Mark Hawkins *Updated*

He's the military guy from California who's wife had an affair with Lee, got pregnant, and had an abortion that Lee ranted about. There was speculation CA was going to flee to California to be with him after Caylee died, but she didn't.

And now I'm even more confused at Baez's reaction in court. Why was he so mad about Mark H if Mark H got nothing in the wiretap? I thought for sure Mark H got something because Baez brought him up. From this report, though, it's the exact opposite! Then again, Baez does make mountains out of molehills...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, well that is interesting. Was it Lee's baby?
I know that nothing should be shocking to me when it comes to ICA, but she sent MH a email on myspace (when she shouldn't of even had internet access) on 9/18 (guessing at exact date) and the only thing she said was hi hon, I miss you... We are gonna get these bastards (Leonard Padilla)...
WTF? Shows that she wasn't focusing on finding Caylee even then... she was more worried about these "bad people" out to get her.
Yeah, but we all what a liar Casey is too. I was hoping for juicy stuff Casey said on tape, LOL. I guess I hoped for too much.

If that was true, it is pretty big. It could also be Casey throwing her brother under the bus early on too. I don't trust anything Casey says.

Nothing can be trusted that comes out of her mouth, except that it is more than likely a LIE.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, well that is interesting. Was it Lee's baby?

Yes, it was, which is why he ranted about it. There was also speculation that Mark H was Caylee's dad, but Mark H says he and Casey were never intimate.
Yeah, but we all what a liar Casey is too. I was hoping for juicy stuff Casey said on tape, LOL. I guess I hoped for too much.

If that was true, it is pretty big. It could also be Casey throwing her brother under the bus early on too. I don't trust anything Casey says.

But it could be the Blanchard Park Story, that she told Lee when she got out? NO?
I know that nothing should be shocking to me when it comes to ICA, but she sent MH a email on myspace (when she shouldn't of even had internet access) on 9/18 (guessing at exact date) and the only thing she said was hi hon, I miss you... We are gonna get these bastards (Leonard Padilla)...
WTF? Shows that she wasn't focusing on finding Caylee even then... she was more worried about these "bad people" out to get her.

That is what stuck out to me too! This girl is just too much!! :banghead: She couldn't even act concerned about Caylee. :banghead:
KC told Mark Hawkins that 'the worst part is that since Caylee's been missing for 31 days and because I didn't tell anybody, I'm being looked at.'

For. The. Love. OF GOD.

KC's baby was (allegedly) kidnapped, but the worst part is what's happening to KC?
1) MH was picked up by CA at a mall (when ICa was out on bond and could only be at home or her attorney's office) when CA was on her way to pick up ICa at JB's office. MH ducked down in the car at the residence at Hopespring so he would not be seen by the media. He had met with the FBI earlier in the day and was wired. Prior to ICA being arrested she had told MH over the phone that she had something to tell him that her mother and Lee knew about and were upset with her about. She never discussed what this was in person nor over the phone. Said she would talk about it some day.

2) MH says that there was never a sexual relationship between him and ICa. Guess this rules out he is Caylee's father. That they were always great friends but because he was in the military and transient and ICa was established in Orlando there wasn't a need for a relationship to get serious. He spoke with ICA all summer of 2008 before Caylee went missing, after (ICa never told him about this until everyone got the forwarded text that Caykee had been missing for 31 days on the day ICA was initially arrested by LE) Caylee was reported missing, during LE's investigation of ICa and after ICA was bonded out by Padilla. ICA sent him a myspaceor something saying that "they were going to get all of those bast*rds including Padilla."
MH spoke to her on the phone on the day ICA was initially arrested and the day that the mass text that Caylee was missing was sent to everyone on her phone list. she mentioned that she blamed herself, the nanny took her and ICA had been conducting her own investigation and that ICA was being investigated.
MH's mom saw ICA at the Target (when Caylee was missing but not reported missing yet) and said to her son that ICA was by herself at Target and buying beer and that she had thought to ask ICA where Caylee was but did not. MH's mother reminds MH of this after MH got the mass text saying Caylee was missing from ICA's phone and after he had called ICA's home and spoken to ICA.
Yes, it was, which is why he ranted about it. There was also speculation that Mark H was Caylee's dad, but Mark H says he and Casey were never intimate.

He said they were never intimate since he enlisted. He didn't say anything about previously..neither confirmed nor denied. Perhaps they told him to not say anything about that. Still not convinced. :twocents:
KC told Mark Hawkins that 'the worst part is that since Caylee's been missing for 31 days and because I didn't tell anybody, I'm being looked at.'

For. The. Love. OF GOD.

KC's baby was (allegedly) kidnapped, but the worst part is what's happening to KC?

Yep. I believe that part of her story. Soooo typical. :rolleyes:
Time to take a break from business "spring cleaning"

LOL I hit the link and got distracted by WESH's sidebar:


Nope, KC and her Bella Vita tattoo are NOT included in the "celebrity" tattoo feature. :floorlaugh:

Thank you for the doc link, LLL. Onward.....! :)
ICA told MH that she and Caylee would both stay at TonE's apt. in late June, early July.
Yep - just another lie, but one that shows she actually told some one that Caylee was with her during that time, when she was already dead. I looks more like covering up than just saying she was with a babysitter.


Yeah, but we all what a liar Casey is too. I was hoping for juicy stuff Casey said on tape, LOL. I guess I hoped for too much.

If that was true, it is pretty big. It could also be Casey throwing her brother under the bus early on too. I don't trust anything Casey says.

BBM, Oh geeze Aedrys. I didn't even think along those lines. And I wouldn't care to bet the last dime in my pocket that you are spot on!! :banghead:
I first met Casey when I was transferred into Colonial High School in Orlando Florida in January 2001. We had mutual friends and became friends ourselves. We have maintained in close contact through all four years of high school and since graduation. We got closer when I was deployed to Iraq and kept in contact via email. Following my deployment, I was on leave in Orlando and spent a great deal of time with Casey and Caylee. We went on a few dates during this time, but there was never any sexual nature to our relationship. Casey and I never dated seriously and we both agreed that we should remain strictly friends, as I am in the military and constantly being sent to different locations. Casey didn't want a transient life for herself or Caylee and felt she was established in the Orlando area.

Since the fall of '07 Casey and I have remained good friends and have kept in regular contact through email, myspace, and telephone. Sometimes during our phone conversations Casey would put Caylee on the phone so I could say, "hi" to her. Casey and I would keep up on each others lives and what we were each doing. Casey would sometimes keep me updated on Caylee and how she was doing i.e.; when she started talking, walking, etc.

In late June/early July 2008 Casey and I were talking regularly, as I was keeping her updated on medical issues of mine. She was worried about me and stated she wanted to come out to Cali to see me, although there were never any solid plans made. A week or so later Casey called me and was noticeably upset and frustrated. She said she had something to tell me and couldn't say it over the phone. She said, "something happened" a long time ago but wouldn't say what it was. Casey said she told her mother and brother whatever it was and they became angry and frustrated about it. I asked Casey what happened and tried to get her to tell me but she started to get upset with me, so I dropped it. When I kept asking her about whatever it was she wanted to tell me she just said, "Hey Mark its just something I want to tell you in person." I thought maybe there were some issues between her and her father or thought she was possibly upset about something else and she was just sort of dancing around it.

During this conversation, Casey said she had plans to go to Puerto Rico with some friends in August, but was thinking about canceling that trip and coming out to Cali. As I stated Casey and I were good friends and hadn't seen each other in a year, so she said she wanted to come out to Cali and see me. Casey never brought up again whatever it was that she was upset about. She said she had a couple of other friends in Cali and could also see them while she was out here. Casey did not specify who these friends were and did not mention any names.

I asked Casey if she was going to bring Caylee out to Cali with her. At this time, Casey was telling me her parents were going through a separation and were planning on getting divorced. Then, she also said they were getting back together again. Looking back now, I don't know if what she was telling me was truth. I know Casey would get into arguments with one or both of her parents and would alienate herself and Caylee by purposely not going to see them or bring Caylee to see them. During these times, Casey told me she would go and stay with her then boyfriend, Tony and she would bring Caylee with her. According to Casey they would stay anywhere from a day or two to a week at a time at Tony's house.

I would usually call Casey during my lunch break or after training was done for the day. Casey would tell me stories about going out and partying with her friends and about what was going on at club Fusian. She told me she "helped out" there because her boyfriend, Tony worked there. During these conversations I would ask about Caylee and how she was doing. Sometimes she would say Caylee was at her mom's house or they were at Tony's and she was going to drop Caylee off with her mom, because she(Casey's mom)hadn't seen her in "a while." Casey never once mentioned any babysitters by name.
(end Pt. I)

I suppose most of the NCIS statement goes to KC's demeanor. Even when out on bail in September 08 and with access to the internet, KC tells MH all about herself and nothing about her concerns or worries about Caylee. In this case, "MySpace" seems so very apt. :wink:

MH also mentioned that when he called his mother in July 08 to find out more information about the situation, she said she'd seen KC buying beer at Target. lol

jmo, State has more than enough evidence about KC's demeanor and her main area of concern for the 31 day period and afterward, but it's always nice to see corroborating testimony.

While out on Bond Casey sends MH a message on his Myspace

"Hey Hon, I miss you. How are you doing? We're gonna get these B@#$%%%$, including PADILLA. ..I miss my Charlie Brown.Let me know the next time you're in town, I miss you and want to see you..."

I'm guessing MarkH is no longer Casey's Charlie Brown..and has now crossed over to the other side...where the Forces are out to get her..

During these conversations I would ask about Caylee and how she was doing. Sometmies she would say Caylee was at her mom's house or they were at Tony's and she was going to drop Caylee off with her mom, because she(Casey's mom)hadn't seen her in "a while." Casey never once mentioned any babysitters by name.
(end Pt. I)

Still, after all this time and all my cynicism, I am astounded.

I can't imagine what the jury will think. We're all pretty up to date and "buffered" from sudden shock after following this case for so long. But I'm trying to put myself in the place of the 12 who will be hearing these details fresh.

OMG. It took me months to absorb just the hideousness of "Gimme Tony's number!" -- hearing everything in one concentrated time period is going to flip the jury out.

I predict a guilty verdict in one hour tops.

(and I was going to take back my MH bio-dad theory but now I'm thinking... not so fast....)

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