GUILTY MI - Chelsea Bruck, 22, Frenchtown Twp, 26 Oct 2014 #3

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That would be around mid December, so before the fire. So could he have worried about saying he had her blood on his shirt? A fire would be a great excuse to not be able to produce evidence.

If I'm putting my findings together correctly, the fire would have been at HBs friends (JBKI) house, based on the info I have found online. But he could very well be the "friend" involved that HB/HBs mom was talking about. Unless that is what you were implying. I have been a bit out of it this week so I'm not reading things correctly and prob not making sense. So if the blood was on his(hb) own shirt, maybe the friend with the fire had it and that's why he couldn't produce it for police? Of course assuming the LE didn't get anything from him. Seems risky and of course I'm just assuming and talking out loud here.

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I am talking about GigTu's posts with pictures in them. I keep rereading but I am not understanding where these pictures were found. I thought they were screenshots from the news video but I didn't see them. Were they taken from somebody's pic account? I'm just confused. Then I read something about if it was from the Flat Rock site or party site. I'm not understanding where they are coming from and how they relate to this. Maybe I'm just not reading something right. ha! So please help me understand!
I'm sorry, not trying to confuse. There are about three different lines of thought going on at the same time in this thread right now so I can see why I confused you. And sorry I took so long to get back and explain.

The pictures I have posted are not related to a news video. Hero has a friend I have dubbed as sketchy twin, who has some videos of fighting, and I am hoping locals can recognize the locations of the two areas. I have painstakingly removed all evidence of humans, leaving behind only images you could find on google earth street view. I assume they are places near trailer parks, and am hoping to determine their location as possible search sites. Without breaking TOS, that's all I can describe. If we can figure out where they are based on the surrounding landmarks, I would like to see the locations provided to LE. They can do what they will with the info from there.

When watching the video, you can plainly see water moving in a river or possibly canal. There is a fenced courtyard with a cement slab, and the perimeter near the river is blocked with chain linked fencing. Here is a closer look at the tree which shows the fencing. Behind it, in the background, is the water. Across from that water are some buildings, and what our fab sluethers have determined is a power line frame on a pylon.
Cement slab at courtyard, and area upon entering courtyard


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I've linked a new map (with old information) of key locations in the Chelsea case. Zoom on the Halloween Bash marker for more detail in that area.

Rosesfromangels, DMC, FindHG and I worked on it. I'm responsible for it's shortcomings. Please report errors and suggest additions or improvements.

The new map is distinct from the one FingHG posted a few days ago of Monster12's photos of the Flat Rock Easter search area:

This is fantastic Forager! Thank you. The perspective is so helpful, and really helps connect the dots.
What a great team of Sleuthers we have on this thread!
I'm sorry, not trying to confuse. There are about three different lines of thought going on at the same time in this thread right now so I can see why I confused you. And sorry I took so long to get back and explain.

The pictures I have posted are not related to a news video. Hero has a friend I have dubbed as sketchy twin, who has some videos of fighting, and I am hoping locals can recognize the locations of the two areas. I have painstakingly removed all evidence of humans, leaving behind only images you could find on google earth street view. I assume they are places near trailer parks, and am hoping to determine their location as possible search sites. Without breaking TOS, that's all I can describe. If we can figure out where they are based on the surrounding landmarks, I would like to see the locations provided to LE. They can do what they will with the info from there.

When watching the video, you can plainly see water moving in a river or possibly canal. There is a fenced courtyard with a cement slab, and the perimeter near the river is blocked with chain linked fencing. Here is a closer look at the tree which shows the fencing. Behind it, in the background, is the water. Across from that water are some buildings, and what our fab sluethers have determined is a power line frame on a pylon.
View attachment 73532
Cement slab at courtyard, and area upon entering courtyard

Great stuff GigTu. You've isolated great markers from a pile of goo video, my compliments. I hope you yourself forward your work to LE as well. They may find it of interest and have a chance of recognizing the landmarks.

Let me know when you're ready to clean up an image from inside the Bash tent so we can prepare some diagrams of the camera angles rosesfromangels would like to see.
I'm sorry, not trying to confuse. There are about three different lines of thought going on at the same time in this thread right now so I can see why I confused you. And sorry I took so long to get back and explain.

The pictures I have posted are not related to a news video. Hero has a friend I have dubbed as sketchy twin, who has some videos of fighting, and I am hoping locals can recognize the locations of the two areas. I have painstakingly removed all evidence of humans, leaving behind only images you could find on google earth street view. I assume they are places near trailer parks, and am hoping to determine their location as possible search sites. Without breaking TOS, that's all I can describe. If we can figure out where they are based on the surrounding landmarks, I would like to see the locations provided to LE. They can do what they will with the info from there.

When watching the video, you can plainly see water moving in a river or possibly canal. There is a fenced courtyard with a cement slab, and the perimeter near the river is blocked with chain linked fencing. Here is a closer look at the tree which shows the fencing. Behind it, in the background, is the water. Across from that water are some buildings, and what our fab sluethers have determined is a power line frame on a pylon.
View attachment 73532
Cement slab at courtyard, and area upon entering courtyard

Excellent! So if I'm right about the north-south orientation of the power lines, and you are right about the water (which also seems to be running north-south or so), you should have enough to go on to find a likely candidate area to peer at and compare with your photos. (I can't because I went pixel-blind earlier scanning up and down north-south power lines, but it should be much easier with the addition of the river.)
Great stuff GigTu. You've isolated great markers from a pile of goo video, my compliments. I hope you yourself forward your work to LE as well. They may find it of interest and have a chance of recognizing the landmarks.

Let me know when you're ready to clean up an image from inside the Bash tent so we can prepare some diagrams of the camera angles rosesfromangels would like to see.
Send them my way. I'll do my best.
Hahaha Forage and FHGr.

I have been searching too, but without the power lines connection. The water with a cement barrier (canal) is super long, and I was unsuccessful in finding a courtyard next to it. Lots of greenery. It was a lot like where's waldo. Everything started looking the same. But I will try again tomorrow, or tonight if I awake with insomnia again. =\
Thank you, GigTu. Will do. No rush at all.
It's really the only thing I can do to help. Well, and rant with descriptive adjectives.
That would be around mid December, so before the fire. So could he have worried about saying he had her blood on his shirt? A fire would be a great excuse to not be able to produce evidence.

That sounds right to me. I think you and others here who are better at gathering information would know better.
When I tried watching the video my computer was all messed up so I couldn't see clearly. But what I could hear was people yell about how the cops were going to come and someone said it was at their house I thought I heard. When I have some time I will look in the area maps but unfortunately that area is full of fields, trees, streams and canals like you posted about. From the looks of the video he was smart enough not to put their faces in any of them except for the kids fighting but you can still hear their voices and know that they are some of them were scared about being caught from being too loud. Hmmmm.

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Something else that just isn't adding up for me is BM's assertion that he only vaguely seems to recollect who she even is. (If I have interpreted various remarks correctly). Granted, some of the pictures she is in with BM could be "posing with the fans" pic. But something doesn't make sense is that she apparently felt comfortable enough with this band & crowd to move about without her girlfriends? Or did she just lose them?
I'm unclear as to whether this was normal for Chelsea, or at what point in the evening she became separated from her "crew". Or, did she feel comfortable enough as one of the band "regulars" to move about safely? I've always known groups of women to keep an eye on each other at parties/outings.

I don't know if this will necessarily answer your question, rosesfromangels, but this post (#778 previous thread) from member, Kilen, who is Chelsea's sister-in-law and verified insider in the case discussion, provides some insight into Chelsea's personality and behavioral choices.

Chelsea was not a wild party girl (not that there is anything wrong with that). The wine bottle she was pictured at the party was a prop it was filled with food coloring and it had a big label on it that said poison because she was haha poison ivy. I'm not saying she didn't drink at all but not to excess. There was no drug use. It absolutely would not have been tolerated at my mother-in-law's house. She really wasn't the super rebellious type, she was kind of shy and socially awkward. My in-laws/her parents made her get a job if she wished to continue living at home, she seemed to like her job working at Olga's. Chelsea never got her license, it was my understanding that she was an appallingly bad driver (I know she tried to back her mom's van into the garage but failed to open the garage door first once when the in-laws were visiting) as she could be a bit ditzy/clumsy at times.
the description from Kilen makes me think it would be easy to slip something into Chelsea's drink if anything nefarious was planned by our perp, whoever that might be. Although, I don't think we have heard any indication that she ever appeared to be "out of it" in any way.
^ Her pupils appear dilated in the close-up Poison Ivy photo where she has a big smile and head tilted to her right. Could be from the bright lights/camera flash. Chelsea might have had a tendency to gravitate towards younger adults, i.e. high school students, even though she was in her early 20s. :moo:
Are you talking about videos on youtube? I wonder if the camera used was fancy enough to embed the GPS coordinates in the file property information like some photographs have? Or whether someone like we casual viewers would be able to discern that from downloading the videos in question and examining them. There's always some way to download the videos but I haven't done webmastering in a decade now hardly at all and I doubt I can find the temp file to find a direct stream/download link... just thinking out loud. Anyway a friend of mine who is more up on this stuff than me says it's doubtful to get that info from the video unless we have access to the original file that hasn't been uploaded anywhere yet.

But if this makes someone think of an idea that WILL work, it's worth posting so I'll go ahead and post this. I never know what you amazing people will manage to do!

Bringing forward my post from 4/18/2015 in case this line of investigation is still needed. I see people are still trying to identify the area. GPS coordinates embedded in the raw video would negate the need to sleuth this but I havent' had the opportunity to check on this because I got no feedback regarding this post of mine. Which is fine, probably you guys already looked into this. But just making sure the suggestion is out there in case you haven't.
GGE, were the fight-videos ever on U-Tube? I have only seen them on a FB account, but am not savvy with FB. If they are only on a FB page, or ally taken with a cell phone, would one also be able to find coordinates from it?

I truly do not understand much of these latest discussions re FB and videos and maps. Kind of lost in ability to give much feedback from here.
I don't know if this will necessarily answer your question, rosesfromangels, but this post (#778 previous thread) from member, Kilen, who is Chelsea's sister-in-law and verified insider in the case discussion, provides some insight into Chelsea's personality and behavioral choices.

Chelsea was not a wild party girl (not that there is anything wrong with that). The wine bottle she was pictured at the party was a prop it was filled with food coloring and it had a big label on it that said poison because she was haha poison ivy. I'm not saying she didn't drink at all but not to excess. There was no drug use. It absolutely would not have been tolerated at my mother-in-law's house. She really wasn't the super rebellious type, she was kind of shy and socially awkward. My in-laws/her parents made her get a job if she wished to continue living at home, she seemed to like her job working at Olga's. Chelsea never got her license, it was my understanding that she was an appallingly bad driver (I know she tried to back her mom's van into the garage but failed to open the garage door first once when the in-laws were visiting) as she could be a bit ditzy/clumsy at times.

Thanks for the above, BDE. Doesn't this just make you love this young woman even more?
I'm just wondering at what point she got separated from her girlfriends, and who she was hanging out with. Or, was she just wandering around talking to various people? I know she made calls to her friends during that time. I sure wish we knew the content of those calls.
GGE, were the fight-videos ever on U-Tube? I have only seen them on a FB account, but am not savvy with FB. If they are only on a FB page, or ally taken with a cell phone, would one also be able to find coordinates from it?

I truly do not understand much of these latest discussions re FB and videos and maps. Kind of lost in ability to give much feedback from here.

Yes, our map architects are incredible. At minimum, enlarge the map so you can see the details of where all the key activities in the surrounding areas happened. We can look for any patterns of geo-located activity that points to any person(s) in particular, and leverage some predictive modeling and a little luck to help determine where the Perp(s) might live, and Chelsea might be resting. I have no doubt in my mind she will be found, and right now there are some mighty nervous Perp(s).
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