Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #8

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If he payed 14 days in advance and again for two days late upon returning w/the coffees, why did the receptionist get alarmed and went up to his room to collect yet another two days late in rent?

Does anyone have a timeline from when he first started renting that hotelroom, including the 14 days. Which date would it be if he was yet again two days late.

ugh! :banghead:

back to catching up!

I just perused Wings of Light's timeline, and it states (paraphrased poorly by a sleepy SimplyCaustic).....that he either checked in on the 14th or the 16th of May. In order for the hotel clerk's assertion of JVDS being two days behind to be maintained, the 16th would necessarily have to be the check-in date, as the timeline (or perhaps another poster just above me, within the past 20 posts, gosh I am dopey tonight) states that he made payment during that critical 8:00am-8:56am time period, for two days past due payment. This would put him as two days late AGAIN, on Wednesday, when Stephany's body was found....I think.

Wow, I was fairly confident in my calculations when I began this post, and now, I am hesitant to even post it!

Just a quick O/T thanks to Patty G. for her youtube links, and her thoughtful posts. I gain insight into every case I read about, as a direct result of your videos and links, (and you are so darned quick about them, too) and shamefully, I've never taken the time to SAY thanks (but I've definitely a'clicked that 'Thanks' button!) So, thank you, truly, Patty G.
Thanks, and I do remember seeing him. I was trying to find documented something in the Peru Penal Code to link to for Patti G, as she stated Joran had not been convicted of anything re: Natalee, and my take on what Mr. Griffith said was that the testimony about past bad acts did not have to be strictly about convictions. In the US the defense attorney would be able to get this type of testimony stricken or barred from ever happening. Peru, on the other hand, is another country with totally different laws. I am glad you saw this, and if you happen to come across something citing the Perivian law's stand on this, please link it for me. I tried for several hours, and went through much reading, but nothing really addressed where in the Peru Penal Code this is allowed. Thanks much!

Yeah I took what he was saying the same way you did. I'll see if I can find something about it.

ETA: It was on Nancy Grace's show tonight (Tuesday 6/8/10). He said this during the time Nancy was talking to Linda (NH Aunt and sister to Dave). PattyG always uploads the episodes so you'll be able to find it.
Look at the timeline on the previous page 27.

Some articles say, paraphrasing, he had been staying there since he arrived on the 14th.

But I read many more places, and found it more credible, that he checked into the hotel on the 16th and paid for 14 nights. This would fit with the missing 2 days, which is what prompted them to go in the room.

Thank you so much Wings Of Light. I posted before I got to your post.

Between catching up, going to work (only so that I can catch up again when I get home), sleep, kids, life and more catching up, I got mixed up w/some of these dates. Thx for the timeline! :dance:
Dion, I believe that Joran, like any classic sociopath, can be very charming, usually for the purpose of getting something they want. So, I think it is possible that he was a seemingly "gentleman" until Stephany did something to enrage him. And then the flip switches, and the uncontrollable psychotic rage in unleashed, revealing the monster underneath. Tragically, this is how Stephany met her death. There is no way to predict just what will "set off" the psychotic rage in a sociopath. If it had not been the computer, if the story Joran has told is true, it most likely could have been any other little thing. JMHO

Sociopaths can be very charming. I was friends for several years with a man I now know to be a sociopath. He was very charismatic and funny. The type people love to talk to at a party. He ended ripping me off for a lot of money before I saw him for what he really was. It was a painful and costly lesson that taught me a lot about the dark side of human nature.
Yes, it's number 15 on the Translations, thread. Nice job on the Time Line, BTW. Kudos.

When I was going through all the sites already posted, I found that site to be unreliable a lot of times and posting stuff that turned out not to be true.

I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else in any of the articles I've read.

Can whoever translated that clarify who exactly said that? Was it someone in a video, is it part of the article?

I wouldn't take one article from that site as credible just yet.
When I was going through all the sites already posted, I found that site to be unreliable a lot of times and posting stuff that turned out not to be true.

I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else in any of the articles I've read.

Can whoever translated that clarify who exactly said that? Was it someone in a video, is it part of the article?

I wouldn't take one article from that site as credible just yet.

It was a translation done from the video local peruvian news report. I think that site just used a video of what the local news casters were reporting. A websleuths member was nice enough to watch it and translate it for us all.
It was a translation done from the video local peruvian news report. I think that site just used a video of what the local news casters were reporting. A websleuths member was nice enough to watch it and translate it for us all.

I found that stuff spoken on the tv by people had a lot more misinformation than written articles, which is why I chose to not include video newscasts. They take a lot more liberty than in articles when reporting on videos. If you see any other articles that corroborate that, let me know so I can check them out.
I found that stuff spoken on the tv by people had a lot more misinformation than written articles, which is why I chose to not include video newscasts. They take a lot more liberty than in articles when reporting on videos. If you see any other articles that corroborate that, let me know so I can check them out.

I hear yah! I guess we will know if/when they release any other surveillance videos. It seems so definite when the report and exact time like "After returning from purchasing 2 coffees at the mini-mart at 8:00 am, Joran went down to the front desk with only one coffee in his hand at 8:25 to catch up on his rent" sorta statement. Makes me think it's true.

This could be why we are NOT seeing the videos of him leaving for the coffee or leaving to go down to the front desk. Investigators maybe withholding that they have this info to see if he collaborates the video when he does his reenactment. KWIM

Just speculating is all.
I hear yah! I guess we will know if/when they release any other surveillance videos. It seems so definite when the report and exact time like "After returning from purchasing 2 coffees at the mini-mart at 8:00 am, Joran went down to the front desk with only one coffee in his hand at 8:25 to catch up on his rent" sorta statement. Makes me think it's true.

This could be why we are seeing the videos of him leaving for the coffee or leaving to go down to the front desk. Investigators maybe withholding that they have this info to see if he collaborates the video when he does his reenactment. KWIM

Just speculating is all.

Yeah definitely, I think they only showed enough video to establish that he went into the room with her, and was the last one in the room with her. It was just so they could show the public he definitely did it. They have all of the video of every time he left the room, we just haven't seen it.

One of the reasons I wanted to do the wave and timeline is because I saw so many people saying "I read somewhere that it was at X time" or "I heard that he X"... basically all sorts of statements that were thrown out there that were just confusing people. Remember at the beginning we heard that he had driven her car, ridden a bus, hired two brothers to drive him to border... all sorts of stuff. I didn't read any of that in the articles that were posted, it was all taken from video newscasts.
Yeah definitely, I think they only showed enough video to establish that he went into the room with her, and was the last one in the room with her. It was just so they could show the public he definitely did it. They have all of the video of every time he left the room, we just haven't seen it.

One of the reasons I wanted to do the wave and timeline is because I saw so many people saying "I read somewhere that it was at X time" or "I heard that he X"... basically all sorts of statements that were thrown out there that were just confusing people. Remember at the beginning we heard that he had driven her car, ridden a bus, hired two brothers to drive him to border... all sorts of stuff. I didn't read any of that in the articles that were posted, it was all taken from video newscasts.

That's a good, point. I had an event happen on my street last year and two local channels were here reporting live for the evening news. The stories were so sensationized when they aired, my husband I both rolled our eyes. Anything for a meaty story. It's ridiculous.

It's just so obvious to me that a lot of stuff has gotten lost in translation on the case (i.e, bat/tennis racket, $5K/1,700.00 US dollars, etc.) I'm wondering if the two brothers was mistranslated from 2 local peruveans. LOL

How did you verify that Joran didn't actually arrive in Colombia on May 6th? His passport stamp and airline ticket would clear it up in a heartbeat, but we haven't seen that info as of yet.

Thanks again for providing a timeline!
How did you verify that Joran didn't actually arrive in Colombia on May 6th? His passport stamp and airline ticket would clear it up in a heartbeat, but we haven't seen that info as of yet.

Thanks again for providing a timeline!

No problem!

He was in Aruba on May 10th being video taped receiving cash and discussing NH case with FBI agents.

(By the way, if you view the wave, there are source links that correspond to all the numbers in parenthesis.)
I really wish I could help out...But, I'm new at the computer thing...I can't even put a link son left me this before he went to Afghanistan... and I'm still learning... But, alot of confusion is from the translations.. I really thought that it would get better when Jean and Mark got there, but now even they have conflicting stories..
Per CNN, June 8, 2010 6:59 p.m. EDT

The Peruvian woman who died in Joran van der Sloot's hotel room was killed after she discovered information on his laptop linking him to the disappearance of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway, a source with direct knowledge of the investigation told CNN.

Van der Sloot, the longtime suspect in the Holloway case, confessed Monday night to the killing of Stephany Flores Ramirez, 21, whose body was found in a hotel room last week, Peruvian authorities said.

He could be formally charged as early as Wednesday, the authorities said.

Upon his return (from the gas station), he found Flores going through his laptop, where she found something linking him to the disappearance of Holloway, the source said.

At that point, Flores wanted to leave, and the pair started arguing, according to the source.

Flores slapped van der Sloot, and he hit her back, and then grabbed her neck, the source said.

Van der Sloot told investigators he was intoxicated on marijuana when all this happened, the source said.

More at link.

Do I believe Flores slapped him? NO. She could have very well just left the room. I truly believe she is a victim here NOT JVS-- besides, where is the mark on his face? I didn't see one as he exited his hotel room.....


Though the article about Joran being in Columbia on May 6 may have been inaccurate... Tim Miller is backing up what they are saying about the two girls missing from a Casino in Columbia during the time that Joran was there. He says that Jossy Mansur (I believe that's who he said) got a phone call from Columbia that they were coming to Peru to question Joran about the two girls missing from Columbia.

Interesting for sure. Will be interesting to see how it pans out....
I think JVDS is only saying that she slapped/struck him first is his cowardly way of getting a better bargain at the table.. Also, he said that she was into his privacy (paraphrasing)...That's it..?? That is his defense against brutally attacking a woman?? Oh please... My kids fight over stuff like that all the time...They don't beat each other over it...and they surely don't break necks...She had to have seen something incriminating on it..
I really think there are other girls that have died as a result of VDS...I don't think he went 5 years in between without something happening...:(
This is what I don't understand.

  • - she's gay (per reports). Why would she go to a hotel room with any man -- especially a stranger
    - she's on her period? Why is she going back to a strangers hotel room? I was young once, and the ONLY reason I was ever asked back to a hotel room was to make out/have sex. Trust me, it only happened a few times, but that was a few times too many
    - they're going back to celebrate her winnings? How does one celebrate? Champagne, some nice food? They could have done this in a restaurant
This all leads me to s-e-x. They both would have known that's the reason for going back to his room. Does she tell him at one point that she's gay and on her period? I don't understand why she would even leave the casino with him.

We all make choices - some good, some bad --- but if you can help me understand this, it would be most appreciated.


This is just MO, but I really think the sex angle here is a dead end/red herring. IMO, the most likely reason she went to his room was to smoke pot. Either he had some and she didn't or vice/versa, so they decided to go to his hotel room since it was a private place where they could smoke. I know some people may think it sounds far fetched to say that she would have returned with him to his hotel room alone, considering they had just met, but I don't think its far fetched at all. If they had been playing at the same casino table for several hours they would have had plenty of time to become somewhat comfortable with each other, especially if they were both drinking. We already know JVS was a smoker and its reasonable to assume Stephany was at least a casual smoker or at least accepted it when it was offered. I'm not sure we will ever know the entire truth about what happened once they were in his room together, but I think there may be some truth sprinkled into his explanation of what happened. He obviously killed her in a violent, brutal manner that had some anger behind it, but that anger could have been sparked by any number of different things. He was/is a spoiled brat who may very well have a hair trigger temper that is easily tripped, especially by women. Stephany may or may not have "done" anything to cause JVS to feel legitimate anger, but he definitely had anger/rage inside him as he was killing her.
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