LIVE MONDAY: Web Chat with BD-what would you ask her? *LIST ONLY*

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Where have you been hiding Clint's cajones since he spoke candidly in his last interview?

(No offense meant to Clint, but something definitely went down after that Hyatt piece was released)
Don't you need a computer to do a live vdeo stream?
Who is reading the internet and providing you with what should be an appropriate response from a mother of a missing child, if you have no internet service at home? ;)
Why would your MIL think that Naomi's mom would be involve with Hailey disappearance?
Okay, I know I'm breaking the one question rule. Just one more:

Did Shawn travel to Dallas with you and Clint to the sex trafficking convention?
How often was Hailey at home alone with Shawn?

How many days a week did you work?

Do you go to sleep at night before Shawn does?

Did Shawn play the Xbox Sunday night?

Have you both retaken a polygraph? If not, why not?

Is your large dog, an inside dog?

Do you still have employment at the hospital?

It hard to do just one :floorlaugh: Couldn't resist:floorlaugh:
Question for Billie:

Did you participate in the filming or making of any of the homemade horror movie/slasher videos made by Shawn Adkins ?

Thank you.
Do you have a computer and the internet in your home now?
Why in heaven's name would she be doing this? :banghead:
Why in heaven's name would she be doing this? :banghead:

I really wish everyone would at least approach this with an open mind and give her a chance. Who knows something may come out of it that is new. You can always catch more flies with honey; I think is how the saying goes. If the questions are asked in the right tone and manner she might reveal some new information. jmo
Two hours, WOW...that is a long time to be answering questions. I can't believe she decided to do this.:doh: I am definitely taking my laptop with me to Mexico, I can't miss that one. :skip:
When are you getting your new TV off layaway and is it 3D compatible?

(Its hard to be serious about it, when I have no interest in buying the stuff she's selling.)
When was the last time Shawn was at your house, and when last did he sleep over?

How frequently do you see DD?

Was it wrong to bring the silver nitrate home and why exactly did you bring it home?

Please clarify exactly when Shawn told you Hailey was sleeping over at MB's.

What do you think now that you've heard family members say Hailey expressed a fear of Shawn to them? Also a neighbor child said the same thing in a local CBS channel news report.

Have police told you where the afternoon text to MB originated?

Do you still have concerns about the mystery man? Is he Clint's half brother?

Was DD at home the night Hailey was supposed to be at MB's, the 27th-28th? Have you asked DD about Shawn's demeanor when DD entered the house using the broken window? Have you asked his friend who was there about Shawn's demeanor that day? How long did the friend stay?

Was it unusual for the door to be locked?

Did Shawn actually tell his boss he quit his job that day? Has he been back to WSI since?

I know there was supposed to be just one but I could probably come up with a bunch more. I'll stop for now. I'm sure her answers will probably just leave more questions no matter what she gets asked.
Here is mine....

What's wrong with you?
We have a nice list of pertinent questions. Here are the questions I predict the moderator will ask.
" Billie, how do you get through the must be so difficult."
" BIllie, it must be so hard to hear people question you and your boyfriend. How do you deal with this?"
Billie, it must be hard to see other girls walking around, not knowing where your girl is"
'" Billie, what are your future plans? Are you going to go on the lecture circuit with Klaas Kids ?
Are you or LE in possession of Hailey's broken/misplaced ITouch?

Where was she staying on Dec22nd when she last used it to post to her FB?
My question would be. "When are you going to tell the truth about what really happened???"
In the interview from early January, sitting on your new sofa with Clint, why did you get choked up when you said you could no longer kiss Hailey's pretty face?
I'm sorry, but my question would be, have you been dropped on your head recently??!!

(my dear old dad used to say that about one of our cats)

And how much, if any, hate mail do you get? Do you realize that people aren't buying what your shoveling???
I think the KISS principal is the best approach here. If anyone can log on and get a question past the moderators, try to make it one where only a yes/no answer is possible. She will duck and evade and blah blah blah otherwise IMO.

my question would be:

did you spend donation money on a new tv?
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