Nancy Grace Tuesday 9/16

May be getting money from website asking for money for defense fund. Website has not gone live yet.
You may be right. But the shrieking feigned outrage is unjustifiable to me, and brings the program down a notch. It hurts her objective quotient.

I'm sure her outrage is not feigned....and as far as Nancy shrieking that is what she is known for. It's nothing new. It's Nancy Grace as she has always been.
LOL, Nancy says, "If you have to work late at night......YOU DON'T HAVE A JOB!" I'm so glad someone finally said that.

I can't watch the show tonight -- what is the context for this quote?

I'm sure those who work in hospitals, assisted living, cocktail waiters, bartenders, performing musicians, and others who work "late at night" don't share this sentiment.
Just had a thought. NG just played the part of the interrogation tape where she talks about getting the call from Caylee on July 15th. She says that Caylee was talking about her book - the one they have videos of her reading at the retirement home on Father's Day. Where is that book? Is it missing...or is it at the Anthony's house? If it is at the Anthony's....why would Caylee be talking about the book almost a month after last reading it? (Not that I believe she actually got a call from Caylee)
Hey, I work late at night and I have a job. I know, I know, but still that was kind of an empty comment. Ever heard of third shift?

But KC didn't have a job..she was commenting on KC on the tapes saying "if I had to work late at night' then NG said..BUT YOU DON'T HAVE a
May be getting money from website asking for money for defense fund. Website has not gone live yet.

You know the funny thing about this website??? There are actually people who will donate and that is very sad.
Check bouncing?

She has 22 (or is it 27 now?)charges including FRAUD, WIRE FRAUD, IDENITY THEFT, and other charges. Idenity theft is a BIG CHARGE under Homeland security and pulls AUTOMATIC JAIL TIME.

What are YOU thinking?

I know she was charged with forgery and fraud. I made a sloppy error when I wrote check bouncing. My bad.

But the intent of my post is the same, and unaffected by my careless error. Did anyone really think Casey wouldn't bond out on those charges? (Other than the shrieking Nancy).
You may be right. But the shrieking feigned outrage is unjustifiable to me, and brings the program down a notch. It hurts her objective quotient.

In a way, I agree with you, but I have found in my day to day dealings with the general public that there are a lot of ignorant people out there(sorry john Q public!) as evidenced in the repetitive questions posed to NG night after night- not everyone is as brilliant as you!:)
Casey practically admitted that she didn't tell anyone because she knew her parents, especially Cindy would react just the way she did by calling police. That's what Casey did not want to happen, IMO. To me, Casey isn't saying that she's petrified of Cindy at all. She goes on to say that she already knows that her mom will never forgive her, but that she's "petrified" of never seeing Caylee again.
I strongly disagree.

Allen: So wait a minute. So, you're more afraid of your mom's reaction then you are if you ever see your daughter?

Casey: No I'm absolutely petrified. Absolutely petrified. I know my mom will never forgive me. I'm never gonna forgive myself because there's that chance that I might not see Caylee again and I don't want to think about that. me...she is saying she is PETRIFIED of her mother's reaction. She is ANSWERING his question IN CONTEXT as it was asked.
Then why would she want to go home instead of staying in jail, when those are her only 2 options?
Home is more freedom than jail - she can spend 6 hours a day with her attorney doing whatever she wants. He orders out for food for them. She can hold hands and nuzzle her attorney. She is in control while she is on bond - in her eyes.
You may be right. But the shrieking feigned outrage is unjustifiable to me, and brings the program down a notch. It hurts her objective quotient.

I think her outrage is real, just as many people are outraged that no one in this family is bothering to look for Caylee but collecting money. They better be careful there are a lot of people out there who would "donate" money just to have a case against them later for fraud when it comes out they knew she was dead all along.

I am not sure since LE has said she is dead, they can even collect ANY funds for "finding Caylee" legally at this point.
I can't watch the show tonight -- what is the context for this quote?

I'm sure those who work in hospitals, assisted living, cocktail waiters, bartenders, performing musicians, and others who work "late at night" don't share this sentiment.
I took it she was referring to Casey's lies about having to work, and Casey not having a job. MOO
Hey, I work late at night and I have a job. I know, I know, but still that was kind of an empty comment. Ever heard of third shift?

Nancy meant that KC didn't have a job at all. Everything she had told the detectives was a lie about her job.
But KC didn't have a job..she was commenting on KC on the tapes saying "if I had to work late at night' then NG said..BUT YOU DON'T HAVE a

Ah, so it was quoted out of context, okay. My cable is kind of coming and going, ever since the last commercial break it has been breaking up. I had to rely on the other post for what she said there.

IMO, I still do think that Casey was doing some type of work, but not the type that you file taxes on, if you get my drift.
They only thing KC is scared of is not being able to go and party anymore.....and put more notches in her bed post.
I know she was charged with forgery and fraud. I made a sloppy error when I wrote check bouncing. My bad.

But the intent of my post is the same, and unaffected by my careless error. Did anyone really think Casey wouldn't bond out on those charges? (Other than the shrieking Nancy).

I, for one did not know............In many states, ANY re-arrest cancels all bonds - Florida evidently is not one of them.
I agree that it's more than bouncing checks but she will never do any serious time on these charges.

Is'nt the total amount around $400?

No..I added up the checks, and the electronic payment that was made to ATT and it was just under a thousand. I'm a bit confused because I've heard different amounts but there were like 3 checks for Target, 1 from Winn Dixie and then the payment using routing numbers for ATT that I saw on the affadavit. Maybe someone has an exact amount.
She is lucky it is Florida - in many states, it does not matter when a crime is committed, if she is re-arrested the bond is automatically revoked.

But if thats the case LE could always hold 1 charge back

For example if a man is charged with Passing a stolen check LE could arrest him & charge him with theft and then once the person makes bond they could go ahead & charge him with forgery

Now his bond is revoked -

I agree with the Lawyer on NG's show

LE should'nt be allowed to play games with charges to deny a person "Bond"

Please, don't anyone take this as me defending case because I'm not

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