Poland Mateusz Kawecki, 30 went missing in on the way to the hospital to meet his wife in labor, found 5 months later in family barn March 2018


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May 8, 2021
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On March 28th 2018, a man named Mateusz Kawecki received a call that his long distance fiancé was in labor. At the time he was working in Hanover, Germany and his wife was in labor in Lipia Góra, Poland. Mateusz set out driving his 1998 BMW 525 at around 11:30 pm from Hanover to Lipia Góra, on March 28, 2018, a journey of 402 miles (647 km ). He was due to arrive at around 8-9 am the following morning, March 29. However, Mateusz never made it.

His father said he had called him around 10:30 AM on March 29th and Mateusz told him that he was stuck in heavy traffic in Szczecin, Poland which would put him about 133 miles (214 km) from his destination. He had also sent a text to his fiancé around this time to tell her he would arrive in about two hours.

By the time Mateusz hadn’t arrived by that evening on the 29th, his mother attempted to report her son missing but police wouldn’t take the report at that time and advised the family to give him a longer time to turn up. By early April, his family had successfully reported him missing in both Germany and Poland. The German police refused to investigate as they believed the Polish authorities were on the case. The family then asked the Polish police to locate Mateusz's cellphone, which was apparently on for a couple of days after his disappearance, but the police were unable to do so as Mateusz was using a German sim card. German police, can't locate his phone either, as Mateusz disappeared in Poland. The Polish police later claimed that Matuesz's phone never connected to a Polish network and it is unclear where Mateusz received the call from his father. The investigators claimed that Mateusz never crossed the border as CCTV monitoring at the border crossing indicated he had not entered Poland. Frustrated with the efforts of the police investigation, Mateusz's family begin their own search for clues on the disappearance and check the entire route, going into side streets, checking with gas station staff, asking for video surveillance, and posting posters with his image. The family appeared on TV in Poland and Germany several times and complained that the police were not doing enough and not taking the matter seriously.

Five months later on September 12, 2018, a neighbor comes to Mateusz's mother’s house in Hutków, Poland to ask about their barn, as a terrible smell had been emanating from it since July and they thought it was probably a dead animal.The neighbor asked her if he could check the barn thoroughly. Half of the barn was walled off, creating a room and there was an attic/mezzanine level on top of that room. The neighbor climbed up and saw a pile of clothes. Upon closer inspection he was shocked to see that it was actually human remains consisting of a severed head and a torso. The corpse was too decomposed to be visually identified. Further examination of the area showed there were also two rope nooses hanging from the roof and a backpack on the floor which was later established to belong to Mateusz. Some of Mateusz's teeth were knocked out and stuck to his clothes with what seemed to be blood and there were bloody patches on his clothes. Inside his backpack, there was a Polish water bottle with cigarette butts inside and an orange juice box. Mateusz's family claimed that he never drank orange juice. A cellphone in the backpack showed that there was one call to his uncle on March 30, 2018, but it only lasted for less than a second and never got through.

DNA analysis was conducted on the remains and it was confirmed that the they were indeed Mateusz's. His personal belongings were analyzed and no other DNA had been found on the items. The Police and Public Prosecutor maintain that the death was a suicide and refuse to investigate further, despite appeals and effort by the family. They believed that Mateusz had planned his death beforehand and said there was no evidence of foul play. Unfortunately, the exact pieces of evidence, which led prosecutors to this conclusion weren't released to the public. Four days after the body was found, Mateusz's family found his shoe in the barn with his detached foot still inside it which showed the family that the police hadn’t even bothered to search the barn properly. Prosecutors were able to gather a lot of evidence, including DNA, expert reports, and analysis of Mateusz's phone. German police also obtained security camera footage and conducted a search of Mateusz's apartment in Hanover. All of the evidence was then analyzed by experts in Warsaw. Based on all of the evidence, prosecutors were able to establish that Mateusz had lied to his family on the day of his disappearance. He was not in Szczecin when he'd called his family and also wasn't driving at the time, he was still in Germany according to receipts found with his belongings. He actually took a train to the German border town of Frankfurt an der Oder and then most likely walked over a bridge to the Polish town of Slubice, almost 24 hours after telling his family he was already in Poland. He checked into a hotel in Slubice with another unknown person. Mateusz took a train to Warsaw the next day and then a bus to Zamość, which was the largest town close to his home village of Hutków which was around 13miles away. He arrived in Zamość at around midnight, but it's still unknown when or how he then got to Hutków, where his family lived.

Mateusz wasn't supposed to be headed for his family's house in the Southeast of Poland, instead, he was intending to go to his fiancee's place in the Northwest - a 395 mile journey (635 km) trip between the two. Mateusz's car has also never turned up despite a large search, neither in Poland nor in Germany. They were not were able to find the car or evidence of it being transferred to a new owner or de-registered. The keys to the BMW were also not located, despite his wallet being found in the backpack in the barn. The attic in the barn was visible from the ground and the family said that they used the barn throughout the summer of 2018, so it seemed very unlikely they wouldn't notice a hanging body, never mind the smell of the rotting corpse. Mateusz's cousin Edyta Dąbska said, “It is very strange because we have been to this barn many times during this time, the door was wide open and nobody noticed anything. The prosecutor claims that he was hanging there, but we do not think so, because we simply did not see him there.”

His very strange case remains unsolved in the eyes of his family and many in the public with speculation on what really happened to Mateusz continuing to this day.



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Seems like there's some critical information missing. Was his living situation in Germany investigated, like, at all? When I read the title I thought "check the paternity of that baby" but after reading the article my mind goes more to perhaps he was living a double life and the German half of it, the more fun half, was over with the birth of his baby in Poland

It's a little weird that the teeth were knocked out of the skull but maybe his teeth were loose or I could also imagine a poorly tied noose knocking teeth out. Too long a drop can decapitate a person right then and there, it's happened in the past during executions.
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Seems like there's some critical information missing. Was his living situation in Poland investigated, like, at all? When I read the title I thought "check the paternity of that baby" but after reading the article my mind goes more to perhaps he was living a double life and the Poland half of it, the more fun half, was over with the birth of his baby in Germany.

It's a little weird that the teeth were knocked out of the skull but maybe his teeth were loose or I could also imagine a poorly tied noose knocking teeth out. Too long a drop can decapitate a person right then and there, it's happened in the past during executions.
He was working construction job in Hanover Germany at the time and his baby was being born in Poland which was the home country of he and the baby’s mother. I have seen public speculation surrounding the baby’s paternity and I wondered that myself. Maybe the teeth begin to fall out as well due to gravity im really not sure but the fact that his car wasn’t found ever too is really odd.
The title shouldn't include mention of decapitation, cause there is nothing to back it up. It appears that his body ended up disconnected from the body as it always does, as decomposition goes on and body is still hanged by the neck.
If decapitation indeed happened, then body would lie flat somewhere in that barn and would be easy to missed. If it didn't... in heat, it'd be still matter of days, maybe 2 weeks (if it was cold) at best for his body to still hang there.

I'd say that's wrong assumption with the smell. It very much depends on air circulation in the barn and the exact location - could be that family was occasionally entering the barn, but from where they were coming in, there was not much of any concerning smells, cause with body being on second-floor level, and possibly surrounded by gaps in the walls (so air flow) all smell could end up being carried in different direction (not towards the gates to the barn or their house) but at the road, neighbouring properties and so on.

Very poor police work, with the very basics. Very sad.
Here is the location Hanover Germany where he started and the location where his body ended up in Hutkow Poland

As a reference this map shows the route he told his family he intended to take from Hanover to Lipia Gora to get to the birth of his child
The title shouldn't include mention of decapitation, cause there is nothing to back it up. It appears that his body ended up disconnected from the body as it always does, as decomposition goes on and body is still hanged by the neck.
If decapitation indeed happened, then body would lie flat somewhere in that barn and would be easy to missed. If it didn't... in heat, it'd be still matter of days, maybe 2 weeks (if it was cold) at best for his body to still hang there.

I'd say that's wrong assumption with the smell. It very much depends on air circulation in the barn and the exact location - could be that family was occasionally entering the barn, but from where they were coming in, there was not much of any concerning smells, cause with body being on second-floor level, and possibly surrounded by gaps in the walls (so air flow) all smell could end up being carried in different direction (not towards the gates to the barn or their house) but at the road, neighbouring properties and so on.

Very poor police work, with the very basics. Very sad.
Yes I just used the language referenced in articles and by the family it says “decapitated body” it could have also disarticulated but without being sure of the manner of death definitively it’s hard to know which IMO
He was working construction job in Hanover Germany at the time and his baby was being born in Poland which was the home country of he and the baby’s mother. I have seen public speculation surrounding the baby’s paternity and I wondered that myself. Maybe the teeth begin to fall out as well due to gravity im really not sure but the fact that his car wasn’t found ever too is really odd.
No matter what's happening, people always ready to go with witing their extended, twisted romance ideas about the people involved. It's usually inaccurate.

Teeth don't fall out cause of gravity, they're rooted in bones, in skull.
But what about his dental records? Dental care history? Advanced paradontosis could cause that - if his gums were already severely damaged, teeth could fall out while head fell on the ground.

How popular is car stealing in the area? Many people have same car and could be interested in buying parts of such car?
Any mechanical workshop owners or workers in his circle of friends and acquaintances, neighbours? That is quick, easy and commonly used way to make a car "disappear" and turn it untraceable, slowly putting parts of it in different people's car as they request some repairs. Such parts could also be sold online.
Any remoted locations in 10miles distance from the family home where he could try to drive but car would stuck and still not be discovered to this day? Any remoted locations where car could be easily sank into a body of water?
He was working construction job in Hanover Germany at the time and his baby was being born in Poland which was the home country of he and the baby’s mother. I have seen public speculation surrounding the baby’s paternity and I wondered that myself. Maybe the teeth begin to fall out as well due to gravity im really not sure but the fact that his car wasn’t found ever too is really odd.
Oh I guess I had where he was working versus where his family was living reversed, I edited it.

A long drop hanging can inflict pretty significant physical injury. The details in the article seem very sketchy but I agree with the authorities that nothing I'm reading seems to necessitate foul play.

But yeah. Find out who that baby's daddy is for sure and find out exactly what he was doing in Germany.
Yes I just used the language referenced in articles and by the family it says “decapitated body” it could have also disarticulated but without being sure of the manner of death definitively it’s hard to know which IMO
Decapitation means huge pool of blood around the body. And no decapitated body would be "hanging" at any point. It's not hard to tell if decapitation happened or not, that should be pretty obvious to the pathologist.

This very unreliable blog post you linked as the main source of info says "torn off" head, not "decapitatd head".
No matter what's happening, people always ready to go with witing their extended, twisted romance ideas about the people involved. It's usually inaccurate.

Teeth don't fall out cause of gravity, they're rooted in bones, in skull.
But what about his dental records? Dental care history? Advanced paradontosis could cause that - if his gums were already severely damaged, teeth could fall out while head fell on the ground.

How popular is car stealing in the area? Many people have same car and could be interested in buying parts of such car?
Any mechanical workshop owners or workers in his circle of friends and acquaintances, neighbours? That is quick, easy and commonly used way to make a car "disappear" and turn it untraceable, slowly putting parts of it in different people's car as they request some repairs. Such parts could also be sold online.
Any remoted locations in 10miles distance from the family home where he could try to drive but car would stuck and still not be discovered to this day? Any remoted locations where car could be easily sank into a body of water?

I hadn’t speculated on anybody’s involvement yet but if I had my question is who was the unnamed person he was said to have met in a hotel after he was supposed to have been at the hospital? Was it a male or female? Have they come forward with why they’d been at a hotel to police, all things I did wonder.

I’m definitely not an expert on teeth I’m not sure what could have happened there or what his dental health was like in life I haven’t seen referenced in any way. Also, I never lived in that area so I’m not sure about the crime rate or popularity of carjackings. In my opinion, a body of water or as you said a chop shop are high on the list in my opinion as to what happened to his vehicle.
Decapitation means huge pool of blood around the body. And no decapitated body would be "hanging" at any point. It's not hard to tell if decapitation happened or not, that should be pretty obvious to the pathologist.

This very unreliable blog post you linked as the main source of info says "torn off" head, not "decapitatd head".
I think that’s because it’s translated from a polish site and the automated translation is probably not good, feel free to post a better source.
Decapitation means huge pool of blood around the body. And no decapitated body would be "hanging" at any point. It's not hard to tell if decapitation happened or not, that should be pretty obvious to the pathologist.

This very unreliable blog post you linked as the main source of info says "torn off" head, not "decapitatd head".
It’s not my first language so I wanted to see if I was using the right definition, on Wikipedia I found
“The term beheading refers to the act of deliberately decapitating a person, either as a means of murder or as an execution; it may be performed with an axe, sword, knife, machete or by mechanical means such as a guillotine or chainsaw. An executioner who carries out executions by beheading is sometimes called a headsman.[1] Accidental decapitation can be the result of an explosion,[2] a car or industrial accident, improperly administered execution by hanging or other violent injury.

Less commonly, decapitation can also refer to the removal of the head from a body that is already dead. This might be done to take the head as a trophy, for public display, to make the deceased more difficult to identify, for cryonics, or for other, more esoteric reasons”

So the way I meant it was his head was found detached from his body, by what means seems not to be 100% clear

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I hadn’t speculated on anybody’s involvement yet but if I had my question is who was the unnamed person he was said to have met in a hotel after he was supposed to have been at the hospital? Was it a male or female? Have they come forward with why they’d been at a hotel to police, all things I did wonder.

I’m definitely not an expert on teeth I’m not sure what could have happened there or what his dental health was like in life I haven’t seen referenced in any way. Also, I never lived in that area so I’m not sure about the crime rate or popularity of carjackings. In my opinion, a body of water or as you said a chop shop are high on the list in my opinion as to what happened to his vehicle.
I'm no expert on teeth either, but since I know people who suffered from advanced paradontosis I can see that happening. If it's possible for alive person with this condition to take out their tooth, using just fingers and not much strength (and it is), then impact could cause it too.
Apart from that - so with relatively healthy teeth, no way that could happen.
On the photo you provided he seems to be smiling in a way that people without access to proper dental care tend to smile (so that's why my thoughts went this way).
I'm no expert on teeth either, but since I know people who suffered from advanced paradontosis I can see that happening. If it's possible for alive person with this condition to take out their tooth, using just fingers and not much strength (and it is), then impact could cause it too.
Apart from that - so with relatively healthy teeth, no way that could happen.
On the photo you provided he seems to be smiling in a way that people without access to proper dental care tend to smile (so that's why my thoughts went this way).
Dental care in Poland is now common in most areas and they have free dental care as well a private dental options which still aren’t costly like they are in the US
The first thought I had when I read that he lied about where he was, was that he was not exactly looking forward to being a father.

Maybe he met someone new when he was away working ?
Possibly the unknown person who was with him, who for whatever reason did not come forward.

It could be suicide. Maybe his new love left him and hadn't known about his wife. Or maybe some member of the unknown persons family went after him.

Why would someone murder him in his mother's barn. Unless it was disused.
And it is weird that it took so long before his body was discovered, unless no one went in there for months.

And the car missing. so it wasn't a case that he had an accident nearby in a body of water or something like that.

So many possibilities.
The first thought I had when I read that he lied about where he was, was that he was not exactly looking forward to being a father.

Maybe he met someone new when he was away working ?
Possibly the unknown person who was with him, who for whatever reason did not come forward.

It could be suicide. Maybe his new love left him and hadn't known about his wife. Or maybe some member of the unknown persons family went after him.

Why would someone murder him in his mother's barn. Unless it was disused.
And it is weird that it took so long before his body was discovered, unless no one went in there for months.

And the car missing. so it wasn't a case that he had an accident nearby in a body of water or something like that.

So many possibilities.
I wondered about that stuff too, when the family says they did go in the barn and use it but nobody had seen him all that time, maybe it’s possible he was transported there at a later time and things set up to appear to be a suicide I’m not sure but unless the timing is coincidence it does seem to coincide somehow to the imminent birth of his baby.
I wondered about that stuff too, when the family says they did go in the barn and use it but nobody had seen him all that time, maybe it’s possible he was transported there at a later time and things set up to appear to be a suicide I’m not sure but unless the timing in coincidence it does seem to clinics somehow to the imminent birth of his baby.

Usually experts can tell if a body had been moved, but maybe that wasn't looked into.
Usually experts can tell if a body had been moved, but maybe that wasn't looked into.
It seems like the investigation dropped the ball the family stated they found his foot in the barn a few days after investigators were supposed to have removed his remains so it’s safe to say they didn’t do the best job just from that and the family’s opinion that the case wasn’t being investigated properly
It seems like the investigation dropped the ball the family stated they found his foot in the barn a few days after investigators were supposed to have removed his remains so it’s safe to say they didn’t do the best job just from that and the family’s opinion that the case wasn’t being investigated properly

Article with the family’s point of view:


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