OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #4

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Yet in their one PC they said a late hour of the morning. 9am is not what I would consider late morning.

And in the pc yesterday, LE answered a question by the media re: when Kyron was last seen - and LE said about 9 am inside the school. When asked seen by whom, he said he could not answer that. I think the "late morning" sighting and the 9 am sighting are one in the same -MOO.

Do you have a link to a direct quote from LE saying that Kyron was seen at 9:00 am and that it is an additional sighting to the stepmom leaving Kyron at 8:45? I haven't seen that. As far as I know, the time of 8:45 has not been confirmed by LE and has been mentioned in the news only as coming from the stepmother.

It was in yesterday's presser. I don't have a link for you.
Yet in their one PC they said a late hour of the morning. 9am is not what I would consider late morning.

If you go back a post from the one I was quoting, it was the 9am sighting being questioned that I was responding to.

I just happen to have this article open that I'm reading. Not direct quotes from LE:

So far, the sheriff's office has released the following account of events in Kyron's disappearance:

Kyron and his stepmother, Terri Moulton Horman, attended a school science fair Friday morning at Skyline School. She last saw him at 8:45 a.m.

Gates said the last confirmed sighting of Kyron was at 9 a.m.

The Multhnomah County sheriff's office reported that no one at the school saw Kyron after 8:45 a.m. Friday and that Kyron never made it to his classroom.


this statement was in a story today on CNN...is this new, different or misreported? This makes it sound as though no one saw him other than his stepmother.

On another note, I wish LE would rule out certain people so that speculation on family members would cease. I know they don't always do this, but if they can, they should, IMO. I wonder if anyone has been asked to take a polygraph. Just thinking in terms of what Mark Klaas always says on these cases. Get people cleared so LE can move on, do whatever you can to clear immediate family, etc...not seeing that here, LE won't clear anyone publicly.
IMO, the 8:45am could be when SM saw the boy. The 9am could be someone else. LE said they would not discuss who or where but that last time he was seen was 9am.

Do you have a link to a direct quote from LE saying that Kyron was seen at 9:00 am and that it is an additional sighting to the stepmom leaving Kyron at 8:45? I haven't seen that. As far as I know, the time of 8:45 has not been confirmed by LE and has been mentioned in the news only as coming from the stepmother.

You can use Advanced Search with my name as user name and find the many posts from news articles and videos I've done on the sightings.

ETA: Raw video of June 7 press conference:

The LEO says "nothing but absolute cooperation" from Kyron's family.

I'm looking for the raw video of the other presser.

ETA: June 6 presser video here:
OFF TOPIC...I ust got news eamil NH body has been found. I know Tim Miller was there...Looking at a pond....OMG

Dont know if its true...BRB

HLN-authorities are doing two new searches there, think they may have missed something!
This is curious. The AP has issued a photo elimination on the photo of Kyron with the orange background. According to THIS WEBSITE, a photo elimination is a photo that carries no threat of legal action but is objectionable for other reasons, such as error, poor taste, or inaccuracy (including photoshop). When these occur, either an AP photo KILL or ELIMINATION is moved, alerting members. [snip] On the Atlanta Journal Constitution's website is an article about Kyron. They accidentally ran the eliminated photo with the article, although it's now restricted by the AP, so it's not to be used in association with an AP article.

What in this photo is in error, poor taste, or innacurate (photoshopped)? Anyone want to guess?

If you look closely at the text next to the photo, it says in block letter that "THIS PHOTO CARRIES A SALES RESTRICTION". So apparently potential for legal action can be the basis for an "elimination" (maybe the "kill" label is for when there's been an actual threat of legal elimination, as opposed to AP just getting info that alerts them to potential for legal action).
If you look closely at the text next to the photo, it says in block letter that "THIS PHOTO CARRIES A SALES RESTRICTION". So apparently potential for legal action can be the basis for an "elimination" (maybe the "kill" label is for when there's been an actual threat of legal elimination, as opposed to AP just getting info that alerts them to potential for legal action).

He has on a Nike T-Shirt. That's probably what it is. :waitasec:
I can't imagine that if someone abducted a child on a Friday, that child would be riding in the cab of a truck the next day, where everyone could see him...JMO
Just a couple of things: (turned out to be more things than I thought!)

* Post number #569 has a link to "48 Hours" with 54 family pics. They are such a great look into his family. His brother, father, and baby sister all seem to get along lovingly with each other --- lots of laughs, hugs, and fun activities. Every photo shows how involved they are with each other, no-one left out, no distance between them (anyone remember the movie "Ordinary People" where a snapshot showed mom/dad/son standing stiffly distanced, not touching, etc.)

* Jason Gates (LE in charge) seems like a smart, caring man -- a good man with integrity. He said things that interested me... I may sure be wrong but if, say, a psychiatrist is asked if so-and-so is his patient and he says "no", OK then, he can answer the question and the person is not his patient. If he says, "You know I can't answer that question, patient confidentiality, etc....." then it sounds to me like that person just might be a patient of his.

*SO --- when Jason Gates was asked if searchers had found any transient camps in the woods (http://www.katu.com/home/video/95822899.html), he said "I can't comment on that".

*He also can't release whether Kyron was actually ever in the classroom at any time that morning. Why is that so important? What would that give away about the investigation? Can anyone see a reason for that? The best I can do is think LE doesn't want to get an inattentive or busy teacher in trouble, or that something transpired (another student wanting to fight, or a teacher disciplining him for talking in class?)

*The way J. Gates spoke of the criminal background checks LE was doing made it clear that he didn't want to freak out any parents or staff who might have a criminal background, which made me think that some did. (Out of all those people it would make sense statistically.)

*Why not release the name of the person who reported seeing Kyron later than 8:45 at the SW door? Was it because that sighting was a red herring? To lead LE away from something that might have happened in another part of the building? I have no idea if they used the dogs inside the school, or if that is even feasible with the amount of traffic a school has!

*Why would a child wait at that particular door where a car couldn't pull right up to it? It would be a difficult door from which to see someone arriving in a car. Since it faces the field, it almost seems like the door where you'd meet another young person. Someone without a car, someone 8 YO-16 YO or so? Although there are windows everywhere on that side of the school, it seems like a way to head into the woods....

Like others have said, in addition to the activity generated by the science fair, I just get the feeling it's specifically related to the science fair --- as others have posted, maybe another young person offered to show him where red-eyed frogs could be found; or someone who was jealous and enraged by his having done such an amazingly good project lured him out. Don't know if they found his scent near that exit...

*An alternate thought is that at 50 pounds, an adult male he knew well could carry him off on his shoulders! But someone would have HAD to see that!

* A babysitter was mentioned way back in one of the first threads. Also, I think some kind of after-school lessons were mentioned in terms of his mom transporting him there?

* The photos seem to show he idolized his older brother and I wouldn't be surprised, as posted already, that the shirts he wore (although they all looked new) were hand-me-downs, or shirts his brother got him --- the t-shirts were cool.
Someone asked last night where the info on the south entrance door as Kyron's last known sighting came from. I just came across the LEO saying it in the press conference in a clip included in this video at 0:36:



"He was seen near his classroom, and the last point was down at the south entrance door of the school."

That could all refer to one location, if his classroom is near the south entrance door.
I can't imagine that if someone abducted a child on a Friday, that child would be riding in the cab of a truck the next day, where everyone could see him...JMO

I've been trying since yesterday to find out when this sighting happened. I understand that the man who reported it was not aware that a child was missing until he got home later in the day, saw Kyron's pic on the news and recognized him as the child he saw in the pickup which pulled put in front of him.

Do you have a link to confirm when this incident occurred? I've seen nothing to indicate even what day it was, much less what time. TIA!
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