Please go to the "support l&p" thread to ask questions. Tony on that thread now.

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I just wanted to let everybody know that I will try my best to get to some of these questions that people are asking here when I am able. I know that everybody is looking for some answers and at this time we cannot give any new information. Things will probably start changing today. Please be patient, think good thoughts for Caylee and her family, and please look at this entire situation with an open mind. Nothing has happened in the past 30 days and something needs to change. We are strictly here for a great result. Anything short of that would be a failure!! This is probably the only forum I will be using to voice our situation. I am doing my best to stay out of the way of the media but we will use them if need be. Thanks very much for your prayers and support!!
Mr. Padilla~ Welcome back to WS!

1. Will Mr. Baez be instrumental in lining out the conditions set by you for her release?

2. Will Casey be limited on visits from friends, the media, and family if she is staying outside her parents' home?

3. In what other ways do you anticipate Casey will be restricted besides what the court has already set as conditions?

4. Are your conditions negotiable after she is already out?

5. Are you going to be flying back to California right after you secure her bond and she is released or will you remain in Florida?

6. If for some reason she is unable to bond out at this time, will you regroup to secure her release in the future if it includes a higher charge and bond amount?

Adding to SS excellent questions:

1)In the event Casey's charges do get upgraded today, but are still "bail allowed" will it matter to your team what those charges are with regard to posting bond for Casey? Is their a ceiling cash amount your firm is limited to?

2)What will your firm's position be in the event Casey's charges are upgraded to a capital offense denying her bail?

Thanks in advance for your responses, Mr. Padilla
Hello Tony and thank you for coming here. This case is truely overwhelming and has brought out many different emotions in people. For myself, I can't imagine how I would be able to handle myself if I were to somehow be in the same room as Casey, it would be very difficult for me to carry on any type of normal conversation with her. Have you and your uncle been getting advice on how to approach her from any mental health professionals?
Have you ever been involved in a missing child case before and if yes, was there a happy ending?

Thank You!
Thank you, Tony, for trying to set the record straight for us.

I have only one request. If you get any verifiable dates and times, could you please post them, so I can put up a chart on my thread?

I am working on "forensic astrology" charts for this case, and without exact dates and times, charts are not helpful.
1. Will Casey be filmed at any time?

2. Are you still meeting with LE?
Thanks. I am glad you are here.
Mr. Padilla-

Has you or your Uncle directly advised LE of your intention to post Casey's bond yet?
Okay I have about 15 minutes to answer some questions. I will go as fast as I can!!
Hi Tony: Will Casey be staying at her home or with you folks somewhere else? Have you spoken to Casey or has Len?
As of now Casey will be released to her home with her parents and our people there. Mr. Baez is being very helpful in regards to meeting the conditions for the bail. Leonard has done 2 other missing child cases; 1 good the other the child was found dead. Casey will not be filmed whatsoever and will make no comments to the media. Leonard nor his associates are experts at mental health. They are using their life experiences to sift through the information to find the whereabouts of Caylee. We have not met with any law enforcement but we welcome any information we can give, receive, or share in locating Caylee. I have an important phone call, I will be back.
Nobody has spoken to Casey. We are working on meeting the 3 conditions so we can post the bond. No we do not have to post cash for the bond like "the Dog" stated.
Mr. Padilla, can you tell us how many leads you and your uncle have received personally?

Again, thank you for taking the time to help with this search for Caylee and to answer our questions here.
As far as the legal things go we are staying away from crossing the lines as far as ethics go for the defense attorney. Even though finding Caylee is so important we cannot step on the throat of the attorney involved. He is a very good and fair person and he has welcomed our efforts ande there is no reason for us to jeopardize our relationship.
Mr. Padilla,
Will there be any conflict of interest (for better lack of a word) between the defense attny and your team in getting to the bottom of where Caylee Anthony is?
We have numerous leads but most of them are garbage. It's amazing how people just want to bother us to just feel like they are a part of it. I will say that we have heard some interesting things while we have been here.
Also, one other question: If you find out that Casey has done anything illegal or criminal in nature or even that she did kill her child, are you going to turn all the info over to LE? Why would Mr. Baez allow such a thing? And if you did find out she had done something of a criminal nature how could you not morally turn it over to LE?
As far as the legal things go we are staying away from crossing the lines as far as ethics go for the defense attorney. Even though finding Caylee is so important we cannot step on the throat of the attorney involved. He is a very good and fair person and he has welcomed our efforts ande there is no reason for us to jeopardize our relationship.
Mr. Padilla, what exactly would constitute, "crossing the lines" with the defense attny? Thanks in advance.
Mr. Padilla are you following up on the information that was posted on here last night with the woman in Georgia? I heard that you were aware she was posting and that you were reading it? Is that true? Is this a credible lead? Thank you in advance.
Mr. Padilla,
Have you and/or your Uncle spoken to the DA? Have you familiarized yourself with the case from the beginning or are you just going by what Mr. Baez is telling you?
Hi Mr. Padilla,
Thanks for taking your time to share some of your information and insights with us. My questions are simple.

Has Mr Baez limited, in any way, the scope of the questions and conversations that Leonard and your other associates can participate in with Casey Anthony?

To your knowledge, has Mr. Baez advised his client to limit the areas of conversation in which she will participate? In other words, has he advised her to just discuss the weather and sports?

Your Uncle seems to have a finely tuned BS meter and a plan. I wish him good luck in using both.
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