Mark O'Mara's/Defense's Media And Social Network Presence

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It's worded in a weird manner which suggests a desire to sleuth the posters (what do they write elsewhere and are their off-site opinions worthy of a ban). Just asking people to share other sites with interesting discussion of the case without including the where-else-do-you-write part would have sounded more normal.
A lawyer who pays no attention to television, radio and, yes, even internet coverage of his client's case is guilty of serious malpractice, imo.

ITA! IMO, we all have to face the fact that we live in an entirely different world than we did just ten years ago. Technology has become almost Jetsonian and we have only begun to see the changes it is going to have on our legal system.
It's worded in a weird manner which suggests a desire to sleuth the posters (what do they write elsewhere and are their off-site opinions worthy of a ban). Just asking people to share other sites with interesting discussion of the case without including the where-else-do-you-write part would have sounded more normal.

It is an emotionally cold question. Is it a computer program?
George Zimmerman's new defense fund up and running

By Jeff Weiner, Orlando Sentinel
10:08 a.m. EST, May 4, 2012

"George Zimmerman's new defense fund is up and running, collecting donations online through the blog-style website set up recently by his attorney, Mark O'Mara.

According to the latest post on the site, GZLegalCase dot com, Zimmerman's defense team received registration certification from the Florida Division of Consumer Services on Thursday."
What an unsettling question the page asks.
Not only is the question unsettling, but one absolutely has to be a registered Facebook user to even see the 'site' which means further tracking of 'who you are'. I am not a registered Facebook user, so my only knowledge of it is from what I am reading on this thread. All the more reason not to register, imo.
A lawyer who pays no attention to television, radio and, yes, even internet coverage of his client's case is guilty of serious malpractice, imo.

Oh, please. As if there's no middle ground. And that's got nothing to do with ethics. That's sheer incompetence.

I think we're looking at 2 very different Facebook pages. The page is heavily moderated and anything rude or off topic is almost immediately removed.

Wowza! Thanks, lauriej for all the info you bring to us. There are those of us, like myself, who do not do FB or Twitter, so this is so important for us to see.

Wowza! Data mining. Just as I predicted. I guess it's okay if people don't mind their info being used, and they don't mind being used. Imagine if someone posts something on the FB page that gets back to an employer or prospective employer or a boss or someone else that has power over you.

RE the bolded: Yep, what has that to do with the case discussion/information? Pretty shady, IMO. Why? Because they dissembled about the purpose of the site. And now we get to do the job for their social engineers as well. When did justice become all about marketing, anyway?

Yep, just as we suspect is the reason for leaving the MS open (PUBLIC.)
They are probably trying to gauge the public perception of GZ so that they can attempt to tweak his image and his story/excuses. I figured they'd be less obvious since they could probably use a trackback at least on the legal defense fund page. Facebook does their own tracking but they don't let the users do it. Which is probably why they are asking. I think, if I went there which I won't, I would just say, "Maybe you and your client might want to revisit the constitution...individual rights to privacy...and then consider that each individual's possesses the right to his or her own beliefs and opinions."

They've read what the arguments against their client and they probably don't delete the opposition probably until they get the info they are looking they know what they need to put in the spin cycle and where to best promote their "story." The perspective that they will try their best to shove down the collective throats of the public

I hope they know that just because something is repeated over & over that it does not make it fact or true. In this case the public, outside of Florida, generally isn't buying it.
Who wants to guess at who "hacked" GZ's abandoned MS page and what their definition of "hacked" really is. My guess, on advice of legal counsel, GZ allowed a third party to go to his old page and open a few pages...BUT, that does not explain why anyone might have deleted or changed his photo and music files (as late as December 2010) long before GZ killed Trayvon.

IMO, they wanted the MS page to come to the surface so that they could have a good excuse to use TM's online history to smear his reputation. But, the OL activity of a 16 and 17 year old is mostly kids quoting or emulating their favorite musicians, poets, writers, and actors...quoting their favorites or doing it because they and their friends all have an inside joke about something. Anything posted could simply be a joke.

Now, about those gold teeth, the grille, for all we know Trayvon fashioned one out of little gold star stickers and did it as yet another parody.
Yep, just as we suspect is the reason for leaving the MS open (PUBLIC.)
They are probably trying to gauge the public perception of GZ so that they can attempt to tweak his image and his story/excuses. I figured they'd be less obvious since they could probably use a trackback at least on the legal defense fund page. Facebook does their own tracking but they don't let the users do it. Which is probably why they are asking. I think, if I went there which I won't, I would just say, "Maybe you and your client might want to revisit the constitution...individual rights to privacy...and then consider that each individual's possesses the right to his or her own beliefs and opinions."

They've read what the arguments against their client and they probably don't delete the opposition probably until they get the info they are looking they know what they need to put in the spin cycle and where to best promote their "story." The perspective that they will try their best to shove down the collective throats of the public

I hope they know that just because something is repeated over & over that it does not make it fact or true. In this case the public, outside of Florida, generally isn't buying it.

JMO, but judging from the marketing and media blitz by BC and AC, the public absolutely buys a story that is repeated over and over. From the 14 yr. old and the monster, the hoodie, the honor roll student, the vigilante racist, the skittles, etc., etc., they've proved repetition makes it true - heck, they even swayed members of Congress, some movie stars, and the President of the United States.

Who wants to guess at who "hacked" GZ's abandoned MS page and what their definition of "hacked" really is. My guess, on advice of legal counsel, GZ allowed a third party to go to his old page and open a few pages...BUT, that does not explain why anyone might have deleted or changed his photo and music files (as late as December 2010) long before GZ killed Trayvon.

IMO, they wanted the MS page to come to the surface so that they could have a good excuse to use TM's online history to smear his reputation. But, the OL activity of a 16 and 17 year old is mostly kids quoting or emulating their favorite musicians, poets, writers, and actors...quoting their favorites or doing it because they and their friends all have an inside joke about something. Anything posted could simply be a joke.

Now, about those gold teeth, the grille, for all we know Trayvon fashioned one out of little gold star stickers and did it as yet another parody.

I think MO'M just wanted to make social media fair game, period. TM was a full 17 years old - that's how many years he'd lived, not 16 years and five or six days, so he was on his way to being 18. When GZ created that page he was 21.

As or the music files, I changed mine on the actual program I used for a few years after abandoning my commercial myspace page, it automatically changes the music on the page.

I'm sorry, but I think it's funny to imagine a 17 year old using gold stars to fashion a grill - a kid in 1st grade maybe, but not in high school, his friends would never let him live it down. I don't see anything wrong with him having a grill.

Well, in my case I decided not to read a single thing on this case because I had a good feeling that it would cause me many sleepless nights and great sadness. But then, I came to the Trayvon Forum to get the we know them. But, all I had to hear were the Zimmerman call to LE and the seven 911 calls to know that GZ's story just didn't add up. I might add that today was the first time that I have watched a video with Crump, AL Sharpton, or TM's parents. I really tried not to pay close attention to any commentary on this case. But alas I came here with a wide open mind and now all of that has changed. So even for me, neither the defense nor TM's family Attorney has influenced my opinions.

I must say, if anyone influenced me it was GZ and his legal, employment, education, familial, & social history. But, I will say, most people probably watched the interviews on cable. I didn't because I don't have cable and to date have only seen that Geraldo video that was posted today.
I think this addresses third parties associated with the case. JMO

Would that be someone that O'Mara and his legal team discusses the case with like a media consultant or would that be witnesses? Who are the third parties that this rule of law applies to?
JMO, but judging from the marketing and media blitz by BC and AC, the public absolutely buys a story that is repeated over and over. From the 14 yr. old and the monster, the hoodie, the honor roll student, the vigilante racist, the skittles, etc., etc., they've proved repetition makes it true - heck, they even swayed members of Congress, some movie stars, and the President of the United States.


It isn't repetition that makes anything true. It is what it is. The Zimmerman story is not credible, it has never been credible. There are two minutes missing from the front of Zimmerman call. There are too many different stories. The Zimmerman marketing and media blitz failed because there was nothing solid behind it. Zimmerman stalked a kid and killed him. It doesn't matter whether young Martin was a C student or an over achiever, it doesn't matter if he wore a hoodie or ate candy, it matters what Zimmerman did. Period.
V, that's my point, maybe Trayvon was doing it for a laugh...just to be silly....what would be sillier than fashioning a 24k gold grille out of little kid stickers? Heck, even at my ancient age I still do stuff like that to get a rise out of my friends and family :)

ETA: Parody videos like "Short Bus Shorty" are all the rage with young people and even TI mentions these type of videos in his song, "No Matter What."
-- 'case discussion'----Question to their followers today:
The official page on Facebook for information about the George Zimmerman Legal Case, administered by the Mark O'Mara Law Group.

George Zimmerman Legal Case
about an hour ago.

"We would like to know what other forums regarding this case you are contributing to. Please provide links."

--how does that fall under the category of case discussion/case information?

I think they want to know where their readers are coming from?

ETA: Actually, I don't see this question at all.
It isn't repetition that makes anything true. It is what it is. The Zimmerman story is not credible, it has never been credible. There are two minutes missing from the front of Zimmerman call. There are too many different stories. The Zimmerman marketing and media blitz failed because there was nothing solid behind it. Zimmerman stalked a kid and killed him. It doesn't matter whether young Martin was a C student or an over achiever, it doesn't matter if he wore a hoodie or ate candy, it matters what Zimmerman did. Period.

BEM: I don't understand. From the front of the call?
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