long weekend break: discuss the latest here #114

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But it's not about anything Martinez did. The jurors were questioned by the judge in chambers & it was during that questioning Juror #5 said something in front of other jurors.

I thought they were going to question each juror by themselves:banghead:
Is this a juror you speak of? I mean this post is referencing a juror ? Everybody is tired. They are tired of the BS. The stalling. The long winded answers by suedo experts. Speaking of experts. Aren't we all experts in humanity?

Don't we ask ourselves."how can a person do this . Life knocks us down..but we get up..move on..grow up a little more.

We all ( moo) know what happened in this case. She got her feeling hurt. Whatever feelings she may have. And she decided Travis would pay with his life.

That is unexceptable behavior and she must pay the price.

Let her meet her maker. Next.

To me it seems that simple.
The attorneys are asking for a mistrial or that Juror 5 be removed from the jury because "statements Juror 5 made in front of her fellow jurors amounts to misconduct that inserted partiality in what is supposed to be an impartial body."

Arias' attorney claim Juror 5 is neither fair or impartial at this point making "her removal from the jury essential" to ensure Arias' rights.

The motion said on March 28, a meeting was held with jurors to discuss an issue involving prosecutor Juan Martinez posing for pictures and signing autographs outside the courthouse.

During that hearing, information came out that "Juror 5 engaged in misconduct that affected more than one juror".


The way this thing is playing out is making my hinky meter go off the charts. It started as prosecutorial misconduct and now it's about a juror misconduct. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.....methinks I smell a rat.
Is this a juror you speak of? I mean this post is referencing a juror ? Everybody is tired. They are tired of the BS. The stalling. The long winded answers by suedo experts. Speaking of experts. Aren't we all experts in humanity?

Don't we ask ourselves."how can a person do this . Life knocks us down..but we get up..move on..grow up a little more.

We all ( moo) know what happened in this case. She got her feeling hurt. Whatever feelings she may have. And she decided Travis would pay with his life.

That is unexceptable behavior and she must pay the price.

Let her meet her maker. Next.
yes I was referencing tricolor......
Crap. Just saw the Motion for Mistrial. This is so maddening. This is EXACTLY what Jodi and her DT wanted. They were itching to talk to this jury to try and elicit something literally anything that could give them a mistrial. I bet they hoped they could get one relating to the prosecutorial misconduct and hope that Jodi then couldn't be charged again.

If the Judge grants this motion then this is 3 months and over a million dollars (of the state paying for Jodi's defense only! Not to mention the costs of the state prosecuting) down the drain.
Can you imagine how Juror 5 feels right now? Having just stepped off Jury Duty not too long ago, I know it's a lot of weight to carry.
But it's not about anything Martinez did. The jurors were questioned by the judge in chambers & it was during that questioning Juror #5 said something in front of other jurors.

Who reported this and do you have a link. tia
Crap. Just saw the Motion for Mistrial. This is so maddening. This is EXACTLY what Jodi and her DT wanted. They were itching to talk to this jury to try and elicit something literally anything that could give them a mistrial. I bet they hoped they could get one relating to the prosecutorial misconduct and hope that Jodi then couldn't be charged again.

If the Judge grants this motion then this is 3 months and over a million dollars (of the state paying for Jodi's defense only! Not to mention the costs of the state prosecuting) down the drain.

It's crazymaking, for sure. But I think the worst case scenario here is a dismissed juror, not mistrial. I'm hoping.
The way this thing is playing out is making my hinky meter go off the charts. It started as prosecutorial misconduct and now it's about a juror misconduct. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.....methinks I smell a rat.

Beginning to smell it too
IMO no need to worry. Remember the jurors were being individually questioned regarding the hearing held Thursday because Nurmi wasn't asked for his autograph....Sorry I meant that Juan signing a cane could have influenced a juror had he/she been watching.

Jurors are told they can't discuss the case prior to deliberation. Probably someone did and when the other jurors were questioned, admitted they had heard something from that juror. She or he may be removed, but imo a mistrial won't be granted.

Ok seriously what I don't get is...

THIS TRIAL IS 90% OVER at this point!

Really? What more is going to come out that would actually prove Self Defense? I'm sorry but I don't care what "hired shrinks" say at this point the DT has not showed/proved self defense she was fearing for her life period!

So EVEN IF Tri Color said in front of jurors..
"I can't believe this chick she's guilty as sin trying to get that old Doctor to say she's got PTSD haha that's such BS"

I mean really? Isn't that what most of America thinks let alone most likely her fellow jurors??

UGH!! Have I mentioned my hate for JA & DT lately??? Ya know if you did the right thing & didn't lie you wouldn't have these problems!!
Crap. Just saw the Motion for Mistrial. This is so maddening. This is EXACTLY what Jodi and her DT wanted. They were itching to talk to this jury to try and elicit something literally anything that could give them a mistrial. I bet they hoped they could get one relating to the prosecutorial misconduct and hope that Jodi then couldn't be charged again.

If the Judge grants this motion then this is 3 months and over a million dollars (of the state paying for Jodi's defense only! Not to mention the costs of the state prosecuting) down the drain.

Don't you think they will just dismiss the juror?
I did say it was a dumb question, but......... I don't care how tired he was, I would have thought the sex conversation would have made him more alert. It's not like he got tried and the conversation took a turn. It sounds the same from beginning to end. According to what I've read, the family wasn't close with Travis during the last few years. I can honestly say that I don't know how my brothers would sound on a sex tape. I've always wondered if Jodi didn't send texts, emails, chats, etc from his accounts. This phone conversation is just another thing I find hard to swallow. Like I said, I'm sure it's him or Juan would be all over it.....it just doesn't sound like him....to me!

Okay, but I believe that the reason that he sounded like that was because he was tired. As evident by the fact he fell asleep... maybe Jodi kinda bored him and he was over it... just needed a quick thing.
There are times I felt like this judge did not intervene when she should have. Reason? She did not want an apoeal under her watch. I hope I an wrong.
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