GUILTY MT - Sherry Arnold, 43, Sidney, 7 Jan 2012 - #1

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yeah I totally agree, that is what any normal rational person would do is to stop and help and call 911 at least if you accidently kill someone you have done what you can to help them by calling 911 and rendering what aid you can to them... that is why a person has to think that these two had warrents out for them... were not thinking straight or something like that. Will be intresting to find out what there backgrounds are like if they have past records.
At least from what they said on JVM it was a car accident gone very wrong.... so these people that hit her had something to lose... maybe they were fleeing from another crime? Maybe they had warrents out for their arrest.... obviously if you hit a person hard enough to knock them out of their shoes you are going to be going pretty fast I would have to think.

If it is someone who drives for a living... the loss of a job may be more important than the loss of a life?
I just had a thought about why someone might panic/not stop/get help (not that it is the RIGHT thing to do at all!): not a citizen perhaps???? just a thought
I had not looked at this angle..but could be.....:waitasec:
Just saw the local news and I am so vey sad. Poor Sherry :( my heart breaks for her family, friends and children she teaches. If I hear anything besides what's already been posted on the local news I will certainly share.

JMHO/speculation: I feel like she was accidentally hit and the perps were drunk or on drugs and panicked.

I can only hope that Sherry did not suffer. Reminds me of the case where a person hit a bicyclist and he lay on her windshield to die. It was a very prolonged death :( really hoping this was instant.
OMG. My thoughts and prayers are with her family.

To Everyone who goes out alone,

Please try not to. I know it is impossible at times but at least carry a whistle, pepper spray, something.

I have a long metal heavy baton in my car. Right on my seat.

Sorry, did not mean to derail the thread but I just want everyone to think before they go running or walking alone.

Thank you, Tricia, for reminding us. I have been running since middle school and though I cherish my alone time with nature, I try to be as safe as possible. I never wear headphones, and I carry my cell, a stun gun, an alarm, and pepper spray. My friends tease me a lot because we are in a very low-crime area, but I think it's better to be over-prepared than not.
From nursebeeme post:

On this tragic day, Arnold Traux hopes all can remember Sherry, "As a good person, as a mom, as a teacher, as a friend, as a daughter, as a sister, and as somebody who mattered and who will be loved forever."
Thank you, Tricia, for reminding us. I have been running since middle school and though I cherish my alone time with nature, I try to be as safe as possible. I never wear headphones, and I carry my cell, a stun gun, an alarm, and pepper spray. My friends tease me a lot because we are in a very low-crime area, but I think it's better to be over-prepared than not.

I love hiking, being in nature, walking my dog.
My family keeps reminding me to take a cell, but I feel that it will take away from the "freedom".
This case certainly is making me re-think about my hiking habits. Unfortunately, there are too many dangers lurking.
I have been trying to convince my niece for years now -- take your phone, leave a hote in your apartment where you're hiking, running, etc. To no avail.

She feels safe (even with the mountain lion sightings in residential areas). It happens other places (her thinking NOT mine).
I have been trying to convince my niece for years now -- take your phone, leave a hote in your apartment where you're hiking, running, etc. To no avail.

She feels safe (even with the mountain lion sightings in residential areas). It happens other places (her thinking NOT mine).

Idk, sometimes it takes actual suffering to change people's minds about spraining an ankle or something while a good distance from home. Me, I'm paranoid, and a couple yrs ago a woman actually was assaulted in a park where I ran regularly, so that reinforced it. But really I made up my mind to always carry a cell after I stepped on a shard of broken glass one morning before school when I was 16 or 17. I was out running and I had to limp home, which was probably 2 hilly miles away. So my cut foot obviously was other leg ached cuz I was off-balance for so long... I was dehydrated by the time I finally got home...and of course mom was freaked out because I was gone so long, then I was late to school. Can you tell it made a big impression?! :crazy:
Just saw the local news and I am so vey sad. Poor Sherry :( my heart breaks for her family, friends and children she teaches. If I hear anything besides what's already been posted on the local news I will certainly share.

JMHO/speculation: I feel like she was accidentally hit and the perps were drunk or on drugs and panicked.

I can only hope that Sherry did not suffer. Reminds me of the case where a person hit a bicyclist and he lay on her windshield to die. It was a very prolonged death :( really hoping this was instant.

That's what worries me. What if she didn't die on impact (assuming this was a hit and run)? Maybe she could have been saved. This whole thing makes me so angry.
Thank you, Tricia, for reminding us. I have been running since middle school and though I cherish my alone time with nature, I try to be as safe as possible. I never wear headphones, and I carry my cell, a stun gun, an alarm, and pepper spray. My friends tease me a lot because we are in a very low-crime area, but I think it's better to be over-prepared than not.

I'm not a serious runner but I do walk/jog at a local park sometimes when the weather is nice in order to switch up my exercise routine. I have pepper spray on my keychain as well as a whistle. People tease me all of the time too but I sometimes STILL feel scared going alone and I live in a relatively low-crime area as well.

I always take my cell and I never carry it in my hands because if someone were to try to grab me, I think the first thing they would do would be to take it away from me. I usually put it in my bra so it's hidden.
At least from what they said on JVM it was a car accident gone very wrong.... so these people that hit her had something to lose... maybe they were fleeing from another crime? Maybe they had warrents out for their arrest.... obviously if you hit a person hard enough to knock them out of their shoes you are going to be going pretty fast I would have to think.

If the accident scenario is true, then I, too, think these men had something to conceal. I was thinking in terms of, perhaps, illegal cargo, i.e., drugs and/or weapons. Why else would they want to conceal it? Even if the driver of the vehicle was speeding, they will now be in much more trouble than had they stopped and reported the accident.

On another note, I seem to remember an article stating that Sherry routinely jogged through a field. It sounded to me that she wasn't near enough a road to be hit by a passing vehicle, although she may have been visible from the road. I don't know where that article is now with so many articles out there and with conflicting info. But, that is one reason I doubted the "accident" scenario. Does anyone else remember the statement?
I would like to apologize to everyone frustrated by our local MSM. Welcome to life in small town Montana/North Dakota. I have come to generally believe the rumor mill in my town, which responds much more quickly and thoroughly to information than the local paper. And actually, the schools tend to produce pretty solid information, when a student or a teacher, or students and teachers, are involved.

I did want to mention that the state of Montana has one of the highest rates of drinking and driving in the country.

(sorry, I am sure there is a primary reference for this, I just can't find it at the moment)

I would not be at all surprised if alchohol turns out to be involved, and "motivated" the driver(s) to cover up the accident. Culturally, drinking and driving at high speeds on rural backroads is pretty common entertainment for teens and sadly, yes, adults. I can imagine the individuals still out, on the way "home" after drinking away an entire Friday night, finding themselves heading out of Sidney early Saturday morning. Sherry Arnold, wearing the proper gear, probably never stood a chance.
Personally, I do not think the FBI or LE would tell a family their loved one was dead based soley on statements by suspects. I think they have located her remains. I think due to no official confirmation, media sources have jumped all over the place on their reporting in order to be "the first" with the story.


Still, if they didn't jump the gun, why not confirm the statement from the superindendent of the schools? Wasn't it LE who informed them? Why not confirm or deny it? Holding that info is going to effect the The school website stated they had been notified...after the family had and proceeded to say the buses would be running at 2PM, counselors would be available, and all games would be cancelled for tonight. ?
So they haven't recovered her body but announced she's deceased based on someone's alleged confession?

I can't tell from the media reports if her body has been found or not.

However, if it hasn't been found, LE might have found enough forensic evidence on/inside the vehicle to validate a confession.
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