Mickey Shunick - Press Conference, 6 July 2012

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officer believes he was looking for someone to victimize, not necessarily targeted MS
DA agrees with probable cause to arrest him.
Arrested for a traffic violation.

I wonder if they found something when they stopped him.
Craft stuttered on "attempted" first degree murder.
No bond, will be held in Correctional Center
video shows that he was riding around possibly looking to victimize someone


How did you know he was in area where bike was found? Found some evidence they can't divulge but can place vehicle in area at that time

searching home, have you found evidence? Been at home since yesterday and still processing scene

what evidence led to murder charge? Based on info developed by investigators and the fact that she was aggravated kidnapp constitutes charge

Was any of dna found in home? Can't go into that

Bike? Rear rim was consistent by being struck by vehicle. No lab reports back.

Second person arrested? Female? No, only person arrested is BSL

Was Lavergne questioned immediately from info from GPS? Questioned immediately

Is there any relation between BSL and MS? Not that we're aware

Any possibility that another arrest can come as PI came up with two POI's? We don't think so.

What makes you believe she's dead? Just the information and evidence we can't go into.

Information from citizen bought their attention to BSL

How were you able to locate the truck in Texas? We were able to determine he purchased another vehicle and we located the first

Unrelated warrant? Has to do with RSO registration.

Good standing on SO website? How is that possible? I don't think the people of the registry knew he had altered his license to hide the fact of him being an SO.

When was he arrested? Stopped at LSP bw I-49 and I-10 on traffic violation.

how long can you hold him? Aggr kidnap and 1st degree murder. Attorney has reviewed warrant and affidavit and has agreed that we had probable cause to arrest him; held in correctional facility.

Any problems r/t prosecution? Can't comment

Any clues where body is? No
"Maybe he was driving around, looking for someone to victimize."
will not go into who they have questioned because investigation is ongoing

no idea where Mickey's body may be.
BW St. Landry and St. Mary and Blackham where she was struck (I think)

No comment on possible bite mark on his hand
Asked if there were bite marks on his hand?

Can't comment.
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