New Poll. Public can Vote. Have U Changed Your Mind About Haleigh's Culprit?

Now that Haleigh's stepmom Misty failed a polygraph who do you think took Haleigh?

  • Her Biological Father Ron

    Votes: 8 1.3%
  • Her Biological Mother Crystal

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Her Step-Mother Misty

    Votes: 42 7.0%
  • Ron and Misty Together

    Votes: 31 5.2%
  • Crystal and an accomplice

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • Strangers to the family

    Votes: 5 0.8%
  • Someone else not mentioned in this poll

    Votes: 35 5.9%
  • Haleigh's life taken by Misty with an accomplice

    Votes: 51 8.5%
  • Marie Griffis with accomplices

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • Haleigh was not kidnapped. She died at the hands of Ron and/or Misty. Accidently or on purpose

    Votes: 177 29.6%
  • unsure

    Votes: 26 4.3%
  • Teresa Neves with accomplices

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • killed by crazy bad news cousin or boyfriend on the side while Misty witnessed or was away from the

    Votes: 29 4.8%
  • A member of Misty's family

    Votes: 21 3.5%
  • Through Misty's extreme negligence, someone known to the family took Haleigh

    Votes: 50 8.4%
  • Misty assisted someone to take her away

    Votes: 14 2.3%
  • by a local perv whilst Misty was away partying

    Votes: 6 1.0%
  • as usual, MC left after kids were in bed. the cousin, a SO or a "friend" of MC took Haleigh

    Votes: 25 4.2%
  • fake abduction

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • HaLeigh molested on bouncing couch and killed by man in black

    Votes: 5 0.8%
  • Misty was home & sleeping, someone who knows family abducted Haleigh

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • Nobody "took" her. Accidental death & coverup.

    Votes: 38 6.4%
  • Unknown due to lack of evidence pointing to anyone.

    Votes: 7 1.2%
  • Didn't change my mind because Misty was alway's guilty in my mind,the only thing that has changed is

    Votes: 8 1.3%
  • Lie Detectors again and again Prove unreliable - Junk Science

    Votes: 2 0.3%

  • Total voters
Can anyone clarify that what was thought to be confirmed by LE on Mike Galanos show was about polygraph results? I can't find anything like that. :waitasec: There was quite a bit of discussion about the Galagos show tape in the last 24 hours, but AFAICT, it was just about LE confirming that Ron picked Haleigh up at the bus stop... and older discussions about neighbors sighting Haleigh that afternoon.

I ran the searches, because I think if LE had ever said Ron passed his poly, it would have been huge and memorable news...

The Search I used was simply: Keyword(s): Galanos ; Forum: Haleigh Cummings 5 years old and child forums

I tried the rumor threads and got no hits on Galanos at all...

Hi Muffet~FWIW, I can tell you what I know. It is said that on the Mike Galanos show (not sure of the date) that LE confirmed that Ron passed a LDT. But, since video of that show only seems to be available at the moment if you pay for it, only some who were watching have heard it for themselves. Again, while Busylady heard it and is usually right on the money with her facts, (though we interpret some of those facts differently) I would just like to hear it myself. Hope that helps!
Thanks, Pondering. :)

I just can't find where anyone said LE said anything about Ron's polygraph results... I can only see claims that LE confirmed on the Galanos show that Ron picked Haleigh up at the bus stop (and older talk about neighbors sighting Haleigh that afternoon, and talk about Misty slapping Jr)...

e.g. Busylady did talk about ordering the tape 2 days ago, but it was about the bus stop:

[ame=""]Misty C. #5 - Page 23 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

(that was in answer to this post:
[ame=""]Misty C. #5 - Page 22 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame] )
My theory: Misty's big secret is that she was not there. Her status had quickly changed from babysitter to live in. Free room & board plus a friend with benefits was a good arrangement, but she continued to "party" with her friends. Jr remembered the sofa "vibrating". I think she often had visitors or left after the children were in bed. The night Haleigh disappeared, she had been away, arriving not long before Ron would return. One of the many SO nearby, could have been aware of her routine of leaving the kids alone. Misty's cousin, or someone she had entertained at the trailer came by, discovered the kids alone & took Haleigh. Sadly, I believe she was buried or dumped in the Ocala National Forest & may not be found unless someone confesses or a hunter or hiker finds remains.

I combined a couple of the other scenerios & added the option below:

as usual, MC left after kids were in bed. the cousin, a SO or a "friend" of MC took Haleigh
My feelings are mixed but I firmly believe RC & MCC know what happened to HC. It is my belief that no one on Crystal's side of the family or Misty's side of the family are involved. I believe that TN and AS know something after the fact and are protecting RC.
Great Thread, I had been involved with the Caylee and the Jaycee cases and only on occasion lurked on the Haleigh case;

this thread is a great synopsis.
At the beginning of her disappearing, I heard it on the radio; I heard her father was at work and his girl friend was the last to be with her; I remember listening to the story and having a sense that the fathers girl friend is not telling the truth.
Now I see it is pretty much still at that point and yet there
is no news on the baby. :(

But I voted unsure...Because I had not followed this case and I don't know.
After reading a bit more, especially a post by Tuba, who mentions Ron and Misty on the phone about 8:30 pm, plus some astrological stuff, I'm rethinking my original thoughts again.

I know Misty is holding back everything. At first I thought she was just covering for herself because she was up to no good (leaving the kids alone, having visitors of the male gender, drugs, sex, whatever) but now, after reading much more and weighing it with her failed polygraph, voice testing, and questionable hypnosis session,
I'm thinking she's covering for a lot more than doing some guy and not watching the kids. This gal seems SOOOOO GUILTY. :furious:

I'm wondering how hard the little brother sleeps? Did he really sleep through all the action in that house?
I know at one point there were reports he saw "men in black" take his sissy, but I'm wondering if he was drugged so he'd sleep? Was he tested?

If there had been an altercation between Haleigh and Misty, wouldn't he have seen or heard it?

Like you, HRCODEPINK, I'd love just five minutes with the little twit. I'm not law enforcement and I don't have to worry about jeopardizing the case. :furious:

Honestly, if Ron is totally innocent, and he married this kid just to keep her closer, he's far stronger than I would be. :waitasec:

aksleuth, I have suspected the same thing.
We can only hope LE was sharp enough to test the children for different drugs.
The following is my theory.
We know M had access to most all types of drugs.
What IF she gave the 2 children 'something to make them sleep' each night she wanted to leave and party?
Possibly accidently over dosing H. that night, because of a foggy mind from the 3 day binge and being upset over the argument she had with R on the phone at 8:30, about baby sitting.

IS it possible, She then leaves to babysit or visit someone, upon returning after midnight, she finds H. wet the bed and has died.
She can't call 911 because she knows she gave the child a narcotic that killer her.
She wraps the child in a sheet/blanket and takes her to the dumpster, then calls someone.
Then washes the sheet she wet and possibly threw-up on.
Thus the 'cover-up' begins.
I don't believe that he passed the poly Tricia. Even tho polys are not foolproof, I would be shocked if he passed it. IF he did, I will take a HUGE step for, I would LOVE to know the results.

Actually, the only person who stated that Ron has passed the poly was Ron. Forgive me here, but I don't believe a word that Ron says.
I firmly have always believed Misty killed her and Ron knows it and helped cover up. I think they see a chance for some donations too so that is why he is covering.
I don't remember if I voted in the first poll, but I haven't changed my mind. I've thought from the beginning that Misty was responsible. I'm very suspicious of Ron too, so voted that he and/or Misty acted together - that it wasn't a kidnapping.

There's something about Misty that's very disturbing. Initially she tried to appear upset, with a whiny little voice and a worried expression on her face, but no real tears. It had all the appearances of being fake.

I also didn't like her comment about the children looking at her as their mother. She had only known and been living with Ron for a matter of months. The children weren't hers, yet there was a presumption on her part that she could take over the children as hers. When I saw Misty's threatening comments about Ron's prior girlfriend, who had a baby fathered by Ron, again she had the appearance of trying to claim authority over another woman's child.
My choice remains the same. Any information that has come out since only reinforces what I have suspected for some time. A parent failed to protect his child who left both his children with an individual no normal parent would have. However, even after his child went missing, he placed his loyalty to the person LE had early on determined had in some manner played a role in the death of this fathers child. For that there is no excuse, explanation or justification.

My only change of thought is that more than these two played some role in preventing LE from finding the truth and discovering HaLeigh.

Novice Seeker
I have always believed on theory and only one. Misty knows exactly what happened and I believed she was alive.

Now the only thing I have changed my mind on is, sadly, I no longer believe she is alive.


I suspect that the heat in the kiitchen got too hot, and she may not be with us, anymore.

I majorly hope I'm wrong.
One would think after this lengh of time is these young people (Misty & Ron) did something, there would be evidence and they would be charged. Not much has been said about Misty at a party, could someone of taken Haleigh from party, to sell for drug money, or??? Seems allot of kidnapping going on. And, was the bed Misty sleeping in (supposedly) messed up? And on news showed no blankets on Haleighs bed?
I am going to stick with I think Haleigh was kidnapped. I still think that maybe someone knew the children were there alone and went to take both children...but Tommy came up or something happened that they were only able to take Haleigh. I think the person who took her has a daughter around eight years of age and that Haleigh's hair has been dyed brown. Also, this person who took her is in construction.
Oh, yeah, that was from my very vivid dreams. She's happy and she was with another little girl. I couldn't tell how old the other child was but I got the impression she was seven or eight, or maybe could have been older. I don't know. Her hair was dyed brown and the other little girl had brown hair.
I don't remember if I voted in the first poll, but I haven't changed my mind. I've thought from the beginning that Misty was responsible. I'm very suspicious of Ron too, so voted that he and/or Misty acted together - that it wasn't a kidnapping.

There's something about Misty that's very disturbing. Initially she tried to appear upset, with a whiny little voice and a worried expression on her face, but no real tears. It had all the appearances of being fake.

I also didn't like her comment about the children looking at her as their mother. She had only known and been living with Ron for a matter of months. The children weren't hers, yet there was a presumption on her part that she could take over the children as hers. When I saw Misty's threatening comments about Ron's prior girlfriend, who had a baby fathered by Ron, again she had the appearance of trying to claim authority over another woman's child.
I agree that Misty's worried expressions appeared and still appear fake.
I think some kind of accident happened and that Ron knows all about it.
I believe that Misty either accidently or purposely killed Hayleigh and then told Ron when he came home and then they did something with the body........but somehow
I think her brother had something to do with it too, maybe helped get rid of the body?
Interesting comments about Misty. Thank you for participating.

Please everyone, feel free to invite others from the world wide web to participate. I would like to get an additional 300+ votes on this particular poll. If you know of other forums that might be interested in participating please post the link to this thread ( only if allowed of course) or personally invite those you know.

When we have more votes on this poll I can then send out our press release about it.

Thanks again everyone for you fantastic participation. From my heart THANK YOU!!!

Sorry, I gave up believing on lie detectors long ago when I read these (I hope I don't get in trouble for this):

As well as watching Penn & Teller's program talking about it (just google Penn & Teller season 7, episode 5, then go to youtube or wherever & watch everything).

I only believe in DNA tests for paternity, crime scenes, etc., but that's all. Although of course, people can also easily frame you on DNA by taking a sample of your DNA & place it at the scene of the crime, making the police think that you did those things & that they will arrest you, even if you weren't at the scene of the crime & that you didn't do it. That's happened plenty of times.

People (the real guilty party) can easily fool around with the lie detector machine to make it look like they're telling the truth (say for instance, & this is a different story, a woman is being accused of sleeping with her cousin's boyfriend, & somehow, it came off that she's telling the truth that she didn't have sex with him, even though that she truly did).

The validity of polygraph tests is widely known to be false. There are any number of conditions that could trigger a false positive, or a false negative response. Did Misty really fail all of the questions or did she just fail a couple? How do any of us know?

I always believe in "Innocent Until Proven Guilty," Not the other way around. Though if Misty is truly guilty, then she needs to be in jail, along with her accomplices.

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