Nejame Files Motion to Strike for TES/Baez 7/16/09 Motion

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OR, they make themselves look like screwballs who are capable of.....????

Is there a bus heading thier way? JB doesn't have to care who goes under that bus.....all he needs is doubt for the jury.
...and having someone who can't control his own never know.
Which makes, IMO, what Baez did, calling GA, and say whatever he said which resulted in GA's blood pressure skyrocketing :steamed: and barging into another lawyers presser :argue: was wrong and unprofessional.

IMO Baez :slap: should have never gotten GA involved, this presser was being conducted by another (highly respected and experienced) lawyer.

G&C have a lawyer and it was Conway who Baez should have telephoned and voiced his concern since he was not willing to call NeJame himself. :twocents:
:rant: :
Oh, absolutely...what really was the point in calling George? More deflection if you ask me...tomorrow is gonna be something else.
GA want a balloon for taking that shot in the arse? It seems GA was used by JB for this very purpose of stirring a pot that is ready to boil if turned a notch. GA was used and allowed this manipulation. GA it appers should tread lightly while walking in the middle of these lawyers. Someones might misconstrue his volital behavior as the source covering up for the guilty daughter. I would love to hear the conversation between JB and GA now. Hopefully MN & BC let GA know he was played like a fiddle.

BBM I agree.
If Baez had any concerns at all he should have called NeJame(prolly wouldn't take his call) or Conway...
HEY Baez....It should have been Attorney to Attorney communication and NOT Attorney to clients' father,(still distraught grandfather of deceased child) to Attorney communication. JMHO
...and having someone who can't control his own never know.

Yup, why did the Defense call the A's and not BC, a fellow attorney? Setup!!!

I think JB painted a target on GA's back and sent him on a suicide mission, to showcase his anger and temper to the world. Light the blue touchpaper and GA throws himself under the bus.

SODDI Candidate#1
Exactly, but ..... they do more harm -- the complete opposite of what they intended.

This action by George hits the headlines big-time and washes away anything good done previously, like a new attitude and re-baptism. Not only that but, his temper, the family's mutual anger and temper and extreme assertive control --- makes it highly plausible that KC likewise lost her temper and killed Caylee in the subconscious of the public -- they are so extreme -- despite any other evidence.

In terms of polluting the subconscious of the future jury pool, the A's are ensuring KC's fate 110% and taking themselves over the cliff with her.
Yes they are. Something tells me they don't like coming upon the truth. JB has probably offered them nothing in the way of an explanation...and it's obvious that they're trying to still make sense of what's happened. Unfortunately, the truth here stinks...but it's still not going to change with wishful thinking or angry outbursts. More than ever, they need to go get themselves some professional help.
This entire incident reeks of protect and deflect from the A clan and JB and crew. No doubt it also had ALyons blessing.

Makes me want to open a bottle of wine and give them a toast for being the horses arses they are.

This should/will be their new home :behindbar the whole lot of 'em.
Yes they are. Something tells me they don't like coming upon the truth. JB has probably offered them nothing in the way of an explanation...and it's obvious that they're trying to still make sense of what's happened. Unfortunately, the truth here stinks...but it's still not going to change with wishful thinking or angry outbursts. More than ever, they need to go get themselves some professional help.

I can't really count how many times cindy has said on network tv, "we don't really know what happened".. and I think you're right.. neither JB nor KC has given them an explanation. If she has said anything, I think it was a long the lines of it being an accident. (Probably before they found out about the duct tape though)

It was rumored that GA was at least getting psychiatric help after his suicide "attempt"... but IMO it doesn't appear that they are going, and if they are, they haven't utilized the tools they've learned to cope with this tragedy.

I really don't think they're seeking help just by the way they act.. which is unfortunate because I think they need it desperately.
Exactly, but ..... they do more harm -- the complete opposite of what they intended. This action by George hits the headlines big-time and washes away anything good done previously, like a new attitude and re-baptism. Not only that but, his temper, the family's mutual anger and temper and extreme assertive control --- makes it highly plausible that KC likewise lost her temper and killed Caylee in the subconscious of the public -- they are so extreme -- despite any other evidence.

In terms of polluting the subconscious of the future jury pool, the A's are ensuring KC's fate 110% and taking themselves over the cliff with her.

But does it really do more harm? I mean even here on WS opinion seems to encompass GA and CA as far as why this happened. Opinion seems to be split as to whether it is totally KC's fault or whether her upbringing was at fault. It's not the kind of sympathy that would get her off. But maybe more the kind that might keep her from the DP. I mean if her upbringing was so bad, if her parents were at fault, then maybe her blame could be shifted to her parents.

I don't like or trust the A's. But I do feel they are caught in an impossible situation. I mean who would want to believe that their beloved child could be the one who killed their beloved granddaughter? Who would want to see their child be put to death for any reason? Yes, I do believe they love KC. And yes, I believe they loved Caylee. And I think they are torn between those loves. Unfortunately they are reacting to "save" their child, any way possible. And I do believe they will do whatever they can to keep KC out of prison.... including taking the blame themselves if necessary or altering or hiding evidence if necessay. But whatever they do, in no way does their actions approach KC's. As far as I have heard they have never been accused of killing their own child (or anyone else's.)

KC wasn't a child reacting like a child. KC was an adult. She was a mother. She made her choices as an adult. She carried her actions out as an adult. She made a decision and she carried it out. And Caylee paid the price. Did KC's background have some bearing on what happened? Did the gene pool she came from have some bearing on it? Possibly. But many people come from the same type of gene pool, the same background. And they grow up and live their lives, and never murder anyone. KC however is different. She did things her way. And it is that way that will be judged when this case goes to trial.

So KC made her choices and decisions and will be brought to trial for that. Now the A's are making their own choices and decisions. And it is still possible that they may go to judgement for that later. If they can act up and act out and draw some of the criticism off KC, if they can garner any sympathy at all for KC, yes they will do it. Even if the sympathy is only about the "poor child not having a chance after growing up in that household." They will do anything, take anything to try to prevent the death penalty.
This entire incident reeks of protect and deflect from the A clan and JB and crew. No doubt it also had ALyons blessing.

Makes me want to open a bottle of wine and give them a toast for being the horses arses they are.

This should/will be their new home :behindbar the whole lot of 'em.

True, distraction --- make the headline and sound bite be about GA barging in and not so much about the photos and videos. Mission accomplished.
Hello WS :)

Okay. George got wrong information. George and Cindy still do not know what happened to their granddaughter.

Are there still not better ways to ask for help. Are there still not better ways to handle yourself? I will wait to find out more information but who gets to act like this? Has no one in the world suffered as much as the Anthony's? :crazy:


Update: Channel 9
I would love to know exactly what advice or information it was that JB gave GA today. I mean what could he have advised or told GA that would get him so upset that he would storm the presser? Granted GA appears to have a short fuse, but he appeared angry. So what was told to him that made him angry?

OR was it really wrong info? Or was it a request for GA to try to create enough of an interference to stop the presser because the presser was going to hurt the case?

LOL, I have never seen a case that was conducted so openly with all the evidence being put on public display. Yet with so much gameplaying that apparently is being conducted under the table.
True, distraction --- make the headline and sound bite be about GA barging in and not so much about the photos and videos. Mission accomplished.

Except the A's and JB and crew underestimate the intelligence of the average citizen! True, George caused a momentary distraction. But, after the initial temporary glance away from what the presser was about-Joe and Jane Citizen will look back to see what George was sooo upset about! And probably pay closer attention to the photos than if George had stayed home!!!
Once again FAIL-EPIC FAIL for KC's defense!!:clap::clap:
Oh I think GA was fed something about the content of the photos intentionally to get him riled up. I mean all of this sitting around waiting to be deposed, to go to trial-it has to wear on a man who does not seem to do well sitting idly by while his family is shredded....he was the proverbial bull and we know who was waving the red flag.
Good ol George, always the clown.:clown::jester:
I'll bet Nejame is so glad he escaped :runaway: from these loonies when he did, they just can't seem to behave themselves. I could say I'm shocked by George's little stint today but they have worn out my shock reactor.:crazy:
Can't wait for the trial.
I think JB told GA that NM was talking about Caylee's REMAINS being in the photographed area and we know how GA reacts to the word REMAINS......

GA may have thought the photos would show Caylee's actual remains....

Wasn't the presser announced yesterday anyway????...


The interruption was because George Anthony just stormed into the conference furiously demanding to talk to Mark and then refused Mark's request to wait until after the conference. He is with Mark now in another room.

haha surprise surprise!
I love Kathi as well-after looking at the tape it looks completely staged by George IMO. Like all have said; it is an attempt to deflect.
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