Pierce Brosnan's wife

I'm in a good mood today and won't bite. Perhaps you'd like to go be offended in a different thread?

Karole, will you be my BFF?? I've never noticed your posts before but I love the way you handle yourself!! :blowkiss:
Karole, will you be my BFF?? I've never noticed your posts before but I love the way you handle yourself!! :blowkiss:

Awww, you're so sweet. You haven't noticed me because I've been gone for a long while and have only recently returned. It's like coming home, to be back and people like you are why I always do come back.

I will be your BFF and we can send each other text messages in secret code!
Awww, you're so sweet. You haven't noticed me because I've been gone for a long while and have only recently returned. It's like coming home, to be back and people like you are why I always do come back.

I will be your BFF and we can send each other text messages in secret code!

:woohoo: Welcome back. Keep making posts that make sense, will ya? Sometimes I get very confused around here, never knowing what I can say without offending someone. Sheesh.
Alot of people here are praising KSS for flaunting herself in her bathing suit. What is stopping you guys from doing the same?
If I could take a photo of my fat a$$, you would understand why I'm not flaunting anything anywhere. At this point in time, I am thanking our dear Lord that it is winter around my neck of the woods. ;) Tick Tock goes my diet countdown clock. :eek:
Alot of people here are praising KSS for flaunting herself in her bathing suit. What is stopping you guys from doing the same?

I wear mine to the beach. I'm a little self-conscious at first but I'm over it in about 5 minutes.
Perhaps those that judge overweight people harshly should realize that they are not helping the overweight.... Part of the reason overweight people don't get the exersize they need is their fear of those judgemental people out there.

Overweight people are often afraid to go swimming, running, biking or take part in sports etc in public because people will make rude comments about them...or make them feel inferior.

It becomes a vicious cycle for the overweight....gain some pounds...hear some comments...become self concious....go out and excersize less...stay off the beach....don't go swimming....because of the lack of exersize and the depression they gain a few more pounds..... etc.

You can see the beginning of this cycle on any school playground. The chubby, less athletic kids are often afraid to get in on the sports or games or worse simply not wanted on the team ...therefore they get less exersize...therefore get chubbier....and on and on....

If people accepted overweight people more then I think their would be less of it. People would not be self consious about getting out there and doing things like being on the beach, swimming and playing sports...which in the end would help them be healthier.

You can't tell someone they should get out and get exersize more while at the same time making them feel like they should cover themselves up and hide themselves away because you don't like how they look.

I think she is being active and happy and that is a good thing no matter what size you are. She shouldn't be judged as a person based on her size.
KKS also has a perfect pear shape which isn't generally considered an increased health risk. Most of her excess weight is in her hips and thighs.
People are going to make rude comments about overweight people, it's a fact, however, the overweight person should ignore it and do what pleases them. Most everyone here is praising KSS for being herself, outdoors in her bikini with her movie star husband. She apparently doesn't care what others think and yet here we are applauding her. WHY? Because she goes out on the beach to have some fun? The beach usually requires a bathing suit and there are lots of overweight people on the beach in their bathing suits having fun with their kids and not worrying about what others around them think. If they are worried, it doesn't show.. Overweight people are overweight wether in clothes or a bathing suit.
Part of the reason overweight people don't get the exersize they need is their fear of those judgemental people out there.

This is such a great point. A lot of overweight people ARE overweight because they can't feel comfortable in their own skin. We constantly bombard our young people with the images of perfection (most of it unnatainable without dangerous procedures or dangerous habits) and (even if subliminally) suggest that they are less attractive if not cut from the same mold.

How much of our lives do we waste caring about other people's opinions and how come we can't just enjoy ourselves?
I just wanted to comment that my posts about Keely were kind and I am not overweight by any stretch of the imagination.

I agree its terrible to be prejudice towards people because of their weight.
:blowkiss: thanks.
Here's why I think it is rude to discuss people's weight:

If you take your 4 year old to the store, and she/he sees a very overweight person, and she/he says, Oh, Mommy, that lady is so fat, do you:

!. Say Good observation, son, so she is.

2. Approach the person and advise her that she is putting her health at risk.

3. Shush your child and later tell him/her that it is unkind to point out other people's physical 'problems.'
Bwahahaha! I do too! To the grocery, in heels.

you save money that way, running through the meat section to avoid frost bite.

OMG I do tooo!!! Where else can I wear them here???

Thanks nanandjim!!!
Here's why I think it is rude to discuss people's weight:

If you take your 4 year old to the store, and she/he sees a very overweight person, and she/he says, Oh, Mommy, that lady is so fat, do you:

!. Say Good observation, son, so she is.

2. Approach the person and advise her that she is putting her health at risk.

3. Shush your child and later tell him/her that it is unkind to point out other people's physical 'problems.'

how about:

4. Remind them that if they behave they will live long enough to enjoy being fat in their later years as well?
If I could take a photo of my fat a$$, you would understand why I'm not flaunting anything anywhere. At this point in time, I am thanking our dear Lord that it is winter around my neck of the woods. ;) Tick Tock goes my diet countdown clock. :eek:
it really upsets me, that someone who wears a size 8 would make this post Nan- :blowkiss:

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