Michelle Young, pregnant mom, murdered Part 18

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Thought I would pipe up with a couple of observations from today's articles in the N & O.

A lifetime friend of Michelle's from NY indicated that Michelle was in NY visiting less than two weeks before she was murdered. Michelle had recently found out she was to have a baby boy. This person also indicated that she and Michelle talked frequently and emailed each other frequently.

A friend of Michelle's indicated that Michelle had planned to take 6 months leave from work after the birth of her baby. Michelle had taken 3 months off after Cassidy was born. Michelle had planned to reduce her working hours "after" taking 6 months leave. We had heard that Michelle was going to reduce her hours but not about the extended leave from work.

Once again I notice in this article that it is reported that Jy has indicated that he left the house "sometime" on Nov 2 for a business meeting in VA. Why is it that no valid source can define this time? Why is it that Rhett Fussell did not define this time when interviewed? Why is it that none of the insiders from Raleigh have let this time slip in conversation?

Given the above, we do know that there was a hotel receipt for 2 November - found in Jy's SUV. We also know that there was a gas receipt for 3 November from a station in VA. This is the paper trail we know. LE of course has other items, i.e. cell phone records and other unknowns.
Those folks in Brevard would not know what those phone records indicate anymore than we do. They may be aware of things Jy has said but as Jake points out - anyone can say anything but does that make it true?

So, being long winded, the paper trail that is known is a hotel receipt and a gas receipt. How does one determine that it was physically impossible for Jy to have returned to Raleigh to murder his wife ? It is lost on me.

Well Raisin I know we "have the right to remain silent" however as I have said before......the innocent don't run and hide. If he has proof that there is no way he could have killed Michelle I believe he would be making a beeline to the Sheriff's office with the proof. If LE had discovered by now that his alibi was solid I believe the only reason they would not clear him publicly is if they have some evidence indicating he hired someone to kill her.

As Sami and I both say People with nothing to hide; hide nothing. Sounds simple and really it is simple.
Well Raisin I know we "have the right to remain silent" however as I have said before......the innocent don't run and hide. If he has proof that there is no way he could have killed Michelle I believe he would be making a beeline to the Sheriff's office with the proof. If LE had discovered by now that his alibi was solid I believe the only reason they would not clear him publicly is if they have some evidence indicating he hired someone to kill her.

As Sami and I both say People with nothing to hide; hide nothing. Sounds simple and really it is simple.

I totally agree with you and Stoli. I noticed Mr. Spencer made this claim but never offered that Jy had turned over his paper trail evidence or cooperated with LE to back up the claim.

ETA - I still wonder if there really was a "scheduled" business meeting and I still wonder if LE knows where and with whom and how they would find this unless it was directly arranged by ChartOne. I hope it was arranged by ChartOne as otherwise there is no way to know where it was since Jy didn't tell his friends except in general terms - VA - if he told no one is saying anything about the where. Still wonder about that - could be one of those questions LE is wanting an answer to. Could be an even bigger reason why Jy doesn't want to answer that question.

I think you should erase your post with the telephone numbers. You go too far.

Thought I would pipe up with a couple of observations from today's articles in the N & O.

A lifetime friend of Michelle's from NY indicated that Michelle was in NY visiting less than two weeks before she was murdered. Michelle had recently found out she was to have a baby boy. This person also indicated that she and Michelle talked frequently and emailed each other frequently.

A friend of Michelle's indicated that Michelle had planned to take 6 months leave from work after the birth of her baby. Michelle had taken 3 months off after Cassidy was born. Michelle had planned to reduce her working hours "after" taking 6 months leave. We had heard that Michelle was going to reduce her hours but not about the extended leave from work.

Once again I notice in this article that it is reported that Jy has indicated that he left the house "sometime" on Nov 2 for a business meeting in VA. Why is it that no valid source can define this time? Why is it that Rhett Fussell did not define this time when interviewed? Why is it that none of the insiders from Raleigh have let this time slip in conversation?

Given the above, we do know that there was a hotel receipt for 2 November - found in Jy's SUV. We also know that there was a gas receipt for 3 November from a station in VA. This is the paper trail we know. LE of course has other items, i.e. cell phone records and other unknowns.
Those folks in Brevard would not know what those phone records indicate anymore than we do. They may be aware of things Jy has said but as Jake points out - anyone can say anything but does that make it true?

So, being long winded, the paper trail that is known is a hotel receipt and a gas receipt. How does one determine that it was physically impossible for Jy to have returned to Raleigh to murder his wife ? It is lost on me.

. . .especially since Jake told us that Jason DID have opportunity!

PS: Your post deserved a repeat performance ;}

I think you should erase your post with the telephone numbers. You go too far.


That may be but you have posted information that should not have been made public (like a certain pregnancy). I'm not sure that you have a right to complain. At least his information is something that anyone can search and find on their own. The information you divulged was private and you put it out there anyway.

you've said you don't speak to jy about the murder so how do you know if the paper trail proves that he wasn't there?

What paper trail? Oh, I see. You're another one who was suckered by rpd's post. I know nothing about the paper trail.

Sorry to keep quoting you RC, but at first I had no opinion and now I do. Jake told us he never met Michelle, had never been in their house or at the wedding. ;)

You talking about me? I never told anybody that.

I totally agree with you and Stoli. I noticed Mr. Spencer made this claim but never offered that Jy had turned over his paper trail evidence or cooperated with LE to back up the claim.

ETA - I still wonder if there really was a "scheduled" business meeting and I still wonder if LE knows where and with whom and how they would find this unless it was directly arranged by ChartOne. I hope it was arranged by ChartOne as otherwise there is no way to know where it was since Jy didn't tell his friends except in general terms - VA - if he told no one is saying anything about the where. Still wonder about that - could be one of those questions LE is wanting an answer to. Could be an even bigger reason why Jy doesn't want to answer that question.


Remember we have a poster here who had worked for a large pharmacutical company like ChartOne. She said those reps do not do cold calls, that everything is arranged by the corporation. That is a whole different ballgame than most marketers experience in American business. Believe me, I am in marketing and I hunt for and dig out my own clients.

My point is that the chances of Jason have a sales call with a client that wasn't set up by CartOne could, and I say could be slim, like in nadda!


I think you should erase your post with the telephone numbers. You go too far.


Too far ? Nope, public record for anyone to see Jake. Since you seem to be alarmed, I did remove the numbers and left the names. A simple google search will get the info for anyone who cares to know. Why should you be concerned someone would call one of these people to chat about you ? Have you done something to be ashamed or embarrassed about :waitasec:

Remember we have a poster here who had worked for a large pharmacutical company like ChartOne. She said those reps do not do cold calls, that everything is arranged by the corporation. That is a whole different ballgame than most marketers experience in American business. Believe me, I am in marketing and I hunt for and dig out my own clients.

My point is that the chances of Jason have a sales call with a client that wasn't set up by CartOne could, and I say could be slim, like in nadda!


I think that is sort of along the lines of my point. If ChartOne arranged the meeting then LE knows about it - ChartOne received a few warrants relating to this case - LE would know this.

Now if Jy thought he could set something up on his own with previous contacts - who would know where he went other than him ? If this meeting was not set up by Chart One - LE might not have any idea where it was or who it was with. The reason I say that -the total silence about this meeting - no one is talking, no one is mentioning it. May be the only person who knows is Jy - then again there may have been no meeting period. Since Jy isn't talking - who can say there was or wasn't one if Chart One did not book it ? If LE does not know about it - would they not be open to Jy's lawyer saying what ever about it?
Sorry to keep quoting you RC, but at first I had no opinion and now I do. Jake told us he never met Michelle, had never been in their house or at the wedding. ;)

You talking about me? I never told anybody that.


What I remember Jake is you told us you had not been in the house until that day you accompanied your wife, together with Jason's mom an sister to the house on Birchleaf after LE had released the home to the family.

. . .especially since Jake told us that Jason DID have opportunity!

--You think he did not have opportunity? Don't understand your point.


That was in reference to the article quoting Mr. Smith as saying that Jason could not have been in Raleigh. He said it was impossible. They were contrasting that to your statement that he did not have an alibi and could not prove that he could not have commited the crime.
I had to snip to get this across to Jake.


Since you say that you speak to Jason, I would like to you copy and read this post to him, including the quoted text. It is a plea directly from me.

Aren't you the one who said Jason needs a new spokesperson? Rather rude comment, I think.

That is lame Barney. I also find it funny that a couple weeks ago we were hearing from Jake that Jason had no alibi, had opportunity but no motive. I guess that wouldn't have been a good thing to say in the public though right? :waitasec:

I reckon I don't understand. Do you think he has an alibi? No opportunity?

Good Morning,

Well, my goodness sakes alive! Looks like I hit the proverbial nail on the head with JG! I had said that I thought his way of throwing support Jason's way would be to use his journalistic knowhow and skills to cajole the press. Third time is a charm, and now that the source is revealed, I think that editors, reporters and readers will understand that his motivation is one-sided. Thus the image he creates with his thoughts and words does not complete the circle of truth in the viscious death of Michelle Young and her unborn baby boy. In that reality, it is an admitted poison pen that sits upon his desk.

I wonder why the reporter addresses JG by his pen name. Is that an accepted rule in journalism?

I have questions as to what LE knows as to throwing away possible evidence found at the closed crime scene. However, in the big picture I don't think any of this will matter in the naming, arrest and prosecution of the true killer in our case. It might even start people wondering if this was done to keep possible evidence away from the strong eyes of the law!

Nothing personal of course, just passionate about finding justice for Michelle and her baby. Scandi

Ah, another poster sucked in by rpd's lies. Don't get angry....get even.

I think that is sort of along the lines of my point. If ChartOne arranged the meeting then LE knows about it - ChartOne received a few warrants relating to this case - LE would know this.

Now if Jy thought he could set something up on his own with previous contacts - who would know where he went other than him ? If this meeting was not set up by Chart One - LE might not have any idea where it was or who it was with. The reason I say that -the total silence about this meeting - no one is talking, no one is mentioning it. May be the only person who knows is Jy - then again there may have been no meeting period. Since Jy isn't talking - who can say there was or wasn't one if Chart One did not book it ? If LE does not know about it - would they not be open to Jy's lawyer saying what ever about it?

Charlie, ChartOne would know which clients Jason had been paired with, and that info could be gleaned from either a subpeona or SW of their records.

Another thing this poster told us is these huge pharmacutical companies have their reps work in teams. They don't just assign a prospect or client to one rep, but she said a team of like 6, and each one has their own responsibilities in attaining the sale and servicing that client. Scandi
Charlie, ChartOne would know which clients Jason had been paired with, and that info could be gleaned from either a subpeona or SW of their records.

Another thing this poster told us is these huge pharmacutical companies have their reps work in teams. They don't just assign a prospect or client to one rep, but she said a team of like 6, and each one has their own responsibilities in attaining the sale and servicing that client. Scandi


I don't disagree with you at all. All I'm saying is what if Chart One has no idea where Jy was on the morning of 11/3 ? Who would know?

If Chart One knew - LE does know as well...
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