NY NY - Sylvia Lwowski, 22, Staten Island, 6 Sept 1975 - #2

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I'm thinking that if it had to do with something extremely personal (the abortion or something else), and even if he had told SL's mother, neither would have wanted it known so when SL showed back up, that would not be hanging over her. Both probably thought she would turn up, not disappear off the face of the Earth.

I will say that back in those days, if there was any kind of disagreement before someone went missing, it was automatically assumed that they just ran off. Even with people going missing with no argument, you had to prove that your loved one would not just run off. Some of the shoddy work on murders was appalling, as well. ("Oh, hey, that person's cousin was suspicious and now he's been killed in an auto accident. Lets just assume he did it, and put the case away."-personal experience with a case)

This is a distinct possibility, especially if their argument was extremely personal. It's been 38 years, though, so he should be able to talk about now, if the police would only ask him (I am assuming that they haven't). She is obviously not going to return to her family and friends in Staten Island, regardless of what happened to her. I think the cold case detective would like to blame Andre Rand for her disappearance, because it's easy, and because it's possible that he might actually have done something to her (and he would never confess)-still, there are other possibilities, right?
]I think the only source is the BF/F[/B]
It is on the PR, and we know that her parents filed that
As they were not present when the argument took place, I assume that information came from BF/F

Other than the time she left home that night, and what she was wearing, most of the info on that report pertaining to the evenings events would have to come from the BF/F

So that action may not have even taken place?, all we have is his word that it did. Its such a shame that there was no other witness close by that saw her jump out of the car. When people have an argument in public it always draws notice, someone must have seen something IF the argument even did take place..JMO
So that action may not have even taken place?, all we have is his word that it did. Its such a shame that there was no other witness close by that saw her jump out of the car. When people have an argument in public it always draws notice, someone must have seen something IF the argument even did take place..JMO

This is why I question where they were, when and if it happened (Sylvia bolting from the car). Sometimes all of the story is true, sometimes only some of it is. BF/F really does hold a key to this. If it is possible that it happened as he said, then the subject of the argument may be vitally important. It could indicate foul play, or suicide (sorry, VIs) or starting a new life somewhere else with someone else. I can't imagine that nobody saw her leap out of the car on Richmond Ave in a populated place. But 38 years later, who would remember seeing that?
Does anyone have a summary of this case? There are so many pages on it, which is excellent there is so much interest in the case. The beginning says she was last seen after a fight with her fiance. And just glancing through I see mention of abortion, kicking fathers, etc. Anything else pertinent? Sorry, I wish I had the time to read through all the pages!!
Does anyone have a summary of this case? There are so many pages on it, which is excellent there is so much interest in the case. The beginning says she was last seen after a fight with her fiance. And just glancing through I see mention of abortion, kicking fathers, etc. Anything else pertinent? Sorry, I wish I had the time to read through all the pages!!

Go to page one-Bessie posted the time line, map etc. That should help you out!
Does anyone have a summary of this case? There are so many pages on it, which is excellent there is so much interest in the case. The beginning says she was last seen after a fight with her fiance. And just glancing through I see mention of abortion, kicking fathers, etc. Anything else pertinent? Sorry, I wish I had the time to read through all the pages!!

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I hear what you are saying
To me, it would seem a most selfish way to live life.
Knowing that others are in pain because of something you did 38 years ago


So I ask myself..
If she ran away, as she grew up, would she not see what she had done to those who love her?

I have a hard time with that
BBM: Global internet was not around for many years, the WWW did not come to be until 1989, and even then, only the techies used it for several more years. It's not like it is now, where anyone with a computer can see so much happening in other cities, states, countries. IF she moved away (not that I think she did) across the country, she may have thought about her family, but not known the massive effect it caused. Some people think that leaving (if you had something in your past that you considered so horrendous that it would destroy your family) would be kinder than staying. JMO.
BBM: Global internet was not around for many years, the WWW did not come to be until 1989, and even then, only the techies used it for several more years. It's not like it is now, where anyone with a computer can see so much happening in other cities, states, countries. IF she moved away (not that I think she did) across the country, she may have thought about her family, but not known the massive effect it caused. Some people think that leaving (if you had something in your past that you considered so horrendous that it would destroy your family) would be kinder than staying. JMO.

Along those same lines, I am convinced she didn't voluntarily disappear. Without the Internet, I don't think she would have known to cover all the tracks that would later surface on the internet.

I think someone who left voluntarily back in those days would have maybe moved to another state and kept an unlisted phone number... but the idea that she's never worked, never filed a tax return, married, gotten a traffic ticket, gotten a drivers license, voted, etc. makes me think it's unlikely. I just can't see her going to all that trouble to stay under the radar. She was college educated, and came from a good family, I suppose it's possible but I just don't see it...

Along those same lines, I am convinced she didn't voluntarily disappear. Without the Internet, I don't think she would have known to cover all the tracks that would later surface on the internet.

I think someone who left voluntarily back in those days would have maybe moved to another state and kept an unlisted phone number... but the idea that she's never worked, never filed a tax return, married, gotten a traffic ticket, gotten a drivers license, voted, etc. makes me think it's unlikely. I just can't see her going to all that trouble to stay under the radar. She was college educated, and came from a good family, I suppose it's possible but I just don't see it...


Odyssey-the reasons that you stated above are what makes me lean away from voluntary runaway. She couldn't have foreseen how easy it would be to track her in the computer age. I am sure that if the cold case detective worked on this at all, he would have checked all of those things-SS#, etc-it would have been very easy for him, in fact, easier than interviewing our VIs. It would be nearly impossible to fly below the radar.
Odyssey-the reasons that you stated above are what makes me lean away from voluntary runaway. She couldn't have foreseen how easy it would be to track her in the computer age. I am sure that if the cold case detective worked on this at all, he would have checked all of those things-SS#, etc-it would have been very easy for him, in fact, easier than interviewing our VIs. It would be nearly impossible to fly below the radar.
Unless she changed her name....and started completely over....I don't actually think this, BTW. Just covering things that could be possible. There are also several possibilities I cannot post due to rules on whom we can and cannot sleuth.

ETA: It was not that hard in the 70's to get a different SSN. We didn't get them at birth back then.
Unless she changed her name....and started completely over....I don't actually think this, BTW. Just covering things that could be possible. There are also several possibilities I cannot post due to rules on whom we can and cannot sleuth.

ETA: It was not that hard in the 70's to get a different SSN. We didn't get them at birth back then.

Yes-I didn't get my SS# until I wanted to get a Drivers license, I think. I suppose she could have changed her name (just getting married and changing your last name that way will make it hard for someone to find you). I guess, for me, it seems like a lot of trouble to go to, before the days of the internet, and quick travel-would she have managed all that just to escape her family? I'm inclined to say no, although it'd be possible.
By the end of this week, there will be a $25,000 reward for anyone providing information that leads to an arrest and conviction in this case or for information leading to the whereabouts of Sylvia dead or alive.
The roll out will commence on 4/12/2013.
By the end of this week, there will be a $25,000 reward for anyone providing information that leads to an arrest and conviction in this case or for information leading to the whereabouts of Sylvia dead or alive.
The roll out will commence on 4/12/2013.

Holy smokes, DeerHunter!
O/T but true story (no links).

Have close childhood friend. His wife's Mother moves into their Mother-Daughter home some years after her husband passes. When appeared to be eligible to collect SS, postpones collecting for years and years.

My friend, the Son-in-Law and an attorney, eventually approaches...Mom (to his MIL), I'm going to file the papers for you. It's well past the time. MIL protests, but he files anyway.

Long story short: bounces back>this individual does not match up...this individual is ___...origins in ____state, etc. MIL finally admits, I am ____years of age, but nothing else. About or close to a decade older than what children thought.

MIL: No, not explaining my past to you...sorry, no deal, doesn't matter...I was a good Mother (paraphrasing). All agree. However...

Her two children demand to know exactly who she really is, where she is from, why is she hiding who she is/was, what is she covering up...they grew up believing she had been orphaned at a young age (All had believed her parents died in fire or auto accident-can't recall which), no sibs and met their Father in NYC and married him.

She refuses to divulge true identity, history, etc. Friend hires PI to work on it, but encounters dead ends. Eventually, my friend tells his wife & BIL, your Mother has been a good woman and Mother, still is and let it go.

Beautiful woman (Eastern European ancestry)...her true age was shocking to all who have met her. To this day, no idea who she really was, and why she did what she did.
Epiphany, what a fascinating story...

Yes, wish I could recall the specifics re Soc Sec because I am not doing it justice, but all were beyond shocked.

Anyway, Rose...beautifully written post (you and your sister), and ASWDeerHunter: I like your style.

Let's go. Let's go.
By the end of this week, there will be a $25,000 reward for anyone providing information that leads to an arrest and conviction in this case or for information leading to the whereabouts of Sylvia dead or alive.
The roll out will commence on 4/12/2013.

Beautiful!! Does the SI Advance know about this? If not, would you like them to?
By the end of this week, there will be a $25,000 reward for anyone providing information that leads to an arrest and conviction in this case or for information leading to the whereabouts of Sylvia dead or alive.
The roll out will commence on 4/12/2013.

Very cool!

"Money Talks"

--AC/DC, track #3, The Razor's Edge (1990)

Very cool!

"Money Talks"

--AC/DC, track #3, The Razor's Edge (1990)

So true... but so sad at the same time. Something like this shouldn't have to be about money...
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