GUILTY MI - Ella Stafford, 1, & Johnathan Sanderlin, 1, drowned, Allen Park, 22 Oct 2010

I wish more info would come out.The little girls mom said she tried calling dad ,they were suppose to go to a movie.Makes no sense when she could not reach him she just goes to sleep.If he had my child and I could not reach him by phone ,I would have driven overthere.Something just does not seem right.

I agree. Especially if they had plans. I've obsessively called my mother when she has my DD if I can't get a hold of her on the first try. And that's when I'm just calling to say hi or something. I've even driven over to my mom's (20 min away) when she doesn't have my DD and she won't answer the phone!
And things get more interesting. According to the links mikeysmommom provided, the children's injuries are contradictory to each other. Very odd. Something hit me when I was reading, just a strange thought. I was reading the article and the thought ran through my head "I wonder who he's covering for". Don't know why I thought that, but I guess it could be a possibility.
I have a feeling he is covering for someone as well.I guess time will tell.
Dad Charged With Murder In Toddlers' Deaths

Delayed Preliminary Examination Resumes Today
POSTED: Tuesday, October 19, 2010
UPDATED: 1:41 am EST November 15, 2010

ALLEN PARK, Mich. -- A preliminary hearing is scheduled today for the father charged in connection with the deaths of his two toddlers.

Steven Nicholson declared, "I didn't hurt my babies," after he was arraigned on murder charges Oct. 22 in the drowning deaths of his two toddlers.
Nicholson, 27, appeared in court for his preliminary examination last month but it was delayed until Nov. 15.

Prosecutors requested more time so that the Wayne Country Medical Examinier's Office could finish the final report on the cause of death for 13-month-old Jonathon Sanderlin and 15-month-old Ella Stafford.

much more info here that I haven't read before - such as how Nicholson came to have custody of Johnathon

According to the ME, COD was intentional drowning and the scalding most likely took place after death. There were fibers deep in the lungs of both babies, possibly from a towel or toilet about a wash cloth to silence screaming?????:furious: Ella's mom states that Steve called the baby boy names and gave lazy and fat heifer as 2 examples:furious:

I drive by these apartments on my way home from the chiropractor. There's a stuffed animal memorial in front of the building now...very sad....such cute & precious little ones.
I don't think he's covering for anybody. I would think the only people there would be to cover for would be either of the babies mothers & he obviously doesn't give a hoot about either of them as they were both expecting his children at the same time. IMO, he's a drunk who never should have been trusted with those children. There are numerous stories being told about how rough he was with them, picking them up by the arms, leaving them in the car in the summer, calling the boy terrible names. The story tellers should have come forward before this I know, but according to the mothers they have been trying to get CPS to listen to them & a neighbor did call police when he left them in his car.
thanks for the updates, Starfish....the deaths of these 2 babies sounded really hinky to me after reading about their didn't make sense that they fell into the tub, or got in, then turned the water on.
I believe he killed them and then tried to stage it like the 2 babies hurt themselves. Maybe the whole I am good father thing was a act. Who calls their baby a fat heifer? And how is it that both children get out of their cribs and come up with this plan to turn on the water and get in the tub? It doesn't make any sense. Especially when Ella's mom said they would move away when water was poured on their heads and that her daughter did not know how to get out of the crib on her own. I'm sure alot more is to come on this story.
After reading the updates it does seem like he killed both of these children.I wonder if he was drinking and did it during a black out.Another failure with CPS , both moms complained to them.They should have tested him for drugs and alcohol,that should be mandatory if CPS is called on a parent.Those poor babies, hopefully he will get what he deserved and those babies will get justice.I hope both mothers will be more careful not to get pregnant by a man they know drinks til blackouts and uses drugs.
You're welcome Texas Mist!

ITA Mikeysmommom

I'm wondering what the fibers in the lungs is about and why the scalding (most likely) after death? Also curious as to how the ME can be so certain as to say "intentional" drowning......maybe bruises showing force?

A judge decided Friday that an Allen Park man accused of drowning his two children still will be charged with criminal intent, despite a motion to drop the charge.

William Winters, the attorney for Steven Lyn Nicholson, 27, filed the motion at the continuation of the previous week’s adjourned final conference.

Medical examiner continues testimony in trial for toddlers’ drowning

"...He also said he saw no signs of struggle from either child, which he would attribute to a purposely inflicted drowning...."

"...On the hot water faucet, it took 2 pounds, 10 ounces to turn it from the off to the on position..."

"....For the cold water faucet, it took 10 pounds, 7 ounces..."

A four page article with lots of contradictory expert testimony. I'm still left simply not knowing.
So sad, these poor babies didn't have a chance. JMO :(
I can't exactly put my finger on why but I'm standing by my original take on this horrible tragedy. I think the father was overwhelmed but loved his children dearly. I think he went to bed, either exhausted, drunk or high and did not hear the water running. His demeanor has really not changed. He's devastated. Note that there are no signs of a struggle and the bathroom was in disarray just as I would expect it to be if two toddlers were left alone in it. The fact that the father states that he has a hearing deficit and had the TV up loud explains why he didn't hear them, to me. The information about the light pressure required to turn on the hot water bothers me greatly. Every family should use those faucet protectors for this very reason. Depending on which wall a faucet is set, the hot water can be very accessible to a tiny child. Very often, the very first place a child pulls up is on the side of a tub as it's the perfect height. I've had more than one baby and grandbaby take a tumble in as I stood right there and they surprised me by the first pull up. There's huge motivation as water is exciting.

I realize that one of the mothers is saying that there was an accusation of child abuse but the children weren't removed and we all know how unusual it is for a father to have sole custody. A neighbor says he was uncaring and rough. That's not good news but how many fathers (young and even more mature) can be exactly this way with toddlers? It sure doesn't jive with what other neighbors report or the hundreds of sweet photos the dad had in his photo albums. He cared about these kids.

I feel this is a terrible tragedy with some overtones of neglect but one which sadly could happen in a two parent household with two toddlers. JMO.

ETA: Have we seen a tox screen on the dad? His hearing could also easily be tested.

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