GUILTY NC - Kathy Taft, 62, Raleigh, 6 March 2010 - #6

Great Q, slooth. I wonder the same thing - did it ever cross his mom's mind that he could be the killer. But then her denial seemed so severe. She still refers to that night as "when he told us he lost his job at Mellow Mushroom"! :what: :banghead:
I bet his mother never suspected. She seems to still be in some kind of denial over him. To this day she still doesn't equate the night he came over for dinner as the day he also murdered KT. She instead thinks of it as the day he "got fired from Mellow Mushroom."
Wonder if JWs mother suspected him if /or when she heard of KTs rape/murder. Knowing the vicinity near where he lived and given her knowledge of his sexual deviance. Perhaps another denial. I dont remember but was there a composite drawing released before the arrest?

No drawing, slooth. JW took care of that.

I certainly would think his mother had at least a little sinking feeling -- and I would think she might have visited their apt or helped with moving in. Or at least, as you say, she knew where they lived. If anybody could know him, it would have been his mother. Sometimes you just have a feeling...
If he indeed had hung out at that house before -- his "office" -- then did he have that address in mind when he left his apt? Took the back way and just went right up to the door? He was a criminal with a criminal mind. If he was as successful at B&E as he said he was - what'd the Doc say? 10--12 times w/o getting caught? - I certainly don't see him just walking down Wayland & Cartier. It's not a long walk, but it's full of houses on both sides, with streetlights. Especially if he was planning on a B&E. Was he that stoopid? I'll give him that amount of smarts; I think he took the shorter and the "under the cover" route. JMO.

Justice for Kathy Taft
My feeling is that things are not looking good for Jason, right now. We'll see what the jury has to say in the end. So far, I don't know how they could legally come to any conclusion other than guilty in the first degree on all three counts. But this is not up to us. It's up to that jury.
Good Morning, Sleuthers!

It's very possible that the case will be in the jury room by the end of the week, seems to me. Crossing fingers for Justice.

(I use Firefox. If using the abclocal link, please click on their "Trial...." link at the top of the WTVD main page.)

I'll be glad to start another thread if you all think we should....

Mods -- new thread???
Great Q, slooth. I wonder the same thing - did it ever cross his mom's mind that he could be the killer. But then her denial seemed so severe. She still refers to that night as "when he told us he lost his job at Mellow Mushroom"! :what: :banghead:[/quote

Yeppers, Boodles, she just couldn't say it, I guess. The closest she came to calling it what it was, was the word, "assault." Still in her veiled world. Sad for her, and way more than unfortunate for him and for KT.
What I find interesting about upcoming testimony from Dr Woolfe is that she's the forensic shrink for the State, if I'm not mistaken. In other words, paid for by the State of NC to evaluate this guy for trial, not a for-hire type. Yet the prosecution did not call her, but the defense is. Interesting...
What's going on in the courtroom? Waiting for someone???
The jury is reading reports from Dr Woolfe and someone else. They must be long.
I thought I heard Conner say, "Dr. Burgess," this morning when he was telling the Court what his plans were for the day... Presenting the jury with the CV & report from Dr. Hilkey, and calling Dr. *whoever* and resting.

We'll see...
No testimony yet today, Mad. Just letting the jury read Hilkey's CV and report (which was lengthy, IIRC, from what he said on the stand).
Good morning all....catching up catching up. peace to all.
Diphi, no, there isn't a beaten or paved path that runs along that creek. The creek bed is a fairly wide swath of what I call "jungle" between the backyards on either side of it. To be honest with you, I've never gone down into that jungle the 7 or 8 years I've lived here because I'm afraid of what snakes and ticks I'd encounter. Nobody goes down there. I can't imagine anyone would have a reason to unless they were hiding from someone.

Just curious, is that Crabtree Creek? The one that floods during hurricanes and such?
More blah, blah, blah.

Who cares why JW did what he did. He did it. Slam the jail door shut and throw away the key.
OT/ sorry for all your losses of dogs. :( We too had a Chloe, RIP sweet girl. Of the two that we have now, my rottweiler/german shepherd mix I firmly believe would attack an intruder meaning to do harm to one of us. Not really sure about our catahoula. He's a big boy, both dogs are around 100 lbs each. I tend to think *if* things got violent, he would join in. The rottie though is much more action oriented when it comes to protection of her humans. Big boy tends to observe the situation first to get a feeling for what is happening. Both are extremely loud and ferocious barkers.
he certainly has a keen memory of crime scene to have been impaired with alcohol and ritalin! Convinced now that this was not first time in JGs house! New meaning to draw me a picture!
This doc said JW "overroad" his inclination to escape the house/leave when he realized someone was in the BR. Well folks, that's intent. He could have left. He didn't. He chose not to.

He had a rock to "break into the house." Yeah...well...he did not need the rock as he got the door open with the plastic sign. So why keep the rock in his pocket then? He's already in the house. At this point the rock becomes a weapon. Why did JW need to carry the rock into the residence?

She's trying to paint a pic of JW being disorganized as some kind of excuse for why JW didn't form intent. Except he did. Intent takes place in a matter of seconds.
Did he stop and take his socks off, putting his shoes back on again, or did he *bring* a pair of socks from home?

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