Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #9

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China finds no terror links to nationals on plane

Background checks on Chinese nationals on missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 reveal no evidence of possible terror links, says country's ambassador to Malaysia


U.S. and European security sources said efforts by various governments to investigate the backgrounds of everyone on the flight had not, as of Monday, turned up links to militant groups or anything else that could explain the jet's disappearance.
I am not satisfied with those answers.
Number one, if they often "short out", fix that problem!
Number two, if it is sending incorrect info, tell the controllers that the info is incorrect!
I say, no more off switch.

Im with you on this. They can put a fuse in the darn thing that will blow if it shorts out and have that part of the thing under lock and key that is only fixable at maintenance faciliites. Or create a device that can never start a fire. There has to be a way and I am positive there is.

Every excuse I have heard so far seems fixable to always have GPS location sent to airports all the time. Simple GSP coordinates will do for me.

Well, and maybe height and speed would be nice too. :floorlaugh:

If my simple hand-held GPS device that i got for 200 dollars on ebay can do it, then so can they. LOL
Throwing this far fetched idea out.......really far fetched idea.

IF if could piggy back under another it possible it could piggy back on top of another plane (space shuttle type) of some planned rendezvous with another plane?

I mean who knows....this has got to be the strangest thing to happen in the 21st century. This is mind-blowing event !!

Just made me think of something.

Is there anyway someone could exit the plane with a parachute while plane s flying? Or would they have to somehow fly at low altitude to release all cabin pressure before opening the door?

Is it even feasable?

Planes are not equipped with such since most accidents occur during take off and landing. If an inflight accident occurs your pretty much toast anyhoo. A parachute would be of no value at that altitude. Now if the numbers are correct when that plane was at it lowest altitude it was lower than the 15,000 ft. I have skydived from.
Sigh. Nothing makes sense. I was just thinking, what if it landed somewhere in Thailand or even in Malaysia, but then what would be the point of that?

<snipped for space>

Was there a high-value passenger on that plane that they wanted for some reason or another? (I have theorized maybe a scientist or something?) I guess we will wait and see on that, what Malaysia says they've found re: passengers.

All people are valuable in the human sense, but there were also about two dozen that were also extremely valuable in the human RESOURCES sense. Twenty of these were people who were smart enough in the tech/defense industry (Freescale) to have made significant contributions in the microchip industry, to have applied for patents for their research, etc. I think the fact that they were on board can be no coincidence.
What if the original plan was to go after Diego Garcia somehow? And for whatever reason, that plan got aborted?

Eh, but they obviously had some plan to land it, etc..

I agree. I think maybe when they purposely went up to 40000 feet to maybe try to knock out all the passengers then something went wrong and maybe the hijackers themselves passed out. LOL

That one story about the other plane that communicated with this plane on emergency frequency like UHF or VHF waves or something like that seemed like maybe he heard "mumbling" or something like that.

That could have been the hijackers that were disabled themselves from going way too high and not having enough oxygen themselves. Maybe their plan backfired on them.

The plane could have been set on autopilot and it just flew till it ran out of fuel and crashed.
And the last "ping" was from SATCOM log, not ACARS.
Foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei did not say directly yesterday whether China would share its radar data, saying only that Beijing was willing to "proactively co-operate with Kuala Lumpur if it was beneficial to the search".

Chinese radar experts were divided over whether the plane could have flown undetected into Chinese airspace, but all agreed the radar data was so sensitive that a decision to share it could only be made "at the highest level".

Beijing-based military expert Li Jie said China had started a search of its territory because it did not want to miss any opportunity to locate the lost flight.

"There is still a slim chance that such a big plane could evade radar detection, so China should spare no effort to find it," he said.
Im with you on this. They can put a fuse in the darn thing that will blow if it shorts out and have that part of the thing under lock and key that is only fixable at maintenance faciliites. Or create a device that can never start a fire. There has to be a way and I am positive there is.

Every excuse I have heard so far seems fixable to always have GPS location sent to airports all the time. Simple GSP coordinates will do for me.

Well, and maybe height and speed would be nice too. :floorlaugh:

If my simple hand-held GPS device that i got for 200 dollars on ebay can do it, then so can they. LOL

I say, no more off switch.

I think airports are already overloaded! IF they did that what a mess! Ground control that has every plane on the ground on their radar all the time I think it would turn into bumper cars!

And I think (pretend like it is your microwave) and it shorts and starts a fire one would want ways to try at least and intervene I think....
Throwing this far fetched idea out.......really far fetched idea.

IF if could piggy back under another it possible it could piggy back on top of another plane (space shuttle type) of some planned rendezvous with another plane?

I mean who knows....this has got to be the strangest thing to happen in the 21st century. This is mind-blowing event !!

So you indicate there are two planes "involved", one used as camouflage so MH370 can fly to whatever destination without attracting attention?

Why not? Even aviation expert are discordant when it comes to possible scenarios .....
I have been trying to read here as much as possible but have missed some. Please excuse if this has been discussed. Have they checked out all the maintinence workers? the men who check out the plane before it leaves? This is too baffling! I try to figure it but cant get past the people on the plane.

Helicopter has crashed in Seattle.
The first report is misleading. BBM:

Thailand&#8217;s failure to quickly share possible information regarding the fate of the plane, and the 239 people aboard it, may not substantially change what Malaysian officials know, but it raises questions about the degree to which some countries are sharing their defence information, even in the name of an urgent and mind-bending aviation mystery.

The report admits that Thai radar data adds NOTHING to what is already known of the plane's flight path! It's not news that every country in the world is hesitant to reveal military radar data. I'd argue the exact opposite of the article, that it's very heartening that, eventually, both Malaysia and Thailand revealed radar data of the flight. Their disclosure may encourage other countries to research their March 8 radar records and reveal any useful intel they may show.

The second report is simply outright FALSE:

Satellite data suggests that the last "ping" was recieved from the flight somwhere close to the Maldives and the US naval base on Diego Garcia.

The last satellite ACARS ping shows the position of the plane to be NOWHERE REMOTELY NEAR either the Maldives or Diego Garcia. It is physically impossible for the plane to have been in either place at 8:11 am on March 8. It is physically impossible for the plane to have landed or crashed in either location on March 8.
Throwing this far fetched idea out.......really far fetched idea.

IF if could piggy back under another it possible it could piggy back on top of another plane (space shuttle type) of some planned rendezvous with another plane?

I mean who knows....this has got to be the strangest thing to happen in the 21st century. This is mind-blowing event !!


I was amazed at pictures of the space shuttle being flown on top of a 747. But I think the hook up to make it stay on another plane would mean it would have to be secured very good while only on the ground.

I doubt they could do it midflight without previous attachments before they took off.

But I do like some of the other theories about flying next to another plane to avoid being spotted on radar. Another plane would not be able to stop this plane from doing that. The hijackers would have had to know the other planes flight path. Maybe that data is available to all pilots.
Was either pilot ever in the military? Were either one trained in hand to hand combat, like Krav Maga ?

The two pilots clearly weren't working together,.. One would need to overpower the other.

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Was either pilot ever in the military? Were either one trained in hand to hand combat, like Krav Maga ?

The two pilots clearly weren't working together,.. One would need to overpower the other.

Not sure that's so clear. Another option is that the 2 pilots were both coerced by a third party on the plane who got access to the cockpit; someone who also had aviation knowledge (even military aviation). That hasn't been ruled out just b/c investigators have not yet found any previous terrorist connection with any of the passengers. (They haven't found it with the pilots, either, yet they're still considering them.)

Don't forget the "credible" informant witness in a trial a couple weeks ago who testified that he delivered a shoe bomb to 5 Malaysians who wanted to use it to 'blow open a cockpit door.'
I was amazed at pictures of the space shuttle being flown on top of a 747. But I think the hook up to make it stay on another plane would mean it would have to be secured very good while only on the ground.

I doubt they could do it midflight without previous attachments before they took off.

But I do like some of the other theories about flying next to another plane to avoid being spotted on radar. Another plane would not be able to stop this plane from doing that. The hijackers would have had to know the other planes flight path. Maybe that data is available to all pilots.

Thanks.....was just throwing it who know what happened in this mystery....

Interesting read here....

I say, no more off switch.

I think airports are already overloaded! IF they did that what a mess! Ground control that has every plane on the ground on their radar all the time I think it would turn into bumper cars!

And I think (pretend like it is your microwave) and it shorts and starts a fire one would want ways to try at least and intervene I think....

Like I had mentioned, I think they can make a device that can literally never start a fire to allow it to be on all the time or at least on after takeoff.

I had a recall on a Truck and it was due to fire hazard. They created a simple bypass to a fuse that will blow if anything shorts out to prevent the fire hazard and now they claim it is fire proof.

There has to be a way with fuses to prevent devices from ever catching fires.
Its JMO that I dont believe they cant make the thing fire proof. Sure, it would have to be redesigned and coould be costly.

And then have the whole device in an inaccessable part of the plane where nobody can get to it except when plane is on ground.
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