Missing Baby Lisa Sighting Reported in Kansas

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If their bahavior was strange and they hurried out because they were approached, I would say that is a good reason to be suspicious about that baby they had.

Or they were trying to eat and didn't like somebody approaching them.
I know if I were trying to eat I would not appreciate somebody approaching me.
Please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true
If I had a stolen baby girl then I would probably dress her like a boy if in public. And would probably dye her hair too.

So we should probably look for a boy with brown hair and big blue eyes. :mad:

I don't think she even has enough hair to dye it.
If their bahavior was strange and they hurried out because they were approached, I would say that is a good reason to be suspicious about that baby they had.

I think there is a greater chance that they had outstanding warrants or maybe drugs in their car then a stolen baby. If you were on the run with Baby Lisa would you take her into a sit down restaurant in broad daylight?

I wouldn't. I would use drive thrus and I would probably disguise her. Maybe dress her like a baby boy and change her hair color first.
I wouldn't call it harrassing when a child is missing.

I wouldn't either. This sounds like a very good tip. They could be staying at Tuttle Creek lake in one of the camping areas.

From what I heard on HLN, they were going to find out if the restaurant had surveillance tapes.
McAllister's did not have surveillance footage.
At least according to this source.



The women became aware of people looking at them and left the restaurant without eating the food they ordered

This was the thing that made it sort of hinky to me, as I'd never leave without eating the food I ordered!
If their bahavior was strange and they hurried out because they were approached, I would say that is a good reason to be suspicious about that baby they had.

Either that, or everywhere they go people are giving them the stink-eye... I can imagine they've been looked over a ton of times. Not to say it shouldn't be called in. jmo
She is described as blonde with blue eyes, so it's not red.

In photos that I've seen, Lisa has so little hair that it's difficult to determine whether it's a shade of blonde or a light reddish-blonde (strawberry blonde). The blue eyes and fair complexion are obvious, but not the hair color. Lisa resembles her mother. jmo
Probably a false tip - to take media attention off of the search today... sorry I don't trust anything Bill has to say.

I think if the tip was real, there would have been a photo on them leaving in the car or even of them in the restaurant (majority of public has a phone that will take pics) or a licence plate number.....
I think there is a greater chance that they had outstanding warrants or maybe drugs in their car then a stolen baby. If you were on the run with Baby Lisa would you take her into a sit down restaurant in broad daylight?

I wouldn't. I would use drive thrus and I would probably disguise her. Maybe dress her like a baby boy and change her hair color first.

Yes, exactly, although I want this to be true. I wonder if this could be the same couple who was spotted in a Red Lobster in St. Louis last week. They were two women with a baby who reportedly looked like Lisa.

But I doubt it's Lisa. The women probably just want to avoid public scrutiny. It would be too bold and stupid for a kidnapper to take the baby out in public right now.
I think these "sightings" clearly illustrate why it's so hard to prosecute without a body.
Either that, or everywhere they go people are giving them the stink-eye... I can imagine they've been looked over a ton of times. Not to say it shouldn't be called in. jmo

I find it odd that they left without eating after being approached plus the fact that they had Missouri tags but were not close to the state line. If someone approached me due to a missing child that looked like mine I would have understood the suspicion and did whatever I could to ensure them the child was mine. By now people who have a child who looks anything like Lisa would be smart enough to have some sort of proof on them that their child is indeed theirs. I also would have ate instead of leaving asap, which made them look even more suspicious.
I think these "sightings" clearly illustrate why it's so hard to prosecute without a body.

Isn't the GJ meeting soon..... sorry... but how convienient IF this is a false tip...
I think these "sightings" clearly illustrate why it's so hard to prosecute without a body.

And this precious baby looks so much like precious babies everywhere. She is like a blonde Gerber baby. I have seen several little girls who look just like her in her pictures. So the sightings will continue. I just hope and pray that one will pan out.
So what are the people supposed to do if they have children resembling baby Lisa? Are you supposed to be constantly proving that this in fact is your child?

I'd be happy to prove it was not Baby Lisa. I would think most parents would be. I would want people looking and questioning if my child was missing.
Let's not forget Shawn Hornbeck folks! He was in plain sight many times. He even played with the neighbour's kid and they took him on trips with them.

Keep the faith. I know it's hard with the focus being on the parents but until we know for sure, let's continue to keep an open mind.

She may still be alive.
I find it odd that they left without eating after being approached plus the fact that they had Missouri tags but were not close to the state line. If someone approached me due to a missing child that looked like mine I would have understood the suspicion and did whatever I could to ensure them the child was mine. By now people who have a child who looks anything like Lisa would be smart enough to have some sort of proof on them that their child is indeed theirs. I also would have ate instead of leaving asap, which made them look even more suspicious.

Exactly. All you need are a copy of the Birth certificate and maybe a family photo or two. It is not that hard to prove that this is your child. How hard is it to take the time to answer a few questions if it will help LE in their search for a missing endangered baby?
That McAlisters parking area connects directly to the Best Buy lot and there are a number of other businesses on that corner. At least a few of them should have parking lot video views.

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