NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #25

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NO :laugh::laugh:

But Nancy is droooooling all over him.
Listen to her voice....
What happened to her bulldozer?

But trys to bully her panel!!and kid gloves with BL:waitasec:,should have know"different verse,same as the first".:banghead::banghead:
I think some advocates (not any in particular, of course) are looking to be the next entertainment kings.
I got tired of Tiger Woods, and abandoned the show. Sounds like I am glad I did.
I'm not trying to bash the father of a murdered and raped little girl but I can't figure out why this father isn't enraged right now. I don't like even looking at him or hearing him speak. I can't explain it even to myself why I feel this way, I just do. I get a feeling of disgust. I took what happened to Shaniya very hard and it sickens me to think of her last five weeks of life. I feel that her Aunt Carey is truly grieving for her and the hurt is very evident.

It pi**es me off when a parent immediately seeks the talk shows, in this one, very early in the case. I guess a foundation is the next step, or has one already been organized?

I'm trying to figure out why he's making the rounds of the talk shows. If someone I cared for had died so tragically and violently, I'd be devastated and would be in no fit shape to appear on TV. I hate to say it, but it almost seems as if he hasn't taken Shaniya's death that hard;maybe because he wasn't a major part of her life and he palmed her off on others? He may be very concerned about what people think and does not want to receive any blame, but if that's the case he's very self-serving. He comes off as very unsympathetic;so I think it would be wise if he stopped with the constant TV appearances. It's interesting he has a lawyer. I hope he hasn't enlisted this guy's services so he can make a new career for himself as a Children's Advocate but if that's the case, he might want to rethink that, since he doesn't seem devastated about his daughter's tragic death!
Just like passionflower said I can't talk about my best paw buddy without getting the lump and tears ..
Not sure if he is medicated or not... but even though we are like WTH already on TV ect..
I wonder who helped him choose his charity... and since this is his chosen work so to speak.. does that mean there is alot more to this "Human / Child Trafficking" charge than we know ...which is ZERO but you know what I mean !!

Oh and the GF remark .... no denial...just left it hanging there
I can barely stomach NG anymore, she just comes across as so phony! No hard questions, no calls from viewers, the same old same old from BL. She is using this awful tragedy as much as he is, IMHO!!! She should be ashamed of herself!
I thought I'd purge when she asked him "do you ever dream of her?"

I was like what did she say for crying out loud!!
I got an idea ,, why doesn't someone from here offer her the services of question writer !!!!
I now see how he can just give kids "away"-he is w/out emotion...sorry, I just don't care for the man and don't see human suffering in him. I would be in a straight jacket, heavily medicated for a veeeerrrry looong time if anything ever happened to my kids.

Sophia there are times in my life that I had been numb; I wondered what is wrong with me, but I was frozen emotionally.
when the body is in shock the brain still works but it takes time for it to sometimes defrost.....I AM NOT saying that is what BL is experiencing I AM SAYING I know for a fact that not all grieving is the same... I know ...I will also tell you I would rather feel and cry and am gratefully I can. I do know the difference.

I also think that LB is very macho male....
BUT BUT the fact that he was able to give Shaniya to her mother for any reason at all...I AGREE WITH YOU ....
IMHO the man is without emotion.
Brad may still be in shock or he may be the sort of guy who blocks his emotions and doesn't let them show. Years ago, my husband used to block his emotions and would show no emotion if something bad happened to someone he cared about, yet he would cry over sad movies on TV. It took counseling before he could let his "real life" emotions show. He was taught while growing up that men don't cry or show emotion. Maybe Brad was raised that way too.
He may be sedated, he looked a little glassy.

And he may realize that if he is going to speak on behalf of an orgaization, he can't be hate filled or hysterical.

Or he could have no heart and no real concept of how to react.
Was she NG sedated too???:waitasec: just asking....:)
I'm way behind on reading threads and haven't yet seen tonight's NG, but I wanted to make a quick comment nonetheless:

After ALL these years, Marc Klaas *still* shows emotion when NG introduces him. Often it's just his closed eyes or bowed head...his pain is palpable to this day, and appropriately so.
JMO,but everytime NG mentioned what happen to Shaniya,I was waiting for a flicker of something,never came.If it was me I would not be able to stand hearing it over and over again without cryng or raging,or maybe i'm just to critical.:twocents:
Marvette is a classy lady
So is TW- A class act the is, really whose business is it that maybe wifey got jealous - he just ran off to take a drive and let her cool off - she is raging with a gulf club - brakes the back of his window. Common guys it is not news worthy....
LOL no you can not brake the back window and get in to pull him out...LOL... so right there they are saying they don't really want to tell you anything at all........
COOL .... tired of looking into the privet world of everybody. IMBook they seemed to have more "Star Essence" when they did keep a mystique about their lives, instead of airing out all their chit.
GO ...TIGER ...Stand up for your jealous woman and keep it privet....:) :woohoo:
Well, I just watched the video of NG's interview with BL, and she seemed more emotional than BL. BL seemed numb;could he have been sedated? I still think he should lay off the TV appearances. Even if he's numb or sedated, he does not come off well.
I just watched Shaniya's dad on Nancy Grace and I felt so sorry for him. I hope and pray that this man and his family find the peace and the comfort that they need.

It seems he is going to try to make something positive come out of this senseless act against Shaniya. Some foundation that wasn't able to help his child-but may be of some help to someone elses child. GOD BLESS HIM!
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