NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #39

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Maybe AB went back to the house to see what LE had done or found?? I bet he's scared tonight!! Bet Mom (AB's) is getting a clearer picture as well.

I think so also, the house was just recently released and he went and seen if anything is salvagable of his. I would also think the photos being taken is going to be part of his defence if this goes to trial, a lawyers work is never done. I persoanlly would have never gone back even if i was innocent because too many people would be around speculating and looking, i would have sent family or lawyer
Why, in my mind, do I hear this being read in Eminem's "Stan" voice?

Hello my favorite dark person,

Hey its me Elesa. I am going crazy in this cell. I have told the cops everything I know bout whats happened to Zahra. They arrested Adam but he got right back out how is that? See I told you I have no support. I have never been so angry over stuff as I am right now. He knows whats happened to Zahra and yet I'm the one in here at least for now. I have heard from mail I have gotten that people think is guilty and heartless to and me. Makes me wonder if there hasn't been someone else. My lawyers have asked me if I wanted to divorce him cause of some stuff thats come out about Zahra. We really didn't kill her but what he did after the fact is kinda horrifying. Makes me scared of him. So I probably am gonna ahead an file I have lost my whole life anyway. I have been filtered a lil of what the media is saying about me from drug problems to witchcraft. I have never had a durg problem an people think Paganism is devil workshipping. Our world is so full of hypocrits. Hope all is well with you since I heard from you I wrote you and still haven't heard back. Hopefully your not believing the media. Your the only friend I have at this point. Hopefully you send some pictures so I get an idea of who I am writing. I will be so glad to get out and go back to being myself. Put my hair back like I normally wear it an be myself. This just ain't me. I am not happy with some of my lawyers decisions they wanna keep continuing cases that lowers my bond to a reasonable amount. and I ask about getting this Superior case on docket quick he says it could take 6 to 8 months. I don't wanna be in here that long yet again cause of something I didn't do. He did all this. Halloween is almost here. I have done nothing but cry. I want out of at least solitary confinement. Im on suicide watch, why I have no idea. But I feel like I hav nothing to live for now. I heard I have even made it to the Nancy Grace show the keep calling my lawyers wanting a interview with me. Everyone does. Sometimes I think my lawyers shouldn't keep me out of the media. I want a chance to tell the truth and defend myself, no one else is. But I keep getting told to say nothing is best. I am gonna be debriefed this week so Adam is supposed to be arrested then again. I don't know nothing has went the way it was suppose to, not yet so far. They are fussing at me for not eating but I cant I have lost way to much weight they say I'm killing myself but what do they expect out of me. I feel like a Gobbling (my note: Not sure on this word hard to make out) Chicken just waiting to get out. I am beyond stressed. When I saw my attorneys today and the said he was out after them promising me for my safety he wouldn’t be let out. I flipped and have cried since, you’re my only calming factor and again I can’t think you enough for reaching out to me for what reasons you have, I am so thankful. Really. It would be nice to have a friendship, that’s something I have had very few of an now I see I had more obviously. I swear I am gonna launch a campaign for people like us. The freaks of the world I guess. I’m sick of being ridiculed by being me. I am 42 years old and dam it I am proud to say I am not a clone. Like the stepford wives. lol. Funny the so called Christians are the first to judge me. You wouldn’t believe all the hate mail. People actually wanna kill me. I will have to go into hiding and move across the country when I get out a here. That’s scary. Like I said my lawyers don’t tell me all the world is saying but if it is anything like these letters Omg. I don’t like being sheltered though cause I need to know exactly what I am dealing with out there. So some psycho doesn’t come up behind an kill me. I mean I never thought it would be this way. My lawyers get death threats every day to. This is so crazy. I just wonder if Zahra hadn’t survived Cancer and been from Australia if it would truly be like this. There are so many missing kids, but Zahra isn’t missing the cops know where she is and what he has done. If I hadn’t admitted to that stupid note I be out in 3 weeks but no they kept pushing an he did that too. Anyway how you spending Halloween? Have fun for me please. Its my favorite holiday an I hate missing it. No fair. Well I’ve said enough. I hope you write back soon and please send some pictures. I will talk to you soon I hope.

Dark Love Always,

Be part of the freak show!
Your in my dark heart…
“Some girls wanna be princess’s when they grow up. I want to be a vampire!!!”
Goth’s Rule
Vamp’s Rule!
**Also a doodle of a candelabra and a spider**
I posted this back on thread 100000 or so...I have a waterbed. It is CA king sized, looks just like a normal mattress & boxsprings. Has nine water-filled cylinders inside. Filled, the cylinders only weigh about 40 lbs. each...I can carry them - even with arthritis in my spine. You can remove them all, and it still looks like a regular mattress...

Link for info...
Let me make myself clearer, I don't think they found her, I think local rumors started and it just ran and ran. I've only lived in Hickory since June so I'm not that familiar with the area. Is the area where the two fishermen drowned the same area that they were looking? Near Cristy road? I remember just a sliver about that on the news but I thought it was well before Zhara went missing.

Has anyone ever wondered if EB dabbled in devil Worship? It didn't really cross my mind until reading that letter and her taking claim of her grandson being named Damien which is associated with the devil? I don't know just my mind going in different directions.
What sickens me the most, she imo acknowledges that Zahra is deceased, through no fault of her own, daddy disposed of her in a horrible way.......and she has a complete and total disconnect from all emotion regarding the loss of this child. There is no, "I miss her", no "she needs to be laid to rest" nada. Just a bump in her life that's holding her up from celebrating her favorite holiday, Halloween. Zahra is nothing more than an inconvenience to her. She's so much like Casey it's scary!
Patty, I have looked and looked all this week. I can't find it anywhere. Believe me, if I wasn't so clear in my memory of noting the handwriting and thinking, "ah, so this is what her handwriting looks like", I would never have even brought it up here. I couldn't have imagined it, because where else would I have seen an example of her handwriting. Yet not one other person here seems to have seen it. I'm flummoxed. Don't know what else I can offer.

If it is out there, then we would have it here (WS) for sure.
I'm not going to discount the letter Elisa wrote. Many of us have wondered how SHE alone could have murdered Zahra without AB knowing. She may be telling the truth.

Did anyone else notice that AB walks around looking at the ground? Very peculiar.
Let me make myself clearer, I don't think they found her, I think local rumors started and it just ran and ran. I've only lived in Hickory since June so I'm not that familiar with the area. Is the area where the two fishermen drowned the same area that they were looking? Near Cristy road? I remember just a sliver about that on the news but I thought it was well before Zhara went missing.

Has anyone ever wondered if EB dabbled in devil Worship? It didn't really cross my mind until reading that letter and her taking claim of her grandson being named Damien which is associated with the devil? I don't know just my mind going in different directions.

If they have not found her, why is there no denial from LE?
I'm local and late last week there were rumors everywhere that her body had been found under a bridge either IN or UNDER a mattress. When I say everywhere I mean from gas stations to churches to restaurants to facebook and forums just everywhere. I even saw one report from someone on Cristy Rd. who mentioned the morgue knowing about it. This is all HEARSAY and RUMORS. It was so prevalent here in Hickory that the news station made a point in saying it was false. I'm guessing after they talked to LE.

My question today is why was AB even back at the home in Hickory? What on earth could even be left there? That just makes no sense to me. Why or for what gain would he even have to go there. It was obvious that he wouldn't be welcome by not only neighbors but Mr. Coffey himself. Eviction after all this kind of seems a given.

Okay I'm lost too, what was the 10,000 for????

What about all his own personal things? Were they still in the house? I assumed that is what he took out in the bag and threw in the truck. No?
I'm not going to discount the letter Elisa wrote. Many of us have wondered how SHE alone could have murdered Zahra without AB knowing. She may be telling the truth.

Did anyone else notice that AB walks around looking at the ground? Very peculiar.


And, those little upward glances like...poor me! :furious:
My thoughts on the letters released today --

S P E C U L A T I O N !

This is EB's way of communicating to the "other accomplice" I've posted my theories about before. She can't just send a letter out to him/her directly.

"My Favorite Dark Person" = her "one true love" (NOT Adam)

This is her way of showing the other accomplice that she's not ratting him/her out.
Let me make myself clearer, I don't think they found her, I think local rumors started and it just ran and ran. I've only lived in Hickory since June so I'm not that familiar with the area. Is the area where the two fishermen drowned the same area that they were looking? Near Cristy road? I remember just a sliver about that on the news but I thought it was well before Zhara went missing.

Has anyone ever wondered if EB dabbled in devil Worship? It didn't really cross my mind until reading that letter and her taking claim of her grandson being named Damien which is associated with the devil? I don't know just my mind going in different directions.

Funny how different people see different things. When I hear the name Damien, I think of Father Damien or Saint Damien of Moloka'i who couldn't have been farther from the devil.
So...about this you think that she wrote some of the things she wrote (the part about, we didn't kill her, but what he did to her afterwards is horrifying....they asked me if I wanted to divorce him after stuff about Z came out...etc. -- not direct quotes, just paraphrasing) you think she wrote some of those things because she knew that eventually, the letter's contents would be leaked out, and it would help "pad" her case? Just thinking out loud here...
JMO but I don't think she has been found. I can't see LE using her poor little body location as a strategy to get these 2 horrific people to talk. This case has touched so many, LE has to know we all are waiting every hour to hear she has been found.
Have any of the veterans ever heard of a tactic like this being used by LE? I just think it crosses the line.....
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