GUILTY NM - Five Griego family members murdered in their Albuquerque home, 20 Jan 2013

NG stated he was having homicidal and suicidal thoughts


After killing his mother and brother NG stated he lost his sense of conscious and went to the bedroom his two sisters share.

from the probable cause statement.

NG stated he took a picture of his deceased mother and sent it to his girlfriend (when asked if he had told anyone about the murders)

So sad, that poor girlfriend. Imagine receiving a picture like that from someone you think you know and love.
I notice from the statement of probable cause that the charges are:

Murder (X5) and Abuse of a Child (X3)
This family had 10 kids? Were they all biological kids, or did they take in some kids? Considering father reportedly worked with troubled youngsters?
Sounds like the troubled one was right there at home.
the MeetOne page linked on page one as possibly belonging to NG is now disabled.
I'm not disagreeing, but why his younger siblings too? I can't imagine a 2-year old was harsh or abusive. That's what I just don't get.

Well, some victims of abuse can also be evil. It's not mutually exclusive. Also, if the abuse victim was singled out and/or if his siblings were encouraged to join in on the abuse, or were treated kindly while the shooter was treated harshly, that can be a motivator.

But, IMO, anyone who harms babies like that has to have some real evil in them unless they are completely out of their mind with mental illness and this kid seems coherent.

Some people (look up Kip Kinkel) kill their parents, then go to school and start shooting. Adma Lanza kill his mother first, then went to school and started shooting. No abuse by parents was alleged in either of the two above mentioned cases.

Yes and that's why I differentiated. The ones who also go to school and shoot people up usually have not suffered intense abuse. Even if they first kill their parents. They are motivated by something else.

Also, I think people over the age of 18 who kill their parents (the coward who slaughtered the kids in Newtown, e.g., who was not a minor child), are a different breed altogether. You can't compare a 19 year old who kills his parents to a 15 year old, IMO. Different brain functioning, different understanding of cause and effect, etc.
If there were no guns in the house, there's a good chance that family would still be alive today. You can shoot someone from a distance where they cannot reach you, unlike, say, stabbing them (because I know some will argue that if he didn't use a gun, he'd use something else). But with a knife or even a club, he'd need to get close enough to his victim, giving the victim the chance to disarm him, and possibly escape to get help.

I wonder how prevalent children killing their families with guns was 100 years ago? I'm sure it happened. But I bet it wasn't as often as it is now. I have a feeling that a 15 year old 100 years ago was a lot more mature than a 15 year old is now, but of course, I have no way to prove that.

Deaths by gun stastics:

Not broken down by age, couldn't find that.
I am not an expert & nobody asked my opinion, but this sounds like possible schizophrenia.
If the boy's statement is true, the guns were not stored securely. I see the probable fault as a mentally unstable person's access to firearms.

I wonder if he really did make a picture & send it to a girlfriend. His whole statement seemed boastful.

Overwhelmingly, gun violence is perpetuated with pistols. A very small percentage, less than 2%, of gun deaths are by rifles. Unfortunately, because an AR15 was one of the guns NG used, this horrible family tragedy will become part of the argument for gun control. The opinions are mine, the statistics are from the FBI.
I notice from the statement of probable cause that the charges are:

Murder (X5) and Abuse of a Child (X3)

Yeah, I don't get that at all. He killed them. He didn;t abuse them.

From the statement of probable cause:

Just as chilling is the account of him shooting his 9 year old brother who was sleeping in the same bed as their mother. The 9 year old was awakened by the sound of the gunfire when their mother was shot in the head by NG.

WARNING -- the statement of probable cause is graphic.

He's some piece of work. he says he has been dealing with "anger issues". Is that why he was home schooled? And he lifted his mother's bloody head to show the boy sleeping next to her so he would believe that their mother was dead.

Questions, though: Are we sure that was his mother? In an early report I read that he shot his father and the father's wife. With 10 kids, is it possible that some were step or half-siblings?
What did the girlfriend do when she got the picture of the dead mother? Nothing?
Why indeed was dad concentrating on other troubled people if his son had "anger issues" and why did the son have anger issues?

Some things that stand out to me, although I am not sure of the significance: He walked around the neighborhood in camos all the time. I used to wear nothing but when I was young but it is true that some militia types or people who commit mass murders or serial murders, fancy them.

Dad had young people spending the night at his home all the time.

Kid was home-schooled. yeah, yeah, millions home school and there is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes it is essential. But sometimes it is also done due to behavioral problems of the child, bullying of the child or to cover up abuse of the child by parents. When I hear homeschooling connected with a case like this, my ears perk up.

I'm sure we will hear more. but for now, for a kid that age to be so ruthless that he lifts the dead head of his mother to show his brother before also killing the brother, well, that sounds like an evil lost cause to me. Sorry. That's pretty horrid, and there's no justification, regardless of his background.

Yes and that's why I differentiated. The ones who also go to school and shoot people up usually have not suffered intense abuse. Even if they first kill their parents. They are motivated by something else.


His alleged plan was to go out and kill more people. He didn't do it for whatever reason. But it seems to be more of the same (as Kip Kinkel).
Yeah, I don't get that at all. He killed them. He didn;t abuse them.

The abuse charges are additional charges. He is charged with five counts of murder and 3 counts of abuse. So they are extra charges on top of murder charges.
It appears that here the rest of the family was not at home.
It's not like he killed some and let some live.

Exactly, 6 kids were away...Jake's father was out of state on a business trip & his sister away at college, irrc
His alleged plan was to go out and kill more people. He didn't do it for whatever reason. But it seems to be more of the same (as Kip Kinkel).

So he says. But he didn't. There appears to be a difference between kids who kill their parents and kids who do more than that, escalating to mass murders or spree murders. Usually abuse is a major motivator or harsh discipline in the ones who do not go on to commit mass killings or non-related people.

But who knows. He could be a Kip Kinkel type.

What I don't understand is why parents allow unsecured weaponry in the home with a troubled teen. Shoot, I'd even hide the knives if I knew my kid had serious anger or issues and/or anti-social behaviors and/or was obsessed with weapons and violence.

I guess few can ever really imagine that it could be their child. Well, it could.

The abuse charges are additional charges. He is charged with five counts of murder and 3 counts of abuse. So they are extra charges on top of murder charges.

Got it. That makes sense.
Nehemiah Griego, 15, had loaded up his family van with "several" guns that he intended to use to slaughter customers at the nearby shopping center, the Albuquerque Journal reported Monday.
Griego hoped to die in a shootout with cops, sources told the paper.
But he was talked out of the plan by a friend, who convinced him over the phone to meet him at his father’s church, the paper said.
He eventually told a church security guard about the crime, and the retired cop called 911, the report said.

Read more:
wondering if the girlfriend mentioned in the supporting statement that he sent the photo of mom to is the friend who convinced him not to complete his spree. I feel for this girl. Must have been very scary to realize NG had killed his family and was serious in his intention to go shoot up the Walmart and commit suicide by cop.

So glad his friend was able to convince him not to. While this case is horrible it could have had so many more casualties.

ETA I see the friend who talked him out of the shooting spree is referred to as a him, so not the same friend he sent the pic to and obviously he lied in the interview with cops when he said he had told no one else about the murders but the female friend and cops.
I wonder if the abuse charges are because the children were awake and saw him with the gun. Somehow the gun was a threat which might be considered abuse?

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