OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #3

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“Kyron, we’re going to get you home buddy,” Gates said Monday, his voice cracking with emotion. "Nothing is more important to your family, your friends and to us."


Gates is the Sheriff's Captain who gave the presser earlier today.

CharlestonGirl, your theory makes absolute sense to me. And is one I hadn't thought of before.
The stepmom apparantly has an 18 month old with her current husband and a 16 yr old that lives with her parents.

Why did mom give custody of Kyron as a baby to Dad does anyone know?

Why did Terri give custody of her only son to his father?

Just thinking if we are going to talk about why Desiree did this, then we need to discuss why Terri did the same thing.
I'm kinda right there along with you! I saw some comments from other students who were 13 yrs old / 6th grade. How far did this school go up in grades? Was it a K-6 or K-8? If you have older kids - 6th, 7th, 8th graders - I would say start looking there. Especially the "bullys" or troublemakers or shy, withdrawn type.

Very easy to hide in a bathroom. Kyron, on his way to class, passes a bathroom door and thinks "hey, I gotta pee" - goes inside and there ya go.

We have so many crimes happen in our school bathrooms. Crimes you couldn't imagine. Yes, we've had one child killed by another - we had 3 5th grades rape a 3rd grader - so it wouldn't surprise me if the bathroom played a part in this. Kyron might not have been the target - just in the wrong place at the wrong time. KWIM?

Yes, I see what you mean. But no, I don't think it's another current student at the school. It is someone Kyron planned to leave with. Planned in advance. He also planned to return. He was tricked before school even started that day.

We cannot sleuth minors here, but I have a very good suspicion of exactly who did this.
Despite the large number of tips received so far, Capt. Gates pleaded with the public to call in with any bit of information that could help point them towards the missing child.

Computer chipmaker Intel, where Kyron’s father works, issued a statement Monday afternoon in support of the family and asked anyone with a possible tip to call authorities immediately.

Investigators said all family members, including Kyron’s birth mother, were cooperating with the investigation.

Tip line: (503) 261-2847

I keep wondering why Desiree is being referred to as "Kyron's birth mother." He had contact with her at least twice a month. Evidently, he spent holidays with her, possibly summers too.

She is Kyron's MOTHER. Terri is his STEPMOTHER.
Please continue at Part #4:

[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5260503#post5260503"]OR OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #4 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
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