Identified! NJ - Knowlton, 'Tiger Lady', WhtFem 17-19, UP1593, tiger tatt on calf, Oct'91 - Wendy Louise Baker

is it my imagination or have we not seen the newer computer enhanced reconstructions of Tiger Lady's face?

As I mentioned above:

I asked Lt. Spiers about the other facial reconstruction:

He also said that the facial reconstruction that we have all seen is the one created by Univ of Toronto. There was a previous recon, but it was very "rudimentary", and of poor quality.

AFAIK, there aren't any other recons of Tiger Lady.
if that is the enhanced version I would hate to see what the rudimentary one looked like!
Man that match rule out stinks -- I thought it looked like a dead ringer. :(
I just received a call-back from Lt. Speirs, and received the following info regarding Tiger Lady and Brenda Green.

His recollection is that they looked at Brenda Green, and ruled her out, although he didn't remember the basis upon which she was ruled out. He's pretty sure that we were talking about the same woman because he recalls that the woman that they looked at was from Alabama. He said that there was info in Brenda's MP case file that she had a tattoo, but it turned out that Alabama LE mistakenly wrote in the casefile that she did have a tattoo, when they should have indicated that they received an inquiry of whether or not she had a tattoo.

He says that about a year after her disappearance, she was picked up in Georgia for prostitution, and nobody realized that she was an MP until after she was released. This is new info that was not available in the MP sites. We now know that she was not killed immediately after her disappearance.


I just realized that according to Charley Project, Mary Jo Burnette, who is also from Alabama is said to have been arrested in Georgia about a year after her 1984 disappearance, but she was not a listed missing person at that time. She was reported missing in 1989.

So it is likely that Lt. Spiers was referring to Mary Jo Burnette, not Brenda Green.

Lt. Speirs confirmed today that Brenda Green was ruled out on dentals.

I wonder if it was actually Mary Jo's dentals that he is referring to.
That does seem like a likely option - the arrest, and the very specific dentals. Also, Brenda Kay Green's pages on Charley Project and DoeNetwork were updated in June 2012, with no mention of any arrests. Maybe BOTH of them ought to be submitted in one go, to clear it up.
Tigerlady's info and the address on the tattoo site in the hopes the artist might recognize their work. I stated the tattoo was completed before October 1991-hopefully they will allow the info to be posted on the tattoo site.

I happened across Tigerlady while searching for an MP in the general age range.
I was looking at Porchlight's 1991 Missing forum and saw this MP. Terry Slaugenhoupt went missing in January 1991 from PA. She is older than Tigerlady 's estimated age, though. Just MOO but I think Terry Slaugenhoupt resembles the sketch of Tigerlady, which is all we have to go on for Tigerlady. I am specifically looking at the nose shapes and facial shapes of both. Here are Terry's links:

Terry is also here.

Terry's eyes are listed as hazel. Tigerlady's eyes are listed as brown on the NAMUS page: Terri is listed at 5'3" within range of Tigerlady's estimated height of 4'10-5'2".
There is a website set up for Tigerlady by LE. That link is here:

BTW, Tigerlady's tattoo looked very fresh/recently done. An MP could have added it after they went missing.
Please, someone else weigh in with their opinion? TIA.
Side by side of Terry and Tiger Lady (click to enlarge). Tiger Lady on the right, Terry in the two left photos. Pretty good resemblance there. Timeline fits.

Terry seems to have a noticeable gap between her front teeth, or a chipped tooth, or something going on there. The sketch of Tiger Lady's face also looks like something odd with her teeth.


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Don't take the eye color difference to seriously. Eye color can change (to brown/black shades) with decomposition and Tiger Lady's profile says:

"Body conditions
Not recognizable - Decomposing/putrefaction"

I think that is a great looking match! Terry & Tiger L. have DNA submitted according to Namus.
Per Terry's Namus page she has DNA on file. Since they have DNA for Tiger Lady, this would be a rule out by CODIS unless they were mismatched types of DNA.

Yes both Terry and Tiger Lady have DNA in the system. Also Terry was about 10 years older than the age estimate for "Tiger Lady". I believe the age difference will probably rule her out.
is on file, do we? (mtDNA or other?) I know that for MPs, mom's DNA is preferable for comparison purposes. If Mom's DNA not available, sibling sisters are used for comparison when there are siblings. They prefer female DNA. For male MPs, they need at least 2 DNA samples from relatives if parents DNA is not available.

Does anyone know if European countries each have their own versions of NAMUS or if there is a centralized European database similar to UNT or CODIS for all of Europe?
Shared on NJ for the Federal Help Find the Missing Act - Billy's Law
Unidentified Deceased Caucasian Female aged 17-19 located on October 26, 1991 in Knowlton Township, Warren Co, NJ
Brown Hair, Brown Eyes
TATTOO of Bengal tiger on rear of left calf

Manner of death is homicide.
Date of Death: Days
Her nickname is Tiger Lady, inspired by her tiger tattoo.

Vital Statistics -
Estimated age: 17 - 19 years old
Approximate Height and Weight: 4'10 - 5'2"; 95 - 110 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Light brown to dirty blonde hair; possibly bleached or dyed. Brown eyes. Both of her ears were pierced; her left ear was pierced four times. The victim had a tattoo of a crouching Bengal tiger on rear of her left calf.
Clothing: No clothing was found with the victim.
Dentals: X-rays and dental charts are available; she had overbite of her upper left rear teeth.
Fingerprints: Not Available

Case History - Her partially decomposed body was discovered in a wooded area in Warren County, Knowlton Township, New Jersey. The body was found near the major interchange of Interstate Route 80, US Route 46 and State Route 94.

NamUs UP #1593
NJ State Police
Doe Network

If you have any information about this case or the identification of this individual, please contact:
The New Jersey State Police at 1-800-709-7090 or e-mail at

Warren County Prosecutor's Office - 908-475-6275

Tattoo and Sketch Only Clues to an Identity - By IVER PETERSON, Published: April 19, 1993

She gazes out of the picture, her eyes a little bored, maybe a little hostile, waiting.

She seems to be real, and yet is not. The face of the woman on homicide police bulletins being posted in truck stops and highway police barracks across the country is in fact a computer's best guess about the appearance of a young woman who was murdered, and her body dumped in a truck parking area off Interstate 80 here, 18 months ago.

When she was found by hunters, her face had so badly deteriorated that no reliable picture of her face could be drawn. The police know her today only by the striking animal tattoo on her left calf: Tiger Lady.

Hers is the first picture created for New Jersey detectives by the Metropolitan Toronto Police Department's Computer Assisted Recovery Enhancement System, a program that begins by scanning a victim's skull and then reconstructs the muscle and flesh of a human face. Corridor for Killers

The need to resort to the expensive process points up what is emerging as a particularly grim and troubling problem for state law-enforcement agencies across the country, the use of major highways as a dumping ground for murder victims. It is a criminal practice that greatly increases the difficulty of identifying anonymous victims and so of taking the first big step toward identifying the killer.

"We're getting so much more dumping on the interstates because the interstates system is a continuous, highly anonymous corridor that gives a killer a convenient avenue to get a body out of the area where he killed it," said Lieut. Robert Scott, supervisor of the Major Crimes Unit for the New Jersey State Police, in explaining why the big roads have become today's equivalent of the back alley of a half-century ago.

"A killer can drive for four or five hours and go through several states, and because of the lack of communication between state police agencies, if a New Jersey person is murdered and dumped in a pull-off in Pennsylvania, it could be days before we realize that that's our body they've got there," he said. "By then the killer could be anywhere in the country."

Witnesses are also quickly scattered on the interstates, Lieutenant Scott added, and besides, he asked, who pays attention to other people on an interstate?

"It's not like you're on your own street or even in your own town," he said. "When people get on an interstate, they just want to get to where they're going, and nobody gives a damn about what's going on around them."

Tiger Lady is the third body to be found along Interstate 80 in the last six years, according to state police and county prosecutors. The bodies of at least five women, presumed to have been prostitutes, have been left along the New Jersey Turnpike in recent years, Lieutenant Scott said. Last summer, the dismembered body of a Massachusetts businessman, Thomas Mulcahy, was dumped along the Garden State Parkway after he was murdered in New York City. Tattoo Leads Nowhere

The police say that when a body like Tiger Lady's is found, it is either identified fairly quickly, principally by matching it with a missing-persons report, or else the victim remains unknown to the police for years as is the case with "Baby Hope," a girl whose body was found in 1991 in a picnic cooler along the Henry Hudson Parkway in northern Manhattan.

At first, investigators for the Warren County prosecutor, John J. O'Reilly, assumed that Tiger Lady, who is about 20 years old, would be quickly identified because of the distinctive, seven-inch long tattoo that would be in plain view if she wore a skirt or shorts.

But detectives went through 400 missing-persons' reports to no avail. A police composite sketch was drawn up, based on the remains of the woman's face, but it too produced no leads.

Finally, in early March, Mr. O'Reilly turned to the Toronto Police, who using the woman's known weight, about 100 pounds, the tint of her skin and hair, drew a new skin over the skull, with its high cheekbones, strong jaw and narrow-set eyes. The results were strikingly different from the police artist's sketch. New Poster and Number

The state police made a second version of the Toronto picture, showing the woman with longer, darker hair, with eyes looking ahead and with thinner lips, because lips, along with eye color, are the most uncertain elements in reconstructing a face from a skull, said the Toronto Police Constable, David Sills, who created the original. Mr. Sills said experience with the computer-generated photographs has shown them to be 80 percent accurate.

The final cost of the Canadian police service is not yet known, Mr. O'Reilly said. "It's expensive, but worth it," he said.

Two weeks ago, a new poster with a special toll-free number, (800) 822-LADY, was released, and about 25 calls a day come in. The pictures are being shown on a cable program that is played at truck stops, along with the description of a tractor-trailer truck, with a white cab and a green-and-white trailer that was spotted near the place where the body was later found.

Meanwhile, Tiger Lady gazes impatiently from behind her computer-drawn eyes. Detective August Wistner of the state police was asked if the new picture made Tiger Lady more real to him, and the wish to find her real name more urgent. But Detective Wistner made it clear that the tangible evidence of Tiger Lady's murdered body was a stronger incentive to him than anything a computer can draw.

"She's been a real person to us since the minute she was found," he said. "So we'd really like to find out who she is."

Photos: Two computer-generated images of a woman whose body was found 18 months ago in a parking area off Interstate 80 in Warrington, N.J. (New Jersey State Police); A tattoo on the woman's left calf has given her the name by which the police know her: Tiger Lady.


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Might be a long shot, but I sent Tiger Lady's info/ NJ state police link to the FB page for metro area Cincinnati OH missing people. If they approve, it will hopefully be posted on the Cincinnati MP Facebook page soon. Her tattoo was a Bengal tiger. Football preseason starts in a few weeks for the NFL.
OOOOh - This girl looks kind of good on paper. I can't find a photo and I'm in a rush this morning so if anyone knows anything about Sally (or is on Classmates and can get a pic) feel free to jump in! :) I don't see Sally on WS, DN or much of anywhere else for that matter.

Sally Simmons
San Francisco County, California
15 year old white female
Height (inches)
Weight (pounds)

No DNA, dentals, or fingerprints in Namus

Hair color, eye color, height, date of birth, and weight are all good. Sally was last seen on September 4, 1989. JD was found October 26, 1991.
Might be a long shot, but I sent Tiger Lady's info/ NJ state police link to the FB page for metro area Cincinnati OH missing people. If they approve, it will hopefully be posted on the Cincinnati MP Facebook page soon. Her tattoo was a Bengal tiger. Football preseason starts in a few weeks for the NFL.

Other possibilities: Louisiana State, Auburn (Alabama), Detroit (baseball Tigers), Yale (Connecticut). I'm sure there are more.

I doubt if it's significant, but in 1991, large visible tattoos were still unusual except in certain subgroups such as bikers, martial artists, and bodybuilders. Even more unusual for a young woman.
I doubt if it's significant, but in 1991, large visible tattoos were still unusual except in certain subgroups such as bikers, martial artists, and bodybuilders. Even more unusual for a young woman.

That was my experience. The only people that I knew then who had visible tatts were military (Navy anchors and the like).

What about 'dancers' in that era?

I can't find a darn thing about Sally. :( I'm going to poke around a bit more. It is interesting to me that RT 80 is a pretty straight ride from San Francisco to NJ.

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