OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #14

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I don't think Pat Brown is full of baloney, I respectfully disagree but she isn't claiming to "know" or psychic. She is a criminal profiler so it is an experienced and educated guess.
There will always be cases where an unknown predator with no relation or connection to the victim's families and that could throw off all theories.
They go by the facts. If the last known sighting was of Kyron at 9:00 by his school mate by himself then he either left on his own accord or lured by a familiar face or a "kind looking" stranger or dragged unwilling.
Unless, he left with his SM willingly.
That's where the trail ends right now.
I think all experts will pipe in to try to find this little boy.
I know if I was Pat Brown I would love to help consulate for this case and bring him home.
Pat Brown has a masters in Criminal Justice . She established The Sexual Homicide Exchange. It is an agency that has offers profiling and investigative services at no cost to law enforcement.

To me this says volumes.
All I got out of it was how many searchers I think over 1300, largest search ever. Over 200 detectives. They started the search friday evening the 4th, and ended this pass saturday.

It would be great if some/one of the 1300 posted on WS and gave us their "take" on the search.
At least we know that they put the extra donations to good use. I was unable to hear a lot of it, sound kept gong off.
I'm SURE it has already been recorded OVER
"day late - dollar short"

Police Seek Surveillance Video

As part of the investigation, the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office is requesting surveillance video from nearby storefronts, private homes, security cameras or any other surveillance recording from June 3 and June 4. They are specifically looking for video of vehicular traffic from the following locations:

Northwest Cornelius Pass Road
Northwest Germantown Road
Northwest Logie Trail Road
Northwest Rocky Point Road
Northwest Skyline Road
Northwest 185th Avenue
Northwest West Union Road
Northwest Springville Road
Bethany Boulevard
Northwest Springville Road
Northwest Newberry Road
Northwest McNamee Road
Highway 30 from Northwest Rock Point to Germantown Road
Northwest Kaiser Road
Northwest Thompson Road
Northwest Laidlaw Road
Anyone with video of those areas is asked to contact the sheriff's office tip line at (503) 261-2847. Leave your name, contact information and identify the specific location or street address of the video footage.
Some places might keep their video for a month, depending on the business.
Also he did say that the donations were huge, and that the left over donations went to SAR as it is summer and they will need supplies. Food and such went to a (food place, can't remember sorry) They got 20 palets of supplies, food, water....
What did they say?

They said that the additional food that had been donated for the volunteers was being donated to the local rescue mission.

[Sorry, I missed most of it.]

Hoorah! The woman in the flood was just rescued again.
PC was very very short and not answering any questions, he just walked off when he was done talking :/ As he was walking off someone I guess from media asked about questions and that is when he said no Q&A..

Largest Search in Area, Not giving up, wont become a cold case. Not much more than that.
I don't mind you asking this at all! We actually do discuss a lot of the cases in small talk or throughout the day via texting. He's been in the hospital for a while, he had to have a pacemaker/defrib put in because he had a heart attack while he was still chief and didn't know it. He retired thinking the stress was killing him (because he felt so bad) and then less than a month later landed in the hospital with congestive heart failure. He's been admitted 4 times since January. Bless him and his hard LE work and stress... I will ask him though, going to visit him at the hospital later with the kiddos.

I am sorry to hear that your father is struggling with health issues after devoting 30 years to public service. God bless him, and your family, for all the sacrifices you no doubt made over the years. I pray he has a full recovery, and hope you all will be able to enjoy him and his retirement for many many stress-free years to come.

When he is up to discussing this particular case with you, I will eagerly wait to hear his feedback.

Has LE cleared the parents yet and if not I wish they would.

As far as I know, no one has been officially cleared. However, I'm just not getting the vibe that they think the family is involved at all. JMHO.
I don't mind you asking this at all! We actually do discuss a lot of the cases in small talk or throughout the day via texting. He's been in the hospital for a while, he had to have a pacemaker/defrib put in because he had a heart attack while he was still chief and didn't know it. He retired thinking the stress was killing him (because he felt so bad) and then less than a month later landed in the hospital with congestive heart failure. He's been admitted 4 times since January. Bless him and his hard LE work and stress... I will ask him though, going to visit him at the hospital later with the kiddos.

I will add him in my prayers as I pray for Kyron and family.
Delete if this is not okay...

I want to say why I don't think SM had anything to do with his disappearance.

First she would of had to have a motive to kill this child. Even if it was an accident, when did it take place? Lets say just for the sake of argument that there was an accident, in the parking lot and she ran him over. Why not call 911, why not scream and try to save Kyron? If he was hit or killed in a manner to cause any type of trauma, where is the blood or hair evidence in the car or home? I see lots of pictures of a well fed, well clothed, happy kid and I believe she is the one taking some of the pics. I don't get a feel that she did anything to this child and covered it. She also has a 18 month old baby, so what do you do with the baby as you are doing all this cleaning covering up?

My gut tells me, a person he felt comfortable to go what he thought would be a short distance and then head back into school. JMO

I was told in an earlier thread that the 18 month old was at daycare that day.
Pat Brown has a masters in Criminal Justice . She established The Sexual Homicide Exchange. It is an agency that has offers profiling and investigative services at no cost to law enforcement.

To me this says volumes.

Thank you for the info.
I think that is amazing. I love to hear her expert opinion.
Some places might keep their video for a month, depending on the business.

They would need many VHS's the average is 8 hours..Who would have that kind of storage?

If it's digital - you are talking LOT's of Tera-bytes - Few places actually have this.

just saying
All I got out of it was how many searchers I think over 1300, largest search ever. Over 200 detectives. They started the search friday evening the 4th, and ended this pass saturday.

Well isn't it a shame that with all those searchers available, no one thought to send some of them down the roads where they need survellience footage to personally knock on doors and request it before it was too late?
Has LE cleared the parents yet and if not I wish they would.

They have not said that they have ruled anyone in or out, as far as I know. If I am wrong, someone correct me please.

We have all that anyone not involved in the investigation or case has, everyone's opinions and feelings, nothing more.

I just wish we knew anything definite in this case, besides the fact that he isn't where he should be. From everything I have seen they wouldn't confirm when asked, what day and time the picture of him at the science fair was taken.
I hope the press will stay on this case, without them this will just fade away. That's why it is so important to give these PCs. He did say that they will update the alert and give out information as it is allowed. So I hope they do, or the press will move onto something else.
Perhaps they had a family outing planned, and thought, well, we'll just all go up to the school, pick up Kyron, and be off to our night of fun.

True that BeanE, but the bio mother was on her way to Portland to pick up Kyron for the weekend. They would have arrangements to meet up?
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