GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #10

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I bet your daughter was thrilled! I didn't know about pandora recovery, though I've used some to recover them off a camera before and it was when I realized the prints are permanent! The issue is, they have to know what prints to access and have to have reason to believe in order to access them. Red tape, laws, etc. Wrong moves cause good evidence to be tossed out :( I do not envy the job that LE does!
If she is willingly with someone, especially an adult, there is no reason he or she can't carry on with their everyday life.
Even if she is being held against her will - Ariel Castro comes to mind.

Sadly I don't see either of these scenarios as realistic.

BBM. It still bugs away at me that he was mentioned in the presser. I think no surely not, but then I think well, it happened before it can happen again. And having Abby write a letter and then post it a city away, a state away, wherever it was posted... and make it seem she might have runaway is one good way of taking the investigation down a different road to where it was at the end of October. Over 10 years those women were held, and Castro just went about his normal business, nobody suspected him. JMO
BBM. It still bugs away at me that he was mentioned in the presser. I think no surely not, but then I think well, it happened before it can happen again. And having Abby write a letter and then post it a city away, a state away, wherever it was posted... and make it seem she might have runaway is one good way of taking the investigation down a different road to where it was at the end of October. Over 10 years those women were held, and Castro just went about his normal business, nobody suspected him. JMO

Seems to me, that even in that presser and although it was short notice, everything said by KR and JY was calculated and purposeful. Almost spelled out syllable by syllable.

It didn't take the investigation down at all did it. I think originally, looking at the presser of 11/22, when they were still keeping the letter quiet and the Chief sent his letter the night before which seemed to change the focus, they wanted it to seem as if they were taking it down a different road?

We can't let someone go 10 years and be held against their will. We can't. Doesn anyone else think that it could help "the case" - not us and our own curiosity but help the case - to have a new PC and give the public more detailed info?

Skylar Neese's parents went 7 months thinking their daughter ran away with no evidence and no answers. That is a hell no parent wants or should have to bear.

"We can't articulate a theory" (11/22)
I bet your daughter was thrilled! I didn't know about pandora recovery, though I've used some to recover them off a camera before and it was when I realized the prints are permanent! The issue is, they have to know what prints to access and have to have reason to believe in order to access them. Red tape, laws, etc. Wrong moves cause good evidence to be tossed out :( I do not envy the job that LE does!

Good evidence get tossed all the time. When people criticize protecting the integrity of the investigation we should remember that the next thing we want, after a child is found, is justice. We will screem for it.
I do not envy their jobs either.
It didn't take the investigation down at all did it. I think originally, looking at the presser of 11/22, when they were still keeping the letter quiet and the Chief sent his letter the night before which seemed to change the focus, they wanted it to seem as if they were taking it down a different road?

No it didn't stele, maybe made some of the public think differently but I don't think it changed much from LE's perspective. I personally still don't think abby ran away, my gut just doesn't feel it. It does appear every little thing that LE has said is carefully calculated and thought out, but then I think, do I just have an over active imagination? I really would like an update from LE, something, anything.
No it didn't stele, maybe made some of the public think differently but I don't think it changed much from LE's perspective. I personally still don't think abby ran away, my gut just doesn't feel it. It does appear every little thing that LE has said is carefully calculated and thought out, but then I think, do I just have an over active imagination? I really would like an update from LE, something, anything.

I don't think so. In the absence of evidence, imagination can be your friend. Any L.E.O. I have known respects his gut instinct. If we check it against available info we can make great strides. Otherwise we are just writing a Hollywood script?

Maybe a local news guy can query LE for an update, a new PC, a public notice that LE needs us to keep sharing, following leads, some reassurance for the town?
The name Dan Seufert comes to mind lol .


ETA: I only LOL because I know I have criticized local news. OK, And LE, sometimes. But not maliciously. And DS has been helpful, yes.
If she left with someone local, they would be missing too, no?

no not necessarily. This person could be a loner and she could be locked up in his house or something. Just look at the example that shocked the world a few months ago where those 3 young girls were locked up in the man's house for years. So it is possible that this is what happened. It could be someone that nobody would suspect as well, could be a prominent person in the community you just don't know. This case is so sad and I just hope and pray Abby is safe and that whoever she is with will let her go and return home.
we've all considered the computer, social media and cell possibilities, what if its more simple than that? someone who knew and saw Abby regularly and arranged in person with her to meet up that afternoon.

LE indicated that there was someone older she encountered online, but there are many devices and web sites to do that, not just FB
no not necessarily. This person could be a loner and she could be locked up in his house or something. Just look at the example that shocked the world a few months ago where those 3 young girls were locked up in the man's house for years. So it is possible that this is what happened. It could be someone that nobody would suspect as well, could be a prominent person in the community you just don't know. This case is so sad and I just hope and pray Abby is safe and that whoever she is with will let her go and return home.

And LE said to be on the lookout for someone new. That new person could be AH with someone local where they are.
Had to bump Abby from page 4.

I had always doubted the trafficking theory, but now I'm wondering if it may be true.

I hope she comes home soon.
Abby will be page one to me no matter what. :please:
Sorry for my confusing post....

As for trafficking, I had always overlooked it. We get "trained" on it every year at work, but it's presented as not really a local problem. Well after reading everything about the SuperBowl and trafficking, it made me realize how big the issue is. And then reading about how a girl going to a great college in Boston, from a stable family, got forced into it. I just naively didn't think it happened so innocently.
Sorry for my confusing post....

As for trafficking, I had always overlooked it. We get "trained" on it every year at work, but it's presented as not really a local problem. Well after reading everything about the SuperBowl and trafficking, it made me realize how big the issue is. And then reading about how a girl going to a great college in Boston, from a stable family, got forced into it. I just naively didn't think it happened so innocently.

If you wouldn't mind do you happen to have a link about that victim? I'd like to know more about it. Just doesn't seem the norm so I wonder what else there was in her life like drug addiction, debt, etc.
My impression has been that while it can happen in any city, the victims are usually the forgotten, the marginalized, the immigrants, etc.
LE indicated that there was someone older she encountered online, but there are many devices and web sites to do that, not just FB

encountered online, maybe knew in real life.

people can lie about their age/identity online, could be someone pretending to be someone else.
You are so right about that, anyone could have a fake page. I did because of my job to find out about applicants and their history call it wrong but it helped to determine who was going to be a good tenant vs a bad tenant and who is lying and who is honest. You can get a lot of information from someone's fb. But I never carried on conversations with anyone while using it but it did help me do my job.
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