Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #20

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Niner - No and No
We are still missing a lot of important and unimportant information.
But, I do believe the verdict can only go one way.
Well said, Carrington. That will make the trial very interesting, as much of the important stuff will come out.
I never saw this pic before. I only saw one pic at the link-I did not see a pic with a brown bottle, but if it was brown and was labelled hydrogen peroxide, it is used for mouthwash, cleaning injuries/cuts and disinfecting. I use it all the time to clean my children's cuts and scratches. It will not lighten hair unless you sit in the sun for a while, similar to lemon juice. The type of peroxide used to dye hair is a 2-part chemical mixture. I base this on working in a pharmacy and having my cosmetology license.

The tin with the red and green label next to the shirt looks exactly like the tin of henna I order online from overseas. Strange that he would choose that, as it's pretty messy-though it will quickly turn light hair to a strange shade of orange. Unless you use gloves, it will turn your hands orange as well. It is a plant and is applied like gritty mud. You really have to shower well to get that out of your hair/scalp. Perhaps it was all that was available while he was on the run. It would be interesting to hear what excuses people may have for why he henna'd his hair while running.

ETA- I looked through all the pics and did not see one with peroxide in it. If anyone else has, please direct me to it. I also should say, I was confused by someone else's comment earlier about 'ben-wa balls', but now that I've seen the pics I know why. Ben'wa balls are a sexual device. Someone has obviously taken the small box next to the shirt that has 2 balls in it to be that. I am absolutely sure that the box pictured is a padded, brocade fabric-covered box with a metal hinge. Inside is a satin padded lining. The two balls are metal, probably have a worked design on them and have something inside that makes a 'jingling' or musical sound. They are supposed to be a relaxation device- you hold them in your hand and rotate them and the sound is supposed to be soothing. We sold tons of those at our pharmacy gift shop- I don't know anyone who ever actually used them, they were always bought as a 'gift item'. I would guess they were bought either by Joran or Stephany as a gift, or they were given to either ofthem as a gift. They have no real practical purpose other than to be put on display, or to let children play with them, lol. ben-wa balls, on the other hand are much smaller, don't make noise, and (so I've heard) can be quite useful, lol.

I think you mean the brown bottle in the crime scene photo - bottle of peroxide (to lighten hair or to clean blood from carpet), or a cleaning fluid, etc.

Believe Henna speculation was made concerning what appears to be a tin container in different photo on RDL:

Two different photos.
I will have to dig way back, but there were 3 girls who came forward and claimed they were raped by Joran (possibly more, not sure), they went to the wrong lawyer (some conflict of interest for chosen lawyer) and he suggested another. I don't think they made it to a second lawyer although the original made a copy of their statements. Apparently Joe Tacopina and his henchman talked to the girls, iirc. They later dropped charges. As we heard it from a spokesperson, JR, from Aruba that Beth had paid the girls to trump up a confession against Joran. We heard alot of things from this person and she often contradicted herself. She has been on Joran's FB, definitely on that side anyway.
Deepak had said in a statement, when Joran picked up tourist girls and they weren't 'succumbing' fast enough, he would use some 'potion' to speed up the situation. The boys had use of a Marriott hotel room for these purposes.
We also can't forget that a few days after Natalee disappeared, the boys were talking of returning Freddie's camera.
Sorry off track as well; just adding to Joran's history that seemed never to be investigated properly.
Bottom line: If Natalee died of natural causes she wouldn't have needed to be disappeared. In Peru joran had a current chart but was unable to disappear Stepheny.

And Freddy offered to replace/buy Joran new sneakers.
SP claimed the chlorine in the pool turned it red.....LOL
Joran had to have bought it while on the run.....could it be that Henna is a dye that most Peruvians tend to use? Could it be that that was the first color he grabbed? It's reported that he is very very tall.....well over 6/2
while most Peruvians and Chileans are shorter... so whether or nor he colored his hair......he would still stand out in a crowd.

I'm sure his pic was plastered in every newspaper too.

He ran but he just couldn't hide.

Maybe it's me,but did anyone notice that his
hair color now resembles his mother's hair

Maybe she uses this,and he was familiar with
it's application,seeing his mother use it

JMHO :waitasec:
It seems to me that if NH's death was actually an accident, it would have been very simple for all the people involved to have called 911, told the story, and that would be that. There would be no need to fear LE at all- unless you drugged someone, tried to rape them, or killed them on purpose. There would be no need to cover your tracks. You'd be sorry and everyone would agree it was a sad mishap.The problem is, that when you lie, you have no story. The story keeps evolving and changing, and you can't guarantee that everyone will stick to the same version. If NH's death had actually been accidental, none of us would be discussing this here.

Stephany's 'accidental death' on the other hand, will take quite a bit more explaining, especially since Joran has no friends or accomplices to take the heat, and no family to cover it up/pay to get him out of it.

I would be much more open to the idea that Joran was not involved if he didn't follow the exact same pattern he did last time- keep changing the story, and keep blaming everyone else without explaining away evidence that implicates him. He's being very consistent in his behaviour in both of these circumstances, and neither one of them points to open, honest behaviour.

Look at the stories of people who were wrongly convicted, proclaimed their innocence, and were proven innocent years later from DNA- they never changed their stories, even though they often sounded suspicious or hard to believe. In the end, those 'suspicious' stories were proven to be correct. When you know the truth, and are telling it, you don't have to change your story.

just my thoughts.
Anyway, this was the attorney for Fujimori, his other cellmate at CC. The article I read said that SF's father was a friend/confidante of Fuji or one of his friends. I don't remember where in the world this article is from, but it sure would have been ironic and karma laden if this would have happened.

Fujimori is jailed at DIROES (Dirección de Operaciones Especiales, the Police's Special Ops unit), not at Castro Castro.

Here's the connection, but it's not the article I was talking about in my previous post:

Wednesday, August 9, 2000 - 10:00

Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori began his third consecutive term in power to the sound of massive protests in the country's capital, Lima, and the smell of police tear gas. Fujimori was inaugurated on July 28 for another five year term, alongside vice presidents Francisco Tudela and Ricardo Marquez Flores.

Former vicepresident Ricardo Márquez Flores is not Stephany's dad. Remember that when there are 2 last names, the first one is the more relevant one (it's your dad's last name) and the second one is your mom's last name. This is why Stephany is Stephany Flores, not Stephany Ramirez...
Just had an interesting episode after signing off. There were 7 police cars outside my front door; and a helicopter circling overhead. The chased 2 car thieves into my neighborhood....caught 1 and the other is still on the lamb about 2 miles away. Never calm in the city.
Fujimori is jailed at DIROES (Dirección de Operaciones Especiales, the Police's Special Ops unit), not at Castro Castro.

Former vicepresident Ricardo Márquez Flores is not Stephany's dad. Remember that when there are 2 last names, the first one is the more relevant one (it's your dad's last name) and the second one is your mom's last name. This is why Stephany is Stephany Flores, not Stephany Ramirez...

My bad on the name....apologies. You being a local would know better than I. Now for Fijimori's incarceration, I'm going to have to go digging as I think I recall reading an article.....but will check and once again you are probable right.

I'll delete my post.
Ahhh perhaps she never did have a club foot....just wonderin.....

I had thought her walk in the casino approaching him & then in hotel seemed to be insecure & in hotel she looked down as awkward.
I'm dying to know what Kalpoe brothers are thinking right now. They were snakes in the whole thing with NH case. Hopefully they will be pressured now to talk truth.
Maybe it's me,but did anyone notice that his
hair color now resembles his mother's hair

Maybe she uses this,and he was familiar with
it's application,seeing his mother use it

JMHO :waitasec:

LOL, wouldn't doubt it!
I read through all the police reports from the NH case and there were examples of Joran and his friends being questioned about incidents of gang rapes, although the guys denied that the police were pretty specific - girls names included etc. These sounded like local girls to me, because some of the incidents occurred in the girls' cars etc. Sounds to me like they could have prosecuted him for SOMETHING.

Anyway at the risk of getting off track here.....but it does add up to a long history of this kind of behaviour. There must be other girls out there...

Can you give me a link to the police reports or PM with with it, I would love to read them....Thanks in Advance.
On photobucket there are many pics of Joran with different girls partying, perhaps some they must all feel relieved they are still alive...even if possibly they were drugged / raped.
Just wanted to comment on the green shirt guy from the casino video. While it appears as though he and Joran show up at the same time, I noticed that the chair he pulls out to sit in already has his jacket on the back of it. There is at least one brown door visible from the corner where he appears to have come from and I'm guessing that's where the restroom is. I think it's just a coincidence that he returned to the table at the same time Joran showed up. Joran actually spends more time talking with the guy in the red pants and denim type jacket, who was also at the table, while he is waiting for Stephany to collect her winnings.

I've been thinking about the bottle that was photographed in one of the crime scene pics.

I wish they put a direct arrow to it......and had it enlarged so that we could read or try to read the lable on the front.

Some thought it was a cleaning agent for the blood on the carpet.

Some thought it was henna for his hair......but if that's the case....he left "Tacky" without it......and his hair in the video of him leaving hair dye or buzz cut.

So it's back to the cleaning agent.......

It almost looks like it says HYDROGEN PEROXIDE across the top, and hydrogen peroxide is sold in a brown colored bottle to the best of my recollection, to protect from sunlight. Maybe someone else knows what it's called in SA, or how it's sold.
I'm a few pages behind so if this has been suggested already then disregard...
Just wanted to comment on the green shirt guy from the casino video. While it appears as though he and Joran show up at the same time, I noticed that the chair he pulls out to sit in already has his jacket on the back of it. There is at least one brown door visible from the corner where he appears to have come from and I'm guessing that's where the restroom is. I think it's just a coincidence that he returned to the table at the same time Joran showed up. Joran actually spends more time talking with the guy in the red pants and denim type jacket, who was also at the table, while he is waiting for Stephany to collect her winnings.

I thought it looked like that,too.
Like he just got back from a johnny run :)
If it is the same man he is loking hard at steaphany when she first sits down and continues to watch her a bit. Maybe to see her "game".
I had thought her walk in the casino approaching him & then in hotel seemed to be insecure & in hotel she looked down as awkward.

I noticed her rubbing her eyes after she sat down and I even tried her walk- I got the impression that she was tired and probably walked with a quicker gait- but if she was on her monthly with tight pants, maybe she was uncomfortable.
Weird thing to bring up but sometimes that time of the month makes you crampy and feeling bloated, not to suggest her feet were bloated, but maybe she was feeling tighter in those pants than she would have.
Pardon this post if it is offendive.
It was a weird extended handshake, for sure!

It is an ultra polite limp handshake, really not a hand shake but him
merely extending his hand and her touching his hand then quickly broken
by Joran .... it is like a feined (false) handshake of someone trying to
say "I really dont know this person". Now why would he pretend not knowing her?
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