GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #10

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I can't believe we have not heard of many sightings, even if false. Most cases have several sightings, almost all of which turn out to be invalid. But not much going on here with that kind of tip, as far as we know.

But I also do not believe Abigail being missing is known much outside of New England and probably only parts of that, even. And many people tend to believe a person has been found if they are not reminded often by media or LE. I remember Kaine Horman being so shocked that even within Oregon, most people he met in malls, etc. while trying to spread awareness assumed Kyron was found long ago. IMO LE does a poor job and a disservice to missing people, especially minors, by being silent.

Hi Cluciano. Most "sightings" are reported directly to the LE. If we get one in on our page, we send a private message to the person and have them delete their post, only because we've noticed when someone posts publicly that they believe they saw Abby, that "sighting" very quickly gets lost in all the hype and that person is bombarded by other's wanting to know all the details. So to keep the information as accurate as possible, we speak with them, and direct them to FBI.
It seems to me that ZH must have seen or noticed something that led her to believe there was a real problem that day with Abby. If I remember correctly, she drove to the school late afternoon looking for Abby and asked an onsite police officer what she should do to locate her missing daughter. I have a couple of teenagers and I don't think that I would have notified LE until later into the evening. Especially for a kid that is social, had a BF, was involved in the track team and I believe had a PT job - she could have been anywhere in her usual course of living the teenage life.
Glad to see this board is still active and that a NH station mentioned the case this week. I saw a billboard with Abby on it in Haverhill, MA last week and it's encouraging to know people are still active with the case....but we desperately need a break here.

Abby was supposed to go right home that day. When Zenya got home, she noticed Abby wasn't there. Called and texted her several times, with no response. She then went to the school to look for her. Saw an officer, they searched walmart and settlers green and by a little after 7pm with no Abby and no contact, that is when the report was made that she is missing. So it was a few hours of her searching herself before she contacted law enforcement.

I haven't been following lately, so not sure if this was posted. I'm trying to figure out what the purpose of this video was. Has there been more letters? Z says something like the correspondences have been nice, but she'd like to hear her voice. Has there been mention of any further communication from Abby???

We are making the videos because Zenya has NO other way to communicate with her daughter. We don't know if Abby can see them or not but pray and hope that somehow she can. Zenya just misses Abby so unbearably bad and the videos are kind of a way for her to feel as those she is able to get a message to Abby.
So has there been more contact from Abby?
Abby was supposed to go right home that day. When Zenya got home, she noticed Abby wasn't there. Called and texted her several times, with no response. She then went to the school to look for her. Saw an officer, they searched walmart and settlers green and by a little after 7pm with no Abby and no contact, that is when the report was made that she is missing. So it was a few hours of her searching herself before she contacted law enforcement.

Searched Walmart prior to reporting? First I heard that.
Watched the latest video earlier today...something's off, maybe it's mom, maybe it's the lack of a cohesive group of people who would make up Abby's support structure. The local volunteers with their canned response to inquires to just keep sharing Abby's picture feels tedious...its like they're saying " hey pay attention! whoops too much attention, shame on you for paying so much attention!" Just me?
Thank you Steleheart! "sometimes the things we want made public, the things that frustrate us most, are exactly those things that could harm the effort to Get Abby home". . That's exactly true! This is a major investigation and there will be details that are not made public so as not to interfere with the case. Thank you for saying that! I don't think a lot of people really understand how investigations work, I sure didn't until 122 days ago :(

I understand NH. I truly do.

When I say I understand, I say that because I do. Sometimes the things I say here may not be what people want to hear. What we try to do here is analyze the evidence. There are many websites where you can chat, gossip and just say any gorp that make you feel effective. That's not us. That's not you. So thanks. And thank you for helping. Whoever you are and whatever you do, Just please keep doing it.

NHG, when you have done all you can,,, just do it some more. You can and you will .
I don't make stuff up LOL
Thank you Steleheart! "sometimes the things we want made public, the things that frustrate us most, are exactly those things that could harm the effort to Get Abby home". . That's exactly true! This is a major investigation and there will be details that are not made public so as not to interfere with the case. Thank you for saying that! I don't think a lot of people really understand how investigations work, I sure didn't until 122 days ago :(

"This is a major investigation"
What is this a "major" investigation since some see her as just a runaway or walkaway?

And the comments by the AG that she is "endangered" are not the difference, they all are. So what is this difference here that this is "major" over others?
"This is a major investigation"
What is this a "major" investigation since some see her as just a runaway or walkaway?

And the comments by the AG that she is "endangered" are not the difference, they all are. So what is this difference here that this is "major" over others?

Because LE does not classify Abby as "just a runaway or walkway". She is still classified as a missing person. There are NO indications of her running away. She DOES NOT have a history of running away. So it's still treated as an investigation for a missing person.
I understand NH. I truly do.

When I say I understand, I say that because I do. Sometimes the things I say here may not be what people want to hear. What we try to do here is analyze the evidence. There are many websites where you can chat, gossip and just say any gorp that make you feel effective. That's not us. That's not you. So thanks. And thank you for helping. Whoever you are and whatever you do, Just please keep doing it.

NHG, when you have done all you can,,, just do it some more. You can and you will .
I don't make stuff up LOL

It's ok to say things others may not want to hear, sometimes they NEED to hear it! There will never be a time were I feel Ive done all I can do, atleast not until we have Abby home. We work every single day to find her. It may not seem it to other's, on the outside looking in, but everything possible, is being done. And it will be that way until she is safely home :) Thank you for your support Steleheart!
still checking in. I did end up going to NC last week to do some shopping. I was amazed at all the flyers out and it does seem like people are on edge. I stayed with a friend who's children are grown, but she said the town is worried and she's been locking her car doors and more watchful. She also said the general consensus is that somehow someone lured AH into a vehicle and her worst fear is that it's someone they all know. She eluded to some finger pointing and rumors early on, but that's mostly died down. She also said it's her opinion that the letter was written by AH but that it was crafted by whoever has her, she imagined it was most likely something like "I'm okay. Leave me alone. I don't want to come home" kind of thing to make AH look like a runaway. I still just don't think AH ran away. It just doesn't make sense. IMO AH is able to see the videos, I think that's why whoever has her had her write a letter to her mom. I think the letter is a good sign, in that it shows she was still alive some time after she was abducted and her captor let her communicate with her mother. IMO that all means whoever has her doesn't intend to hurt her. I keep thinking about that boy who was abducted in MO and held captive who had gone on to his own missing website and posted asking questions, so it's not that strange that AH would be allowed to write a letter, and I do believe she was "allowed" to write to her mom. I do wish this would get another coverage push so it would again become national news so more people would be aware of it.
still checking in. I did end up going to NC last week to do some shopping. I was amazed at all the flyers out and it does seem like people are on edge. I stayed with a friend who's children are grown, but she said the town is worried and she's been locking her car doors and more watchful. She also said the general consensus is that somehow someone lured AH into a vehicle and her worst fear is that it's someone they all know. She eluded to some finger pointing and rumors early on, but that's mostly died down. She also said it's her opinion that the letter was written by AH but that it was crafted by whoever has her, she imagined it was most likely something like "I'm okay. Leave me alone. I don't want to come home" kind of thing to make AH look like a runaway. I still just don't think AH ran away. It just doesn't make sense. IMO AH is able to see the videos, I think that's why whoever has her had her write a letter to her mom. I think the letter is a good sign, in that it shows she was still alive some time after she was abducted and her captor let her communicate with her mother. IMO that all means whoever has her doesn't intend to hurt her. I keep thinking about that boy who was abducted in MO and held captive who had gone on to his own missing website and posted asking questions, so it's not that strange that AH would be allowed to write a letter, and I do believe she was "allowed" to write to her mom. I do wish this would get another coverage push so it would again become national news so more people would be aware of it.

^^^ All of that.
~ I kind of dumped that idea too. I am thinking more that this perp is someone who is very experienced and has sat through many trials where he has become familiar with the kind of evidence that would be looked at and make it have all the earmarks of an abduction. Specifically as Agent Ramsey said: "let me explain that our initial indications when Abigail went missing were certainly consistent with a potential abduction"

~ But it wasn't working so well, there was too much pressure and too much attention, so he changed his strategy. Ergo the letter. A runaway, not an abduction so maybe they will back off. YA that ain't working so well either is it.

~ "were certainly consistent with a fact that she could have left either willingy or perhaps was coerced and manipulated into leaving." So who could do that? A familiar adult friend? An authority figure of some kind? A law enforcement official? A business owner? Someone she looks up to? Fears? Respects?

~ "It's someone they all know" This is not crazy. What a horrible feeling to live with every day.

~ Mom is right Agent Ramsey. There needs to be a push. Maybe you thought the silence and tension would drive him out or that moving lips and whispers would get some action. We don't think so LOL.

The most frightening thought is that the earliest strategies didn't work and that the perp just gave up. And now he is just going about his regular life. But people are suffering. They deserve an update.
We are making the videos because Zenya has NO other way to communicate with her daughter. We don't know if Abby can see them or not but pray and hope that somehow she can. Zenya just misses Abby so unbearably bad and the videos are kind of a way for her to feel as those she is able to get a message to Abby.

I don't want to offend Zenya in anyway but I have to wonder why she isn't taking the opportunity to address the person that is keeping Abby? I understand she wants to get the message to Abby but if Abby cannot leave then shouldn't she be addressing the fact that Abby is a minor and this person is going to be in a lot of trouble to let her daughter go? If this is the case, if Abby has runaway then why are the LE still involved and the FBI? This is what I can't understand, I have never seen a case like this with so much coverage for a runaway.
I don't want to offend Zenya in anyway but I have to wonder why she isn't taking the opportunity to address the person that is keeping Abby? I understand she wants to get the message to Abby but if Abby cannot leave then shouldn't she be addressing the fact that Abby is a minor and this person is going to be in a lot of trouble to let her daughter go? If this is the case, if Abby has runaway then why are the LE still involved and the FBI? This is what I can't understand, I have never seen a case like this with so much coverage for a runaway.

Just my opinion here, but Abby is still classified as a missing person. If there were any real evidence that she left of her own free will and continues to choose to stay away then the FBI could changer her classification to endangered misssing. They haven't done that. I think Zenya addressing Abby directly puts the importance on Abby. Addressing her is to say that it is Abby who is important here. Addressing some unknown perpetrator would be equal, IMO, to acknowledging his power, importance, and control. To personalize the message that Abby is a person, not a thing is what the strategy is.
I don't want to offend Zenya in anyway but I have to wonder why she isn't taking the opportunity to address the person that is keeping Abby? I understand she wants to get the message to Abby but if Abby cannot leave then shouldn't she be addressing the fact that Abby is a minor and this person is going to be in a lot of trouble to let her daughter go? If this is the case, if Abby has runaway then why are the LE still involved and the FBI? This is what I can't understand, I have never seen a case like this with so much coverage for a runaway.

Just my opinion here, but Abby is still classified as a missing person. If there were any real evidence that she left of her own free will and continues to choose to stay away then the FBI could changer her classification to endangered misssing. They haven't done that. I think Zenya addressing Abby directly puts the importance on Abby. Addressing her is to say that it is Abby who is important here. Addressing some unknown perpetrator would be equal, IMO, to acknowledging his power, importance, and control. To personalize the message that Abby is a person, not a thing is what the strategy is.

Agreed and nice wording, Steleheart. Jade, if you go to the BAH page on FB there is a post specifically addressing the running away theory/rumor. I believe written Friday? Not sure I can put it here, but you should definitely go read it.
Can't believe it's 4 months :( Still think about Abby every day, hoping that this day will be the day she is brought home, or there is a lead in the case that will lead to finding her. I won't lose hope, you have to have hope and my gut feels she is out there somewhere. Something has got to give, someone needs to talk, they will find her!

(holding my positive head on tight)
A few random thoughts:
1. I think it's great that ZH did the video and the images of the town and dogs were a nice touch. I think she said that getting "correspondence" was nice. I believe that word was intentionally chosen and can be interpreted to mean the singular or to mean multiple communications. I'm guessing it's the latter since she could have just referred to "the letter" as I believe she has in the past.
2. ZH asks for a phine call from Abby which is understandable. Her friend suggests that if a phone call is not possible, that sending a picture would be also good. Of course a phone call would have several benefits, one of which is the opportunity for Zenya to ask questions or convince Abby to do something. I think that the main purpose of a picture would be proof of life. This leads me to wonder if Zenya is questioning the authenticity of the October letter and/or subsequent letters or emails and that worries me.
3. I think I understand all the points of discussion regarding the shoulder bag. I do have trouble envisioning a scenario where Abby would keep the inside purse but discard the larger shoulder bag. Wouldn't she normally carry the purse inside the shoulder bag, meaning that if one was missing, both would be missing? Somebody pointed out that she might hide the larger bag so she would look older but my impression was that the shoulder bag was somewhat stylish and not a ratty looking back pack book bag that teenage boys might favor. In any event, if the shoulder bag was found and pointed to foul play, I think there would be a benefit to revealing that fact, other than to satisfy our curiousity. There are still plenty of folks who see this as a runaway case and if the shoulder bag were found, it would significantly reduce the likelihood of that possibility. That might transform some "skeptics" to "searchers" which could make a difference. It might also re-energize the overall population and the focus on this case. It's easy for the public to get discouraged and move on and new info from LE would keep this case from getting stale in the eyes of the public.
I'm happy to see that Zenya keeps pushing along and applaud her creativity.
A few random thoughts:
1. I think it's great that ZH did the video and the images of the town and dogs were a nice touch. I think she said that getting "correspondence" was nice. I believe that word was intentionally chosen and can be interpreted to mean the singular or to mean multiple communications. I'm guessing it's the latter since she could have just referred to "the letter" as I believe she has in the past.
2. ZH asks for a phine call from Abby which is understandable. Her friend suggests that if a phone call is not possible, that sending a picture would be also good. Of course a phone call would have several benefits, one of which is the opportunity for Zenya to ask questions or convince Abby to do something. I think that the main purpose of a picture would be proof of life. This leads me to wonder if Zenya is questioning the authenticity of the October letter and/or subsequent letters or emails and that worries me.
3. I think I understand all the points of discussion regarding the shoulder bag. I do have trouble envisioning a scenario where Abby would keep the inside purse but discard the larger shoulder bag. Wouldn't she normally carry the purse inside the shoulder bag, meaning that if one was missing, both would be missing? Somebody pointed out that she might hide the larger bag so she would look older but my impression was that the shoulder bag was somewhat stylish and not a ratty looking back pack book bag that teenage boys might favor. In any event, if the shoulder bag was found and pointed to foul play, I think there would be a benefit to revealing that fact, other than to satisfy our curiousity. There are still plenty of folks who see this as a runaway case and if the shoulder bag were found, it would significantly reduce the likelihood of that possibility. That might transform some "skeptics" to "searchers" which could make a difference. It might also re-energize the overall population and the focus on this case. It's easy for the public to get discouraged and move on and new info from LE would keep this case from getting stale in the eyes of the public.
I'm happy to see that Zenya keeps pushing along and applaud her creativity.

There is also another board that I ran across online that is not on facebook. Seems that they have lots more information and scenarios than this board has. Seems to have many locals IMO putting information out there about this case and possible fake profiles to be watched on Fb which could either be Abby or the person that has Abby. I found the information on there to be quite convincing but not sure if LE is looking into or not. I know that someone on the board said information was submitted so let's hope it brings Abby back. Continued prayers for Abby and her family. Bring this girl home!!
There is also another board that I ran across online that is not on facebook. Seems that they have lots more information and scenarios than this board has. Seems to have many locals IMO putting information out there about this case and possible fake profiles to be watched on Fb which could either be Abby or the person that has Abby. I found the information on there to be quite convincing but not sure if LE is looking into or not. I know that someone on the board said information was submitted so let's hope it brings Abby back. Continued prayers for Abby and her family. Bring this girl home!!

As someone who is local and who knows the family, don't replace "information" with "facts" in your brain. Lots and lots of theories that are not based in any fact, no matter how much they claim to be "in the know"
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