NV NV - White Pine Co, WhtMale 40-60, UP7428, note signed 'J', golf shoes, dental work, glasses, Jan'84

True, he may have dumped all his belongings. He still would have been very cold.
If this was a person of no fixed address it would be unlikely for a missing persons report to have been filed in a timely manner. (if ever)

The car:
There were a fair number of late 60's American cars still on the roads in the early 80's. A '68 Chevy would have been a cheap "beater" at the time. (My family had a $200 '68 Pontiac around the same time) It seems light green was a very common color for late 60's Chevrolets and at the time this car would have been ordinary and quite forgettable. If it had been stolen it is unlikely that anybody would be particularly concerned about getting it back.
That said, there may be a police department out there with a record of a car theft. Maybe they were far enough away that their information was overlooked by the investigators.
I am not aware of the specifics of state license plate and auto registration laws of the time but some states have been pretty lax in the past. Maybe the car's registration had long since expired and it was seldom driven on the highways and had not worn plates for some time. The man could have simply bought it for cash and just never registered it.
Any of these factors could explain the VIN coming up unknown.

The deceased:
Since this man was living in his car in cold temperatures he constructed the device in the glove box to shut off the car so he could go to sleep with the engine running for heat. This hints at a background in electronics and possibly auto mechanics. With his apparent technical abilities this man surely could have found work and not have had to live in a car so it seems he deliberately went off the grid. The question is of course, why?
I agree that he may have had something to hide, possibly wanted by the law or the military however the suicide note gives the best insight; it displays some religious faith but also an apparent breakdown in rational thought. Aside from suicidal tendencies it seems likely that he suffered mental health issues as there was no mention of drug or alcohol intoxication. It also crossed my mind that the "J" signature may have been a reference to Jesus. He left what money he had to the church he was faithful to and which had likely tried to help him.

My theory is that this was just one of those sad stories of untreated mental illness which resulted in a man having nowhere to go and reaching the end of his rope.

Sorry for the long reply but this case fascinates me and I wanted to get all my thoughts down.
I agree about the long term untreated mental illness being the most likely explanation. So many of the homeless and itinerant fall into that category. They've lost touch with family and friends, often by choice, and if they've been reported as missing at all, it's with such vague dates and information that it's almost impossible to tell much about them. It's a real tragedy.
Is there a site to search for missing persons who would not be eligible for an official missing persons report? (People who were over the age of 18 at time of disappearance with no signs of foul play, people who left home voluntarily but were never heard from again, etc).

Been a long time since I've been active in the community but this and another case have been in my mind lately.
There are three questions I would like to know the answers to but I wouldn't know who to ask:

1. Did the suicide note misspell "Mormon" and "church" or was this a transcription error? (The addition of more of the contents of the suicide letter and the misspellings contained therein are making me lean towards the possibility that the decedent did in fact misspell "Mormon church.")

2. How was the rubber hose attached to the exhaust? Tape? Was anything dusted for fingerprints? Do they have fingerprints on file?

3. Was the undercarriage of the car examined for signs of weather indicating the climate the car spent time in?
The Beaver County (PA) Crime Solvers website now has a photo of Jay Walter Burns, who was suggested as a match to this UID:

http://www.beavercountycrimesolvers.com/index2.html (scroll down)

He has very little to no hair, while the UID's hair was described as "red/auburn or brown with graying on the sides."
Refreshing the thread...
Lester J. Rome – The Charley Project

“Rome was last seen in Grand Isle, Louisiana on January 9, 1984. He has never been heard from again. He may have traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada after his disappearance.”

Not sure about the timing of this one. Unless Lester had been living from his car in LA also? Plus the scars and toupee...I guess there are as many pros as cons.

William Edward DeLano – The Charley Project

John Dolan Phillips – The Charley Project

Just a few that I found who could match. None were overwhelmingly convincing though.
Does anyone know if there were dental records available for this case? Trying to match this to an individual last seen in Tucson during 1984 who isn't in NamUs. He fits the identifiers of the victim, went by his middle name that started with a J, and had previously served in the military. Also shares his last name with a Mormon pioneer from Utah, so I'm wondering if they might be related.
Does anyone know if there were dental records available for this case? Trying to match this to an individual last seen in Tucson during 1984 who isn't in NamUs. He fits the identifiers of the victim, went by his middle name that started with a J, and had previously served in the military. Also shares his last name with a Mormon pioneer from Utah, so I'm wondering if they might be related.

Doenetwork entry says yes, dentals available. 2038UMNV

He had extensive dental work, it says.
A few months prior, a guy named Wladyslaw KLISKO disappeared on his way to church in Montreal. I cant find out which church, and he was a lil younger though.
Who made money from his death? not talking about his family am talking about his connections .. if he wasn't there to say " yes/no " who made cash from that?

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