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Prosecutors Want Private Hearing In Casey Case
Wednesday, February 03, 2010 7:30:05 PM
News 13 has just obtained a copy of a motion prosecutors filed in the case late Wednesday afternoon.

In it, prosecutors are asking for a private hearing with the judge.

They don't want the defense present. They don't want Casey Anthony there, and they don't want the public involved.

The defense would have the right to object to this meeting.

Civil Case Docket Updated!

Events & Orders of the Court
12/16/2009---Uniform Order Setting Case for Jury/Pretrial---5/4/10 1:30PM

02/03/2010---Disclosure of Experts---Disclosure of Experts
New Motions Filed In Anthony Trial
Prosecution Asks For More Time To Go Over New Evidence
POSTED: 7:04 pm EST February 3, 2010
UPDATED: 7:59 pm EST February 3, 2010
Lawyers in the trial of Casey Anthony have filed two new motions.

Attorney Richard Hornsby said the state needs to determine how the materials affect the murder case against Anthony. If the information is coming from a new witness, he said the state needs more time to prevent the defense from discrediting or scaring away that person from testifying.

Lawyers have also filed a timeline for the case, which may push the trial back to May 2011. Under the timeline, prosecutors must depose their witnesses by the end of August, while the defense has until Halloween to list who it will call as witnesses.

The defense will have until January to depose their witnesses. Lawyers must also show why the case is being delayed if the deadlines can't be met.

As of Wednesday, Anthony has been in jail for 421 days.

Prosecutors: 'Good cause' to delay information release in Casey Anthony case
11:49 a.m. EST, February 4, 2010
The State Attorney's Office has asked for a private hearing with Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland to discuss "certain materials and information" that have "come into the possession of Law Enforcement."

According to the state's latest motion, the materials and information are releasable to Anthony's defense and the public through the discovery process.

"There is good cause to delay disclosure of these materials and information," Assistant State Attorney Jeff Ashton wrote in the motion filed Wednesday.

Ashton's request asks the private hearing be recorded by a court reporter.

UPDATED: Casey Murder Trial Set For 2011
Thursday, February 04, 2010 12:10:50 PM
The reason for the delay is that the documents set deadlines for depositions, discovery and motion.

According to the new documents, all depositions of law enforcement officers and employees are to be completed by Sept. 30, 2010, and all evidence-related motions need to be filed by Oct. 31.

Depositions in the case are to be completed no later than Jan. 31, 2010, and all motions are set to be heard by the same date.

State Notice of Filing, with Trial Date (pdf) and Hearing Deadlines and Trial Date.pdf

Motion for Incamera Ex Parte Hearing (pdf)'s Motion for Incamera Ex Parte Hearing.pdf

UPDATED: Casey Prosecutors Want Private Hearing, NeJame Reacts
Thursday, February 04, 2010 6:34:22 AM
NeJame Reacts To Motion

Meanwhile, Casey Anthony's defense team wants to know everyone who searched in the area where Caylee Anthony's remains were eventually found.

They'll be heading back to court because they don't think they have all those names.

&#8220;The motion is wrong, and they're wrong,&#8221; said Mark NeJame, the attorney for Texas EquuSearch.

NeJame fired back Wednesday night at Anthony&#8217;s defense team.

*More info at link!

Video: Did EquuSearch Hold Back Info? EquuSearch Hold Back Info?

New Trial Date Proposed In Anthony Murder Case
POSTED: Thursday, February 4, 2010
UPDATED: 12:36 pm EST February 4, 2010
The prosecution filed a timeline on Wednesday outlining deadlines for the case, including a proposed trial date. Until Wednesday, the trial was expected to begin this summer.

The timeline and proposed trial date is the result of what depositions the defense has told the prosecution it would like to take from material witnesses, Local 6 investigative reporter Tony Pipitone said. Pipitone said the trial could still begin earlier or later than the proposed date. Only the judge can set the trial date.

The prosecution has also asked the judge to hold a hearing in his chambers without the defense team present. In the motion, the prosecution said they have good cause to delay disclosure of certain information obtained by law enforcement, but it is not known what the information relates to.

Legal Analyst Bill Sheaffer on Casey Anthony Case
No Cake For Casey

February 4, 2010
So, that brings us to the question of how Casey Anthony could have &#8220;had her cake and eaten it too.&#8221; The &#8220;cake&#8221; in this instance is the sentence Casey received. Said sentence, for the sake of argument, is less than she might have received, had she gone to trial and been found guilty. And, Casey&#8217;s lawyers could reasonably believe, given the quality and quantity of the evidence, that she might have suffered a greater number of felony convictions at the very least.

The &#8220;and eaten it too&#8221; aspect of this is, once again, the appellate process advantage. That is, in staying the judgment and sentence of the Court, so that Miss Casey goes forward to her murder trial, conviction free! Many of you probably know that the defense lawyers filed a motion to dismiss several counts (charges) against their client. Had the Judge granted the defense motion to dismiss those counts, there would have still remained several counts in the Information (charging document) for the defense to deal with, which ultimately could have resulted in Casey Anthony being maneuvered into entering a plea to the counts, or charges, yet remaining that had not been dismissed by the Court.

*Much more at link!

Why Does Casey&#8217;s Trial Keep Getting Delayed?
Posted: 4:19 pm EST February 4, 2010
Updated: 4:52 pm EST February 4, 2010
There has been one delay after another since the case against Casey Anthony first began. Now, the state says it doesn't think the trial will start until at least May 2011, almost three years after Caylee Anthony's murder. That's about three times as long as it took for the entire trial and verdict in one of the nation's most publicized murder cases ever, OJ Simpson.

Prosecutors now say Casey's trial might not start until almost three years after Caylee was murdered, but Casey faces a possible death sentence, so you're seeing the judge, prosecutors and especially the defense take extra care.

&#8220;You literally have another human being's life in your hands and you are the only thing standing between the state executing your client and your client living,&#8221; WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said.

And, Sheaffer says, the judge wants to make sure the case only goes to trial once.

It's not just the OJ Simpson trial. Eyewitness News compared Casey's case with other high-profile trials.

*Much more info at link!

BILL SHEAFFER: Why Casey's Trial Keeps Getting Delayed 6:48
WFTV legal expert Bill Sheaffer looks at the delays in getting Casey Anthony's trial underway. (02/04/10)

UPDATED: Anthony Murder Trial Could Begin May 2011
Prosecuters Submit Proposed Schedule In Casey Anthony Trial
POSTED: 4:19 pm EST February 4, 2010
UPDATED: 4:58 pm EST February 4, 2010
Because this is a death penalty case, defense attorney Richard Hornsby said there is much more work to do than in a non-death penalty case. "She may be found guilty then you have to prepare for the sentencing phase basically you're preparing for two trials at one time," Hornsby said.

Hornsby said the average time needed to prepare for a murder trial is two years and since the attorney leading the case, Andrea Lyon, has only had the case since June 2009, a May 2011 trial date would be on par with others.

With 150 potential witnesses, the prosecution said they still have many depositions to do to prepare for the trial.

Judge Stan Strickland has not yet signed off on the proposed schedule.

VIDEO: Casey Latest 1:59

Casey Anthony: WFTV compares her case to O.J. Simpson&#8217;s
posted by halboedeker on February, 4 2010 7:37 PM
*** Anthony faces a possible death sentence. Simpson didn&#8217;t. So the judge, prosecution and especially the defense are taking extra care, Belich said. WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said the judge wants to make sure the case goes to trial only once.

*** The evidence requires close study, and that is made possible by state-of-the-art testing. &#8220;Both sides need to understand it and make good arguments about whether it should come into the trial and whether it means Casey is guilty,&#8221; Belich said.

***&#8221;The case doesn&#8217;t stop changing,&#8221; Belich concluded. &#8220;New evidence that has come to light might cause another delay in the trial. It&#8217;s still under investigation, and the defense might not get a chance to look into it for quite some time.&#8221;

More at link!

UPDATED: Juror Surveys Call Casey&#8217;s Attorney &#8220;Rat,&#8221; &#8220;Jerk&#8221;
Posted: 5:43 pm EST February 5, 2010
Updated: 6:32 pm EST February 5, 2010
There were a lot of negative descriptions of Casey's defense attorney, Jose Baez, when he questioned potential jurors in an Osceola County case he was defending in December 2008, just four days after Caylee's remains were found.

Baez was described as an &#8220;ambulance chaser and rat,&#8221; &#8220;a jerk&#8221; who &#8220;should find another line of business,&#8221; &#8220;not a good lawyer&#8221; who is &#8220;full of himself&#8221; and &#8220;is out to become famous.&#8221; Baez apparently was worried there was fallout over defending Casey and the answers he got proved there was.

&#8220;It's called damage control. What are we going to do to limit the damage to my current clients, my future clients and, ultimately, the damage to Casey Anthony,&#8221; WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said Friday.

One potential Osceola County juror, just three months ago, explained what he knew about Casey's case with one word, &#8220;guilty.&#8221;

A little less than half the people questioned in both cases said they did not know a lot about Casey's case. While the surveys are not scientific, it could mean that if her trial doesn't happen for another year and a half, they'll at least try to find a jury in Orlando.

*Much more at link!

PDF JUROR SURVEY: December 2008 Trial

PDF JUROR SURVEY: November 2009 Trial

BILL SHEAFFER: Will Image Of Baez Hurt Casey At Trial? 14:27
WFTV's legal expert talks about Jose Baez's reputation after reviewing jury surveys from two of his trials. (02/05/10)

VIDEO REPORT: Will Jose Baez's Image Hurt Casey's Case In Court? 2:44
WFTV's legal expert tackles the question after jury surveys were uncovered. (02/05/10)

Casey Anthony: How is case affecting Jose Baez&#8217;s image?&#8221;
posted by halboedeker on February, 5 2010 6:25 PM
But Belich noted that time eased the fury directed at Baez: Negative comments dropped from 13 to just two a year later in another case. In that case, in which 80 potential jurors were surveyed, four had good things to say about Baez and 30 had no opinion.

Almost half those surveyed in both cases said they didn&#8217;t know a lot about Anthony&#8217;s case, Belich said. That statistic stood out.

What did it all mean? &#8220;It&#8217;s not scientific, but it could mean that if her [Anthony's] trial doesn&#8217;t start here in another year and a half, that they might at least try to find a jury here,&#8221; Belich speculated.

If Casey Anthony didn&#8217;t kill Caylee, then who is looking for the killer?
February - 6 - 2010
For instance, if a real killer is on the loose, then why isn&#8217;t anyone demanding justice, offering a reward, or seeking information on the real killer? If Casey Anthony didn&#8217;t kill her daughter, then why isn&#8217;t anyone looking for the real killer, why isn&#8217;t Casey!

If Casey Anthony is innocent, then why hasn&#8217;t she demanded that the murderer of her innocent two year old daughter be found and brought to justice? Wouldn&#8217;t the public have expected to see Casey Anthony, at least one time, look into the camera and utter anything regarding the person who murdered her child?

Yet the Anthony&#8217;s are silent, no one has demanded that the search for Caylee&#8217;s murderer continue, and Casey Anthony, has not once pleaded for the murderer to be apprehended.

If the defense believes that &#8220;Zanny the Nanny&#8221; took Caylee then why are they focusing on Roy Kronk and not the &#8220;Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez who was supposed to have abducted her?

If Casey Anthony didn&#8217;t kill Caylee, then why isn&#8217;t anyone looking for the real killer, or at least the abductor named by Casey Anthony herself as Zanny the Nanny? The only uncertainty that this story creates is doubt in Casey Anthony&#8217;s defense team and their ability to represent their client! Casey Anthony sealed her fate when she said that Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez abducted Caylee! Good luck on that &#8216;reasonable doubt&#8217; Jose, you might want to consider a plea deal instead.

*More at Link!

Casey Anthony's defense team wants all the records from the volunteer search group
Her team argues group's attorney allowed media to view some records they sought, which made group's "chilling effect" point against releasing information moot.
5:39 p.m. EST, February 9, 2010
According to court documents filed today, the defense says the organization's argument that releasing all its information, including the volunteers' cell phones and other identifying details, to the defense could have a "chilling" effect on volunteers in future searches.

The defense argued that last year Texas EquuSearch's attorney, Mark NeJame, invited a local television station to view some of the records &#8212; which makes the chilling effect argument moot.

New Motion Filed In Case Against Casey
Baez Hopes To Gain Access To Search Group's Records
POSTED: 4:47 pm EST February 9, 2010
UPDATED: 5:07 pm EST February 9, 2010
Casey Anthony's defense has filed a new motion Tuesday they hope will help gain them access to all of Texas Equusearch's records.

In court, Equusearch argued that revealing such information could have a "chilling effect" on future volunteers.

Anthony's defense argues that in light of recent disclosures to the media, "there is no reason to prevent disclosure to Miss Anthony as well."

Defense Motion: Motion For Leave To File Supplemental Authority

UPDATED: News 13 Story Leads To New Motion In Casey Anthony Case
Tuesday, February 09, 2010 11:50:05 PM
While talking, NeJame showed Texas EquuSearch documents and notes taken by volunteers showing who searched where and what they found and didn't find. The documents also list team leaders and cell phone numbers of volunteers.

Anthony&#8217;s defense is saying if the media can have the documents, they should be able to have it too.

"The disclosure by Mr. NeJame of these records, including volunteer names and phone numbers, seriously undercuts the argument made by TES against giving them to Miss Anthony," the motion states.

But the defense already has the documents. NeJame said his office personally delivered those documents to the defense last year.

The initial Texas EquuSearch motion was filed in November. The judge hasn't set a court date for it to be decided.

*More At Link!

Video: New Motion For Documents Motion For Documents

PDF: Motion For Incamera Ex Parte Hearing Motion For Incamera Ex Parte Hearing.pdf

Caylee Anthony and Haleigh Cummings: a motion, an anniversary
posted by halboedeker on February, 10 2010 3:18 PM
Caylee and Haleigh -- they&#8217;re two of the most familiar names in Central Florida.

WESH touched on the latest in the case of Casey Anthony, who is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee Anthony. Anthony attorney Jose Baez has filed a motion seeking records from Texas EquuSearch, which searched for the toddler.

WESH anchor Jason Guy said, &#8220;Texas EquuSearch said releasing those records would have a chilling effect on volunteers, but then made an about-face and released them to the media. Baez says the search group can&#8217;t have it both ways and the defense team should also have them.&#8221;

Thanks PattyG! :blowkiss:

Lawyer: Casey&#8217;s Defense Already Has Requested Documents
Thursday, February 11, 2010 7:03:08 PM
A lawyer for Texas EquuSearch says the Casey Anthony defense team already has documents requested in a motion earlier this week.

In Thursday&#8217;s filing, NeJame said the Anthony&#8217;s defense team knows that it already has the documents he showed News 13, and is demanding that they pay EquuSearch&#8217;s legal fees for having to answer this latest motion.

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