving them that much power. It's all about the power of money and they make WAY too MUCH for what they do.
Do celebrities really say "I'm a celebrity I won't get in trouble"? Really? I'm having a hard time believing those boys when they say that! Maybe all the other stuff is true, but what if they are just trying to make her look bad by making up that part of the story? Afterall, they are the friends of her assistant, right?

Not that it makes a big difference I guess.
Do celebrities really say "I'm a celebrity I won't get in trouble"? Really? I'm having a hard time believing those boys when they say that! Maybe all the other stuff is true, but what if they are just trying to make her look bad by making up that part of the story? Afterall, they are the friends of her assistant, right?

Not that it makes a big difference I guess.
She was drunk and probably under the influence of drugs. I totally could hear her saying that while under the influence. Kind of like Mel Gibson doing his rant while drunk. Sometimes they say things they would never say sober but things they've thought.
and I don't believe them! I'm not even sure I believe the "she ran over my foot" part. Very easy for someone to make up as a way to get money from LL.

It will be interesting to see exactly whose vehicle it was she was driving.

I do believe them when they say she was 'inebriated' :p
It would have been so easy for someone to have be really hurt or killed while she was indulging in her self-important rants and doing whatever the heck she feels like doing.

I remember once my boyfrends cousin who was a little wild at heart had us all in an OJ style Ford Bronco and decided to go jump what we called "the terraces" Picture the type of little hills that BMX bike riders go flying over. My head was crashing into the ceiling and ice from the cooler going everywhere and I was begging for him to stop. He wasn't hearing any of that. It wasn't his vehicle and he was having fun afterall.

I can imagine Lindsey completely blocking out those boys requests for her to stop. It's all about her. What a nutcase.

Just call her her Lindsay Fully :laugh: Loaded!
Go to and you can see the interview from the 3 guys that were involved. It seems Lindsay stole the guys car, ran over one of the guys foot, was going around 100 mph at times, ran stop lights and stop signs and then when the police were involved tried to say the black guy was driving. She threatened the guys in the car not to say anything. The guy's foot she ran over was scared so he jumped out and she ran over his foot and didn't even stop. The other two said they were scared out of their minds. There's 4 videos with the full interview on them. I tend to believe these guys!
:doh: omg this gal must have lost her mind. If the allegations by the 3 men are true, I think Lohan's carrier is over.

Those who collude in the public degradation of gifted young women are beneath contempt

Saturday July 28, 2007
The Guardian

Who doesn't love to speculate about good girls gone bad? Well, people who like and respect women don't. Nor do people who recognise that the rules prescribing what constitutes a "good" female are bigoted and hypocritical. A good girl is charming and comely, and never does anything to upset the status quo. A good girl does not dare to challenge the position society has put her in. A good girl is the ideal helpmate for a man, with neither a hair nor a thought out of place.

So it's a nasty shock for reactionaries to see Lindsay Lohan's latest police mugshot, in which she sends a fabulous look of "Yeah, I've been arrested. So what?" straight through the camera into the miasma of prurient dreck that is pop culture. So Lohan likes a drink. What's the problem? Women get drunk, fall over and hit the double standard face first. Further proof that womankind is pushing things a step too far is the news that Britney Spears acted brattishly at a recent photoshoot, wiping her hands on one dress and letting her pooch defecate on another.
While I think there is something to this idea of a double standard, I honestly don't believe it makes a difference whether LL is male or female. We've all read about male celebrities who get drunk/use drugs and are out of control. No matter who is misbehaving, they still need to be punished.

Those who collude in the public degradation of gifted young women are beneath contempt

Saturday July 28, 2007
The Guardian

Who doesn't love to speculate about good girls gone bad? Well, people who like and respect women don't. Nor do people who recognise that the rules prescribing what constitutes a "good" female are bigoted and hypocritical. A good girl is charming and comely, and never does anything to upset the status quo. A good girl does not dare to challenge the position society has put her in. A good girl is the ideal helpmate for a man, with neither a hair nor a thought out of place.

So it's a nasty shock for reactionaries to see Lindsay Lohan's latest police mugshot, in which she sends a fabulous look of "Yeah, I've been arrested. So what?" straight through the camera into the miasma of prurient dreck that is pop culture. So Lohan likes a drink. What's the problem? Women get drunk, fall over and hit the double standard face first. Further proof that womankind is pushing things a step too far is the news that Britney Spears acted brattishly at a recent photoshoot, wiping her hands on one dress and letting her pooch defecate on another.

That article is a little much. Though I think it may be more difficult for women to navigate the pop star world than men; I don't think women are treated worse by the media - when Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson, for instance, act like idiots or get into trouble, they are lambasted too.

I think the problems of Britney, Lohan, Paris, are brought on by themselves and their families - being raised as child stars deprives them of a decent education and normal lives; the parents project everything onto the child, who is brought up with a limited value system, or awareness of what is "normal".
Just call her her Lindsay Fully :laugh: Loaded!
Our local radio station has a contest every year called the Ghoul Pool. The first week in January, listeners submit 3 people that they think will die during the upcoming year. You get more points if you pick someone young and healthy as opposed to someone in their 90's that has been ill for a time. It sounds sick but it is truly fascinating at the end of the year to see who got the most picks right.
Anyway, they are now starting a mini ghoul pool as to who listeners think will die this year between LL, BS, PH and NR. :eek:

Ghoul Pool 2007!
Posted by The John and Ken Show @ 8:00 am

The contest ended at 11:59 p.m. Sunday, January 7th. Sorry, but all entries received past that time will be discarded.
Our local radio station has a contest every year called the Ghoul Pool. The first week in January, listeners submit 3 people that they think will die during the upcoming year. You get more points if you pick someone young and healthy as opposed to someone in their 90's that has been ill for a time. It sounds sick but it is truly fascinating at the end of the year to see who got the most picks right.
Anyway, they are now starting a mini ghoul pool as to who listeners think will die this year between LL, BS, PH and NR. :eek:

I wont tell you who I think....scary!
Our local radio station has a contest every year called the Ghoul Pool. The first week in January, listeners submit 3 people that they think will die during the upcoming year. You get more points if you pick someone young and healthy as opposed to someone in their 90's that has been ill for a time. It sounds sick but it is truly fascinating at the end of the year to see who got the most picks right.
Anyway, they are now starting a mini ghoul pool as to who listeners think will die this year between LL, BS, PH and NR. :eek:

LL or BS, IMHO, with LL nudging her out by a hair just because she has a much more disastrous family support system, IMHO.
Our local radio station has a contest every year called the Ghoul Pool. The first week in January, listeners submit 3 people that they think will die during the upcoming year. You get more points if you pick someone young and healthy as opposed to someone in their 90's that has been ill for a time. It sounds sick but it is truly fascinating at the end of the year to see who got the most picks right.
Anyway, they are now starting a mini ghoul pool as to who listeners think will die this year between LL, BS, PH and NR. :eek:

Lindsay Lohan's going to jail, Paris is too shrewd and has the most common sense of the if that is a compliment. Nicole is pregnant and will be forced to take care of herself, for the baby's sake, by her family and friends.

Britney is a walking time bomb...I truly think she's very, very mentally ill. I think Brit Brit's boys will be okay, thanks to her staff and Kfed. I believe he will end up with the kids and Britney will self destruct! Unless she is given the help she needs. How? I don't know. If Britney's mom and (soon to be ex) can't make her get the help she needs, only a complete disaster or meltdown will...if Britney survives.
I never thought I'd say this...but Paris doesn't look so bad these days when you compare her to Lindsay, Brittney, and the other one...what's her name...the one that did the show with Paris.

But they are all a mess. One of them is going to end up dead, and I just hope they don't take an innocent person with them.

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