GUILTY NV - O.J. Simpson charged in Las Vegas armed robbery, 2007

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He went to that hotel room armed with a posse! To me, it was absolutely incredible that he told the judge that he didn't know that he was doing anything illegal. But, I guess that is how you view things after you get away with a double murder!
I feel so sorry for the Goldman and Brown family. The Golman family looks like they are suffering so much.
On the afternoon talk show I listen to they did a segment on OJ and Stuart- and most people did feel sorry for him. The consensus was also that because the two were tried together - OJ didn't get as harsh a sentence as he would have had he been tried alone and that Stuart got a harsher sentence than if he had been tried alone. Geez- I hope that makes sense...!
I was just listening to an afternoon show also and they basically said what i said and what you reference here.
CJ has so much loyalty to OJ, that he just couldn;t plead out and dump it all in OJ's lap. I think this poor guy learned the lesson of a lifetime and unfortunately that is about what it will cost him.
What a nice way to start the weekend. OJ is tucked away in the big house for at least 6 years before he can even think of getting out.
He is arrogrant. He's a liar. He's a cheat. He is a phony. And best of all - he's in prison!
What a nice way to start the weekend. OJ is tucked away in the big house for at least 6 years before he can even think of getting out.
He is arrogrant. He's a liar. He's a cheat. He is a phony. And best of all - he's in prison!


And it's just me, but I would add that he is a double murderer on top of that!
I never paid much attention to OJ's eyes back during his murder trial, but noticed today when he was speaking at his hearing. His eyes have that emotionless flat look that psychopaths are said to have.
It is their constant diligent work that made this arrest possible.
Good Job Mr. Goldman, it got you some satisfaction.
And like Mr. Goldman said "Ron will never be here, so it is a small satisfaction".

But I'm dancing and I can see that many of you who believe in fairness, justice are happy too.
As for OJ's buddy that will be in the slammer with him
When the dumb get dumber they pay the piper. :crazy:
What's really telling about this thread is that there are so few posts. Thirteen years ago, maybe even 10, thousands more people would have been commenting. What a lack of posts says to me is that people are not really interested in OJ Simpson anymore. The public isn't enthralled with the Juice. That has got to be the worst punishment this manic can have.
I never paid much attention to OJ's eyes back during his murder trial, but noticed today when he was speaking at his hearing. His eyes have that emotionless flat look that psychopaths are said to have.

Interesting point.
What I noticed most about him during his double murder trail was that he had a constant muscle twitch in his cheek. As if he was holding back his anger. It was there quite often when testimony was being given against him. The nuns where I went to grade school also had the same type of facial tick. And they were monsters.
I found the sentence very interesting....along with Judge Glass' comments on his character as "more than stupid" ....and arrogant.

OJ's sentence could have been for life but the Judge gave him a possible 33 yrs with 9 yrs before he's eligible for parole.

At age 61 with 33 years imprisonment hanging over his head, OJ would be well advised to NEVER screw up or his fate is sealed.

The irony of this is great ! He now controls his own fate within the justice system, as the Judge probably suspects, knowing his propensity for violence.

IMO, it's better than a life sentence under California law or even a death sentence that would allow him the comfort of knowing they probably wouldn't execute him for at least 20 years. This way he knows he's probably going to die in jail while he waits and wonders.

Rest in peace Nicole and Ron. Justice is finally yours
It is their constant diligent work that made this arrest possible.
Good Job Mr. Goldman, it got you some satisfaction.
And like Mr. Goldman said "Ron will never be here, so it is a small satisfaction".

But I'm dancing and I can see that many of you who believe in fairness, justice are happy too.
As for OJ's buddy that will be in the slammer with him
When the dumb get dumber they pay the piper. :crazy:

LOL Songline, picture this: I'm driving right through the middle of NYC and I hear I have a text msg. I had asked Hallowbe to text me when the sentencing was going down, and I got a great play by play account of what happened. When she said the judge was ripping him into a new one, I sent a text back that said "Ong", roflmao. I was shifting (have a 5 speed), the GPS was short-circuting because of the city (which made me miss my exit), while trying to follow what was going on with OJ.

I know, I'm bad. I never text while driving, EVER...but this was 13 years of pent up frustration.

So, THANK YOU HALLOW, :blowkiss:and btw, Ong = OMG.

Whew, it's over. Finally........:clap:
I watched the coverage of this last night on Anderson Cooper.

First of all, I agree with the poster who noted how much the Goldmans have suffered. I hope this will bring them enough of a measure of closure that they can get on with their lives, and move forward.

Second, I loved the judge! She was not going to tiptoe around OJ Simpson. she said it like it is.

Third, lawyer Jefferey Toobin was on Anderson Cooper, and his opinion is that this judge bent over backwards to rule in favor of OJ, even tossed out a good portion of the prosecution's case. In Toobin's opinion, this bodes well for NO successful appeals.

I am very pleased!! :)
He is also to be kept in his own cell, and kept away from other prisoners. This will drive him nuts, he is so impressed with himself and likes to impress others with his presence and arrogance "He is the Juice". He will not be the center of attention in segregation. Just think about it, if he does 9 yrs with no one to impress. Not to mention his hands are tied as far as looking for the real killers, What A bummer.
I agree, it's good he won't be able to be the center of attention with the other inmates, there would be ones who would bend over backwards to be part of his group.
I will say that I feel some sympathy for the other men he roped into doing this, I'm sure they rue the day they ever chose to pal around with him! Imo he brings misery to anyone who gets near him.

After getting out of his last ordeal, he should have lived a quiet life somewhere and stayed out of the spotlight. Instead, everytime you turned around he was into something from writing books to shopping around some sort of pay per view deal. He also got in trouble with law a few times. I don't get him, but he has no one to blame but himself. I heard on a radio show yesterday that, the brotherhood nation has a bounty on him.
I agree, it's good he won't be able to be the center of attention with the other inmates, there would be ones who would bend over backwards to be part of his group.
I will say that I feel some sympathy for the other men he roped into doing this, I'm sure they rue the day they ever chose to pal around with him! Imo he brings misery to anyone who gets near him.


VB I guess Judge Glass feels the same way. And oh is this going to frost the Juice. The 4 who cop please were all given probation ranging from 3 to 8 years.

I just wish Judge Glass would have given Stewart a seperate trial. I think it would had come out diffrent.
I agree about the lack of interest. We didnt have wall to wall coverage of his criminal trial in the UK but the verdict was first item on the news for days with lots of coverage and comment and huge public interest. This latest case and the result has been buried way below other news and has only had the briefest of mentions in each of the papers/news channels etc.

Guess O.J. still manages to have some people feeling sorry for him.
This man wants to help fight the injustice of him finally being sent to prison and thinks we can all send donations! Hope he's not holding his breath for mine.

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