NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #27

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I'm sorry if I misunderstood your post. I thought since we were discussing an article about social services, and you quoted the original post regarding that article, you were talking about social services.

That is all he worried about is public opinion.
Not that the agency did wrong, did good work...
They suck IMHO.
Bumping for sweet angel.
This same link just came into my mail box, and I was going to post it too, but not because it offers any news at all, it is rehash of old news, JUST REHASH OF OLD NEWS...
We already knew that Monster Mom is due in court on June 3rd.

(thanks for posting it Kimberleyd but......

I WANT NEWS...Where the F is real news.????

IMO there is not much to report on at this time.
What new news do they have to report?
MAM is in jail waiting on a court date to come up.
AD is at her Aunt's house (I guess she's still there) waiting on her court date to come up.
It's been 6 months since Shaniya was killed and AD was pregnant then, so she's gotta be getting close to delivery.

So, waiting on court dates and trials. I don't think there is any new news to report.
IMO there is not much to report on at this time.
What new news do they have to report?
MAM is in jail waiting on a court date to come up.
AD is at her Aunt's house (I guess she's still there) waiting on her court date to come up.
It's been 6 months since Shaniya was killed and AD was pregnant then, so she's gotta be getting close to delivery.

So, waiting on court dates and trials. I don't think there is any new news to report.

I would love to know what will happen to that poor baby? She cant POSSIBLY retain custody! I am afraid she might do something crazy...
I would love to know what will happen to that poor baby? She cant POSSIBLY retain custody! I am afraid she might do something crazy...

I would love to know that too.

I can't see AD ever having custody of the baby. I think she will soon be in prison. Hopefully for a LONG time.
Even when she gets out, I don't think she will regain custody of her son or this baby.

I hope the baby is better protected by "the system" than Shainya and her brother was.

God bless that innocent unborn baby.
I would love to know that too.

I can't see AD ever having custody of the baby. I think she will soon be in prison. Hopefully for a LONG time.
Even when she gets out, I don't think she will regain custody of her son or this baby.

I hope the baby is better protected by "the system" than Shainya and her brother was.

God bless that innocent unborn baby.

I am so scared of her being free to do whatever if she goes into labor. She sold one baby already...
I am so scared of her being free to do whatever if she goes into labor. She sold one baby already...

:eek: never thought of her trying to sell the infant. Wow, that's scarey.
IMO there is not much to report on at this time.
What new news do they have to report?
MAM is in jail waiting on a court date to come up.
AD is at her Aunt's house (I guess she's still there) waiting on her court date to come up.
It's been 6 months since Shaniya was killed and AD was pregnant then, so she's gotta be getting close to delivery.

So, waiting on court dates and trials. I don't think there is any new news to report.

It would be nice if they charged her instead of send her to her aunts.
Like "accessory to Murder" would work in my minds eye.
You are right there is no news just rehash...
Bumping for Shaniya. May we see justice in her name sooner rather than later.
I am so scared of her being free to do whatever if she goes into labor. She sold one baby already...
That would be begging for life in prison....She knows she is being watched - maybe for drugs you forget and still do the wrong thing? who knows:waitasec:
That would be begging for life in prison....She knows she is being watched - maybe for drugs you forget and still do the wrong thing? who knows:waitasec:

I wonder if a condition of release was drug testing? I HATE being in the dark about everything!!!
I wonder if a condition of release was drug testing? I HATE being in the dark about everything!!!

If it wasn't it surely should be. Wouldn't we all think? :banghead:

My dd friend "S" was here last night with her darling little 8 month old baby. We were discussing (briefly) her older sister's situation. :(

Her sister is 22. She repeatedly lost custody of her ds (now 2.5yrs) due to her use of drugs. The baby daddy is unknown and ds #1 has been raised by S and S's parents. (sis spent 1 yr in jail and 6 months in rehab.) :loser:

Last summer when she checked into the hospital to give birth to ds #2 she tested "hot" and the baby was taken from her. She got pregnant w\ #2 right after completing rehab by (of course) a fellow rehab'er. This baby was released to the maternal Gparents. So the 2 baby boys have been living with S and her parents. S had her baby 4 weeks early - a few days after her sis. :baby:

Sis and baby daddy 2 had petitioned the courts to get the boys back, saying she had eaten a poppy seed bagel just before going into labor (of course we all believe this) - CPS showed up on a surprise visit - mom again tested hot. She was told she would never get the boys back. Period. :gavel:

The paternal GParents of ds#2 have been "sharing custody" to put it loosely - they take him very occasionally a few days at a time, they have taken ds#1 too to keep the boys together. Recently the boys were at the "other gparents and the Gfather locked the 2 year old in the bathroom (lights off) and told him the monsters were going to get him - because it was a funny thing to do... :eek:

S told us sis and the #2baby daddy have a court date next month - once again for custody. :bang:

WTF is wrong with this picture??? WTF is wrong with our courts?????

CPS have asked the GParents to adopt ds#1, but they have both lost their jobs in the last year - so they can't afford to. Is this not something the state can help with with for peeps in need?
is there an effort to raise $$$ to build a playground in honor of Shaniya? I would like to donate if there is. Maybe even revitalize an abandoned play ground in an sad neighborhood (like the one Shaniya last call her home). A playground where children like Shaniya can have a place to play on the swings and slide down the sliding board. Wouldn't that be nice?

We have sent several letters to city councils re: this. No feedback yet, but Shaniya is definately on our hearts and minds every day.
bumpity bump sweet angel baby.
Bumping for my girl this morning. I will bump forever more if need be.
Bumping for my girl this morning. I will bump forever more if need be.

I know the feeling, tlcox.

Regarding the playground we have any locals who are handy, who would be willing to come in and do a one-weekend build if we provided the materials and the land?

Thinking of Shaniya. Praying for justice.

Also, good luck with the playground guys. Such a great tribute to a beautiful little girl who should have had so many more years to play on this earth.
There is another little child that was betrayed/killed by his parent. Little Ethan Stacy who left the warm, loving home of his father to stay with his mother and step-father for the summer. He was there for a few days and is now dead.TORTURED and then killed. I know that Ethan and Shaniya are together in heaven, thats the only thing that stops me from losing it completely!
I've tried to follow that case but just can't. I got the basics and that's all I can handle.
I pop in every now and then, then pop right back out.

What is wrong with these people? What could a 4 year old possible do to envoke such rage???? NOTHING

I can also see Ethan and Shaniya playing in heaven. God bless their souls.
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