MI - Bianca Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #4 - *D. Lane guilty*

Threesome was the defense attorney's exact word he used, [I think]. I'm not sure what he meant because I missed bits here and there and the sound was breaking at times. I thought maybe if BJ thought DL was involved with the other lady at the time when Bianca was conceived. But apparently he's got plenty of female company.

UGH female company and 7, well 6, kids to show for it.

Poor BB....I learned today we share a birthday...


Thank you SO much Donjeta!
Defense attorney Terry Johnson on Wednesday attacked the police department’s use of a cadaver dog to tie Lane to the child’s alleged death.

“You’re a demon, is what the police said … let’s bring these dogs over here,” Johnson told the court. “The dogs came several days later, so we already made up our mind … but that’s OK, we’re right .. that’s what they want you to believe. And this is what the dog did: ruff! He barked.”


I read this and my first thought was TJ is gonna do a Brodsky. Really, direct quoting the police stating they called DL a "demon" and barking as a defense?

At times like this not having working sound stinks... but I don't, so will just have to follow the transcript as people can post.

Thanks Donjeta for transcribing!
Anyone hear anything new from this afternoon? I'm looking but not finding anything that was not already reported this morning.

Additionally, I have found info which I can't find a workable msm link, that Banika did not pack any diapers for Bianca. Not even overnight diapers. With all due respect, most guys would take moms lead on diapers or potty training. I can't imagine DL believing Bianca needed overnight diapers if her mom did not pack them for her. In no way do I mean to minimize DL's actions by that comment. I just imagine being in Banika's shoes and asking myself, if I had only packed diapers..... It doesn't excuse DL's behavior but it gives me another reason to wonder why Banika has remained in denial despite all the evidence at the preliminary hearing.

It still bothers me that not one other adult stepped in to protect Bianca that night, not one.

Sweet little girl never had a chance. Now she needs justice. :praying:

After learning Bianca had gone missing, Jones said she arrived at her home on Custer to find Lane "shaking, crying and drooling."

"He just kept saying, 'They took her,'" Jones said. "He kept repeating it several times. He was crying a lot. He said he loved her."

From The Detroit News: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20120920/METRO01/209200377#ixzz2702xVqoL

Drooling? Was he on something?
I mean, I get shaking and crying but drooling is something I associate more with impairment than an upset state of mind.
Fwiw, I have only caught myself drooling once and it was due to fear and trying to keep from screaming. Years ago a skunk walked under my bare feet (they're as soft as a cat) and I was drooling while having my hand over my mouth trying to keep from screaming while the skunk was less than 2' from me.

I can understand the drooling with fear, but not fear from a car jacking. In this case, it was fear surrounding what he had done and the story he was about to tell.
:cupcake: Donjeta, another thanks for your hard work transcribing. You have my overwhelming thanks.
Also from the above article:

The defense countered that the children in the car told police that Bianca was alive when they were let out.


That's not what they said in the preliminary hearing:

The girl told the court Bianca never tried to remove the cover from her face and that she was not making a sound. When Bianca slept, the girl said, “she usually snores


"My uncle brought her to the front room around 2 a.m.," the teen said. The teen said Lane spanked Bianca with his homemade paddle -- two times on the buttocks -- and then hit him.


2 am is a lot earlier than the 8am they left....
This is from yesterday afternoons testimony. (link in my previous post).

2:17 Dungee said she picked up three children on Dec. 1, including Alandra, Gigi, Lanes children, and Treyveon, Lane's nephew, and took them to the home on Mitchell. She went to visit a male friend and stayed away that night. She returned until the next day at 7 a.m. Lane was preparing breakfast. Bianca was asleep in the bottom buck. Dungee said she shut the doors to the children's room and lit incense because she was going to smoke Newport cigarettes. Bianca appeared to be sleeping.

BBM. She lit incense to smoke cigarette's? I've never heard of anyone lighting incense to smoke tobacco. Smoking something else, but not tobacco.

I take it Bianca did not join the family in eating breakfast.
Also from testimony given yesterday afternoon:

2:22 p.m. Dungee says there was one child seat, Bianca's, in the rear of the Grand Marquis when she arrived back at the Mitchell home. She is being questioned about the vehicle's condition. There is a truck ajar light on the dash that was in proper working order. Lane said goodbye and left the home on the morning of Dec. 2. "He ended up calling me and asking about his briefcase" and said he needed it to conduct "his business" Dungee said. She told him he left his briefcase. Lane said he was headed to Bianca's mother's house.

2:25 While on the phone with Lane, she said there was a 4-minute interlude. She heard Lane crying, saying "someone please help me, someone took my baby." Dungee said she spoke to Bianca's Mother who said "No Bacon; no car" and hung up. Bacon is Bianca's nickname.

This call to Dungee. Clearly -after- he stopped at Wayne County Community College at which time he would have determined he did not have his breifcase, so there was no need to call Dungee about the briefcase later.

And, sometime after he leaves WCCC he makes this call about his briefcase and in the matter of a whole 4 minutes, while he is carrying on a phone conversation, he hears someone honking telling him his rear lights were out so he stops and the vehicle owner hears him wailing?

He asks about the briefcase, but while he has car owner on the phone he doesn't mention the tail lights to her?

ya riiiiiiiight. Clearly the phone call was to set up the alibi and try to give some credence to his story about the briefcase.

Did she hear the chiming from the car door opening I wonder? Or was he sitting in the car with the door closed while he was wailing?

Shakes head. Dre' is toast. Unless the Pinella's 12 is sitting on this jury, I am very confident DL will be convicted.
Sorry guys. Still going through yesterday afternoons testimony.

From the same link posted upthread:

2:51 p.m. Dungee said she was questions mostly about Lane, not Bianca, and investigators eventually searched the Mitchell address. Johnson asked if Dungee saw Lane carry Bianca regularly. He did. Dungee said she worked for an afterschool program and is trained to look for signs of abuse. Dungee said she never witness abuse or signs of abuse.

BBM. Worked for or works for? A mandatory reporter I take it and she allegedly was not home the night DL abused Bianca. Something is kind of hinky here. Lot's of questions surrounding a mandatory reporter having 3-somes with small minor children in the home and needing to light incense to smoke cigarettes. Hmm.
2:56 P.M. (Redirect) The prosecutor is asking about clothes of Bianca's in the home on the day of the Bianca's disappearance. There was a pair of underwear in the non-functioning sink. They were children's. Dungee cannot confirm if they were Bianca's. Dungee said she does her own laundry usually at a laundromat. On thin day Lane made a special request for Dungee to wash Bianca's clothes at her mother's home.

Why would Lane need to ask Dungee to wash Bianca's clothes when he was on his way to her mothers home?

Hinky meter up another notch.
3:09 pm <snippet> "He was crying and hyperventialting, he threw his phone and just broke down," Ford-Gandy said. She said she picked up the phone and a young lady called the phone.

DL had a phone. He calls Dungee (sp?) to ask about his briefcase, presumably after he left WCCC but he does not use his phone to call 911.


I hope the jury is paying close attention to these details.
3:50 p.m. Questioning has completed. Judge Evans dismisses the jury and says they are return to court by 9:30 a.m. Thursday. She said if the testimony does not complete tomorrow, they will be off on Friday and return to court Monday.

Off to find today's updates.
Anyone watching live? I have no sound so can't follow livestream.

If anyone can find and post updates on what is happening today it would be greatly appreciated!
What's the link to today's livestream? I'm not getting anything on the link I used yesterday.
I'm not finding anything but the livestream link from yesterday. :banghead: And all it does is spin, spin, spin. :banghead:
This is from yesterday afternoons testimony. (link in my previous post).

2:17 Dungee said she picked up three children on Dec. 1, including Alandra, Gigi, Lanes children, and Treyveon, Lane's nephew, and took them to the home on Mitchell. She went to visit a male friend and stayed away that night. She returned until the next day at 7 a.m. Lane was preparing breakfast. Bianca was asleep in the bottom buck. Dungee said she shut the doors to the children's room and lit incense because she was going to smoke Newport cigarettes. Bianca appeared to be sleeping.

BBM. She lit incense to smoke cigarette's? I've never heard of anyone lighting incense to smoke tobacco. Smoking something else, but not tobacco.

I take it Bianca did not join the family in eating breakfast.

I have not seen a live feed today...if I find one I will post it!

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