MO - La'Keisha Roberson, 2, raped & murdered, Kansas City, 8 May 2006

Some freaking defense attorney will step in and make excuses for this monster. Who the hell stepped in to defend the poor little 2 year old munchkin? I'm so damn sick of hearing this crap. His "body part" took over? I will never understand how anyone looks at a baby, let alone an unconscious abused baby, and sees a sexual opportunity.

Ahhh...poor guy, he has an anger control problem. Yes, anger always creates in me with the desire to rape some poor helpless baby. IMO, do away with the trial. Cut the b@sta@rds b@lls off and let him bleed to death.
You know, some crimes are just to hideous to even read let alone committ. I do not think any punishment except death would ever remotely pay back society for what this sicko has done. Crimes like this are becoming all to common worldwide and lawmakers must start to reflect public opinion in law. Gee, this is really sad. Poor child.:doh:
And once again we have an example of an incredible sick individual who some portion of the society feels deserves rights and thinks can be rehabilitated... as far as I am concerned you gave up all rights the moment he hurt this innocent child. I am tired of all the excuses, the worrying about the protection of rights .. I want true justice especiallly when the victim is a child and that is not the kind of justice currently applied within out legal system today.. There is no excuse and should be no defense for scum like this.:mad:
opme said:
And once again we have an example of an incredible sick individual who some portion of the society feels deserves rights and thinks can be rehabilitated... as far as I am concerned you gave up all rights the moment he hurt this innocent child. I am tired of all the excuses, the worrying about the protection of rights .. I want true justice especiallly when the victim is a child and that is not the kind of justice currently applied within out legal system today.. There is no excuse and should be no defense for scum like this.:mad:
EXACTLY! It's horrendous how anyone could believe these people could ever be rehabilitated. And it's even worse how light the sentences are for beating or raping a child! Just check this case out -

Almost nine months ago to the day, baby Leah Lacko of Steubenville was beaten so badly doctors didn't know if she would survive. Leah has already had part of her brain removed, but is living at home with her mother.

And what charge and sentence is the accused facing? Felonious assault with a sentence of only 2 - 8 years! For what was, imho, an attempted murder. A man can get in a bar fight and accidently kill someone with a punch and get a heavier sentence than this creep is facing for nearly killing a baby. It's really sickening.
Marie said:
Almost nine months ago to the day, baby Leah Lacko of Steubenville was beaten so badly doctors didn't know if she would survive. Leah has already had part of her brain removed, but is living at home with her mother.
OMG, that's horrible. Is this a current case? There's no thread that I can find on her here at WS. Ugh, that poor, little baby!
JerseyGirl said:
OMG, that's horrible. Is this a current case? There's no thread that I can find on her here at WS. Ugh, that poor, little baby!
It happened 9 months ago when the baby was only 15 months old. The guy is on trial now - I think the 3rd one?! He claims he tripped over her stroller and landed on her, something stupid like that.
I am beyond sick... I pray this little one recieves a miracle...
Marie said:
It happened 9 months ago when the baby was only 15 months old. The guy is on trial now - I think the 3rd one?! He claims he tripped over her stroller and landed on her, something stupid like that.
The 3rd trial???

I don't understand why it seems that there are so many adult "humans" who seem capable of beating babies to near death! I just don't understand what's going on.
opme said:
And once again we have an example of an incredible sick individual who some portion of the society feels deserves rights and thinks can be rehabilitated... as far as I am concerned you gave up all rights the moment he hurt this innocent child. I am tired of all the excuses, the worrying about the protection of rights .. I want true justice especiallly when the victim is a child and that is not the kind of justice currently applied within out legal system today.. There is no excuse and should be no defense for scum like this.:mad:

All criminals should not be afforded rights once they've broken the law. Civil right should only apply to CIVILIZED human beings, and the animals that are getting away with this *advertiser censored*. Let them all fry!
All criminals should not be afforded rights once they've broken the law. Civil right should only apply to CIVILIZED human beings, and the animals that are getting away with this *advertiser censored*. Let them all fry!

Marie said:
Turner told investigators he has an anger control problem.
I think that I am having an anger control problem too. Idiots like this guy make me want to repeal the "cruel and unusual punishment" clause in the Bill of Rights. Some morons need to be tortured before death!!!!!!
AHHHHHHHH, he's using the "it was an accident defense":

Court documents claim Turner said he grabbed the girl and shook her violently. Then, he said he swung the victim off the ground by her ankles and dropped her on the floor. He also said he "smacked the living crap out of her."

He told police that while changing her soiled diaper, a part of his body "made a mistake" and he had intercourse with the toddler. Turner said he ended the assault by kicking the child in the head, because she wouldn't wake up.

* * *

Turner was charged with four counts of first-degree assault, six counts of endangering the welfare of a child, two counts of child abuse, one count of forcible sodomy and one count of statutory sodomy.


Why isn't this attempted murder? I've heard of teenagers who get into a fight and kick another in the head, and they're charged with attempted murder because its known (or should have been known) that a kick to the head could cause death.
I've lost my breath reading this, I am gasping for air, I am crying from deep within, I can feel the anger rising up in me, this is unbearable, I feel I may pass out from the deep pain I feel in my heart.

I am the mother of two small children, I cannot fathom how any human can do this to another, let alone an innocent baby. My only explanation is the devil is truly living here on earth in the form of these evil beings like this piece of trash. The devil has incarnated himself as a human being on the outside, but the devil's soul lives inside. He is working on God's creations trying to break us down, performing such evil deeds that the whole system is becoming immune to the evil.

People will defend this , they will be worried if he gets a fair trial, they will be worried if he gets to eat, sleep and exercise, people on this earth will care for this freak. Who was there to worry about this 2 year old baby?

I am so torn up inside, we are taught to forgive those who trespass against us, but how can I open my heart to such forgiveness when such an evil has been purpertrated against me?

Why should someone of such a sub-human nature be allowed to roam the earth for another second? Why do we have laws to protect someone who is obviously guilty of the most heinous crime possible? We need to rise up and demand change, this scum should be taken to the center of town, beaten and then hanged, so suffering is involved.

Why should I be forced to spend money to keep him alive, he will probably get life in prison, so that's a long time that I have to care for him as a taxpayer. His priviledge of living here on earth with the rest of us who take great care of our kids should be ended, he has proven his unworthyness.

He should be given a swift, cruel, suffering death immediately, after all he has ended the chances of this beautiful creature to ever grow and develop.

How are we to look this evil in the face and agree to keep it here on earth with us? I cannot get my mind to understand it nor come to terms with it. The US is a great place to live, but we have lost our way when we allow this person to live after what he has done, we have indeed lost our way.

This poor sweet baby, I pray for you and I am so sorry that you suffered so brutally at the hands of this evil person. Our father who art in heaven please work miracles to change the evilness to love in people just like this person so no more senseless crimes will have to happen to your baby angels. We pray for your love and help to guide this country to get us back to a God fearing nation.

I am so empty right now, my heart hurts and the tears flow...
2beautifulboys said:
I've lost my breath reading this, I am gasping for air, I am crying from deep within, I can feel the anger rising up in me, this is unbearable, I feel I may pass out from the deep pain I feel in my heart.

I am the mother of two small children, I cannot fathom how any human can do this to another, let alone an innocent baby. My only explanation is the devil is truly living here on earth in the form of these evil beings like this piece of trash. The devil has incarnated himself as a human being on the outside, but the devil's soul lives inside. He is working on God's creations trying to break us down, performing such evil deeds that the whole system is becoming immune to the evil.

People will defend this , they will be worried if he gets a fair trial, they will be worried if he gets to eat, sleep and exercise, people on this earth will care for this freak. Who was there to worry about this 2 year old baby?

I am so torn up inside, we are taught to forgive those who trespass against us, but how can I open my heart to such forgiveness when such an evil has been purpertrated against me?

Why should someone of such a sub-human nature be allowed to roam the earth for another second? Why do we have laws to protect someone who is obviously guilty of the most heinous crime possible? We need to rise up and demand change, this scum should be taken to the center of town, beaten and then hanged, so suffering is involved.

Why should I be forced to spend money to keep him alive, he will probably get life in prison, so that's a long time that I have to care for him as a taxpayer. His priviledge of living here on earth with the rest of us who take great care of our kids should be ended, he has proven his unworthyness.

He should be given a swift, cruel, suffering death immediately, after all he has ended the chances of this beautiful creature to ever grow and develop.

How are we to look this evil in the face and agree to keep it here on earth with us? I cannot get my mind to understand it nor come to terms with it. The US is a great place to live, but we have lost our way when we allow this person to live after what he has done, we have indeed lost our way.

This poor sweet baby, I pray for you and I am so sorry that you suffered so brutally at the hands of this evil person. Our father who art in heaven please work miracles to change the evilness to love in people just like this person so no more senseless crimes will have to happen to your baby angels. We pray for your love and help to guide this country to get us back to a God fearing nation.

I am so empty right now, my heart hurts and the tears flow...
bakerprune64 said:
WTF!! A part of his body made a mistake, WTF is that!! Freakin a$$hole, I cannot believe it. It's almost like he isn't taking responsibility for the action of his "BODY PART" I hope this Mother F'er get shot going into court or pulverized in prison by some big ba$tard who cannot control his "BODY PART" I am so furious right now, I have to leave, before I get banned:banghead:

What is he saying...the thing reached out by itself and unzipped his pants or did he just happen to be changing the baby without any clothes on and the thing just snuck right on over there and made its mistake :furious: :furious:

I'm probably going to screamed at for saying this but if this baby is brain damaged from the kicking and slamming her to the floor I hope she just passes away quietly. They had to operate on her and that was probably for her rectum. I can't even begin to imagine the horrible damage he caused down there. Her bowels are probably damaged. How could he treat that little girl like that. He is a evil. All of that because she spilled some water on the TV. It may have ruined the TV because water will do that but why was she carrying a glass of water around. He must have given it to her.
That is why they make sippy cups. I hope the very worst for him. Hope he gets a long sentence and a huge cell mate with a huge "mistake" that finds its way to his back side several times a night.
I have a feeling that if it wasn't the water on the tv, it would have been something else. That's just an excuse, IMO. He may not have raped or sodomized her before but I'd bet my house that this isn't the first time this has entered his mind.
Toddler Dies After Alleged Abuse, Sodomy

Girl's Stepfather Charged In Case

A toddler who was allegedly beaten and sodomized by her stepfather has died. La'Keisha Roberson, 2, was taken to a local hospital two weeks ago. She was removed from life support Sunday, police said. The child's stepfather, 28-year-old Paul Turner, was charged with first-degree assault, child abuse, sodomy and endangering the welfare of a child. He is in police custody. Prosecutors said it was most horrific abuse seen in decades.

Marie said:
Toddler Dies After Alleged Abuse, Sodomy

Girl's Stepfather Charged In Case

A toddler who was allegedly beaten and sodomized by her stepfather has died. La'Keisha Roberson, 2, was taken to a local hospital two weeks ago. She was removed from life support Sunday, police said. The child's stepfather, 28-year-old Paul Turner, was charged with first-degree assault, child abuse, sodomy and endangering the welfare of a child. He is in police custody. Prosecutors said it was most horrific abuse seen in decades.

This is just so incredibly sad. I am glad however that she is no longer suffering and that she is in the care the angels now. I am just so sorry she had to endure so much pain and cruelty in such a short time that she was here. Thankfully she is in a far better place now.

This animal should be tortured from now until eternity.. H*ll and purgatory are too good for this beast.

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