Still Missing NC - Zebb Quinn, 18, Asheville, 2 Jan 2000 *Arrest in 2017*

Okay, could the lipstick stand for "my lips are sealed"?

Was Robert beaten up instead of an accident? Could he have "delivered" Zebb and he didn't get pd, he got mad, got a broken rib, had to crash his vehicle to get away. Although I think he is involved, could he be an accessory only?

This case needs to be solved. This case should have been aolved long, long ago.
Watching the disappeared episode now...I like to look at the charley project page in the beginning of the show and this case is just strange from what I have read.
This one seems so simple to solve. I don't think Jason is involved...His whole story checks out even to the point of Zeb getting that text when he did and the location of the text. I am almost 100 percent sure Misty lured him out to somewhere where her bf killed him. I think all the other things were to throw the cops off. I believe that her bf was the one to call Jason and tell him to call Walmart for him thinking he was zeb. It makes no sense that he would do that after he killed him. The thing that sealed it for me was the people who got a partial of the license plate and drew a sketch of misty being the person driving. If they did not know Zeb than that is pretty unlikely that they made it up and just got lucky with the sketch.
I wonder if they could test the lipstick residue for DNA. A smart person would obviously use a brand new tube but you never know.
I don't think she is directly involved as far as being where the crime took place but she knows what happened. I bet if they gave her full immunity the case would be solved.
I don't think she is directly involved as far as being where the crime took place but she knows what happened. I bet if they gave her full immunity the case would be solved.

She was the last to page him the night he went missing, and then lied about it. Why? I get the feeling that she lured him to wherever he was harmed... although why, I don't know. Misty could've easily gotten him to go anywhere on the face of the Earth, so I don't know why she would involve the aunt. But I can't overlook the fact that his estranged aunt who he hadn't spoken to in years was the last person to page him that night, and her page caused Zebb distress according to Owens.
She was the last to page him the night he went missing, and then lied about it. Why? I get the feeling that she lured him to wherever he was harmed... although why, I don't know. Misty could've easily gotten him to go anywhere on the face of the Earth, so I don't know why she would involve the aunt. But I can't overlook the fact that his estranged aunt who he hadn't spoken to in years was the last person to page him that night, and her page caused Zebb distress according to Owens.

I watched this last night on Discovery, but I missed the ending. I came here this morning to see who did it and where they found his body. I was so sure that they had solved the case. Now I see he is still missing and there is no resolution. I can't believe that. What about prints, and DNA in the car. Was there no video in the parking lot? I apparently missed the motive if there was one. Thanks for any information. tia
I watched this last night on Discovery, but I missed the ending. I came here this morning to see who did it and where they found his body. I was so sure that they had solved the case. Now I see he is still missing and there is no resolution. I can't believe that. What about prints, and DNA in the car. Was there no video in the parking lot? I apparently missed the motive if there was one. Thanks for any information. tia

I thought for sure they solved it too - my DH came home from work during the last 5 minutes of the episode and started talking to me and I was like "SSSSSSSSHHHHHHH" because I was waiting for them to wrap things up and tell us what happened! I'm floored that this is still unresolved.

I can't remember if they mentioned finding DNA or prints in the car (dang, that's a pretty important detail for me to forget!). They did say at the end that they saved a fur sample from the Lab puppy in case new testing methods are developed in the future that might help solve the case.
This is one of the weirdest stories I’ve seen on Disappeared and it brings up so many questions.

Anyone else wonder why the perp(s) would want the car to be found? Why risk being caught driving it around? Why not just dump it in some rural place and let it be discovered in time? Personally I think Misty’s boyfriend lured Zebb somewhere by paging him from the Aunt’s phone and with the assistance of the co-worker. I think Misty was told after the fact and was then forced into helping cover up the crime. She had a child with her boyfriend, perhaps he threatened to take or harm the child if she didn’t cooperate.

In regards to the hotel key card, I wonder if possibly Zebb and Misty had a hotel rendezvous before his disappearance or perhaps he was lured to a hotel room thinking Misty would be there. Being that Misty was possibly seen driving Zebb’s car in Nashville, I wonder if the hotel key card was from a hotel also in Nashville, not Asheville, which is why LE could not find a match to any local hotels. Maybe Zebb was lured to a hotel thinking he would be meeting Misty there?

If the aunt was involved, I wonder why she would choose loyalty to this group instead of her own flesh and blood, even though she and Zebb weren’t close. Was it because she had business ties with them? I would like to know if it was just Zebb that wasn’t close to his aunt or was it his whole family? Did she have some kind of issue such as drug addiction that caused a wedge between her and the family? It’s sad what lengths severe addicts will go to for drugs/money, maybe she was depending on this group of people for drugs/money for drugs.
My husband and I discussed this case at length after watching Disappeared last night. Our theory is that if you choose to believe Jason Owens at face value (with his 2 car accidents in 1 day), then the folllowing is a theory that could make sense: Misty calls Zebb stating that she had had enough and was leaving her boyfriend. She asks Zebb to pick her up at his aunt's house (where theoretically she ran away to), and she asks him to take her to a hotel/motel- Zebb and Misty are holed up there for the next day into the following day, and then for whatever reason, Zebb asks Jason to call in sick for him- not sure why he doesn't feel comfortable calling in sick himself (or calling his mother back). So, Jason calls him in sick, not knowing where he is, etc. At some point Misty's boyfriend figures out where they are (or she tells him, etc) and comes there and confronts them, killing Zebb. They of course dispose of his body and place the car where it was found.

**Misty's parents/family obviously know more details- they would have had to have cared for her baby if she "ran away" from her boyfriend, leaving her child behind, etc.****

Our other theory was that Misty's boyfriend confronted her about her relationship with Zebb, and she turns the whole relationship on its head- stating that Zebb was stalking her, wouldn't leave her alone, etc- so she sets up her boyfriend to "end" the stalking, and he kills Zebb. (Even though she led Zebb to believe she really cared about him, etc)- she would have just been double timing the both of them.

Our other question was, what about the Eclipse? Why go see a car at 9pm, when it is pitch black out? Has any one followed up on the car, was there an actual owner/car or was that a ruse by Jason, to lure Zebb to his death? I definitely thought too, Jason could have backed his car into Zebb's, did anyone check to see whether the damage was caused by Jason's car backing into Zebb's or if it truly seemed Zebb drove into his car when it was parked? So many questions, not a lot of answers......
Sorry I'm on my phone right now so I can't post the link but according to abc news 13 since last night's show eight calls have come in regarding the case, two from outside of the state of NC.

Owens was treated for head injuries and a broken rib he claimed to have incurred during an unrelated automobile accident during the early morning hours of January 3, several hours after Quinn disappeared. Owens stated that the accident occurred near The Waffle House restaurant on Long Shoals Road by the intersection of Interstate 26. Owens called Wal-Mart on January 4 and reported that Quinn was ill and would not be arriving for his shift that day. After giving his inital statement about Quinn's disappearance, he refused to cooperate further with police.

Quinn's Mazda Protege was discovered abandoned on January 16, two weeks after his disappearance. The vehicle was located in the parking lot of The Little Pigs Barbecue restaurant on McDowell Street. A live black Labrador puppy, approximately three months old, and a plastic hotel key were found inside Quinn's car. A pair of lips and two exclamation points had been drawn in lipstick on the rear windshield. There was no sign of Quinn at the scene. The puppy did not belong to him.

What... the.... I'm just... What the? Baffled. Is the word.
lucymoosey- Great analysis. I had many of the same thoughts as you. Just can't believe that this wasn't solved. I would love to talk to the two officers and ask them what they think happened. They have to have a theory and unfortunately just can't prove it.
Wow, my son's name is Zeb. I missed the show, but would love to see it if they broadcast it again.
She was the last to page him the night he went missing, and then lied about it. Why? I get the feeling that she lured him to wherever he was harmed... although why, I don't know. Misty could've easily gotten him to go anywhere on the face of the Earth, so I don't know why she would involve the aunt. But I can't overlook the fact that his estranged aunt who he hadn't spoken to in years was the last person to page him that night, and her page caused Zebb distress according to Owens.

I got the impression the call was made at his Aunt's where Misty was also staying? I don't think it was the Aunt who paged him there. Did she have that all night New Years eve phone conversation the night before there to? She probably paged him from that number with something like *911 after the # for him to react like he did.
The program left too many questions open. The police did question all persons of interest but the inference was that they were not aggressive with it at all. As if it were a one time questioning. They should be more aggressive and continually question them all. When the car was found. They took a picture of the puppy to shelters, pet stores etc. but did they put the picture out there to the public asking if anyone knows of anyone that has a dog that recently had puppies that would look like that? Did they dust the car for prints? Did they vacuum the car for hair, etc? Did they attempt DNA extraction from the lipstick? I know one would say "Well those are basic investigative techniques and though the show didn't mention it, it is inconceivable that those things were not done." But this is Asheville PD. They are not the brightest crayons in the box and have a horrible track record. Granted, this was 12 years ago but while I remember the entire region being plastered with posters of Zeb, I don't recall ever seeing a picture of the puppy being passed around. And did they check Zeb's bank records to see if he possibly had any cash on him for the purchase of the car they were supposedly going to look at?
Welcome to websleuths Annie2U thanks for joining! Great first post!

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